Oposum at home: appearance and characteristics, nutrition, care, upbringing, walks, toys. The advantages and disadvantages of the content of the OPSIME at home

Oposum at home: appearance and characteristics, nutrition, care, upbringing, walks, toys. The advantages and disadvantages of the content of the OPSIME at home

The fact that there is such a beast as an opessom, many people know. Not everyone knows what this animal looks like, but you can find out about this from the article.

Not everyone knows how to contain this animal, how it eats, how to care for it. Although, according to some owners of the OPSISUM, it is quite possible to keep it at home, especially since it is necessary to take care of the pet almost as for ordinary chinchilla.

What does an opossum look like?

  • Mostly at home, people keep Virginsky species of OPSSUM. In its own size, this animal looks like a cat. Its weight can be at least 1 kg 500 g and a maximum of 6 kg, the length is approximately 50 cm. And the same tail has a tail, at the base of which there is a large thickening - the area where fat deposits accumulate in the animal.
  • The tail of the animal is built so that it can with it keep balance and rely while moving, branches jumping
  • A characteristic distinctive feature of the homemade opossoma is an elongated muzzle. She looks like a fox's face, but in wild animals she is a fox.
  • On the muzzle of the opossum you can see Thick, elongated mustache. There is no wool on the ears. The ears themselves are small, but very sensitive. The body of the animal has a thick fur, plus a soft short undercoat. It is gray, but some individuals have a different color. It all depends on what kind of animal, where its habitat is located.
  • The quality of the animal fur coat itself depends on the conditions in which it lives. Individuals whose place of residence northern regionsThey have a thick, bright fur coat. Animals from the southern regions have rare, dark wool. The animal is distinguished by rich fur, since it is valued quite high. The structure of the fur resembles a fur coat of a polar bear.
  • Opossum - This is a fluffy, sweet animal. He always wants to stroke or punch him. Opissum is always ready to respond to such an appeal. That is why it is to support it as a pet, today it is quite popular.

Opposum characteristic

  • Like many pets, Oposum feels good at night. When darkness comes on the street, the pet behaves actively. Very often, many owners notice how their pet rings in the garbage bucket, walks around the apartment at night.
  • The animal loves move around the branches. But despite the fact that people think that the Opissum hangs on the trees, clinging to their tail, they are deeply mistaken.
Likes to climb branches
Likes to climb branches
  • The animal has excellent immune system. He is like mangust, he is not afraid of snakes.
  • Opossum - A very timid animal, so he tries not to interact with people, other home animals. But, if you provoke it, the pet will be aggressive, he will begin to hiss, scream during the attack.
  • Opissum will never be just so aggressive, he not dangerous for a person. Despite this there is a risk that the animal can be carrier of dangerous diseases, parasites. But this is only if it is wrong to care for the animal, not to bathe it, not to follow his hygiene.
  • Opusum moves fast enough. When he moves through the trees, he is able to develop speeds up to 5 km/h.
  • The animal loves loneliness. He needs a company when the wedding season comes.
  • When several opossums communicate with each other, they make unusual sounds resembling a click.
  • At the opossum the smell is well developed. He is even able to find food to the touch.

Home animal has 50 Very sharp tooththanks to which he can easily defeat any objects, food.

Is it possible to keep an opossoma at home?

  • Is it possible to keep an opossoma at home? Most of the time, the Opeksum should be in the cage. Therefore, think in advance about buying a house for a pet. There are no special residential premises for opossomas. But you can purchase a building of any size if you visit a large pet store.
  • When you are determined with the dimensions of the home, try to focus on the size of the pet. In the house, Opissum should feel free. For example, if you have plans to buy 2 animals in your plans, then they will need a cell with a height of at least 3 m, and a size of 2x2 m. For one opossom, the aviary will also be needed, but its dimensions should be slightly smaller.
  • What material to make a cage from? The aviary aviary is not suitable. The fact is that this material is harmful to the OPSISUM, it can lead to an infectious disease.
  • When select a cage, you will have to fill it. Since the animal is constantly sleeping in the daytime, it will not do without reliable shelter. Look at the zoological store, where sellers will pick up the ideal version of the house to you, where the little animal will be able to equip a cozy nest.
You can keep at home
You can keep at home
  • Also, do not forget that the OPSUSUM need a feeder and a drinking bowl. Place them too inside the cage. It is advisable to purchase not bowls, but special devices. They are attached to the wall of the cage - the opossum will not be able to turn them over, pour out the food. And washing such designs is much easier.
  • Place in a cage shelves, branches and other devices. The pet will climb, jump.
  • Take it in a cage wheel. But do not forget that not any opossum will twist it. When you buy, select a continuous structure. Since the wheel from the lattice is injured by your animal, its long tail.
  • Do not forget about tray. If the pet can navigate what exactly he is intended for, his housing will always be clean.

When you arrange a cage, find the perfect place in the house where to put it. In this case, try to adhere to the following conditions:

  • Never put an opossum house near the battery.
  • You can not place a cage in the place where there is draft.
  • Also, the place where it shines is not suitable bright sun. These conditions are contraindicated in the health of the OPSISUM.
  • In addition, it is contraindicated to put a cage near the bed. You will not be able to sleep normally near an active opossoma.
  • Do not lay a pet in the cage litter. So it will be much easier for you to clean his house. Pour a little ordinary filler for a cat trash into the toilet for an opossom. In the cage, bed soft material so that the pet clings to it with its paws.

