Black cloudy: poisonous or not? Black nightshade: characteristics, benefits and harm, use in medicine. What is the poisonous herbaceous plant of the nightshade family?

Black cloudy: poisonous or not? Black nightshade: characteristics, benefits and harm, use in medicine. What is the poisonous herbaceous plant of the nightshade family?

In the plant world, there are many toxic green crops that animals and humans shimmer. Among them, there are many who, under certain conditions, can be used as a drug or used for food, observing the rules of administration.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "Magic herbs and plants: a list, methods of use in magic". You will learn about the magical properties of wormwood, lover, thistle, indoor plants, you will find their description, use in magic.

Many people consider it a poisonous plant with a poisonous plant, while others use it as a medicine. What kind of plant is it, is it possible to eat its berries, and what other poisonous plants from the nightshade family exist? You will find answers to all questions below. Read further.

A nightshade - these are what plants, vegetables, cultures: what relates?

Rasneal crops belong to the family of spine -ited dioecious plants. The subfamily "nightshade" also belongs to this family. It consists of 56 births. In total, these include more than 100 genera and about 2600 species.

Rasneine plants
Rasneine plants
  • Many such plants grow in the tropical and subtropical forests of America.
  • Their family includes edible plants grown as vegetable crops, medicinal and decorative species, most of which contain poison.
The family is nightshade
The family is nightshade

The main distinguishing features and signs of these cultures is the structure of autonomic organs and flowers. In fruit nightshade, the fruit is a berry, in poisonous - a box.

By their role in people's lives, 3 groups can be distinguished:

Fruit rod:

  • Tomatoes
  • Potato
  • Sweet pepper
  • Eggplant
  • Chilli

Decorative nightshade:

  • Petunia
  • A nightshade decorative
  • Fragrant tobacco
  • Physalis

Poisonous nightshade:

  • Henbane
  • Belladonna
  • Tobacco
  • Sweet-Holy nightshade ("wolf berries")

For a long time, people were afraid to use nightshade crops, considering them poisonous. For this reason, people refused to eat potatoes and tomatoes for a long time. Many peasants destroyed them, as the animals that eat these plants received poisoning. This is true if these vegetable crops are wrong. The fact is that they may contain a poison called Solonin. It is contained in a potato sprouted in spring, in the green potatoes, which lay for a long time in the light, in immature green tomatoes, immature sweet pepper and overripe eggplant, especially in their peel.


But people learned to use these valuable vegetables correctly. And at present they have become very important crops. They are used as the main food for people and are used to feed pets. Potato tubers, pepper, tomatoes, eggplant They form the basis of everyday food of the population of many countries.

  • Tomato (tomato): In Russia was brought in in the XVIII century. At first it was mistaken for a decorative plant, now it is common in all countries. Many of its varieties are bred.
  • Potato: Perennial vegetable, it was brought to Europe from America, until the 18th century it was grown as a decorative culture. Fruits are berries on the bush, poisonous. Propagation occurs with tubers, many varieties are distinguished.
  • Pepper: Perennial half-shrub, fetus-a false berry of different shades. Many bitter and sweet varieties are bred, contains different vitamins.
  • Physalis: grassy culture, around the fetus forms a shell in the form of a case. Fruits of individual species are edible.

Poisonous nightshade crops are used in medicine, as raw materials in the manufacture of drugs. Different tablets, mixtures, etc. are made of them. For production, minimal doses of plant raw materials are taken. The use of fruits and berries of these crops leads to poisoning and is life -threatening. Many species grow everywhere like weeds. Very dangerous, for example, Belladonna (beauty). If you eat only 3 berries of this plant, breathing stops. All parts of beauty contains potent poisons.

If we consider the drugs of the nightshade, then the alkaloids available in them, depending on the dose, can both heal from a number of pathologies and harm. Read more more.

Black cloth plant belongs to coated or gymnosperms: species, classification, flower formula, inflorescence photo

The plant is crude black Refers to the Coaters - that is, to plants having an inflorescence. Here is a photo:

The plant is crude black
The plant is crude black

He is included in the family Rasnery and refers to the type of genus Nightshade. The inflorescences are bisexual, white, collected in inflorescences in the form of an umbrella. The flower has a dual five-membered near-storage, a five-lobed whisk, 5 stamens. Flower Formula:

  • ⋅ * h (5) l (5) t (5) n ( 3)

Biological classification:

  • Nonparasite annual (one -year), spring, late.
  • Nightshade black -A weed, and also this is a spring later, a 1-year-old plant.
  • The stem grows straight, in the form of branches, with a rare hairline or naked.
  • Height before 90 cm.
  • The root system in the form of a rod.

Such a plant blooms from May to September.

Black nightstal properties: characteristic

Black clove contains Coloring and tannins, sugar, bitter glycoside, glycoalcaloids, vitamin C. Below are the properties and characteristics of culture.

The beneficial substances contained in this culture have the following effect on the body:

  • Anti -inflammatory
  • Painkiller
  • Laxative
  • Spasmolytic
  • Glane
  • Diuretic

The composition of the nightshade includes calcium, it strengthens the bones, is necessary for the work of the heart. Magnesium is useful for kidneys. Glycosides contained in this culture destroy microbes and bacteria, and routine lowers blood pressure in human vessels.

Video: We are treated with an nightshade

Black cloudy - berry, leaf, stem, root system: edible or not, poisonous or not?

Claintous clock - one -year plant, height up to 70-90 cm.

  • Stem It grows straight, a little covered with fluff.
  • Root - Upcated, compact. Leaflets are located on long processes. There are whole and with teeth.
  • Flowers White color, collected in umbrellas.

