The difference between a goose and goose by external signs, physique and behavior, sexual characteristics

The difference between a goose and goose by external signs, physique and behavior, sexual characteristics

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Even experts in growing poultry, the first time cannot find the differences between the male and female, despite the presence of many methods. External signs in this case do not give one hundred percent result. There is an accurate way that gives the result, only to those who have vast experience when communicating with these birds. They are effective in most cases.

Ways to determine the differences of the goose from the goose

If a person devoted his whole conscious life to the breeding of geese, then he determines the floor of the bird unconsciously and accurately. It is much easier to determine the floor of an adult bird than in babies. However, to determine where the gusak is, and where the goose can be at any age. Not without difficulties and reservations, but still it is possible.

  • The most common method is visual. Observing appearance and behavior, you do a comparative analysis of the data obtained and determine the gender.
  • This method is used to determine the floor, both in babies and in an adult bird. This method does not work only if the herd consists of one type of geese.

The examination of the genitals will help to determine the floor of the bird. It will be difficult for inexperienced poultry farms to find the difference, but over time it will not be difficult and you will acquire the necessary skills.

By physique and behavior

  • The species that comes from Chinese geese differs only in its males.
  • Adult males are endowed with a huge bulge on the forehead, and possess the neck longer than the goose. However, it is almost impossible to distinguish the heterosexual birds of the family of gray geese.
  • The floor of Hungarian geese can be determined even in small goslings. The back and head of the goose of this breed has grayish spots, and the goose is completely the same color.
  • In most cases, males are largely larger than females. The weight of adults is 20-25% more. The male’s neck is longer, and the head is larger than the female. Geese differ in the first days of life from each other.
  • Males are considered more formed. They have large paws and wide membranes between them. Most of the breeds of geese do not have pronounced genital organs, the body weight of males and females can be the same, especially if the conditions of detention are quite good.
We determine the difference
We determine the difference

How to find out the half geese by their behavior?

  1. Aggression and activity in behavior is more observed in males. Males are endowed with leadership qualities, they are fighters. The females, on the contrary, are peaceful and friendly. They sit carelessly on the ground and pinch the grass. Males, in turn, love to keep everything under control and go through the surroundings, so that in the case of an impending danger, to always be alert and raise an alarm. However, if the goose walks with the kids, then her behavior is identical to the male.
  2. The behavior of females and males in water is very different. Hushes stretch their neck horizontally to water, and the geese try to stretch it as high as possible, and stretch vertically.
  3. The volume of the scream also differs in geese. Geese have a hoarse and rather low voice, it looks like an intermittent sound of a pipe. The goose has voiced voice and long enough in time.
  4. If they see an approaching threat, then females strive to bend closer to the ground, a kind of bowing, moving their heads. Males assess the situation by stretching as high as possible the neck.
  5. Also in different ways, the threat of small goslings feel in different ways. Male kids, if they turn them over by the legs, will try to free themselves with all their might, wave their wings, stretch their neck to the paws. Unlike female babies who will lie and not move.

The difference between the goose and goose of the genitals

With one hundred percent accuracy, the floor of geese is determined by the genitals. However, this requires certain skills and experience, in the presence of which you will determine this at any age. However, at the age of 4 months you may encounter some difficulties: all geese squeeze the rear channel strongly - it is there that the genitals are located in the folds of the abdominal part.

Where is the goose?
Where is the goose?
  • The genital organ of the goose is somewhat reminiscent of a spiral. The older the goose, the more it is. In chicks, who are no more than a day, it is 4 mm in size, per month - 7 mm, in 2 months - 10 mm. And already in adults, it reaches about 8 cm. Males reach reproductive age at 6 months, less often - at 9.
  • The genitals of the goose can be compared with a ball or sphere. Their size increases in proportion to the age of the female. In newborn chicks, the genitals are almost unrealistic to discern.
  • To consider the genitals, you need to take a goose and try to turn the cloac to him by pressing on it. This method can be used only on adult goose.
  • Small goslings should, holding the left hand, lower the head and back down. Using the index and middle finger, press the legs, and lay the neck on the little finger. Now proceed to stretch the anal passage. To do this, use the index finger of the right and left hand. Do everything slowly. With massaging movements, pull the tail to the back.
  • To recognize the floor already an adult, you should catch a bird, sit on a low chair and put the goose on your knees a little on the side. The back should be below, and the tail is on weight. In such a pose, Gusu will be more difficult to squeeze the cloaca. Click your neck with your left elbow, and press the wing, which remains free, press your shoulder. Now with massaging movements we open the anus. The genitals of the geese are red.
  • Males also have an penis, but in babies it is so small that it is sometimes unrealistic to determine this boy or girl.

However, in the presence of good vision and magnifying glass, poultry farmers can easily determine the floor of the goose. This method is effective and is used mainly in the household.

Video: Differences in the Goose Field

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