The first signs of myocardial infarction in women and men and first aid: description. Signs of an approaching myocardial infarction in women and men over 30, 40, 50 years old, young and elderly

The first signs of myocardial infarction in women and men and first aid: description. Signs of an approaching myocardial infarction in women and men over 30, 40, 50 years old, young and elderly

The main symptoms of various types of myocardial infarction in people of different ages. ECG with myocardial infarction. First aid for myocardial infarction.

Myocardial infarction is a formidable disease that can lead to irreversible consequences and even death. The most important in heart attack is timely diagnosis of the disease and its urgent treatment.

The first signs of myocardial infarction in women and men after 50 years

Myocardial infarction
  • First of all, it is worth saying that myocardial infarction is the process of deading a certain part of the heart muscle (myocardial) as a result of limiting or stopping its blood supply.
  • Most often, people of advanced age suffer from such a disease. However, modern statistics suggest that the heart attack has significantly younger - cases of manifestation of this disease in people after 30, and sometimes up to 30 years, have become more frequent.
  • Symptoms of myocardial infarction in people after 50 years will directly depend on the severity of the disease.
  • It is also worth noting that the signs of a heart attack at different stages are significantly different.
Stages of myocardial infarction
Stages of myocardial infarction

Cardiologists call 5 stages of myocardial infarction:

  1. Pre-infarction (breakthrough of an atherosclerotic plaque, the formation of a blood clot, blockage of the coronary artery)- continues from a couple of days to several weeks and is not manifested in all cases.
  2. The sharpest (the zone of myocardial necrosis is formed) - lasts from 20 minutes to 4 hours and is characterized by ischemia.
  3. Acute (melting tissues of the heart muscle as a result of the action of enzymes) - lasts from 2 days to 2 weeks.
  4. Subanarine (scarring of myocardial infarction tissues)-has a duration of 4-8 weeks.
  5. Postinfarct (characterized by complete scarring of the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe muscle and the addiction of myocardium to the scar).
Symptoms of heart attack in the pre -infarction stage
Symptoms of heart attack in the pre -infarction stage

In the pre -infarction period, patients may observe the following symptoms:

  1. Arbitrary, repeated pain in the heart, lasting at least 15 minutes and arising, both as a result of physical exertion and in a state of complete rest.
  2. Tachycardia.
  3. A feeling of lack of air.
  4. Cold sweat.
  5. The lack of effect after taking nitroglycerin or the need to increase its dose.
Symptoms of heart attack in the acute stage
Symptoms of heart attack in the acute stage

The sharpest stage of myocardial infarction is characterized by the presence of the following signs:

  1. Acute, cutting, piercing pain in the heart and behind the sternum, often giving in the left hand, spatula, part of the neck and jaw with a duration of no half an hour.
  2. Panic attacks in the form of a terrifying fear of death and its inevitability.
  3. Powerlessness and weakness.
  4. The pallor of the skin.
  5. Far, intermittent breathing.
  6. Farm, irregular heartbeat.
  7. Cold sweat.
  8. Nausea, vomiting.
  9. Sharp jumps in blood pressure.
  10. Sineva lips and skin.
  11. Occasionally, an increase in body temperature to 38 degrees.
Symptoms of heart attack in the acute stage
Symptoms of heart attack in the acute stage

The acute stage of myocardial infarction is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Curlings or complete disappearance of pain in the heart.
  2. Long chills (about a week).
  3. Dizziness and dark circles in front of the eyes.
  4. Dyspnea.
  5. The bluish tint of nails and the nasolabial triangle.
  6. Increased blood pressure.
  7. The presence of a high level of leukocytes in the blood.
  8. High ESR.

The symptoms of the subacute stages of myocardial infarction are characterized by the subsidence of all abnormal signs of the disease and gradual stabilization of the patient's condition.

At the postinfarct stage, absolutely all symptoms disappear, and the tests return to normal.

