Keratinized heels. How to steam your legs at home? Secrets of soft and smooth heels

Keratinized heels. How to steam your legs at home? Secrets of soft and smooth heels

Heels are the same part of the body as the face and hands. Legs require careful care and attention. There are effective methods that help eliminate dryness and coarse skin at home.

How to steam heels at home quickly?

Female legs attract the attention of the opposite sex, which means they should always look perfect.

Open shoes are not rarely reduced to coarse skin on the heels, which is very visible from the side.

Taking care of the condition of the heels is necessary and important. Some ladies can afford to contact a beauty salon every time, but some of us are not affordable, which means you need to find an effective way to care for this part of the body at home.

Labuing the legs
Labuing the legs

In order to steam your legs at home, you will need:

  • hot water pelvis
  • foot scrub
  • towel
  • pumice and foot file
Foot care tools
Foot care tools

The water temperature in the pelvis should not be burning, it should be tolerant and favorable for the skin that does not leave redness. Any soap solution can be added to the water: shower gel, bathroom foam or liquid soap, but this is not necessary. If you want to have a therapeutic effect on the legs, try adding essential oil and chamomile flowers to the basin.

Softening baths for heels

Making the skin on the feet and heels will help the means tested by people and time. There are a lot of folk remedies that can soften rough skin effectively and for a long time.

Some lovers add ordinary milk to the water. All because it has mitigating properties.

Foot bath with milk
Foot bath with milk

The benefits of milk for heels

The milk bath is really capable of having a softening effect. To do this, only one glass of milk and chips made of baby soap are added to the pelvis. The legs are dipped in this solution and hold until the water cools completely. The benefits of such baths are difficult to overestimate and their effect will delight you for more than one day. During the bath, you can completely relax in front of the TV screen, read the book, make a manicure. It is useful to pour glass pebbles on the bottom of the pelvis and shifting, as well as stepping on them - to perform not a complex massage.

Foot bath with sea pebbles
Foot bath with sea pebbles

Foot bath

In addition to ordinary chamomile, which has an anti -inflammatory effect, you can use linden. The decoction of linden is brewed in the same way as tea. It differs only in volumes from a standard cup and has no restrictions in quantity. It is noticed that if you add one tablespoon of honey to the decoction, the legs will become softer. After such a bath, you should dry your legs with a towel, spread abundantly with a moisturizing cream and put socks for a greater effect for the night.

Foot bath
Foot bath

How to steam heels with soda?

Such a foot bath has a lot of positive reviews. It is especially shown to those who have never done pedicure on their own. It is also suitable for those who realized that his legs are in a very neglected state, when the feet are no worse than sandpaper, and in appearance - baked potatoes.

Foot bath
Foot bath

One cup (one package) of ordinary baking soda, as well as soap solution or shampoo, is added to a basin with hot water. It is necessary to keep your legs in the water until the water cools down. After that, rub thoroughly with a brush or pumice. The final procedure is a scrub processing, wiping with a dry towel and lubrication of heels with lemon juice. At night, it is advisable to put your legs in a sock.

Sea salt for heels, benefits

One of the most popular foot baths is saline. In this case, it does not matter at all what kind of salt you use:

  • stone
  • iodized
  • sea
  • cosmetological

The best is sea salt that can “saturate” the skin with minerals, useful substances and iodine. Sea salt is capable of healing wounds and irritation. In any case, you will have a moisturizing property on your feet and simultaneously strengthen your nails. Sea salt is able to eliminate the fungus and unpleasant odors on the legs. The main condition after such a bath is to actively scrape and apply a good layer of moisturizer.


Foam care. How to make the heels soft?

Grid dry skin can be easily eliminated with the help of folk remedies and secrets of natural cosmetology. Masks and scrubs prepared with your own hands at home have a positive effect.

Feet care
Feet care

Apricot pulp

The pulp of ripe apricots must be sunk into delicate mashed potatoes and heated on fire or in the microwave to a hot state. Two tablespoons of oil to choose from: to this mass:

  • sunflower
  • corn
  • olive
  • linen

Hot mass is applied to the heels, wrapped with cling film and put on socks. A warm compress should be on the legs for at least an hour.

Apricot is an excellent remedy for combating the rudeness of the heels
Apricot is an excellent remedy for the fight against the rudeness of the heels

Mask from zucchini

Many useful qualities have a regular zucchini. In this case, it must be thoroughly chopped in mashed potatoes or grate on a fine grater. In the resulting mass, gauze tampons are moistened and applied to the heels. If desired, you can wrap your leg with a bandage, put on shoe covers and move around the house, doing important matters.

Zucchini - a remedy for dryness
Zucchini - a remedy for dryness

Rye bread mask

An effective way to eliminate dryness and rudeness is a mask of rye bread. To do this, soak the half of the loaf in milk and squeezed out of excess fluid. The resulting mass, similar to mashed potatoes, is applied to the heels, they are wrapped in film and put on a warm toe for an hour. After this procedure, the skin becomes significantly soft and velvety.

