The main attractions of London in English with translation and transcription: list, photo, brief information

The main attractions of London in English with translation and transcription: list, photo, brief information

The real spirit of the British capital can be fully felt by visiting its most famous sights.

It is not very easy to single out the main attractions of London, because here on every street, in every building, at every step you can find magnificent historical and cultural monuments of the city. Therefore, going to London, it is necessary to decide in advance in which places you should definitely visit, what architectural and natural monuments, museums and parks to visit.


The easiest way is to pick up a tourist booklet and go for a walk around the city with him, but then many interesting places that are not noted in it will be ignored. But if you think about the future journey in advance to the smallest detail, the chances of seeing London in all its manifestations increase significantly.

Important: from Khitrovo Airport you can get to the city center with a regular Heathrow Express bus flight, the Heathrow Connect train or on the metro. When choosing transport, you should know that the most economical trip to the metro will be, and the most expensive one on the bus.

Heathrow Connect

Video: Tourist guide to London

Ferris wheel London eye

London eye [ˈlʌndən aɪ] - Wheel of Ferris "Eye of London, London Eye." All London, as in the palm of your hand, will give this 135 meter attraction located on the shores of Thames in the Lambet area.

Video: Ferris Wheel "London Eye"

You can even ride in one of the 32 capsule cabins of the wheel with a large company, because each of them is able to place up to 25 adults. London Eye was planned to be dismantled in 2005. However, the popularity used by the wheel is so high that it was not only not dismantled, but also included in the list of the main attractions of the city.

Ferris wheel London eye
Ferris wheel London eye

It is noteworthy that superstitious British excluded the “unlucky” number “13” from the numbering of the London Eye booths.

Important: whose budget is limited, can be recommended to settle in one of these hotels:

  • The Crestfield Hotel
  • Notting Hill Gate Hotel
  • ST Athans Hotel

All of them are located close to the center, and the cost of living does not exceed $ 100 per night.

You should not in a hurry to leave the southern coast of the Thames. During a leisurely walk from the Waterloo bridge to the Tate Modern gallery, you can get acquainted with several interesting cultural attractions of the city, including the Globus Theater, the Okhol Tower and the Royal Festival Hall.

Important: the beautiful panorama of London will open before visitors Park for Primrouz Hill (The Regent’s Park). On its territory there is also a large zoo (Zoological Gardens)Therefore, there is something to do plenty of the gorgeous views of the city by guests of the park something to do.

The Regent’s Park

Big Ben (Big Ben)

Big Ben [Bɪɡ Ben] - The symbol of London, the main guideline in the city. The largest of the six bells in the Westminster Palace, erected in 1858. The height of Big Ben is 96.3 m. Since 2012, Big Ben has been renamed " Elizabeth Tower "What does the Elizabeth Tower mean.

The tower, which served in the past, is located on parliamentary square. Its watch is recognized as the largest and most accurate in the world (hour -long arrow - 2.7 m, minute - 4.3 m). The dial of the watch is decorated with the inscription "Domine Salvam Fac Reginam Nostram Victoriam Primam" (“God, keep our queen Victoria I”), and the inscriptions on the tower itself praise God: “” “ Laus Deo ".

Important: Oyster Card, which can be purchased at the metro box office, will save on a trip through the capital. Presenting a map in city transport, you can get discounts on travel.

Big Ben (Big Ben)

Video: Big Ben (Big Ben)

Westminster Westminster, Westminster Palace)

Westminster Palace [ˌWestˈmɪn.stər ˈpæləs] - A unique pompous building that served as the residence of kings until 1529. It is here that the British parliament sits. On excursions worth € 30, everyone will tell in detail the policy of Great Britain.

Westminster Westminster, Westminster Palace)
Westminster Westminster, Westminster Palace)

Westminster Abbey Westminster)

Westminster Abbey [ˌWestˈmɪn.stər ˈæb.i] - The majestic temple, located near the Westminster Palace (Westminster Palace), the traditional place of coronations and weddings of the monarchs.

Important: a tourist can visit such famous cultural centers of London as a British museum and a British library.

Westminster Abbey Westminster)
Westminster Abbey Westminster)

Buckingham Palace (Buckingham Palace)

Buckingham Palace (Buckingham Palace) [ˈbʌkɪŋəm ˈpæləs] - The queen's residence with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 77000 m2. Residents of the city and tourists can be sure that the queen in the palace, if the flag is raised above him.

