Memos for parents: adaptation of a child in kindergarten, first -grader at school, camp, security and injuries in the summer

Memos for parents: adaptation of a child in kindergarten, first -grader at school, camp, security and injuries in the summer

Young children are afraid of changes, because they do not understand why they need a particular stage in life.

  • Parents should prepare their children in advance for a trip to kindergarten, school, before traveling to a healing camp or before going to the forest
  • Specially prepared memos for parents in this article will help parents correctly prepare the baby for new stages in life. The psychological mood of mom and dad will help the baby be confident in himself and not be afraid of changes

Memo to parents to adapt the child in kindergarten

Memo to parents to adapt the child in kindergarten
Memo to parents to adapt the child in kindergarten
  • For a child, going to kindergarten is always scary, because mom wants to leave him for a long time with strangers adults
  • The kid may be upset, cry for a long time in the morning when you need to go to the garden, and in the evening upon arrival
  • The whims can last a long time if you do not prepare the baby, and do not inspire him that there is nothing wrong with the kindergarten - this is an ordinary game for him - interesting and fascinating

Memo to parents to adapt the child in kindergarten:

  • Do not ask the baby a question, he wants to go to the garden or not. If you have already decided on this, and the child does not agree with you - this is additional disorders for him
  • Let him bring his beloved bear, doll or car And he shows her his closet, introduces her to other children. If the baby is capricious, invite him to leave the toy until morning. The next day he will run to run to the garden to meet his toy
  • The child needs to relax after an emotionally saturated day. Therefore, at first, try not to go to visit or even walk to the playground. The child’s nervous system should recover - it takes time for this

Important: at home calmly and confidently talk to the baby, do not deceive him. If you go in the store, show what you bought. Be sure to tell me when you return. For example, when you play and eat.

Important: many children get used to the kindergarten for more than one month, so be patient during this period.

Memo to adapt the child in kindergarten
Memo to adapt the child in kindergarten

A few more recommendations for the adaptation of the baby to kindergarten to be painless for the crumb itself and for his parents:

  • The child feels doubts of loved ones. Mom and dad should be sure that kindergarten is needed at this moment, otherwise the baby will be capricious, since he feels the mood of his loved ones
  • Let the baby know why his parents will lead him to the garden. Tell us that dad and mom need to work, and kindergarten is a place where children come with whom he will definitely make friends
  • The child needs to be introduced in advance with the regime of the children's preschool institution (DDU). Let him wake up for one or two weeks, eats, plays, walks and sleeps during the day at the time when children do in the garden
  • Teach the baby to wash your hands with soap, go to the pot, use cutlery and change clothes
  • In the presence of crumbs, do not speak negatively to employees DDU. Be calm and balanced, the baby quickly adopts a feeling of anxiety

Important: calculate your capabilities and plans so that the baby can easily adapt to them.

Remember: your baby is in good hands of professional teachers. Be balanced and calm, then your child will be easy.

Memo to parents to adapt the child of first -grader to school

Memo to parents to adapt the child of first -grader to school
Memo to parents to adapt the child of first -grader to school
  • Adaptation of a child to school can last from 2 months to six months
  • The duration of this period depends on the individuality of the baby and the degree of preparation for the study of school sciences
  • Parents must follow recommendations in order to provide their child with all the conditions for adaptation and training

Memo to parents to adapt the child of a first -grader to school:

  • The correct regime of the day - This is the most important for a child of any age. Make a schedule with the baby and try to adhere to it
  • When awakening a son or daughter, be calm. It is important not to rush the child in the morning - to calculate the time is the task of the parents
  • Breakfast - This is a mandatory process, despite the fact that hot dinners are organized at school
  • The kid must gather at school in the eveningBut if in the morning you noticed that he forgot to put some kind of textbook or pencil case, silently serve him, without reproaches and clarifications. Wish your child a good day
  • After school, meet the baby calmly - No need to force about his successes and ask a bunch of questions - let him exhale and relax
Memo on the adaptation of the child of a first -grader to school
Memo on the adaptation of the child of a first -grader to school

Important: if the baby is too excited, give him time to calm down, or vice versa, listen to him if he wants to share something.

  • After lunch, the child is better to go for a walk On the street, not sitting in front of a computer or TV. Parents should not deprive the baby by going out into the street for a deuce
  • Mom or dad should bed a child. Talk with him before bedtime, and then the baby will tell about his fears and learn to say heal, freeing himself from anxieties. Thanks to this, he will calmly fall asleep, fully resting and getting enough sleep overnight
  • Emotional support. Do not compare the results of your child with the successes of his classmates.

