The nail leaves on the thumb of the leg: Reasons. The nail leaves on the arm: what to do?

The nail leaves on the thumb of the leg: Reasons. The nail leaves on the arm: what to do?

The nail leaves the finger: how to treat.

Onicholysis - this name has a disease that is characterized by peeling of the nail plate. You can, of course, disguise such a noticeable external defect with colored nail polish. But such a cosmetic measure is effective only at the onset of the disease.

Very soon, it will be impossible to hide the damaged area with varnish. Therefore, it is better to start treatment faster, otherwise the consequences will be irreversible: you can lose the nail plate completely.

Careful attitude to the state of the hands and their thorough hygiene do not guarantee complete protection against onycholysis
Careful attitude to the state of the hands and their thorough hygiene do not guarantee complete protection against onycholysis

The disease can affect even very attentive people to their health and appearance. It’s just that the first signs of the disease are suddenly found, and you have to quickly start treatment.

What is the cause of damage to the nail plate, and what measures should be taken to get rid of the symptoms of this disease?

Why does the nail leaves on the big toe?

  • The progression of the disease oncholysis leads to the destruction of the nail plate and its separation from the nail bed. A void filled with air appears under the nail.
  • The damaged part of the nail is gradually separated from the soft tissues of the finger. In this case, the color of the entire nail occurs: it becomes bluish or yellowish.
  • The inflammatory process begins with a barely noticeable detachment, which at first is easy to disguise with dark varnish. But to start the fight against peeling the nail should be immediately.
  • Onicholysis can affect both the entire nail and part of it. The use of various antifungal agents without the appointment of a dermatologist is fraught with a more serious spread of infection.
The cause of damage to the nail plate may be injury
The cause of damage to the nail plate may be injury

You can’t start the onycholysis process! It is also impossible to self -medicate: without consulting an experienced specialist, it is impossible to identify the cause of the disease and only the doctor will be able to prescribe the correct treatment.

The causes of onycholysis

The non -infectious nature of the disease is a change in the nail plate under the influence of various external and internal factors:

  • The disease may begin to develop after taking antibiotics (the cessation of antibiotic therapy leads to the restoration of the nail plate).
  • Among external factors, mechanical damage is distinguished.
  • The nail may begin to separate from the finger from cramped shoes (women are especially often affected by the nail on the thumb of the leg due to wearing shoes on the stilettos that compresses the fingers).
  • The reason may be a decrease in blood flow to the limbs or violation of neuro-humoral regulation.
  • The nail is affected by contact of the skin with various allergens (it can be a washing powder, a solvent, and a chemical reagent). In this case, the action of the provoking factor should be excluded.
  • Failing the nail is possible after the infection.
  • The fungal diseases of the skin also cause damage to the nail (spreading, the disease begins to appear on the fingers of the legs and arms).
Treatment of fungus on nails
Treatment of fungus on nails

The fungal damage to the nails is the most common cause of separating the nail from the nail bed. 2-5% of people with weak immunity are subject to fungal damage to nails.

You can pick up such an ailment in public baths, saunas, pools, sports clubs, even in a shower hospital. Tactile contact with the patient also leads to the development of the disease.

Therefore, you can not wear shoes with human fungal diseases. The fact that the nails are affected by the fungus is difficult to recognize simply visually examining the nail plates. Laboratory tests will be required.

  • At the first signs of the disease, you should consult a dermatologist. The laboratory examines a sample of the material, which will determine the pathogen. Only after that the doctor will be able to prescribe the appropriate treatment.
  • In addition to damage to the nail plates on the arms and legs, onychomycosis (fungus) affects the skin and hair. Therefore, it is important to start treatment as quickly as possible.
  • Self -treatment of the fungus leads only to stopping external manifestations. But the fungus is not completely cured, which ultimately becomes the cause of the re -development of onychomycosis.

Internal factors in the development of onycholysis:

  • violation of the activity of the gastrointestinal tract
  • violations of the cardiovascular system
  • chronic diseases
  • psycho-neurological disorders
  • violation of the endocrine glands

The development of onycholysis leads and skin diseases:

  • eczema
  • psoriasis
  • various dermatitis
  • dermatoses

On the legs, the nail may begin to separate from the nail bed after an injury as a result of a mechanical, physical or chemical factor.

What primary symptoms of the diseasethat allows you to determine the presence of the disease in the shortest possible time?

  • the release of the nail from the tissue of the finger
  • the presence of emptiness filled with air under the nail
  • inflammation
  • the affected area is worried by aching pain
  • the nail bed can bleed
  • the appearance of yellowish or grayish spots on the nail plate
  • nail platinum begins to thicken
  • the nail exfoliates, its structure becomes loose and breaks up into crumbs

The nail may start separate from the finger

  • in the middle of the nail plate
  • over the growth of the nail plate
  • at the very base with severe inflammation

Nails on the hands depart from the nail bed: causes

  • The separation of the nail from the nail bed on the arm can be accompanied by pain and unpleasant sensations. The reasons for the exfoliation of the nail plate on the hands are the same, which lead to damage to the nail on the legs.
  • For the fair sex, the separation of the nail plate becomes a real nightmare. After all, I really want the hands to be well -groomed. This is possible only if the skin and nails are healthy.
  • Often the reason for the discharge of the nail in women is their excessive fascination with a guidance of beauty on the arms and legs. For example, over a long period, acids with acids are used.
  • It can be gel polishes, use without the need for an unconscious primer (bonder), designed to adapt the basic coating with a nail.
  • The treatment of nails with gel or acrylic may also lead to the development of onicholysis: during the procedure, it is possible to bring a fungal infection under the nail bed.
The nail may begin to exfoliate from the base
The nail may begin to exfoliate from the base
Nails acquire a yellow or blue hue
Nails acquire a yellow or blue hue

What to do if the nails leave the skin on the arms and legs, how to treat?

