Authority of the body at home: benefits and harm, methods, consequences. Aquilization of the body with soda, lemon, food, device, drops, calcium, mineral water, herbs: recipes

Authority of the body at home: benefits and harm, methods, consequences. Aquilization of the body with soda, lemon, food, device, drops, calcium, mineral water, herbs: recipes

Recently, people have become known to people such as alkalization and oxidation of the body. What does this mean, how to fight, and is there logic in everything?

Doctors found that “snatching the body” is good for health. But, if, for example, a face cream with good acidity is sold at a high price, and we all heard about it, then the valuable information about the balance of blood, urine and saliva is known to few.

  • What foods are alkaline and what acidic? How is it safe for the body to restore the alkaline balance of your body? What "sour" foods should not be consumed? And is there any logic in this? All these questions arise in people who learn the indicators of their tests.
  • The body needs a certain level of acidity. The balance is important. If a person closes the body more than normal - this is even dangerous to health, the disease develops - "alkalosis".
  • Many people fanatically snatch their body. They seem to dry - the skin becomes flabby and ugly. This can be observed in many raw foodists who forget about a balanced diet.

What is acidification and alkalization of the body, blood, urine: signs symptoms

What is acidification and alkalization of the body, blood, urine: signs symptoms
What is acidification and alkalization of the body, blood, urine: signs symptoms

The danger to the body is acidic products that we are used to consuming without paying attention to the norm. Few people know how harmful these products are for our health. So, what is acidification and alkalization of the body, blood, urine?

  • The blood of a healthy person It has a slightly alkaline reaction: 7.35-7.45. If the indicators of your blood test are higher - this is a disease, below - too.
  • Most people suffer precisely from acidification of the body - Acidosis.
  • A raw foodist with alkalosis is easy to recover By adding acid food to the menu, and a meat -eater with acidosis is much more difficult to cure.

Signs and symptoms if the acidity increases greatly:

  • The immunity is reduced - A person often begins to hurt colds.
  • The bones become brittle - The body consumes a lot of calcium to alkalize.
  • The activity of good enzymes is reduced - There is lethargy and constant fatigue.
  • The body retains water - the limbs swell, face, or the whole body.

Important: Due to acidification of the body, the number of cancer cells may increase.

The body does not like excessive oxidative processes, and it meets the refusal to work specific organs and systems. A lot of effort is spent on the processing of acidic products. The more you use them, the more strength is consumed. Consumer substances such as calcium, potassium, sodium and iron are consumed.

Does cancer be alkalized?

Does cancer be alkalized?
Does cancer be alkalized?

American scientists argue that any cancer is treated for 2-16 weeks, and some types of this disease are cured even within 2-5 minutes. Does cancer be alkalized?

  • Many doctors talk about cases of miraculous healingwhich came spontaneously.
  • Previously, the doctors argued that the cause of cancer is hereditybut now there is a proven theory that acidosis or acidification leads to the formation of cancer cells.
  • There is a poisoning with decay and fermentation products. They are formed in the intestines and enter the bloodstream.
  • When cancer is found in a person, O, O, should switch to a vegetarian diet and raw food diet.
  • It is important to drink up to 4 liters of water per day, adding half a teaspoon of sea salt, since without the correct electricalization process, the water will be useless.
  • As the body is overpowered, the growth of cancer cells is immediately suspended. If you can raise the PH level to 7.36 - this is already good. But it is necessary to try to increase this indicator to 7.5.

Pharmaceutical companies do not aim to cure people from cancer. They earn huge profits that increase from year to year. At the same time, a person does not talk about the dangers of chemotherapy poisons, which kills not only bad, but also good cells.

What are the tests for acidification, alkalization of the body?

What are the tests for acidification, alkalization of the body?
What are the tests for acidification, alkalization of the body?

The level of acidification of saliva and urine can be checked at home. Buy litmus indicator strips with a scale with a range of 5 to 9. Measure the acidity of saliva and urine every day, and then calculate the average indicator.

Acidification, alkalization of the body
Acidification, alkalization of the body

The urine pH indicator should also be within 6-6.4. Disposable indicators are not correct. Carry out acidity for several days. What are the tests for acidification, alkalization of the body?

  • It is important to simultaneously do a blood test, saliva and urine, to learn about the correctness of the flow of immunological (blood), digestive (saliva) processes and excretion of acids from the body (urine).
  • The results will help to judge the risks of acidification of the body for a general condition and health.

