DIY walls with gypsum plasters without a frame and profile: pros and cons, necessary tools, detailed instructions, price

DIY walls with gypsum plasters without a frame and profile: pros and cons, necessary tools, detailed instructions, price

Modern material for wall decoration is drywall, is very popular and enjoys the well -deserved attention of customers and repair masters. It is light, inexpensive, unimportant to work, it is used for any cladding, while it is not at all necessary to invite specialists, it is easy enough to finish the walls with a gypsum cardboard with your own hands.

Not only a good master, but also any person with elementary repair skills, and having a set of simple tools, can cope with the lining of surfaces with drywall.

Drywall: methods of installation to the surface of the walls

There are three types of drywall installation:

  • On glue
  • On self -tapping screws
  • Combined

Each of them differs in the technology of application and is selected based on the material that was used to build walls.

Wall decoration with drywall: pros and cons of

Why did this material become as popular as it has benefits?

  • Low price-buying drywall is available even for economy class repair.
  • Low requirements To prepare the surface of the walls.
  • It has high breathability.
  • It is well attached Almost any glue.
  • It is also used for false-sheeps and walls.
  • Easily putty, painted, glued with wallpaper and other finishing materials.
Drywall has both advantages and disadvantages
Drywall has both advantages and disadvantages

Of course, this material also has disadvantages:

  • Deteriorates from contact with water, and high humidity.
  • It breaks from mechanical exposure.
  • Unsuitable for installing suspended furniture and other heavy structures.

Before choosing a method of wall decoration, be sure to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of this material.

  • This material is unambiguous not suitable for rooms with high humidity - bathroom, bathroom, kitchen. However, progress does not stand still, and now moisture -resistant varieties of drywall have appeared on sale, which are suitable for use in these rooms.
  • Drywall installed on the frame in living rooms, afraid of mechanical influences, it is easy to break through, moving furniture, with outdoor children's games etc.
  • It is quite difficult to close such holes. If applied the frameless installation method drywall (which we will talk about today), then mechanical damage leave only dentsthat can be easily putting.

What is needed for wall decoration with drywall: material, tools

So, you prepared for wall decoration with drywall. What materials and tools do you need?

Here is a standard set that is needed in all ways to attach drywall to the wall:

  • Sharp knife
  • Level and plumb
  • Spatula (ordinary and toothed)
  • Hammer
  • Pliers
  • The marking cord is painted
  • Yardstick
  • Soft pencil
  • Material for putty
  • Deep penetration antiseptic
  • Flat surface (table, floor) to conveniently mark the sheets

For the frameless method of wall decoration with drywall using self -tapping screws, a basic set of tools and materials is enough, but there will be a lot of screws.

But if the fasteners are applied to glue, such materials and tools will go into business:

  • Glue solution
  • Brushes, rollers
  • Devices to support glued sheets
  • Containers for diluted glue

Wall decoration with gypsum cardboard with your own hands without a frame and profile for glue

For residential, dry rooms with fairly even walls, it is more profitable to make direct installation of sheets on the wall surface. What is the benefit of this method of wall decoration with drywall?

  • Wall sheathing technology Significantly easier.
  • Significant savings - do not spend money on rails for the frame.
  • The main drawback of the frame profile is eliminated - the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room is practically not reduced.
  • With mechanical influences, the walls are formed dents, not holes.
  • Appears the possibility of installing suspended furniture.

Direct installation is used only for even walls and in dry rooms where moisture does not settle on the walls, and the temperature does not decrease below +10 ° C. Before the start of work, the preliminary stage should be carried out, the preparation of walls.

  1. It is necessary to carefully examine the walls. Are they even even enough fungus, mold, garbage.
  2. To level the wall, as far as possible, removing the most significant bulges.
  3. Remove the manifestations of the fungus and mold.
  4. Clean the remnants of the old Widows, dust, dirt, garbage.

    Cleaning walls are required
    Cleaning walls are required
  5. Expand the cracks with a spatula or chisel, and also clean.
  6. Very carefully treat the entire surface with an antiseptic of deep penetration. Remember that after the frameless sheathing of the wall there will be no access to it, and the remaining microorganisms will be able to freely spoil the wall.

The next preparatory stage is the marking of drywall sheets:

  1. First, we determine the number of entire sheets glued first.
  2. Usually first, the main, entire sheets are glued, and then cut pieces.
  3. To measure the distance on the sheet exactly up to a millimeter, and then make a tolerance of 0.5 millimeters through the cut in the direction of reduction. This will avoid the overlap of the drywall sheet (hereinafter - the GKL) when installing, and the possible small gaps are easily plunged.
  4. Put the sheet on the floor or table. Previously, the surface must be carefully replaced, remove pebbles, nails, garbage From under the surface of the sheet.
  5. Using a metal level and pencil, we draw a cut line.
  6. Again, using the level as a ruler, cut the line with a sharp knife.
  7. Put the sheet on the edge of the table, and break it along the cutting line. If you work on the floor, the sheet can be installed vertically on the floor and break it off from above. In this case, it is desirable to work together.
  8. Back paper cut off with a knife. Small pieces can be broken off along the cutting line with pliers.

