Blood and blind: what is the difference between them, similarity? Ways to combat the attack of gadflies and blind, advice on protection against them

Blood and blind: what is the difference between them, similarity? Ways to combat the attack of gadflies and blind, advice on protection against them

The difference between the gadget and the blind.

Sleeps and gadflies are flies, which in the hot season are strongly bothering animals and humans. During agricultural studies, it was found that in the summer, milk yield is reduced by a quarter only due to the invasion of the blind. In this article, we will tell you how the binding is different from the blind and how to deal with them.

Blinden and boss: Description, photo

The fact is that both species belong to flies, differ in size. Slepnya has two hard wings. In the length of the fly reaches 2-3 cm. At the same time, in the summer it usually lives near reservoirs. Because they really need moisture, especially in the hot season. In the urban area of \u200b\u200bthese insects, it is quite difficult to find. Basically, they live in beams or near rivers. At the same time, the male blind man does not eat blood, in no way inflicts damage to animals and people.

Because for its normal existence, pollen is needed. It contains all the substances he needs. At the same time, the female blind is blood -sucking, especially during the breeding period. In order to perform masonry, she needs a lot of blood. At a time she can drink up to 200 ml of blood. Because of this, agricultural pastures suffer. Therefore, the blind man can be found in the habitats of cows, which inflicts significant damage, reduces milk yields.


Displacement is not a blood -sucking insect, but its larvae are parasitized under the skin, in the stomach or nasopharynx of animals. The fact is that some types of gadfly lay eggs directly under the skin of the animal. Masonry can be laid directly on the grass in the habitats of animals. After the absorption of grass, larvae fall into the animal esophagus, they can develop there. The boss is a parasite, but there is no blind.


Blood and blind: difference, similar features

It is worth noting that the parasite is only subcutaneous binding. But there are more than 150 species of insects that are not parasites and in no way interfere with a person, except for their annoyance. The exception is cases when insect larvae accidentally fell into the eyes. This can cause the development of conjunctivitis and even the need for surgery. The subcutaneous bump can put off offspring even under the skin of many rodents, such as mice and rats.

Features and differences:

  • The size of the gadget is smaller than a blind man. At the same time, he has two pairs of wings, that is, four wings. The boss does not bite its victim and does not suck in blood. He only puts down the larvae under the skin. In turn, the blinds do not parasitize on the body of the animal, lay eggs in raw ground or on grass. Usually select areas under the stones. Both types of insects bring significant damage to agriculture. Because after the bite of the blind, itching is observed, burning. This is due to the fact that saliva is distinguished by the ability to turn blood, causes allergic reactions. A swelling often occurs at the bite site, the wound can disturb several days of a person.
  • At the same time, blinds can carry such diseases as an ulcer, as well as poliomyelitis. Therefore, their bites are potentially dangerous, despite the fact that they do not lay eggs under the skin.
  • There are gadflies that lay eggs on grass or on the hooves of the animal. The fact is that sometimes it seems that these insects have brains, because the thirst for growing offspring prevails. Insects can lay eggs on the legs, mustache or lips. That is, in places where the animal can reach the tongue, lick the larva, swallow it. Further, it moves in the stomach, then for some time it migrates through the body, enters the back area, under the skin. When the time of ripening comes, the bubble forms in place, from which the insect crawls, forming a fistula.
  • There are also nasopharyngeal gadflies that lay eggs directly in the nasopharynx. This repeatedly caused the death of horses, as well as cows. It is usually connected with a large number of larvae. But females most often divide the masonry into several parts, because about 500 eggs can be laid down at a time. At the same time, the maximum amount that can withstand the animal and survive is about 40. Therefore, about 40 eggs are deposited in the nasopharynx.
  • The most interesting thing is that larvae can fall into the frontal region. Because of this, the animal gets sick with the so-called false windmill and shakes his head. Over time, larvae can fall into the respiratory tract and lungs, animals get pneumonia and die. But the fact is that with the death of the animal, insects also die.
  • As you can see, you should not confuse the blind and gadflies, because these are different insects that differ in the method of masonry eggs and the cultivation of offspring, as well as the features of nutrition. Sleeps feed on blood. At the same time, the gadflies do not suck blood, are not blood -sucking insects, but parasites, because adults can lay eggs, their offspring on a mustache, under the skin of animals, then parasitizing in it.

Boss and blind: methods of struggle, protection tips

In order to reduce the attack of insects on animals, special substances are used. The fact is that in some regions of Russia, in Western Siberia, as well as in Yakutia, part of the livestock is significantly suffering from gadfly and blind. Horses can stand almost the whole day under a canopy, hiding in a corner, away from the blind. Because of this, the animal does not eat. Even cases of exhaustion are observed. In this case, the amount of milk is reduced, which negatively affects the weight gain in the weight of young animals. Processing of animal skin, as well as their habitat with special substances, are carried out.

The bucket was bitten
The bucket was bitten

Methods of combating gadflies and blinds:

  • Amidophos. This is an emulsion that is a substance similar to oil. In order to fight insects, they are sprayed, that is, the area of \u200b\u200bthe animal spine is watered so that the liquid drains on both sides. Thanks to this, it is possible to get rid of the subcutaneous gadfly, as well as reduce the number of bite of the blind. The northern deer substance is administered directly under the skin.
  • Chlorophos. This is a substance that is a white powder for the preparation of the solution. The powder is diluted in water to 8% of the concentration. After that, 200 ml of this solution is poured into the animal spine so that the liquid drains on both sides. The procedure is carried out at the very beginning of autumn.
  • Antifla. This is a substance, the current component of which is digiturine. It differs in yellow. A small amount of substance is spilled onto the skin of the animal, evenly distributed.
Stages of Development of Slepnya
Stages of Development of Slepnya

Despite the external resemblance, these insects should not be confused. They feed and multiply differently. But both species cause significant damage to agriculture and livestock.

Video: Gadflower and Sleeten

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