Spider insect or animal? Why isn't the spider insect?

Spider insect or animal? Why isn't the spider insect?

I immediately want to say about small spiders that they are insects, however, as it turns out, this is not at all. Undoubtedly, they are very reminiscent of them externally, but at the same time, during the classification they were allocated in a separate class, belonging to these representatives of the world of fauna to the arachnid.

Although insects and spiders are arthropods, with all its similarity between them there are a number of differences, and it is precisely about them that it will be discussed in this material.

Is the spider insect?

  • So, why isn't the spider insect?Spiders and insects, which confidently speaks of their family ties, have chitin covers. In the structure of their bodies, similarity is also observed. The presence of a thin stalk is observed, which is, as it were, a connecting part of the chest and abdomen. On the chest sides are located paired legs.
What do you know about spiders?
What do you know about spiders?
  • However, nature endowed insects with 6 paws, and spiders have 2 more of them - this is their first difference.
  • And insects do not have Helitsers, and the spiders on the hunt successfully use these small limbs on which are located poisonous claws.
  • The difference is in the structure of the front of the body. Insects are distinguished by a mobile head connected to the chest of a neck. The spiders have a headgradu, and this separation is one continuous whole.
Spider - artillery or insect
Spider - arthropod or insect
  • Two eyes in insects have a rather complex device, but there are 8 of them spiders, but they are more primitive. Nevertheless, there are such types of spiders that have 6 or 12 eyes, and very rare have only two organs of vision.
  • Among the insects come across predators and vegetarians. Food with predators is grinded with the strongest stars, and with vegetarians, with proboscis, it is sucked out of the colors of nectar.
  • And a spider eats in a completely different way. He does not “chew” his victim, but lets some of his gastric juice into her body and awaits the moment when softening occurs in the soft tissues. Well, and only then the time will come and for the “feast” of the spider. It sucks the liquid nutrient through the oral gap.
  • All of them predators, except for the same form found so far-spider "Bagira Kipling", which prefers plant food.
  • There is another huge difference between insects and spiders. If there are antennae on the head of the first, then the latter does not even have a hint of them, but they have web wartsThanks to which their traps are weaving for their relatives - insects, which nature has not endowed with this ability.
  • But with ticks and scorpions, spiders are closer relatives, because they are all arachnid.

We advise you to read the articles related to spiders:

Video: The most dangerous spiders in the world

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