Omeprazole - composition, indications, instructions, side effects, analogues, reviews. How to take omeprazole - before meals or after? Is it possible to take omeprazole during pregnancy, children?

Omeprazole - composition, indications, instructions, side effects, analogues, reviews. How to take omeprazole - before meals or after? Is it possible to take omeprazole during pregnancy, children?

The drug Omeprazol is very widely known and is used to treat gastrointestinal diseases. In our article, we will tell you how it acts on the body, how to take it correctly and in what cases this should not be done.

When we eat, we don’t even think about how processes occur in our body. Therefore, not everyone knows that regardless of what exactly the food is used, it always irritates the body. When we eat, when food gets inside, gastric juice is actively produced, which in an hour reaches the highest level. With its help, food is degreased and split for further following.

But it is not always useful acid. This usually happens when the protective mechanisms of the stomach or 12-perimal intestine are disturbed. This is manifested by different signs, for example, the stomach hurts a lot, appetite disappears and so on. In such situations, the doctor may prescribe omeprazole, which normalizes all processes and restores the protection of the organs. Many patients are interested in the question of how to take omeprazole correctly - before eating or after it? Let's figure it out.

The composition of the drug Omeprazol


The main active substance of the omeprazole is 5-methox of gasimidazole. The composition also includes other excipients that help the drug better absorbed by the body.

Omeprazole in the form of capsules is made. They have two parts. Inside is a light beige contents.

Omeprazole - Instructions: When is it appointed?

Omeprazole is used to treat various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it can be used as a prophylactic. The main indications for use are:

  • Stomach ulcer and 12
  • Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
  • Reflux esophagitis
  • Polyendocrine adenomatosis
  • System mastocytosis

Omeprazole has an antibacterial effect, in particular, its effect is aimed at the pylori chilicobacter. This bacterium in 75% of cases leads to gastritis or stomach ulcers. The peculiarity of the bacterium is that it multiplies exclusively in an acidic environment. Thus, if you reduce the level of acidity with the help of omeprazole, then the bacterium will die.

When is omeprazole prescribed?
When is omeprazole prescribed?

As a rule, before prescribing the drug, the doctor draws attention to the presence of various symptoms that appear in certain diseases. So, the purpose of the omeprazole is indicated in the presence of such symptoms as - gas formation, weakness, nausea and vomiting, stomach pain, heartburn and so on. Additionally, the doctor conducts an examination and may prescribe other drugs.

Omeprazole is often used in combination with other drugs for the treatment of pancreatitis, as well as to eliminate digestive dyspepsia. In addition, the drug perfectly shows itself as a preventive. It allows you to prevent relapse of peptic ulcer, and also prevents gastric bleeding in severe patients.

How to use omeprazole - before or after eating?

How to take omeprazole?
How to take omeprazole?

According to the instructions, omeprazol is best used during eating. You can do this before eating, washed down with water. It turns out that before eating the drug is allowed to take. The perfect time is morning, before breakfast.

Is it possible to drink omeprazole after eating? To do this, take into account the physiology of the body. When we have already eaten, hydrochloric acid has already been developed and the walls of the stomach are already subjected to its effect. So the omeprazole is simply ineffective.

After all, hydrochloric acid is produced even before meals. Simply smell something tasty and the acid will already be actively produced. After eating, its concentration reaches the maximum level.

Omeprazole - how to accept and how much: dosage for children and adults

Omeprazole dosage
Omeprazole dosage

Each medicine has its own application scheme. A suitable dosage of omeprazole should be prescribed by a doctor. For each patient, it is individual and depends on the disease itself, its severity, as well as age and other conditions. If you carefully study the instructions, then the reception scheme is as follows:

  • With peptic ulcer and reflux esophagitis, 20 mg (1 capsule) of omeprazole per day is prescribed. If reflux esophagitis proceeds in acute form, then the doctor may prescribe a double dose. The general course of application can be 2-5 weeks. In extreme situations, omeprazole is taken up to two months.
  • Some patients are characterized by low sensitivity to ordinary drugs and therefore an increased dosage of 40 mg once a day is also prescribed for them. The course of admission can reach 1-2 months.
  • In the treatment of peptic ulcer, accompanying liver failure, a dosage of 10-20 mg per day is recommended. It is not recommended to make this norm because problems may arise.
  • Treatment of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome requires a dosage of 60 mg per dose. If the disease proceeds in an acute form, then the dose increases to 80-120 mg.
  • Gastritis with a high content of acid in the body, as well as the prevention of ulcers, allows a 10 mg.
  • If the body is detected in the body Helicobacter Pilori, then the reception is carried out in an amount of 20 mg twice a day.