Now choose glue. The concrete walls are even, and for them any type of glue is suitable, even a simple mounting foam or mastic in tubes. For more crooked surfaces, glue, which has cement or gypsum, is selected. The first of them freezes longer, it can be thoroughly and thoroughly aligned. Gypsum glue freezes quickly, to work with it you need a dexterity, and it is advisable to glue on it together with an assistant.

The order of work will be this:

  1. For uneven walls, cook lighthouses - rectangular vertical strips of drywall, which must be glued in uneven areas of the wall.
  2. Squeeze the glue on GKL from the wrong side. Different methods of gluing are possible here, depending on the material of the wall and its evenness. They will be considered further.
  3. Press the material to the wall, installing it on the base of plywood, stones or pieces of ceramic tiles.
  4. With light movements, fasten the sheet, while checking the absence of inclination and skew.
  5. Then, after the end of the glue ended, it is possible to use dowels to fix the sheet to fix the sheet.
  6. So all the entire canvases are glued, and then cut pieces and fragments, previously measured and cut out, are mounted to them.
  7. Possible cracks and joints are primed and plucked.
  8. Next, the final processing is performed: painting, gluing wallpaper, etc.
With glue
With glue

Wall decoration with gypsum cardboard with your own hands without a frame and profile for self -tapping screws

There is another way gypsum plasterboard walls without a frame - This is the use of self -tapping screws. This method is good because the sheet is attached immediately, it does not need to give time to dry the glue, which means that you can attach the sheets quickly enough, without stopping.

  • But in this case, the master does not have the opportunity to equalize and attach drywall for a long time, the sheet must be equated immediately.
  • Also, not every surface is suitable for using screws. For example, hard concrete, silicate brick Or the crumbling porous shell will be unsuitable for this.
  • Self -tapping screws are best attached to wooden DVP, gypsum, foam concrete grounds.

So, consider the procedure for working with self -tapping screws:

  1. Cutting, marking and cutting sheets They are no different from the method described earlier.
  2. Remove all protruding parts on wooden bars and partitions using a chisel or rubble.
  3. Put the sheet to the wall and make a few screws from above the leaf and below, leveling the sheet.
  4. Then confuse the screws in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of approximately 25 cm from each other.
  5. It is best to use wood -made self -tapping screws that have length from 2.5 cm.

    It is important to choose the correct size of self -tapping screws
    It is important to choose the correct size of self -tapping screws
  6. It is very important to adjust the screwdriver for small speeds in order to accurately observe the size of the deepening of the hat into the front surface of the sheet. If you do not twist the screw, its head will stick out on the surface, and if you overdo it, the self -tapping screw can pass through through, or lead to cracks in it.

    At small turns
    At small turns
  7. The ideal position of the head of the screw is slightly drowned into the surface of the sheet, flush. In this position, the front surface of the drywall is then easily putty and is subjected to finish processing.

Decoration of brick walls with gypsum plasters with your own hands without a frame and profile

Any walls composed of brick differ from other properties that make the use of drywall to do not very convenient to make wall decoration:

  • Self -tapping screws poorly penetrate the body of brick, and getting into the solution, crumble it and hold it poorly.
  • Gypsum It has poor adhesion, in other words, brick and drywall are poorly attached due to different compositions, such a fastening is unreliable.
  • A brick wall, especially external and having a small thickness, "loves" collect condensate, which is very bad for drywall.

These shortcomings can be avoided by applying the combined method of wall decoration with drywall, to self -tapping screws and installation foam. This is done like this:

  • Each sheet will drill in 10-12 places, Scattering them over the entire surface.
  • From the inside of the sheet you need to stick pieces of foam rubber next to the holes - they will Amortize the material when gluing.
  • Lean it against the wall, try on how it will be constantly.
  • At the points of drilling, make marks on the wall, drill holes there and drive plastic plugs for screws.
  • Fix drywall In its place, screwing self -tapping screws with wide hats and washers under them. The sheet is thoroughly aligned.
  • Then make new holes in the sheet to enter the mounting foam. Thanks to foam shock absorbers between the wall and drywall The gap is formed, into which foam enters.
  • You need to run the foam very carefully and moderately, since it significantly increases in volume.
  • When the foam grabs, unscrew the mounting screws, and screw the usual in their place, slightly deepening the hats, as in the usual method.
On bricks
On bricks

DIY concrete wall decoration with your own hands without a frame and profile

Concrete walls are quite even, very solid and unsuitable for screwing screws. Therefore, such walls are sheathed with drywall, using glue.