The first signs of myocardial infarction in women and men after 40 years

Symptoms of myocardial infarction in people after 40 years
Symptoms of myocardial infarction in people after 40 years

The primary symptoms of myocardial infarction in people after 40 years are:

  • Strong, squeezing, stitching pains in the heart, chest, behind the sternum.
  • Pain can be given to the left (sometimes right) shoulder, neck, collarbone, jaw.
  • The appearance of animal fear of death.
  • Panic and uncontrolledness of the patient.
  • Cold sticky sweat appears.
  • Rapid pulse.
  • The pallor or grayness of the skin of the face.
  • Lack of air, suffocation.
  • The arrhythmies of the heart.
  • Nausea, vomiting and increasing body temperature (in rare cases).

The first signs of myocardial infarction in women and men of young and after 30 years

Symptoms of myocardial infarction in people after 30 years and younger
Symptoms of myocardial infarction in people after 30 years and younger
  • Oddly enough, but at this age, myocardial infarction may happen.
  • Young people and their relatives often mention or do not even allow the idea that disturbing symptoms are signs of this particular disease.
  • At such a young age, to the article above, symptoms can join the stomach, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  • Otherwise, the clinical picture remains the same, both for patients at 40-50 years old and for young people up to 40.

The first signs of myocardial infarction in elderly women and men

Symptoms of myocardial infarction in elderly people
Symptoms of myocardial infarction in elderly people
  • The complexity of the diagnosis of myocardial infarction in elderly people is easily explained by the presence of a number of age -related diseases and conditions that have similar symptoms.
  • It is because of this that the pre -infarction stage of the disease in the elderly often passes almost imperceptibly.
  • Tachycardia characteristic of myocardial infarction, tingling in the chest, jumps in blood pressure and fear of death are familiar in everyday life for most old people.
  • It is especially difficult to surprise such symptoms of women who survived menopause - for them cold sweat, rapid heartbeat and constant fears are not outlandish.

Signs of myocardial infarction by ECG of the heart

ECG transcript for myocardial infarction
ECG transcript for myocardial infarction

The electrocardiogram of the heart allows not only to diagnose the presence of myocardial infarction, but also to identify its localization and depth of damage to the heart muscle.

Using the ECG, you can determine the three zones of damage to the heart muscle:

  1. The section of necrosis-on the cardiogram is characterized by violations of the Q-R-S complex, in which the pathological tooth Q. Pathological inads very often appear.
  2. The damage section (localized around the necrosis section) is manifested by a sh-t segment.
  3. A section of ischemia (a zone on the border with a healthy section of the heart muscle) - meets changes in the amplitude and polarity of the teeth T.
How is myocardial infarction diagnosed with ECG?
How is myocardial infarction diagnosed with ECG?

Given the depth of damage to the heart muscle, the following types of myocardial infarction can be found on the ECG:

  • Transmural infarction-is characterized by the loss of a Ruz R from a Q-R-S complex, thereby forming a Q-S complex.
  • Subpericardial heart attack-characterized by the preservation of the Q-R-S complex, metamorphosis of the Tube T and the depression of the S-T segment.
  • Intramural infarction-manifested by metamorphosis of the Q-R-S complex, lifting and intercourse of the S-T segment with a positive tooth T.

Signs of extensive, acute and very close, soon myocardial infarction in women and men

Symptoms of extensive heart attack
Symptoms of vast, acute and approaching heart attack
  • Depending on how large a section of the heart muscle affects the heart attack, it is classified into small focal and extensive.
  • An extensive heart attack is a more complex and dangerous form of necrosis of the heart muscle.
  • Its symptoms are often no different from the symptoms of small -focal heart attack.
  • There were times when patients did not feel any discomfort at all even with extensive heart attack.

The first signs of small focal, myocardial infarction in women and men

Symptoms of small focal and microinfarct
Symptoms of small focal and microinfarct
  • Small -focal and microinfarkt can make themselves felt by obvious signs characteristic of the vast and acute necrosis of the heart muscle.
  • However, sometimes these types of heart attack do not manifest themselves at all - a person can only feel weak, aches in the body, tingling in the chest and an increase in body temperature.
  • Such symptoms are very easy to confuse with the signs of ordinary SARS or colds.
  • In order to exclude myocardial infarction, it is necessary to take nitroglycerin or another drug that drops pressure and relieves vascular spasm.
  • If, after taking this medicine, relief does not occur, then it is necessary to call the ambulance without fail.
  • If you take measures in time with myocardial infarction, you can prevent a number of consequences.