Omeprazole can be prescribed in case of other diseases. The dosage is chosen by a doctor individually for the patient. Sometimes the drug can be prescribed when taking antibiotics to reduce their effect on the stomach.

As a rule, taking omeprazole for children is not recommended, but in exceptional cases, the doctor can prescribe it. It is shown to children under 5 years of age with the development of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Here the whole point is that swallowing capsules to young children is inconvenient and therefore, before taking, the capsule is opened, and the contents are dissolved in the liquid. In addition, when prescribing omeprazole, the doctor takes into account the weight of the child:

  • Up to 10 kg - 5 mg
  • From 10 to 20 kg - 10 mg
  • More than 20 kg - 20 mg

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, omeprazol is not recommended. Its use in the first trimester is especially dangerous, because active components can violate the development of the baby. So the doctors of the omeprazole are prescribed for pregnant women in exceptional cases, while the permissible dosage is very neatly selected.

How long can I take omeprazole?

The duration of the omeprazole
The duration of the omeprazole

The duration of the omeprazole is determined exclusively by the doctor. It proceeds from the results of tests and examinations. On average, the course of treatment is no more than four weeks. If inflammation is weakly expressed, then according to the doctor’s prescriptions, the period can be reduced by half, and with severe forms of diseases, taking the reception can stretch up to two months.

Contraindications, side effects of omeprazole - when can not be taken?

Among any drugs, you can rarely find those that have no side effects. Omeprazole is no exception and therefore its reception may be accompanied by some side effects. Among them, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth stand out, but this is all reversible. Omeprazole also affects the nervous system. Dizziness, insomnia, hallucinations may appear. Among other things, in some cases, myalgia occurs, weakness in the muscles, sweating intensifies and itching of the skin appears. If you take the device uncontrollably, this can lead to anaphylactic shock.

In some cases, the drug is generally prohibited to use:

  • Individual intolerance
  • Pancreatitis
  • Pregnancy

These are three main factors when the omeprazole is prohibited. With individual tolerance, situations may occur when the patient dies, because the neutralizing medicine has not yet been invented, or this can lead to an exacerbation of other diseases. As for pregnancy, the contraindication is due to the fact that omeprazole can affect the formation of the gastrointestinal tract of the child.

Kids up to 5 years old with a weight of less than 20 kg Omeprazol are not recommended, because it will be difficult for them to swallow the capsule. But pediatricians can prescribe it in combination with other medicines so that they do not damage the child's gastrointestinal tract. In such situations you need to be careful. Before taking, open the capsule, and mix its contents with a liquid. After that, you need to give a mixture to the child and control that he drink it.

Are there any analogues of omeprazole and which ones?

Omeprazole analogues
Omeprazole analogues

If there is no way to use Omeprazol, then the doctor may prescribe an analogue. Among the drugs that have a similar principle of action, stand out:

  • Helicide
  • Yarn
  • Pectinum
  • MAZ
  • Epicurus
  • Zolispan
  • Sanpraz
  • Control

Many are interested in what is better - Omez or Omeprazole? In this case, it is pointless to compare them, because these are absolute analogues. If you decide to change the drug, then be sure to discuss this with a doctor.

Omeprazole - user reviews

Valentine: After the New Year holidays, the spouse went too far with heavy and fatty foods. He was very tormented by heartburn, saved by omeprazol. The pain in the stomach and heartburn disappear at the moment. So take care of your health in advance if you plan to spend the holidays very actively.

Ivan: Great drug! With it, I generally forgot about the problems with the stomach! I learned about Omeprazole from pantry colleagues, they drink it constantly. We were on barbecue recently, I look, some capsules drink. I also decided to try, because I suffer from gastritis - after meat there is no heaviness and pain.

Pauline: Omeprazole is always present in our first -aid kit. He helps her husband from heartburn and severity, after the New Year holidays. After a feast, digestion is often disturbed, so I take two weeks. It helps great, no heaviness, pain, heartburn and so on. It is better to drink precisely the course, otherwise there will be no effect.

Video: omeprazole, medicine for the stomach, description, mechanism of action, side effects

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Comments K. article

  1. Omeprazole helps well from rare cases of heartburn and not very intense pain in the stomach, however, with stronger symptoms, especially in the presence of diseases, rabeprazol-SZ is considered the best option.

  2. DV Omeprazola-Omeprazole, DV Rabeprazol-SZ-Rabeprazole, the second blocker is more new, with a longer effect.

  3. Among those experiencing pain and burning in the stomach of people omeprazole is probably the most famous. Because this is the first inhibitor of the proton pump, which at one time made a considerable breakthrough in the field of gastroenterology. Then they began to produce more advanced inhibitors, which is also good. And the indicated Rabeprazol-SZ among them.

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