The initial preparation is as follows:

  • All the wiring should be completely summed up - after gluing drywall, this will not work.
  • During the period of work in the room, dampness should be absent, and the air should be warmed up to at least +10 ° C.
  • The walls are necessarily carefully clean the old coating, dirt, garbage, make frequent notches for better grasping with glue, cover with a primer in two layers.
  • The work must be done together, since the sheet with glue has a large weight, and it must be raised immediately along the entire length so as not to break it.
  • In case of irregularities on the wall, lighthouses are placed from the rails, or long narrow strips of drywall are used.

The procedure for wall decoration with drywall is this:

  1. Put a sheet of drywall “face” down, to the floor in front of the installation site, on a frame of wooden bars.
  2. Apply to the upper part, which will be the wrong, adhesive composition, consuming a gear spatula.
  3. The leaf is very neatly lifted together, leaning it against the wall, putting it on a stand from a rail or pebbles.
  4. The sheet is used to use level and plumb They are pressed with a special device, a “mop” with a long and wide cross, and left for drying.
  5. It is better to use a quick -drying composition, since the next sheet can only be fixed after the previous one dries.
Drywall for concrete walls is attached to glue
Drywall for concrete walls is attached to glue

DIY Panoblocks with gypsum plasters with your own hands without a frame and profile

Foam blocks are increasingly used in construction - they are light, even, easily laid, have a slightly rough even surface. At the same time, foam blocks have a porous structure, so they do not hold fasteners on self -tapping screws very well, but they take glue perfectly.

Since foam blocks have a flat coating, the method of attachment to the wall, without a frame, is quite applicable to them. This method is cheaper and easier to work.

The mounting of the drywall is performed in the following order:

  1. Wall preparation - similar to the same as with concrete and brick surfaces - cleaning, primer. Installation of additional beacons is most often not required.
  2. The cutting of sheets is also done in the usual way.
  3. The adhesive composition must be applied with a thin and even layer on the wall.
  4. Raise the sheet and fix it on the wall, thoroughly aligning and driving.
  5. In most cases, glue dries at least half an hour And the next sheet has to be attached only after the previous one has dried.
  6. Further processing - putty, painting, wallpapering It is made similarly to other methods of working with this material.
On foam concrete
On foam concrete

Interior wall decoration of aerated concrete blocks with gypsum plasters with your own hands without a frame and profile

Aerated concrete (gas block) is significantly different from its fellow - foam concrete or foam block, although they are very similar outwardly. They have a different structure, a different composition, a different way of production, a different price - just say that the cheapest aerated concrete is more expensive than the most expensive foam block.

  • And what is the difference between the fastening of drywall on such material? For all the difference in these materials, the technology of fasteners directly to the wall is not much different.
  • It is worth saying that it is not recommended to use screws for installation - At first they hold quite firmly, but then they are struggling. It is best to use the adhesive composition.
It is advisable to use the adhesive composition
It is advisable to use the adhesive composition

Measures are not distinguished to prepare walls, and the cutting of sheets is carried out similarly. And which glue is most suitable:

  • Glue from the ruler "KNAUF". A good option, provides high -quality installation.
  • Glue type "Concrete contact." Due to the sand in its composition, it creates a rough surface, the basis for strong adhesion.
  • Installation foam Also suitable. Grabs perfectly, has high adhesion. However, it is very difficult to work, it is difficult to use it, and to obtain a good result, skills are needed.

So, after choosing glue, cleaning the walls and cutting GCL, we start work:

  1. Knead glue according to the instructions.
  2. Apply it to the wall with a thin even layer, and on the wrong side of the sheet - spatula, in small heaps, about one adhesive solution spatula.
  3. Gently, together, raise the sheet, install it on the stand, lean against the wall.
  4. Press on the entire surface, aligning in all directions.
  5. Install "Schwabra"-support, As in the case of a concrete surface.
  6. Repeat the operation for subsequent sheets, let the glue dry during the day.
  7. After that, you can putting the sheets, reinforce the joints with a sickle.

The price of wall decoration with drywall without a frame and profile

Finally, let's see how much wall decoration with drywall costs:

  • The average cost of the installation of drywall for masters in Moscow is from 250 rub. for sq. m, In Petersburg - from 220 rubles. In other regions of Russia, it can cost a little cheaper.
  • If you will mount a drywall yourself, then you will have to spend money only on materials. So, the average price of a sheet of drywall 2500x1200 mm Depending on the thickness and moisture resistance, as well as the manufacturer, it is 250-400 rub. packaging of self -tapping screws 25 mm - about 400 rubles. glue for drywall from the company KNAUF - about 300 rubles. per bag 25 kg.
The cost depends on the region
The cost depends on the region

Now you know how to use drywall for interior wall decoration, and you can do this work yourself without attracting masters.

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Video: wall decoration with drywall

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