Important: patiently wait for success, emphasize the improvement of the results.

  • Do not send the baby to school at the same time and to some section. It will be difficult for him at first to keep up with everywhere, and the beginning of the school at 7 years is considered severe stress for children
  • Do not scold or insult the baby in the presence of other people. Teach your baby to share your experiences. Talk to him more often, let him tell you what he liked during the day, and what is not
  • Keep the conversation correctly and give the answer to each question of the first grader. Thanks to this, his interest in something new will never disappear

Memo to parents to adapt the child in the camp

Memo to parents to adapt the child in the camp
Memo to parents to adapt the child in the camp
  • Most parents are reluctant to send their children to the summer wellness camp, especially if he goes for the first time
  • Children also hardly agree to such a trip, because this is a trip to the unknown, where there will be no guardianship from the parents and the usual situation
  • But if you decided that the child is still going to the camp, then move away fears and doubts, and begin to collect the baby. Several recommendations will help in this

Memo to parents to adapt the child in the camp:

  • Parents should go to the clinic with the child To obtain a medical certificate with a mark on vaccinations and infections
  • When the certificate is received, you can start collecting things. Make a list so as not to forget anything. For a child 6-8 years old, on the back of clothes, you need to sew a tag with a surname. So it will be easier for the child to find a thing if she accidentally ends up in the closet of another room or someone will put it on
  • The child needs to put a toothbrush with a paste with him, a washcloth with soap, tanning products and from sunburn, from mosquitoes, comb and scissors
  • The main clothing for the camp - These are shorts, T -shirts and T -shirts. But for evening events you will need an elegant suit or dress
  • For the beach you will need a swimsuita towel and a headdress
  • To make the child easier to get comfortable in a new place, he must be able to refuel the bed, monitor his things and their purity, remove and observe the rules of personal hygiene
  • The child should have a mobile phone with him. So he will be able to call up with his parents and will feel that he has support
  • Explain to the babyHe is unlikely to make friends with all the children in the detachment. If he communicates with several guys, he will also be fun and interesting
Memo to adapt the child in the camp
Memo to adapt the child in the camp

Important: teach your children to be sociable and sociable. It will be easier for them if they learn to quickly find a common language. Explain to your child that you need to be independent, but in moderation - friends are needed and important, even in the camp.

Remember: if the child is closed and inclined to whims, or vice versa, spoiled and insecure, then postpone the trip for a couple of years. He will be able to go on vacation on his own when he cope with his shortcomings, and his parents will help him in this.

Memo for parents on summer safety of children

Memo for parents on summer safety of children
Memo for parents on summer safety of children
  • With the onset of summer, our children are in wait for the danger on the roads, in the forest, near reservoirs, in the courtyard and in the game territories
  • This is due to childhood curiosity, hot weather, trips to nature, the presence of a large amount of free time and the absence of proper control by the parents
  • So that the children spend the summer well, and be healthy and rested, you need to remember the rules when organizing a child's vacation

Memo for parents on the summer safety of children:

  • Accident. This is the most common cause of children in an unpleasant situation and even death. The child cannot focus on one subject and therefore he is lost on the road. Parents must teach his traffic rules, tell about the traffic light and about the rules for crossing the road
  • If the child is not 12 years old, then in a car he should sit on a special chair with a holding device

Important: teach the child not only the rules of the road, but also observation. By your example, show how to behave on the road.

  • Safe behavior on water. Explain to the child that he should go to the reservoir only with adults
  • Teach the child to swim. Explain that you can not swim on the shipping path and is forbidden to swim yourself on boats, boards and homemade rafts

Important: explain to the baby that you need to correctly control your capabilities. If he swims badly, then do not swim far.

Children's summer safety memo
Children's summer safety memo
  • Fire safety. Children's games with fire in the summer lead to fires. The child should know the rules of fire safety and act in an organized way when a sudden fire appears
  • Children are required to perform PPB at home, on the street, in kindergarten and in the forest

Important: the task of adults is to explain to the child what pranks with fire, and dangerous games with matches lead to. It is necessary to teach him to use household appliances and a fire extinguisher.

  • Children and attackers. The child is helpless, trusting to strangers and, because of this and his helplessness, becomes vulnerable to bad people. Parents are obliged to warn children about the danger that can happen to them

Important: from childhood, inspire your children that it is forbidden to go somewhere with strangers, getting into the car in the car, open the door and play on the street after the onset of darkness.