Important: Consult a doctor about deciphering your test results. Without special medical knowledge and experience, you will not be able to draw the right conclusions about the state of your health.

The effect of alkalization on hemoglobin

The effect of alkalization on hemoglobin
The effect of alkalization on hemoglobin

To resist acidification, the body retains water. This does not affect the metabolism poorly: the body quickly ages, the skin becomes wrinkled and ugly.

  • Cells cannot transfer oxygen to organs and systems, and important minerals are excreted from the body.
  • Internal resources are involved - calcium, magnesium, iron and potassium are washed out, hemoglobin falls.
  • If iron in the body is used to remove excess acid, fatigue, insomnia, irritability appears and mental activity is disturbed.

Accordingly, the effect of alcoholing on hemoglobin is very large. The level of acid falls, the level of hemoglobin increases. A person falls asleep well at night, feels great during the day and increases mental ability.

Aquilization of the body with baking soda according to A.T. Ogulov: recipes for breeding

Aquilization of the body with baking soda according to A.T. Ogulov: recipes for breeding
Aquilization of the body with baking soda according to A.T. Ogulov: recipes for breeding

Studies of scientists have proven that cancer is not cell division, but the reproduction of a fungal disease, which is caused by one of the types of mold - candida fungus.

  • Many women know about this mushroom as an exciter of thrush.
  • Good immunity holds this fungus under control. But, if immunity is weakened, candidate begins to mutate in a malignant tumor.
  • Scientists conducted experiments, and found that candidate dies the sodium bicarbonate among bicarbonate, that is, a conventional solution of baking soda kills cancer fungus.
  • According to scientists, one session of washing the neoplasm with a solution of drinking soda is enough to get rid of cancer.

A.T. Ogulov - This is a scientist who proved the effectiveness of therapy with baking soda. This product normalizes an indicator of the acidity of gastric juice. Thousands of people deducted the body with baking soda according to A.T. Ogulov, which helped to improve the body and improve the acid-base balance. Breeding recipes:

  • For alkalization of the body - Take half of the teaspoon of soda per 1 cup of hot water. Mix thoroughly until the product grains dissolve and drink. Use such a liquid every day for 1-2 weeks.
  • To thin the blood and alkalization of the body - Pour a third of a teaspoon of soda into half a glass of hot water, mix and drink. Continue this procedure for 1-2 weeks. Then take a break of 10 days and repeat. You can carry out therapy all your life, but you need to drink soda solution only once a week.
  • To improve intestinal function - In 800 ml of boiled and cooled up to 40 degrees water, dissolve 30 grams of soda. Then make an enema, and hold the solution in yourself for 20 minutes, then go to the toilet. Make such an enema for 7 days in a day. Then take a break for a week and repeat the course.
  • Removing toxic substances through pores - Pour 8 tablespoons of soda into a bath with hot water, the temperature should be comfortable, but not less than 40 degrees. Plunge in the solution for an hour. During this time, all toxins will go through the pores of the skin. Do so 10 days. Repeat the course in a month.
  • Grinding soda when the age spots appear - People's healers consider such formations on the skin - a fungus. Therefore, Soda copes with this ailment perfectly.

Important: Soda baths are prohibited from performing during pregnancy, at hypertension, high body temperature, heart and blood vessels, gynecological diseases, purulent skin lesions.

Authority of the body, urine and blood with baking soda according to I.P. Neumyvakin: recipes for use

Authority of the body, urine and blood with baking soda according to I.P. Neumyvakin: recipes for use
Authority of the body, urine and blood with baking soda according to I.P. Neumyvakin: recipes for use

Dr. I.P. Neumyvakin revealed the secret of longevity with baking soda, but it must be used correctly. The acid indicator in our body should not change, but when this happens, different diseases appear.

Authority of the body, urine and blood with baking soda according to I.P. Neumyvakin - recipes for use:

  • Take soda every day in the morning, day and evening half an hour before meals.
  • Start with small doses - 0.5 teaspoon of soda diluted in a glass of warm water.
  • You can simply drink dry soda with water without stirring.
  • Instead of water, it is permissible to use milk.

Important: Follow the permissible dosage - no more than 0.5 teaspoon per 1 cup of water. If you take a large amount of soda at the same time, there will be a strong diarrhea.

Start with small doses - dissolve soda on the tip of a knife in water. Increase gradually, a little every day.

Advice: You can use boiling water to dissolve soda, but before use, the solution must be cooled.