Rye bread eliminates rudeness
Rye bread eliminates rudeness

Foam care. How to make the heels soft?

There are such life situations when there is no time, and the result is impressive and right now. In such cases, radical folk remedies will help that can save you from any torment associated with rudeness of heels.

How to clean the heels with aspirin?

Sometimes the condition of the heels is very deplorable: cracks clogged with dust, pain when pressed, dryness and rudeness. No creams and scrubs are absolutely helpless in such situations. Try to use the proven tool based on aspirin:

  • 10 aspirin tablets (one plate)
  • 1 bottle of medical alcohol 70%
  • 1 bottle of iodine

The tablets are crushed to a powder -like species, alcohol and iodine are added. Everything is mixed and stored in a glass bottle, in a cool dark place (not a refrigerator!). The resulting mixture is actively lubricated the skin after baths. Healing of cracks and high -quality softening of the skin is noted.

Aspirin for heels
Aspirin for heels

How to steam the heels with hydrogen peroxide?

Hydrogen peroxide is an amazing chemical drug. It is able to completely dissolve and destroy microbes. The peroxide can be added to a warm foot bath (a bottle for one pelvis), you can wipe the foot with peroxide and then actively clean it with a pumice. The procedure must only be performed on clean legs and attentive to deep cracks on the heels, since in contact with peroxide, pain is not excluded. Peroxide can make the skin soft and smooth.

Hydrogen peroxide in a bath bath
Hydrogen peroxide in a bath bath

Heel care using glycerol

Glycerin has unique properties that allow the maximum to soften the skin. Antiseptic qualities of substances guarantee the healing of wounds and cracks on the heels. After a hot bath and clean, it is recommended to apply a layer of glycerol to the heels and put your legs in socks. With regular use, your heels will gain smoothness and softness.

Glycerin for heels
Glycerin for heels

How to steam heels at home: tips and reviews

If neither a hot bath nor the cream helps to remove coarse skin, it is worth using radical methods. Such as for example, cream for depilation. This unusual tool allows you to quickly soften the skin on the heels and clean it with any brush. Such cleaning can be carried out before an urgent “publication” when you need an instant result. Apply the cream on the heels, put on socks and sit like that for 20 minutes, then go through the pumice and moisten with cream.

Cream for depilation on the heels
Cream for depilation on the heels

Video: Remove cracks on the heels at home

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Comments K. article

  1. I use an Italian natural mittens with copper peeling legs. Clears legs, feet, heels, fingers. Very comfortable. The result is amazing, the legs are always clean, if you do as a massage-you feel like you fly, magical massage and legs scrub.

  2. Thanks for so many excellent recipes! I will add from myself that ointment of Videstim helps perfectly from excessive dry skin. It is often used in the treatment of cracks on the skin. Who had problems with GV, he knows that vitamin A contributes to rapid healing. And without cracks, this ointment perfectly moisturizes.

  3. Polina, please tell me, my husband’s fingers crack very strongly, even to blood. How often and how long should you use Videstim so that the cracks heal?

  4. Alla, the instructions say that Videstim can be used for 4-12 weeks. But the ointment, in principle, quickly gives an effect. I wrote above that even with problems with GV helps. And from other skin problems it is recommended. Including with eczema, blood pressure. So I think, and your spouse will quickly heal his hands

  5. I used to go to the pedicure before, especially in the summer, when we often wear open shoes! Recently, a friend said that there is a tool that will replace me with a hardware pedicure and save me a lot of money. And this is just a pharmacy cream with urea. One procedure was enough for me (I left it at night and rubbed a pumice in the morning) so that the legs became smooth. I now use it, but already for prevention.

  6. Japanese socks of Baby Foot helps greatly from corns. Now I recall the corns as a nightmare. And the heels are soft and well -groomed.

  7. for the softness of the skin of the legs, I make baths with starch, I really like the cream of the cream of the beauty of the avocado, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, prevents cracks and dryness

  8. I soften the heels with cream from cracks to and after, it contains an alontoin has a double effect on the skin: it softens the cornea, contributing to the separation of dead cells, and stimulates tissue regeneration.

  9. For a year now I have been using cream from cracks in the feet of Twins TEK. It contains vitamins, oils and extracts of herbs, moisturizes, nourishes and regenerates, and heals. The skin on my heels is soft, elastic, the heels are well -groomed all year round.

  10. Very well softens the skin of the heels of Uroderm. I use it on an ongoing basis, and in the end the skin of the heels always looks like after a beauty salon.

  11. I have been using cream from fractures of Twins TEK for half a year. It contains an extract of urea. It softens the skin of the heels, the skin becomes soft and elastic. The plant complex combined with allantoin and vitamin F nourishes, moisturizes the skin of the feet.

  12. The cream to and after from cracks contains an extract of urea, and it affects the healing and regeneration of cells. Oils and vitamins nourish and moisturize the skin of the feet. The use of cream prevents the formation of corns and corns.

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