  • Treatment of damaged nail must begin in the early stages of the development of the disease. The sooner the cause of the damage is revealed, the more chances to maintain the integrity of the nail plate.
  • If the nail began to exfoliate due to mechanical damage, then in addition to treatment, it is important to keep it clean. When the nail begins to gradually grow, the damaged area must be carefully cut partially.
  • Having glued an antibacterial patch on the nail, an infection can be avoided. Over time, the nail will completely recover and it will be possible to forget about the void under the nail.
  • If the infection penetrates into the damaged area under the exfolved part of the nail, then the consequences can be very serious. Even amputation of the finger is not excluded.
At the first signs of the disease, you need to consult a doctor
At the first signs of the disease, you need to consult a doctor

How to treat nail fungus, you can find out from the article:

Which doctor treats nail fungus on the arms and legs, what is it called? How do experts treat nail fungus with ozone, laser, pills, ointments, iodinol?

And in this article collected information about antifungal drugs: Maz-Kapli

Treatment should be accompanied by a technique of vitamins.

The treatment of onycholysis is long
The treatment of onycholysis is long

Often begins oncholysis after fungal infection. Compliance with the elementary rules of safe behavior in these places will protect from the fungus:

  • You can’t walk barefoot in such a room.
  • It is better to shoe your pair of shoes, and not use the one that is offered in this institution.

The nail, which is just starting to exfoliate, does not bother unpleasant sensations, there are no pain. The surface of the nail does not bleed.

But an infection quickly penetrates the affected space, which leads to damage to the soft tissues of the skin on the fingers.

  • Under the nail plate, sores begin to form, pus appears, the affected area is inflamed. If you delay with the start of treatment, then the nail can completely separate from the finger and fall off. And a finger without a nail plate is a spectacle is not for the faint of heart.
  • The treatment of onycholysis is long. Only a dermatologist will be able to determine the exact cause of the nail from the nail bed, and depending on it will prescribe the necessary medicines or ointments.
  • If the nail began to separate from the nail bed due to a progressive disease, then it is necessary to go to the doctor and identify the cause.
  • In case of damage to the nail with chemicals, you need to protect your hands from interacting with them. If necessary, put on gloves.
  • The hospital may prescribe treatment with antimicotics (ketoconazole, griseofulvin or others). But they are taken only under the supervision of a doctor, since adverse reactions are possible. The duration of continuous treatment is from 3 months to a year.
  • In parallel with treatment, it is necessary to devote at least 20 minutes to the baths with sea salt, potassium permanganate, and drinking soda daily. After the procedure for 15 days, lubricate the affected area with antifungal cream. As soon as the nail plate begins to grow, it must be cut down a little.
  • But after the complete restoration of the nail plate, the treatment does not stop: you need to continue to rub the ointment into the nail hole. In this way, you can prevent the development of dangerous diseases such as eczema and dermatitis.

Folk remedies for getting rid of onycholysis

if there are contraindications for the use of oral antibiotics (if the kidneys or liver are sick), you can begin treatment with grass infusions, olive oil.

After the procedure, put on gloves for the whole night
After the procedure, put on gloves for the whole night

Folk methods of treating onycholysis are quite effective. Only the fight against the disease should be carried out sequentially and continuously, until the symptoms of the disease are eliminated. If folk methods of treatment are used irregularly, then there will be no effect from them.

A recipe for olive oil for the treatment of nails with onycholysis


  • 1 part of olive oil
  • 1 part of lemon juice


The components are mixed and applied to the nails. Cotton gloves are put on hand. The mixture is left overnight. Repeat the treatment with olive oil at least 2 times during the week. The full course is 3-4 months.

Olive -oil bath
Olive -oil bath

Compress recipe for the treatment of nails based on glycerol and alum


  • water - 70 g
  • glycerin - 20 g
  • kvassets - 5 g


All ingredients are mixed, and the resulting mixture is applied to the nails and left overnight. You can use the composition for the baths: lower the fingers into a warm mixture for 10-15 minutes.

Kvassets are used in the treatment of nails
Kvassets are used in the treatment of nails

Sea salt -based recipe


  • 500 g of warm water
  • 1 tablespoon of sea salt


Salt is added to the water. The resulting mixture is used for baths. Hands are lowered into warm water for 10-15 minutes. Repeat the baths 3-4 times during the week.

Sea salt perfectly copes with the treatment of lesions on the nails, and also strengthens the nail plates and is a good prevention of various diseases on the nails.

Sea salt baths - prevention
Baths made of sea salt tap nails

Such funds will not cure the fungus, but its distribution will be avoided. Procedures contribute to the rapid and intensive growth of the nail plate. Nails acquire a healthy look and elasticity.

In addition to treatment with medication or folk methods, the diet should be increased by alkalin -containing foods, fresh vegetables and fruits. Eat more vitamins.

Constant nail care on the arms and legs will help to notice changes on the nail plate in time and react to them.

Video: fungal diseases of the skin and nails treatment methods

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