Eyebrow staining: options. Rules for the design and staining of eyebrows with henna and paint in the salon and at home. How to choose the right option for painting eyebrows and paint?

Eyebrow staining: options. Rules for the design and staining of eyebrows with henna and paint in the salon and at home. How to choose the right option for painting eyebrows and paint?

In this article I would like to cover the question of how to create perfect eyebrows. And you can create them using successful correction and proper staining.

Do you know that eyebrow staining was used in antiquity? An example of this is the inhabitants of Egypt, China. The reasons, of course, were different, but such a technique already existed.

Popular staining today, because women so want to be beautiful at any time of the day! In addition, with the modern rhythm of life, the eyebrows can save precious minutes in advance in advance. Let's figure out all the nuances that accompany staining.

Which coloring option will suit you?

  • The natural option - the space between the hairs is slightly painted over with shadows or pencil. The main goal is to get as natural as possible and not go beyond the contour of the eyebrows
  • You can use colored gels with this technique if you do not overdo it with the selection of gamma - it is advisable to consolidate the result with them. In the end, a young, fresh, well -groomed face should turn out

Important: of course, you should focus on the features of the appearance: for example, brown or gray tones are suitable for blondes, but dark colors will be appropriate for brunettes, the so -called “golden mean” is important for the brown -haired woman - tones are a little darker than blondes, but sharpness is unacceptable .

Try when working with natural equipment so that the hair and eyebrows are as similar in color. But small deviations are also acceptable: a couple of tones are darker than hair, and brunettes - a couple of tones brighter.

  • Graphic option - It provides for obtaining a clear form. You can perform a pencil, or you can have shades. The main thing is to adhere to wet equipment and draw borders.
  • It is suitable if you want to make a completely new eyebrow shape or visually adjust your age, trying to look older. Also, such a technique will add severity to the image. A similar bright accent cannot but strive, so it is simply necessary to choose the image for it.
  • Mixed option - It is a barely perceptible staining of the main part of the eyebrow with emphasis on the tail. It is wonderful if you want to visually adjust your appearance: for example, if your eyes are too close, the emphasis must be made on the tip of the eyebrow, but if it is widely, darken the beginning. You can use everything in this technique - shadows, gels and eyebrow pencils. The ideal option for makeup for every day.


What type of staining to choose: photo

  • Shadows are considered the simplest material for application. True, there is a danger that an unnatural radiance and an unnecessary shine will appear, however, choosing matte options, this can be avoided.
  • The color is selected depending on the situation for which makeup is required, but deviations are acceptable within a pair of tones. You can apply with both fingers and a brush. True, the brush should be solid.
  • In any case, shadows are very convenient for beginners, as they are applied quickly, easily, easily helping to draw the necessary boundaries, which, in case of errors, are easily cleaned with a cotton swab.
  • In addition, time is significantly saved, because there is no need to grow strokes. You can also not be afraid that in the heat the eyebrows will lose their outlines. Shadows do not produce any effect on the original hair color, and therefore you can use them as much as you like.

Important: it is important to choose the shadows dense and not prone to shedding - and then you can not be afraid for the type of eyebrow. For reliability, the result is fixed with varnish or wax for hair. At worst, you can just draw a brush, slightly moistened in water.

  • The contour pencil is a little more difficult to use, but a more persistent method. Suitable if naturalness does not really bother you, and you allow some sharpness
  • However, even at the same time, it is necessary to apply neatly - especially this is relevant for girls with blond hair. Beige and ash-brown shades are suitable for fair-haired ones, for red-reddish-brown, for the brown-haired man and brown-dark brown, but for brunettes-classic black
  • Choose a hard pencil, but the eye option is not suitable. Do not forget to grind. When drawing lines, in no case do not press on the neck. If you still want naturalness, purchase two close shades-the darker is useful to start the eyebrows, and lighter for the tip

  • The tint gel - thanks to a comfortable brush, like the one that is used for mascara, is easily and quickly applied. There are several varieties of this cosmetics: a transparent gel is suitable for you if you have a desire to create the most natural and fresh image, and color is even capable of adjusting the shape, not to mention the eyebrows of a rich shade.

  • Paint - remarkably suitable for those ladies that have a minimum of time for applying daily makeup. And if you are going on a long vacation, where it will not be possible to take care of eyebrows and often visit the pool, this method of putting in order will be simply indispensable.
  • The technology of staining is not difficult for independent use, but at the initial stage it is recommended to contact a specialist, since he will correctly determine the necessary tone. Blond -haired ladies are especially recommended, since in their case we need more painstaking work than with brunettes.

Important: keep in mind that more than once a month you can not paint eyebrows, otherwise you risk losing more hairs than it should.