Memo for parents Rules of conduct on water

Memo for parents Rules of conduct on water
Memo for parents Rules of conduct on water
  • As mentioned above, it is important to teach the child to swim. To do this, you can give the baby to the swimming section or deal with him on your own
  • Teach the child not to panic in water, since usually because of this, children are lost, which leads to deplorable consequences
  • If the child does not know how to swim, he should not go to a deep place and be always next to adults
Memo according to the rules of conduct on the water
Memo according to the rules of conduct on the water

Memo for parents Rules of conduct on the water:

  • It is forbidden to arrange games in the waterrelated to captures
  • You can’t swim for special fences and dive in unfamiliar places
  • You can only swim if the water warms up to 22 degrees. Otherwise, seizures may occur, which leads to undesirable consequences
  • It is forbidden to swim at night
  • You can not stand without movement in water
  • You need to enter the water quickly. Bathing duration-15-20 minutes
  • Water procedures are carried out 2 hours after eating

Memo to parents according to the rules of the road (traffic rules)

Memo to parents according to the rules of the road (traffic rules)
Memo to parents according to the rules of the road (traffic rules)
  • They begin to introduce children in kindergarten with the rules of the road.
  • As mentioned above, children can not always evaluate the road situation, and therefore it is necessary to accustom them to cross the road to the places laid for this
  • The duty of parents to teach a child to be disciplined on the street and on the road

Memo to parents according to the rules of the road (traffic rules):

  • It is forbidden to cross the road ahead of standing transport
  • Parents, along with their baby, should discuss the most safe routes
  • It is impossible to stop the car - The child should know that
  • Before crossing the road - make sure of safety!
  • Go with the baby along the usual path and explain that this is the most safe road - He should only walk along her
  • If you bought a bike to your child, tell him about special tracksby which he can go
  • In any case, when the child leaves the house for a walk, remind him of traffic rules
  • Explain to the baby that you can’t play near the roadway
Memo to parents according to the rules of the road
Memo to parents according to the rules of the road

Important: if you talk with the child, explaining the consequences of non -compliance with the rules of the road, then he will quickly learn how to behave on the road.

Remember: a personal example of adults is the most intelligible form of learning.

Memo for parents in children's injuries

Memo for parents in children's injuries
Memo for parents in children's injuries
  • An important task for parents is to protect children's health
  • Prevention of children's injuries is carried out in kindergartens and schools
  • During the summer holidays, parents should know some rules in order to avoid unwanted consequences with their children

Memo for parents in children's injuries:

  • Do not leave unattended Included household appliances
  • Explain to the childthat it is forbidden to sit on the windowsill, on the table and move on the railing in the entrance
  • The child should not be available household chemicals
  • Forbid your child to climb in dangerous places, for example, go to play on railway tracks
  • Teach children not to touch the broken glass - This leads to injuries
  • Holes in the outlets should be closed. Boarded wires are greater
  • Teach older children to look after the younger
  • It is important for parents to learn how to provide first aid, and in the home first -aid kit you need to store everything you need: bandages, cotton, green, hydrogen peroxide and more

Memo for parents about the health of the child and a healthy lifestyle

Memo for parents about the health of the child and a healthy lifestyle
Memo for parents about the health of the child and a healthy lifestyle
  • Parents need to show on their own example how to live, what to eat and what to do
  • The family needs to establish a mode of labor, food and rest
  • Do not express dissatisfaction with prices, poor health and failures in the presence of a child
  • The baby must see around him healthy and cheerful parents in order to grow the same

Memo for parents about the health of the child and a healthy lifestyle:

  • Throw smokingproving the child that it is harmful
  • Communicate with nature more, instead of spending evenings in front of the TV
  • Let the child participate in all family affairs
  • The family should have a restraint, calm and respect for each other
  • Help your child with a choice of hobby
  • Teach him to read books And you yourself join the reading
  • Do not gossip About loved ones, acquaintances and teachers in the presence of the baby
  • Pay maximum attention to the childso that he grows attentive and ready to help his parents at any moment
  • Follow the diet. Mom should cook only boiled or baked dishes
Memo for parents about the health of the child
Memo for parents about the health of the child

Important: explain to the child since childhood that it is harmful to health to eat fried dishes, as well as various "yummy" that are sold in supermarkets: chips, crackers, sweets.

Important: learn to prepare useful sweets using honey, dried fruits and whole cereals.

Memo parents about children's nutrition

Memo parents about children's nutrition
Memo parents about children's nutrition

The child’s nutrition should be diverse and properly organized - this is an important condition for a long and full life without disease. The task of parents is to ensure a full nutrition of the child.