Aquilization of the body with baking soda according to V.B. Bolotov: recipes for application

Aquilization of the body with baking soda according to V.B. Bolotov: recipes for application
Aquilization of the body with baking soda according to V.B. Bolotov: recipes for application

Bolotov is a unique doctor who created his own recovery methodology. He suggests first to acidify the body to the limit, and then undergo a course of alcohol. Acidification is necessary in order to turn slag into salt, since slags under the influence of an acidic environment begin to dissolve.

Aquilization of the body with baking soda according to V.B. Bolotov is produced simply. Recipes for application:

  • Dissolve 0.5 teaspoon in a glass of hot water or milk. You need to drink such a solution after eating after an hour or before eating - in half an hour.
  • The use of soda throughout life, once a week, one glass in a warm form. In this case, also dissolve 0.5 teaspoon of soda in 250 ml.

Important: If you do not like soda, or your body does not want to take it: vomiting or nausea appears, stop this type of healing. Each organism is an individual. Listen to yourself so as not to harm.

Apilization diet: a table of alkalizing and acidifying products

Apilization diet: a table of alkalizing and acidifying products
Apilization diet: a table of alkalizing and acidifying products

Food that alkalizes the body, suits us from nature better. But the human menu mainly consists of oxidizing food. If you are tired of getting sick and constantly treated, adhere to a diet of alcohol. Natural foods (vegetables, fruits and greens) are the basis of a daily diet. Everything else is an addition.

Stage of alkalizing and acidifying products:

  • 0 - weak oxidation or alkalization;
  • 00 - mean;
  • 000 - strong oxidation or alkalization;
  • 0000 - Very strong, threat to health.
Stage of alkalizing and acidifying products - Part 1
Stage of alkalizing and acidifying products - part 1
Stage of alkalizing and acidifying products - part 2
Stage of alkalizing and acidifying products - part 2
Stage of alkalizing and acidifying products - Part 3
Stage of alkalizing and acidifying products - part 3
Stage of alkalizing and acidifying products - Part 4
Stage of alkalizing and acidifying products - part 4
Stage of alkalizing and acidifying products - Part 5
Stage of alkalizing and acidifying products - part 5
Stage of alkalizing and acidifying products - part 6
Table of alkalizing and acidifying products - part 6
Stage of alkalizing and acidifying products - part 7
Stage of alkalizing and acidifying products - part 7
Stage of alkalizing and acidifying products - Part 8
Stage of alkalizing and acidifying products - part 8
Stage of alkalizing and acidifying products - part 9
Table of alkalizing and acidifying products - part 9

Now you know what products are pleasing to the body and which oxidize. Make your daily menu taking into account this knowledge and heal yourself and help your loved ones.

Apart from the body with lemon

Apart from the body with lemon
Apart from the body with lemon

Many people are sure that acidic products taste will definitely acidify the body. But the point is not in the taste, what reaction gives products during processing - alkaline or acidic. If the product is dominated by organic salts of magnesium, potassium, sodium, then the reaction will be alkaline. Therefore, for example, acidic lemons will perfectly plow the body.

Overwhelming the body with lemon:

  • Drink water with lemon before meals. Stir a few drops of lemon with water at room temperature. Use such a drink at least once a day.
  • Lemons, all raw acidic berries and fruits alkalize the body. Organic acids of such foods do not work as acids, but as alkali, removing electron carriers.
  • You can just drink weakly brewed green tea with lemon, but without sugar.

Important: With caution, use lemon if you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Consult a doctor first.

PH drops of water

PH drops of water
PH drops of water

For drinking, water with a pH indicator should be used at 8-9. If you use water with an alkalinity below this indicator, it must be improved. A special indicator that is sold in any pharmacy will help determine the level of pH in water.

From the foregoing, you learned that you can alive water with soda and lemon. But there is another way - pH drops for alkalizing water. You can buy them at the pharmacy. This drug contains many alkaline minerals of strong action.

Advice: Add a few drops to the water, according to the instructions, the water for healing the body is ready!

Apple cider vinegar and alkalization

Apple cider vinegar and alkalization
Apple cider vinegar and alkalization

Many modern doctors call apple cider vinegar - an elixir of health. There are many useful trace elements in this product and it helps to alive the body. If you do not like to drink water with lemon or soda, you can try apple cider vinegar for alkalization.

Dilute 2 teaspoons of this product in 250 ml of water and drink between meals. Do this for a week, then a break for 7 days, and repeat the procedure again.