From May to July, every day, at exactly 11.30, a spectacular change of guard has a spectacular change of guard ( Changing of the Guard). This ceremony is a real costume performance that every tourist simply owes. The main characters of this parade are guards, dressed in a front shape of red and elongated bear hats (The Foot Guards).

Video: Changing of the Guard

Important: in the summer, the change of guard is taking place daily, in the spring, winter and autumn - every other day. Due to adverse weather conditions, it can be canceled.

Buckingham Palace (Buckingham Palace)
Buckingham Palace (Buckingham Palace)

Tower of London - Fortress and Former Royal Residence)

Tower of london [ˈtaʊə (r) əv ˈlʌndən] - The historical center, one of the oldest symbols of the country. London Tower experienced a lot in his lifetime. He was a prison, and a palace, and a mint, and a fortress, and a zoo.

The center of the Tower is called White Tower - A rectangular thirty -meter structure resembling a huge white cube, which is surrounded by other towers, walls and ditches. Such protection created Tower's reputation as the impregnable and safest fortress of Europe.

Since 1485, Tower has been guarded by special guards Yeoman Warders. The formidable appearance of the guards is just a tribute to traditions. In fact, their work is to conduct excursions for visitors. No less interesting is the work in the Tower with the Ravensmaster - this person is obliged to look after and care for the flock of black ravens that live here.

Tower of London - Fortress and Former Royal Residence)
Tower of London - Fortress and Former Royal Residence)

Madame Tussauds London Museum

Madame Tussauds London [mædəm təˈsɔːdz ˈlʌndən] - The Museum of Wax Figures on Marielbon Road has been operating since 1835. Madame Maria Tussaus created her first wax statue at the age of 16. The collection of her works gradually increased, and the exhibitions were very successful.

Video: Madame Tussauds London Museum

In 1925, a fire occurred in the museum, which destroyed many valuable specimens. Over time, they were recreated using a unique technology that still allows you to restore wax figures.

Madame Tussauds London Museum
Madame Tussauds London Museum

Trafalgar Square (Trafalgar Square)

Trafalgar Square (TRAFARARE) [Trəˈfælgər Skweə (r)] - Central Square located at the intersection of Mall, Whitehall and Stand. In its center, a 44 -meter statue of Nelson rises an unchanged, a minimum guard, and the most famous London church is located nearby St. Martina (ST Martin-In-Fields) and London National Gallery (The National Gallery).

Trafalgar Square (Trafalgar Square)
Trafalgar Square (Trafalgar Square)

Hyde Park (Hyde Park)

Hyde Park [haɪd pɑːk]- The heart of London. It is here that residents of the city are sent for holidays to have fun. The history of the park began in 1536, when Henry VIII acquired these lands for hunting. The park was assigned the status of "Royal", and it became open to all citizens in 1637.

Hyde Park (Hyde Park)
Hyde Park (Hyde Park)

Tower Bridge (Tower Bridge)

Tower Bridge [ˈtaʊə (r) brɪdʒ] - Repeatedly sung in songs and the landmark of London described in novels. The 244-meter bridge was built in 1894 to slightly unload the London bridge. The towers of the bridge currently serve as a museum.
To feel and forever remember the greatness and power of this Gothic structure will succeed in everyone, whose leg at least once steps on the Tauer bridge.

Tower Bridge (Tower Bridge)
Tower Bridge (Tower Bridge)

Video: Tower Bridge (Tower Bridge)

Piccadilly Circus

Piccadilly circus [ˌpɪkəˈdɪlɪ ˈsɝː-] - A modern place of bright meetings, boutiques, fountains and restaurants. The round area was created in 1819 to ensure the transport interchange between Piccadilly, Rigent and Shafti Stritits.

The area cannot be called one of the required places, but it deserves to visit here at least once.

Piccadilly Circus
Piccadilly Circus

Of course, this list can be significantly increased by complementing with interesting places, museums, parks and cultural centers. Each tourist discovers his own London every time he makes a new trip around the city. The life and temperament of the capital is suitable for every person, and will be able to captivate the secrets of their majestic centuries -old buildings or modern shopping centers and discos.

Video: Sights of London.

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