A decoction of celandine for the skin, hair and face. Proper use of a celestial decoction - celandine treatment

A decoction of celandine for the skin, hair and face. Proper use of a celestial decoction - celandine treatment

The broth of celandine treats many diseases. About how it is prepared, in what cases they drink or apply externally, read in the article.

The celandine is known to everyone, an effective and affordable medicinal plant has been proved. Decoctions of it can be used at home for treatment and caring for yourself.

Therapeutic properties of the celandine decoction

The celandine decoction is used both externally and inside. When applying it, it is internally required to comply with the preparation and dosage instructions for each specific case of the disease.

Celandine is a proven medicinal grass.
Celandine is a proven medicinal grass.

The fact is that, along with a mass of useful substances, such as flavonids and carotines, vitamins and various organic acids, celandine, belonging to the poppy family, has about 20 alkaloids. Alkaloids, as, for example, snake venom, can be useful in a slight dose, and in another dose to be poison.

A decoction made from celandine can help in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • constipation, polyps and other problems with the intestines, since it positively affects intestinal motility
  • colds and infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract, due to their anti -inflammatory and antioxidant properties
  • coughs caused by asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, even tuberculosis, since this broth has antitussive properties
  • gastritis, ulcerative colitis, hepatitis, cholelithiasis
  • problems with bladder, edema of different nature and high blood pressure, because the broth of celandine has a diuretic effect
  • neurosis, nervous stresses, seizures, even epilepsy and paralysis due to the antispasmodic properties of a broth of celandine
  • rheumatic pains, spasms of blood vessels
  • dental pain, periodontal disease, since the decoction has a wound healing and bactericidal effect
  • liver problems
  • allergies
    various problems with skin - ulcers, eczem, acne, other inflammations, since the main properties of skin purification (body) are already emphasized in the very name of the plant
  • oncological diseases, such as stomach cancer, intestines and skin, because celandine can even stop the appearance of metastases
The broth of celandine treats many diseases.
The broth of celandine treats many diseases.

Can I drink a broth of celandine

If the juice from a fresh plant of celandine is used externally as a product that cleanses the problem areas of the skin, if the infusion of celandine is used with various specific goals, then the celandine decoction is prepared in order to take it inside (you can also externally).

You can brew fresh or dried leaves in boiling water, insist them for a certain time and take it according to the recipe, or you can simply add one leaf of celandine to the composition with other garden plants, such as: mint, lemon balm, currant, cherry, sage, and get herbal tea .

Important: such herbal tea can be treated with a disease, or you can drink it for a preventive purpose as a disinfectant and cleansing agent. It all depends on the concentration of the decoction.

The concentration of the decoction is weak, strong and medium.

A broth of celandine can be drunk.
A broth of celandine can be drunk.

How to prepare a decoction of celandine of different concentrations

Celandine decoctions are prepared as follows:
RECIPE: Strong concentration
2 tablespoons of a dry or fresh plant should be poured with 1 glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour, then strain. Take 3 times a day in Art. spoon. A decoction of celandine of a strong concentration is suitable exclusively for external use.
RECIPE: Average concentration
1 tbsp. A spoonful of grass per 1 cup boiling water is also insisted for about an hour, filtered and used inside 2 tbsp. tablespoons 3 times a day.
RECIPE: Weak concentration:
1 teaspoon of grass + 1 cup boiling water is infused for an hour, filtered. Such a decoction is also accepted for 2 tbsp. tablespoons before meals 3 times a day.

Important: a broth of celandine for oral administration needs to be prepared fresh every day.

Important: you always need to start taking a broth of celandine from a decoction of weak concentration, gradually increasing it, if necessary.

The use of a celestial decoction

The celandine decoction is also used externally.
The celandine decoction is also used externally.


  • for healing wounds, scars, ulcers and eczem, psoriasis and seborrhea as compresses and lotions
  • for the treatment of joints and blood vessels
  • to improve metabolism
  • with rheumatism and convulsions
  • as an analgesic
  • getting rid of allergies

Important: with the help of the external use of the celestial decoction, very unpleasant diseases are treated - lichen, scabies, fungal diseases, red lupus, as well as skin cancer


  • for the treatment of the liver, gall bladder, kidneys, bladder
  • for the treatment of blood vessels
  • to regulate the work of the cardiovascular system
  • for the treatment of bronchitis and bronchial asthma
  • to combat hypertension
  • to strengthen immunity
  • for the treatment of the pancreas
  • as an antispasmodic agent

Like an enema - to relieve pain in the intestines, treatment of constipation, treatment of polyps.

Encomes are made with celandine
Enembles are made with celandine.

For household purposes:

  • for staining tissue in yellow-orange color
  • for eruption of metal

Douching with a decoction of celandine

For douching:

  • to relieve uterine cramps
  • for the treatment of erosion of the cervix
  • for douching the urethra in men with infectious prostatitis
  • for the treatment of trichomonas colpre
It is believed that douching with celandine is treated with cervical erosion.
It is believed that douching with celandine is treated with cervical erosion.

Celandine decoction and nettles, use

A decoction of celandine and nettles, along with calendula flowers, is recommended for the treatment of cancer. It is noted that such a decoction helps to cope with cancer of the stomach, lungs, skin and other organs, stops the development of metastasis.

RECIPE. To prepare the decoction, the celandine (leaves), dioecious nettle, calendula flowers are mixed. 1 tablespoon of raw materials should be poured with 1 glass of boiling water, then - leave to infuse for 2 - 3 hours. Strain the infusion and take 1/3 of the glass of a cup on an empty stomach, and then in the evening 1 hour before meals.
The treatment period for such a decoction is 10 - 14 days. If necessary, through the same period, the course can be repeated.

Troth of celandine for the face from acne

For skin care with problems such as acne, acne, various inflammations, as well as to improve skin elasticity and removing oily sheen, such a celandine decoction is prepared.
RECIPE: 1 tablespoon of grass is poured with 200 ml (glass) boiling water, insisted for 39 minutes. Such a decoction is good to wash yourself in the morning or evening, cleansing the skin on the face. You can make compresses or lotions. If there are places on the skin of the face that need to be cured.

In home cosmetology, celandine is used from acne and for problem skin.
In home cosmetology, celandine is used from acne and for problem skin.

Celandine decoction for allergies

You can use internally (tea, drink) or externally, applying moistened gauze or bandage to itching or irritation.
The internal use of the decoction is indicated for cleansing the body as a whole and intestines, in particular, which will help the fight against allergies.

Lotes from a celestial decoction

Lners from the celestial decoction are made to those areas where there are any skin damage.
First, a decoction is prepared for a standard proportion (1 table. Spoon per 1 cup of boiling water), a bandage is lowered into it and soaked in a decoction. The bandage soaked in a decoction is then used as a lotion.

Despite the wide range of use of the celandine decoction for the treatment of a large number of diseases, it should still be taken after the patient passes the necessary clinical examinations, consulting a doctor and, along with the treatment of basic drugs. This is especially true for cancer.

VIDEO: Celandine treatment and contraindication

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