Signs of myocardial heart heart attack on the legs

How to recognize a heart attack on your feet?
How to recognize a heart attack on the legs?
  • Sometimes it happens that a person either does not feel anything special during myocardial infarction, or attributes the experienced sensations to other conditions and diseases.
  • In such cases, we have to talk about a heart attack “on the legs”.
  • The consequences of this condition may not manifest itself at all - the patient can only learn about the patient's infarction by accident on the ECG.
Symptoms on the legs, heart attack
Symptoms on the legs, heart attack

But not all myocardial necrosis passes so without a trace - in some cases, diseases and conditions that are a consequence of heart attack may develop:

  • A sharp decrease in blood pressure.
  • Swelling of the lung due to acute heart failure.
  • Separation of a blood clot.
  • Violation of the integrity of the wall of the heart (in the common people "rupture of the heart").
  • Interruptions in pulsation.
  • Cardiogenic shock (shortness of breath, sharp decline in blood pressure, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle and nails).
  • Heart failure.
  • Cardiosclerosis.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Manifestations of embolism, aneurysm, thrombosis.

All these states, which are the result of myocardial infarction, indicate only that you should not ignore even the most ghostly symptoms of this disease, but urgently seek help from specialists.

Signs of myocardial infarction - what to do: First aid

How to help a patient with myocardial infarction?
How to help a patient with myocardial infarction?

At the first signs of myocardial infarction, it is necessary to call an ambulance.
While the ambulance gets to the destination, you can take a number of measures:

  • Put the patient on the floor so that the head is slightly higher than the body level.
  • If the patient has shortness of breath, then it is necessary to plant it in such a way that the legs are in a raised position, and give a pill of nitroglycerin.
  • If the patient has pallor of the skin, weak heartbeat and low blood pressure, then it is advisable to arrange it so that the head is in a low position - in this case it is better not to give nitroglycerin.
  • In the absence of an allergy, it is advisable for him to give him aspirin (300 g - half a tablet) in order to calm the pain in the chest.
  • To reassure a person, he can be given valerian, gross or motherwort.
  • A tablet of analgin or other non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drug will also help get rid of severe pain.
First aid for myocardial infarction
First aid for myocardial infarction - indirect heart massage

If the patient’s heart stopped, he is unconscious, and the pulse is practically not felt, then it is advisable to take the following measures:

  • In order to defibrilize the ventricles of the heart, you can try to inflict one exact, strong blow to the heart of the heart.
  • Then it is advisable to begin to do an indirect heart massage, alternately pressing on the chest with open palms (15 times) and making 2 breaths and 2 exhalations in his mouth, closing his nose.

If the patient does not come to his senses, heart massage and artificial respiration must be continued until the arrival of the ambulance.

Dear readers, we draw your attention to the fact that myocardial infarction is one of the most dangerous and common diseases today. Millions of people die from him every year, regardless of age and social status. Therefore, do not ignore disturbing symptoms, but urgently see them to the doctor. Precious minutes can save your or someone else's life!

Symptoms of myocardial infarction: video

Unusual signs of myocardial infarction: video

First aid for myocardial infarction: video

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Comments K. article

  1. In general, these terrible diseases as a heart attack, the stroke is very “younger”, if I may say so. Even doctors say about it that if you suddenly feel something something was wrong with health, see a doctor immediately.

  2. Yes, Victoria, write everything right. Be sure to consult a doctor for any symptoms that bother you. Personally, I take thrombos ACS courses, just for the prevention of a stroke, since heredity is very bad and I know that not everything is fine with my vessels. It’s not difficult for me to drink one tablet per day, but my health is much better and calmer for my health.

  3. Our grandfather suffered a heart failure. Very scary of course. Now it is recovering.

  4. Regina, your grandfather's health. I had a microinfaract. Enjoying is not enough. Now I’m observing the doctor, I go to the droppers with Noton. This tool improves the functioning of the heart with its action, what I need in my position.

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