Fruit or berries:

  • They ripen in July and ripen until October.
  • They are black, have good juiciness, rounded outlines, purple pulp, sweet.
  • There are many coloring substances in the juice of berries.
  • Immature fruits contain poison - solanine. When ripening, the amount of this substance decreases.
  • Black, well -ripened berries, edible.

Leaves and flowers:

  • Contain substances that have a therapeutic effect.
  • They are used for the manufacture of medicines, observing the dosage, since in these parts of the plant there is an increased content of poison.

IMPORTANT: It is forbidden to use tablets, mixtures and other dosage forms from the nightshade, without previously consulted with a doctor.

So, the leaves, stems and roots of the nights are poisonous. There are such harmful substances in unauthorized berries. As the fruits ripen, the poison-sunny disappears in them.

Remember: A nightshade berries can be consumed in minimal quantities, even if they are well ripened.

Berry Berry Black: description of good

Black berry is black
Black berry is black

Many people know about the advantages of this fruit shrub. You can describe its benefits endlessly, despite the fact that the fruits can be poisonous (if you use unimportant). In folk medicine, they are used for many diseases:

  • Reduce gum pain, help cleanse the mucous membrane of the throat in acute diseases (tonsillitis, etc.).
  • The infusion of berries cleanses the body of toxins (3 tbsp. L. berries per glass of hot water).
  • Rinsing the throat with a solution of berry juice reduces the inflammation of the tonsils (3 tbsp. L. berries per 100 g of water).
  • Binging the nose with juice of berries treats a runny nose.
  • A mixture of berries and sour milk is applied to abscesses and abscesses for their rapid healing.

From ripe berries, delicious fillings for pies are obtained. Of these, compotes and jam are boiled, combining with other berries. Previously, coloring mixtures were made from berries. They stained the material in gray, blue or blue shades.

The fetus is black: harm

The improper use of the fruits of the cloth of black can harm the body, worsen well -being. There are also a number of pathologies and states in which the intake of the berries of this culture is contraindicated:

  • Pancreatic diseases and liver
  • Reduced blood pressure
  • Allergy
  • Diseases of the stomach and intestines
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Children's age up to three years

Even healthy people need to use an nightshade with caution and follow the dosage. In order not to harm, you need to be sure that the berries are completely ripe. With great caution, it can be eaten by children or it is better to completely refuse to receive berries.

Remember: A cloak of a medicinal berry rather than a treat.

The use of black nightshade in medicine

Black cloudy in medicine
Black cloudy in medicine

Since ancient times, the black nightshade has been used as a drug and painkillers during operations, and facilitated their head pain. In folk medicine, it helps to cure many diseases. It has been established that such a culture has similar healing properties:

  • Calms with nervous excitement
  • Anesthetizes
  • Normalizes the menstrual cycle in women
  • Resolves swelling, accelerates the healing of abscesses
  • Reduces the inflammatory process of gums and throat
  • Helps with conjunctivitis
  • Is a good choleretic and diuretic

In Russian official medicine, such a plant is almost not used. But pharmacists of other countries use it in creating their tablets, capsules, micro, etc. One of the components of a combined plant drug prescribed to cure hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver is precisely this culture. The drug has an antitoxic, choleretic effect and helps against inflammation.

Black feather jam: recipe

In raw form, black night's berries are rarely consumed. Thermal treatment removes its unpleasant taste and smell. To prepare jam will be needed about 1 kg of ripe berries and 1 kg of sugar. Here is the recipe for manufacturing:

  • Dissolve sugar in 200 ml water and weld the syrup.
  • Place the berries in hot syrup.
  • After boiling, coil jam 15-20 min. over low heat.
  • To get a thick mass, increase the cooking time and cook it within 40-45 minutesStiring all the time.

If desired, the recipe can be supplemented with lemon, currant, gooseberries, apples, other berries and fruits. You can store finished jam at room temperature.

Video: Black clown - a recipe for jam. It turned out amazingly tasty.

What is the poisonous herbaceous plant of the nightshade family?

Black Black - a poisonous herbaceous plant of the nightshade family
Black Black - a poisonous herbaceous plant of the nightshade family

The Mediterranean grows growing in the warm regions of the Mediterranean, black island, as a result of human economic activity, has quickly spread, and now it can be found in the south of Europe, the Caucasus, in Central Asia and Siberia.

In the grassy part and unavailable fruits of this culture, there is poison - solanine. It is these substances that give these parts of the plant a bitter taste. Therefore, it is impossible to eat it. This is the protection against poisoning in animals and humans. Even if the berry ends up in the mouth, it will not work to chew it and swallow it. It is strictly forbidden to use unripe berries. They are poisoning:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Ocute pulse
  • Shortness of breath
  • Intestinal disorder

In a severe form of poisoning, a person may faint.

Remember: Powering even ripe nightshade in huge quantities entails poisoning, especially in children.

There are still very poisonous herbaceous plants of the nightshade family:

  • The dope is ordinary (smelly)
  • Blane is black

When poisoning with berries of immature nightshade, dope or bleached, it is important to provide first aid:

  • Several times do the gastric lavage with a solution of activated coal or potassium permanganate.
  • Put a cold compress on your forehead.
  • Then you need to call an ambulance or take the victim yourself to the hospital.

If this is not done, a person may have a death.

Claintous clock It multiplies rapidly and, transferred by the wind, grows mainly in raw places, like a weed. It is a source of drugs, vitamins and trace elements. Successfully used in folk medicine.

Video: Black nightshade - Dangerous plant / Zakhar grasshopper

Video: Peaslen, culture reducing blood pressure.

Video: edible plants. Black rod / solánum nígrum

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Comments K. article

  1. In childhood, we crawled on the belly to eat these nights, grandmas, usually the Germans laid them in the garden and looked after, and then the dumplings were sculpted. Raspines are mainly black, but red also come across. It was in Kustanai.

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