Mineral water for alkalization

Mineral water for alkalization
Mineral water for alkalization

Authority of mineral water is the most harmless of all presented. But mineral water should belong to the bicarbonate group: Borjomi, Svalyava, Smirnovskaya, Esentuki No. 4 and No. 17.

Remember: Mineral water for alkalization is used without gases. The carbon dioxide will help to produce water heating to 50 degrees.

The norm of use is not more than 0.6 liters per day. Divide into three doses. Eat mineral water half an hour before meals.

Apoil of the body with calcium

Apoil of the body with calcium
Apoil of the body with calcium

Calcium - This is an alkaline substance. It is enough to drink a course of calcium 1 gram per day in order to establish an acid-base balance in the body. Calcium is difficult to absorb from food if magnesium is not used in parallel. This substance is in greenery and vegetables.

Important: Alking the body with calcium is especially good to carry out in winter when there are not enough vitamins and trace elements. Use fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits.

Aquilization of the body with herbs: Folk recipes

Aquilization of the body with herbs: Folk recipes
Aquilization of the body with herbs: Folk recipes

The easiest option for clinging the body is decoctions of herbs. There are herbs that sharply increase the level of alkali in the body and this can be dangerous. Such herbs include calendula, coltsfoot and others.

Grasses that moderately increase the level of pH are linden, lemon balm, mint, chamomile, rosehip. Therefore, alking the body with herbs must be done correctly. It is important to know what herbs have a soft effect.

Folk recipes for using herbs:

  • Brew 1 tablespoon of rosehip 3 cups boiling water. Boil the solution for 1 minute, and pour into a thermos for insisting. Use during the day instead of tea.
  • Mix mint and lemon balm on a tablespoon. Take a tablespoon of the collection and pour 0.5 liters of warm water. Put in a water bath and insist for 15 minutes. Cool and take half a glass after eating.
  • Fito-packages with linden can be bought at any pharmacy. Boil like tea and drink 3 times a day after eating.

Important: The collection of Karavaev, which can be bought at any pharmacy, is recognized as an effective tool for alkalizing the body.

Advice: Before starting the treatment of phyto fees, consult a doctor.

Blood breathing practices

Blood breathing practices
Blood breathing practices

Oxygen is important for cleansing the body. Therefore, yogis often use such exercises in which a complete breath and exhale is made. There are methods that indicate that carbon dioxide is good for health, and after exhalation, you need to do your breath holding.

Important: But complete breathing does not imply any delays. For our body, only short -term delays are natural when the lungs are switching from inhalation to exhalation, and vice versa.

Remember: Any breathing holdings are prohibited from performing without a professional instructor! You can bring down the respiratory cycle.

Effective breathing practices for blood alignment include ordinary walks through the forest. Therefore, walk a lot, enjoy life and heal your body.

Aquilization of urine - drugs

Overcoming urine - drugs
Aquilization of urine - drugs

If you have passed a general urine analysis, and its results indicate that “the environment is acidic”, then you need to alkalize urine. Otherwise, there is a chance of laying stones in the ureter or kidneys.

For alkalization of urine, the following drugs are used: sodium bicarbonate - 500 mg every 6 hours, potassium citrate - 15 meal 3 times a day.

Important: If a person has diarrhea and accelerated food advancement by intestines, liquid solutions of drugs are used. They are better absorbed and begin to act faster.

Water alkalization device

Water alkalization device
Water alkalization device

Currently, many devices are offered for alkalizing water from different manufacturers. These are portable filters for the preparation of alkaline water. All of them are certified and have good quality. Choose such a device for yourself and prepare “live” water for daily drinking.

Alking the body with cancer

Alking the body with cancer
Alking the body with cancer

For a hundred years, scientists have been looking for a cure for cancer. But few know that this medicine is alkalizing the body. A person must choose his own way, how to remove excess acid from the body: with the help of soda, lemon, phito fees, mineral water, alkaline diet or drinking.

Authority of the body with cancer is a miraculous healing that you need to believe in. Before starting the procedure, you need to consult a doctor. You also need to remember the consequences that can occur with a sharp athletic of the body.

Aquilization of the body: consequences

Aquilization of the body: consequences
Aquilization of the body: consequences

The danger of alkalization of the body, for example, with the help of soda is hidden in disorders of the protein metabolism. The process of excretion from the body of fat -soluble poisons is also violated. Strong intoxication and imaginary improvement of well -being appears. Against the background of this condition, complex diseases can develop - atherosclerosis, tumor growth and their bright carcinogenesis.

