Panavir Inline Spray: the effect of the drug, indications and contraindications to the use of the drug, method of use, safety measures, overdose, side effects, interaction with other drugs

Panavir Inline Spray: the effect of the drug, indications and contraindications to the use of the drug, method of use, safety measures, overdose, side effects, interaction with other drugs

In this material we will get acquainted with the action of the spray Panavir.

“Panavir Inlaite” is an effective tool, the active substance of which is Panavir. The drug has a comprehensive effect and helps to fight various ailments.

"Panavir Inline": the effect of the drug

This medication quickly copes with the following symptoms of ailments:

  • Inflammatory process.
  • Fatigue, weakness.
  • Also, Panavir Inline fights viruses and bacteria, has a protective effect on the body. Thanks to the substances that are part of the medication, the viruses stop breeding and accordingly cause harm to health.
  • In addition, the medication improves and activates the work of the human immune system.
  • Panavir Inlaite contributes to the speedy improvement of the condition of the skin, and also eliminates discomfort in the affected places.

"Panavir Inlaite": Indications and contraindications for the use of the drug

Panavir Inline can be used to achieve such goals:

  • Prevention of infection with acute respiratory viral ailments, as well as eliminating the signs of these diseases.
  • Remove inflammation and accelerate the process of recovery of the body.
  • For speedy healing of wounds and injuries of the oral mucosa after visiting the dentist, with bleeding gums.
  • To prevent the occurrence of infectious and inflammatory ailments of the external genitalia, as well as to eliminate the signs of these ailments. To prevent infection with sexually transmitted diseases, the pathogens of which are bacteria and viruses.
  • Also, Panavir Inline can be used to prevent such an ailment as cervical cancer.
  • For speedy recovery after the procedure for removing papillomas and condyl.

You can not use Panavir Inline in such cases:

  • In the presence of an allergic reaction to at least one of the components that make up the drug.

"Panavir Inlaite": Method of application

“Panavir Inline” can be used according to different schemes, they will differ depending on the ailment that you will treat.

As a prevention of acute respiratory viral ailments, as well as flu spray panavir, you can use:

  • During mass diseases or in case of contact with a person, patients with one of these ailments, you need to use the medicine twice a day-in the morning and evening. In this case, it is necessary to irrigate the Panavir Inline with the drug each nostril, as well as the rear wall of the oropharynx. It is more comfortable for irrigation of the pharynx to use a long nozzle that comes with medicine. After the procedure, unpleasant sore throat may be felt - this is a passing condition.
  • When infecting the oral cavity and larynx, sore sections are also treated with spray twice a day - in the morning and evening time after eating. Directly injecting the spray into the oral cavity, you need to hold your breath. The duration of the drug in this case will be 1 week, however, if necessary, you can be treated with a medication and longer.
  • To prevent infectious and inflammatory ailments of the genitals and for speedy recovery during such diseases, the spray is used intra-vigular. You need to lie on your back and using a special nozzle to irrigate the vagina, while you need to make a few presses on the nozzle valve. After the procedure, you need to remain in the same position at least 10 minutes.
  • Immediately before using the spray, shake the bottle of medicine, while spray the spray, holding the bottle vertically.

"Panavir Inline": side effects and features of the use of the drug

Side effects of the use of the Panavir Inlaite medicine are not registered.

  • This medication can be used during gestation, however, while breastfeeding before using the spray, you need to consult a doctor.
  • The medicine can be used by children of any age.
  • It should also be noted that the Panavir Inline medication can be treated for a long time without any harm to health.
There are side effects
There are side effects

“Panavir Inline” is an almost universal remedy that helps to get rid of various ailments in a short time, as well as prevent them. The advantage of the product can be called its availability, as well as the fact that it can be used by children of different ages and women waiting for the child.

Video: Application of Panavir Spray

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