Memo parents about the nutrition of children:

  • The child must eat at least 4 times a day
  • Every day in his diet should be present useful food products: meat, butter, cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits, fish, eggs, dairy products and cheese
  • Reception of vitamin-mineral complexes According to the age of the child
  • Eating should be at the same time - This helps the body get used to this, so the effectiveness of the digestive process increases
  • Food should be taken 3 hours before bedtime
  • For breakfast you need to eat porridge Or cottage cheese dishes. A hot first and second dish is served in lunch. The afternoon snack is a light snack, but children are allowed bakery products with a glass of juice or compote. Dinner - fish with a side dish or cottage cheese dishes, as for breakfast
Parents memo about the proper nutrition of children
Parents memo about the proper nutrition of children

Important: do not prepare heavy meat dishes for the child for dinner. Let him get used to a light dinner - this will help to avoid overeating and obesity in the future.

Memo to parents about ticks

Memo to parents about ticks
Memo to parents about ticks
  • Already in May, ticks begin to wake up, and doctors remind that the best protection against tick -borne encephalitis is a vaccine
  • A person will receive complete protection if he vaccinates according to a special schedule: two vaccination during the year, one in a year and then every three years you need to get one vaccine
  • When going to the forest, it is necessary to make a self -examination of their things and clothes every 15 minutes. Every half hour, a relationship is made. You also need to inspect dogs and cats that walk on the street
Memo to parents about tick protection
Memo to parents about tick protection

Memo to parents about ticks:

  • Clothing and shoes. Put on shoes or boots, but not sandals. Long trousers or sweatpants that are dressed in shoes. The jacket should be with sleeves dragging on the lace, light color, since it is better to notice insects on such clothes
  • Headdress. If there is no cap or hats with you, then you need to put on a hood from a jacket
  • Protective drugs. Acaricids are used - these are substances that kill ticks. Application should be done on clothes. If the tick crawls to the surface of a processed jacket or pants, then it immediately dies

Remember: the best protection against tick -borne encephalitis is vaccination!

Memo to parents about the rules of promotion and punishment of the child

Memo to parents about the rules of punishment of a child
Memo to parents about the rules of punishment of a child
  • Psychologists say that raising a child is impossible without rewards and punishment
  • For a long time, it is believed that encouragement and punishment is the only way to manage children and in general people
  • The purpose of these methods of education is the development of a conditional reflex: improper behavior is punishment, and the correct thing is encouragement

Memo to parents about the rules of punishment of a child:

  • Fair and unfair punishment. The rules in the family that the child must perform must be discussed with him. If he violates them, then the punishment will be fair. If the child does not understand the meaning of punishment, experiencing a feeling of resentment, and parents of guilt, then this type of punishment can be called unfair
  • The punishment must be temporary. For example, "You are deprived of the opportunity to play on a computer for exactly 2 days"
  • Control is carried out only behind the behavior of the child and his actions. The gluing of “labels” and insults are not allowed. Parents should not be personalized
  • Remembrance of previous misconduct is unacceptable. The punishment is currently underway for the oversight committed right now
  • Punishment should be carried out sequentially, and not from case to case. It will not be clear to the child why he was punished yesterday for a particular mistake, but today
  • Physical punishment is considered legitimate, if the baby’s behavior poses a threat to his life and health. For example, he rinses the road in spite of parents or plays with fire, and this is strictly forbidden for him
Memo to parents about the rules of promotion of the child
Memo to parents about the rules of promotion of the child

Memo to parents about the rules of promotion of the child:

  • The type of encouragement depends on the age of the baby. Very young children should not say: "If you behave well for a week, then we will go to the circus." The baby does not know time yet and does not understand what a week is
  • You can read another fairy tale at night to a small child or buy a new machine or doll that your son or daughter has long dreamed of
  • Smile at the baby approvinglyif you want to praise him
  • More often praise your child with the words: "You are well done", "I am proud of you"
  • Give gifts and teach the baby to accept them
  • Money can be used as an incentivebut the child must be able to dispose of them
  • Teach the baby to appreciate the incentives of adults

The attention of parents, their affection and friendly participation in the life of a child, can do much more than donated money or other material gifts. The child will remember all his life a good attitude of parents, or vice versa, bullying and humiliation. Remember this!

Video: Child. Hold the child. Upbringing. Proper upbringing of a child

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Comments K. article

  1. Traumatism, security, this is all right. But as for the garden and the first class, it is very important that the child’s body is strong and is well opposed to sores because children are all different microbes. Here we were scared in the first year. Then the immunity began to strengthen the immunity and the Baby formula Mishka vitamin C give. This is an ascorbic, improves the body's resistance to sores.

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