OPSSUM: Nutrition

  • Opossum - This is an omnivorous animal. He, as a hedgehog, will with great pleasure eat food, both animal and plant origin.
  • This marsupial pet has excellent appetite. Therefore, he will pull everything edible that he will fall into paws. He will not refuse fruits, leaves, insects, small rodents. He will also definitely like eggs, crabs, crayfish and other inhabitants of water bodies.
  • It may seem to you that due to illegibility in the food of the animal, it is convenient to keep at home. But it is not always the case. All because the nutrition of the animal should be balanced. Both animal and plant food should be present in it.
  • In addition, let's only natural, fresh products. Since it is precisely their quality that the life of the pet will depend.
They eat
They eat

Plant food

The rations of the opossoma should consist of:

  • Fresh or frozen fruits.
  • Vegetables. You can also give them in a fresh state.

Loved ones for the animal will become apples. Add any vegetable oil to the diet, as well as nuts.

Protein food

The food of the opossoma should still consist of protein products, namely:

  • Poultry meat.
  • Insects.
  • Flour worms.
  • Sour -milk products (skim cottage cheese, natural yogurt).

In addition, regularly give an animal food that contains a lot of vitamins, calcium. You can buy food chalk designed for animals. It is sold in any pet store.

Animal food
Animal food

It is forbidden to give an opossom the following products:

  • Salted.
  • Fried.
  • Smoked.
  • Pork, beef, lamb.

Such products in nature are not permissible for an opossoma. The digestive system of the animal for such food is not adapted. Sometimes let's puree porridge opossom. Add pieces of meat or fruits to them.

Also, do not forget to make sure that the animal always has a clean, fresh water. Due to severe thirst, the pet can get sick, and the opossoma, as a rule, drink a lot of water.

How to care for an opossoma at home?

  • Oposum, like a cat, can wash your paws. But, unlike cats, the former love to swim.
  • By the way, if you suddenly notice that your pet smells unpleasant, then he may be i got sick. In this case, you will have to urgently show the animal to the veterinarian, since a healthy opossum never issues extraneous smells.
  • If you do not plan to breed murmurs, castrate the male. Its natural smell in this case will become much smaller.
  • How to care for an opossoma at home? The main hygiene processes of the opossoma are as follows - just clean the cage of the pet more often. Do this at least once every 7 days.

Educational education, walks, toys

  • So that your opossum lives a full life, release it walk. Do it every day. Of course, such walks are best done when the animal is active, namely at night. After all, during the day the pet will simply refuse to walk.
  • When you walk in the evening with your favorite, have fun his. Well, in the room where the animal will be located, place the labyrinth vertically or "strip with obstacles." Also, a decorative tree without foliage will not interfere.
Walk regularly
Walk regularly
  • Come up with what will be satisfy the natural needs of the OPSSUM. But the animal loves to climb, climb, jump, using their own tenacious claws and elastic tail.
  • Opissum loves to play with those objects that are unfamiliar to him. His game will not do without shots, skiing. He will also be actively something sniff, gnaw. For such games, purchase any suitable toy for the pet, for example, a rubber toy, a ball with a rattle or a bell inside, which can be suspended on a rope. Everything that you can find in a zoological store for the game of cats is suitable for your opossum.
  • Show patience, affection, love to the pet. Remember, Opissum will never be manual. Do not leave the pet in the apartment alone. It can be embarrassed, however, the pet does not need to bother with his own attention. It is better to protect the territory where the animal will walk. If you do not, then close the doors in the room, stay there for a while. Believe me, after some time, Opissum wants to come to you, get acquainted, even play.
  • Some individuals love when they sweetings are scaly. Therefore, over the next portion of affection, they are suitable on their own. Enjoy the pet to come to the call, for example, use some kind of delicacy for such purposes. You can also take an opossoma when you travel. It will be located on your head.

Do not forget that opossumov cannot be physically punished, other types of upbringing can be shown. The animal will become aggressive, evil, and a meeting with sharp teeth of the pet will not bring you much joy.

  • We advise you to pay special attention to the next moment - If your opossum bothers, he will behave indifferently, this is bad. Maybe the pet is worried, contact the veterinarian.

The advantages of the content of the opossoma

  • Opissum at home can behave very calmly. Sometimes such animals show aggression, but this happens in rare situations.
  • From the animal you will not hear an unpleasant odor. Only one important condition - carefully carefully for the pet.
  • If you make contact with the OPSSUM, then the animal will give you a mass positive emotions, will amuse you.
  • Although Opissum does not live too long, there are such individuals in which the life span is much more than in natural conditions.
  • All guests who notice this pet will be pleasantly surprised. Since not any person is ready to boast of such exoticism.
There are both advantages and disadvantages
There are both advantages and disadvantages

Disadvantages of the content of the OPSISUM at home

  • OPSSUM - Night animal, he likes to lead a night lifestyle. This is the main problem of any exotic animal. You will not be able to choose a convenient game time for the animal so that it, at the same time, suits you. Therefore, you will have to get used to regular rustles and other sounds that can make an opessyum at night.
  • Oposum is enough expensive. In addition, it must be transported, additional equipment (cage) is not the smallest size.
  • Despite the fact that the opessyum at home lives in a cage, it needs regularly release a walk. Otherwise, your pet will feel closed, stop contacting you.
An interesting feature
An interesting feature
  • The opossoma cell needs to be regularly washed so that a poor smell does not occur in the room. And the animal in this case will not feel very comfortable.
  • Opissum does not like if someone takes him in his arms, tearing it off the ground. He will not allow this to be his owner. The fact is that Opossoms have a very individual disposition.
  • Find out in advance what eats an opess. So you can make a necessary diet for the animal. You will have to spend some time and a lot of money on this.
  • We also note the fact that among the murderers, such a phenomenon as cannibalism is considered quite natural. Therefore, consult a specialist in advance how to avoid this.

Video: Opossums Funny

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