Important: The consequences of sharp alkalization of the body can be the most unexpected. Therefore, it is necessary not to strengthen natural processes and not stimulate, but only support.

Make your menu balanced. Eat less red meat, focus on fish and vegetables. Additional measures in the form of sports and walking in the fresh air will help to return your acid-base balance.

Video: Apilization of the body is your path to health!

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Comments K. article

  1. The advice from Dr. Neumyvakin is incorrectly transferred. Dr. Neumyvakin could not say that soda could be washed down with milk. He is generally against taking milk in adulthood. And you need to dissolve soda in hot water. And only on an empty stomach.

  2. Where did you read it that Allah is a sly? )) It's just funny, and much is not true. Write about all your entertainment, but you do not need this so sore. It must be studied before.
    Peace to you.

  3. Nika, what are you talking about? Judging by your literacy, you are 12 years old. Do not write what you do not know, but better ask your mother.

  4. Very interesting opinions. Neumyvakin still allows drinking milk in specific cases, and not only to children, nickname, but also to adults too)

  5. Acid and alkali, a neutral state pH 7.5 is an ideal child! In a corpse of 6 to 6.8, over the years, the pH is reduced and we help this, agree the minimum indicators between the child and the old corpse. And you can disrupt the alkaline balance very quickly, there are a lot of acids in life, products with low pH COKA-COLA 3.2, tea of \u200b\u200bany green, Cher-3.5 attention except Ivan Tea is the Healthcate of the APP (Read) its minus 70-150 mini volts or redox potential, our blood has a minus 70 mini volts, the body does not need to spend energy on the body on It already has such a liquid minus, instantly integrates into the cells, read the OVP of the water !!! Distracted)) also Ivan tea in vitamin C The champion surpasses the orange, black currants in Nesk. ) Continue pH of boiled water 4.5itd soup, meat, bread b .... All foods, except for vegetables, fruits, herbs, is the acid -a low -direction reduction !!! But this does not mean that we do not need a sour environment, just a lot of it, You ask a person when you just drank water, 70% answer and I do not want to drink, you imagine what kind of work is organism, so that from soup, coffee, tea, etc., they don’t drink water for years, what kind of pH they have? The oxidation of the body is your acid method above the roof))) on the topic of soda! Buy soda in a pharmacy cleaner, dilute with boiling water we dilute cold water, drink a warm month of the course. I drink soda for killing mushrooms, trichomades, gylmines, parasites -sliced \u200b\u200bout of life The activities of our brothers ”” cause cancer !!! And pH I leaching OIP with water - live water, read! Nonsense for me a complete rejection of animal foods -bends, iron is nonsense !!! By the way, in the usual sunflower halva there is iron replacement of all kinds of chemicals! How does the morning begin, I drink 0.5 l of the APP of water, you can just clean, I drink water 25-30 °, the cold one can not heat it before letting it be inside, why spend energy !!! After 30 minutes a spoonful of tomato pasta, lycopin, h.l linen oil omega 3-mug6, magnesium in it champion !!! Plus, pumpkin oil, women can be without pumpkin oil))) PS Give children linen oil, fish oil there more than in fish -melting. Propen for the confusion !!! Do not rush to the extremes of all health!

  6. Thank you, a lot of interest in your commentary. There is a question about vegetarianism. Is it useful? Thanks in advance for the answer.

  7. Nika, good to you, and success in business!

  8. In the stomach, hydrochloric acid that digests food. Soda extinguishes her. What is not digested with food?

    1. Soda is drunk on an empty stomach, when there is no hydrochloric acid in the stomach and is given for 20-30 minutes to assimilate it. Solic acid is released when eating.

  9. .... Calcium is difficult to absorb from food if magnesium is not used in parallel. This substance is in greenery and vegetables. ....
    Calcium is a magnesium anthonist. How calcium can be absorbed worse without magnesium, if they interfere with each other to be absorbed. Its author mislead people.

  10. I like to snap water more, besides food. It is clear that food, vegetables, fruits, celery, parsley and other tofu are actively eating, but I also alive water. I check in stripes before drinking)

    a small convenient alpha-1 device helps the device for alkalizing. There is also a similar Korean, but it is twice as long ..

    Have you tried to measure the water? Still, we consume it a lot in volume and by mass every day.

  11. And also Ivan tea, champion in the content of rat poison; (

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