Paraffin boots for children at home: how to do, readings, contraindications, reviews

Paraffin boots for children at home: how to do, readings, contraindications, reviews

Instructions for the manufacture of paraffin boots for children.

Paraffin boots are a great option for physiotherapy, which is suitable for preschool children, as well as infants. In this article we will tell you why paraffin boots are used and how they need to be done.

Why are paraffin boots needed: indications for use

Most children are born with some disorders of the motor system. Some children have a hypotonus, while others, on the contrary, hypertonicity. That is, reduced or increased muscle activity. Accordingly, the child can either squeeze the fists, stretch his legs or, on the contrary, will be excessively relaxed and sluggish. In this case, doctors recommend not only drugs for oral administration, but also physiotherapy, such as massage, electrophoresis, ozokerite and paraffin boots. This is one of the most harmless and simple options for treating babies.

Indications for use:

  • Reduced muscle tone
  • Increased muscle tone
  • Neurology
  • Birth injuries
  • Flat feet or the wrong position of the legs
  • Varus deformation of the legs
  • Valgus deformation of the foot
Dr.'s recommendations
Dr.'s recommendations

The benefits of paraffin therapy for children

Useful properties of paraffin:

  • Increases body temperature. Thanks to this, blood vessels expand, the power of joints, as well as internal tissues, improves.
  • In addition, muscles are heated. After cooling the paraffin, the nerve fibers, the capillaries narrow, which helps to improve muscle tissue as a whole.

If you deal with the child in time, then you can fix all the pathologies and make it absolutely healthy. Most often, paraffin boots are prescribed to infants, children aged 10-14 months. It is when the baby begins to walk.

At this time, a certain type of pathology begins to appear and you can see what the child suffers. Therefore, if the baby puts the leg incorrectly, wraps it with the inside, or on the contrary puts it on the side, stands on socks or on the heels, completely does not straighten his leg, it is recommended to make paraffin boots.

Paraffin boots
Paraffin boots

How to make paraffin boots for children at home?

Paraffin boots are most often prescribed in hydropower plants or special clinics. But the fact is that after the manipulation, experts advise for about 2 hours not to go outside and not overcool. Because in the course of the procedure, limbs are very heated. It takes almost half a day of time in parents, respectively, paraffin boots began to be done at home.

Varus deformation
Varus deformation


  • For manipulation, you will need paraffin itself, which can be purchased at a pharmacy and a medical oilcloth, or polyethylene. You can also use the bandage.
  • In order to make paraffin boots, it is necessary to immerse pieces of paraffin into a jar or pan and immerse it in a larger container, draw water into it and put it on fire. Thus, a paraffin container will be in a water bath.
  • As soon as all the material becomes liquid, it is necessary to turn off the heating and gradually cooling, stir. When the paraffin becomes warm, it cools to a temperature of about 50 degrees, it is necessary to put it on polyethylene or oilcloth.
  • Next, you need to wrap the child’s legs. After that, warm woolen socks are put on. It can be tied with ropes or a patch so that the boots do not unwind. There is another option, during which it is necessary to dip pieces of bandage in the molten paraffin and in hot form to wind on the legs of the child.
  • In the same way, the boots are insulated with woolen socks. The time that paraffin should be on the legs is about 30 minutes. But from the very beginning, you should not leave it for such a long period. It is best to leave it for the first time for 10 minutes, gradually increase the time of manipulation.
  • After the time is over, remove the paraffin boots, and remove the remaining paraffin from the child. Put it under a blanket and let it lie down for an hour. Please note that during the manipulation of the child’s cheeks can become pink, and the body is covered with droplets of sweat.
  • This is quite normal, because the skin is warming up, body temperature also increases a little. Accordingly, this is an adequate body reaction. Within two hours, try to be at home, do not go anywhere, and also not to hypothermia.
Healing procedures
Healing procedures

Paraffin boots for children: contraindications

Despite the fact that the procedure is very effective and safe, there are certain contraindications.

List of contraindications:

  • Elevated temperature
  • Infectious diseases in the aggravation stage
  • Dermatitis
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin
  • Diabetes
  • Autoimmune diseases

The fact is that paraffin boots can not always be made, not at any time. The recommended course is 10 procedures. Every day it is best to carry out manipulations in the morning, having waited a little after waking up. The child should be awake, not tired, because in the evening most often children are capricious, they want to sleep, they can be nervous. Therefore, the extra load will be useless.

It is best to do this before lunch, so that after the manipulation of feeding the child, put to sleep, and then go for a walk. You can also make paraffin boots after a morning walk. When the child is walking up, he will breathe fresh air, paraffin boots will help him fall asleep. You can not bake the area of \u200b\u200bthe knee joint. This is fraught with complications. That is, the material is applied only to the foot and lower leg of the child.

A smart baby
A smart baby

Paraffin boots: reviews


Oksana, 22 years old. My child has not yet been one year old. At the inspection of an orthopedic, we were assigned paraffin boots. The child incorrectly inserted his leg while standing near the support. Therefore, we were prescribed this kind of treatment. After 10 procedures, we took a month for a month, and then again repeated the manipulations. The state with the legs has improved significantly.

Elena, 33 years old. I have this second child, we were prescribed paraffin boots at the age of 6 months, after consulting a neuropathologist. The child, after I put it on the legs, stood on socks. They found hypertonicity, that is, increased muscle activity. For relaxation, paraffin boots were assigned. The child began to sleep better, and really stopped standing on socks, began to rely on the whole foot.

Olga, 28 years old. My daughter was diagnosed with varior deformation of the legs, due to reduced muscle tone. Therefore, a whole range of procedures was assigned: massage, paraffin boots, as well as electrophoresis. We did procedures and not in one course, but several times in a row. It really helped, now the child is absolutely healthy.

Paraffin boots are a great option for preschool children. With their help, you can improve the baby and correct some violations in the musculoskeletal system.

Paraffin boots
Paraffin boots

Video: Paraffin boots for children

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