  • Totage is also an excellent option for those women who do not have the opportunity to spend precious minutes daily to put the eyebrows in order. Some women are prejudice to this method of eye care, mistakenly believing that they will look unnatural.
  • However, the wax technique allows you to imitate the hairs separately - even from close range it is difficult to distinguish such work from natural eyebrows. And if your hairs rarely grow, you can visually achieve a density with a similar tattoo. You can also straighten out natural asymmetry.


Brovy staining in the cabin

  • First of all, before the start of the procedure, the specialist must conduct a conversation with the client about which color should choose. Of course, the client’s wishes are taken into account, however, if the master sees that the choice is unsuccessful, he should recommend the option better
  • The next stage is a mandatory test of a coloring substance on the subject of whether it causes allergic reactions in a particular person. This is especially important if you came to paint your eyebrows for the first time
  • Do not be afraid that the paint will fall on the clothes. As in the case of a haircut, the client is covered with a special cloak. While the client is located in an armchair, the master is preparing a coloring composition. The main advantage of salon work is that the proportions will be observed perfectly, and you will not have to worry. As soon as the composition is prepared, the specialist applies it to the eyebrows with neat, familiar movements with a special brush. Surpluses are removed with a cotton swab
  • Do not worry due to the fact that you will spend a lot of time in the cabin, since the staining procedure itself will take on average for 15 minutes-it lasts longer and cannot
  • After the required amount of time, the paint is washed off with warm water or removed by a cotton swab

Important: blondes should be painted more often than brunettes, but, as we said above, no more than once a month.

Brovy staining at home

As for ordinary paint, the recommendations are as follows:

  • First of all, it is worth preparing. Hands are thoroughly washed out with soap, and the skin of the eyelids is processed with a high -quality remedy for removing makeup. Then the area under the hairs must be greased with a fat consistency cream. However, this procedure should be carried out as accurately as possible, trying not to touch the hairs themselves
  • Prepare the coloring composition, strictly adhering to the recommendations on the package. At the same time, check if everything you need is at hand - you will need special cotton sticks or tampons, a good brush, a container for breeding paint, an oxide for stirring it, gloves, a nap on shoulders, napkins. Mix paint with an emulsion of hydrogen peroxide. But this must be done immediately before application. Do not be afraid if the tone seems too bright, because it will darken on the eyebrows
  • The coloring composition is applied using a special brush along the length of the hair. You should start from above, from the outer edge - that is, from the tail. Move to the inner edge gradually, following the observance of the boundaries. As in the cabin, holding the paint costs no more than 15 minutes, after which you need to remove excess with cotton swabs

Important: if suddenly a coloring substance hit the skin, you need to apply a fat cream to this place, try to remove the excess with a cotton swab. A tool that removes waterproof mascara is also suitable. If, but under an inaccurate wave of the hand, not the skin fell, but the eyes - urgently rinse with water.

In the case of henna, the instruction is somewhat different:

  • Henna is diluted to the consistency of porridge with a hot acidified fluid. Determining it as it should, it is necessary to leave to infuse for several hours, covering with a plastic film
  • The eyebrow contour is drawn with a white pencil. Then carefully, having typed the already infused mixture on the brush, draw a circuit. Then dye the eyebrows. The lines on the skin should also be covered with polyethylene. How much does it cost to keep the composition on the body? This is a very individual indicator - sometimes it takes several hours. In order to determine your time, periodically check the hairs for their darkening
  • After the result is obtained, remove the hen with a cotton pad, rinse your eyebrows with cold water without using soap
  • At the end of the procedure, apply a nutrient cream or vitamin A

What eyebrow paint to choose?

  • The most important rule is that the paint should in no case cause allergic reactions. To make sure of this, carefully read the composition, remembering what you are allergic to
  • Even if there were no substances, it will not be superfluous to conduct a test. To do this, apply paint on the bend of your hand and, oddly enough, by the ear. Take your time, it is important to wait 12 hours and, if the skin does not protest, feel free to use the purchase

Important: salts of heavy metals, ammonia, lead in the composition should not be in any case. Ammonia is especially common.

  • Pay attention to the consistency when choosing. It is powdered, pasty, in the form of a gel. Experts advise using the last two options, because they, without crumble, are able to paint the eyebrows as well as possible. The most famous and well -proven stamps are kapus, rocolor, estelle

  • Even in the case of paint, the expiration date is important. If you get a small tube, then, of course, it is used much faster than the expiration date is suitable. But if you are purchased with a margin, do not lose sight of this advice
  • Light once and for all: hair dye for any brand for painting eyebrows does not fit in any case, no matter how good the brand is. The fact is that hair products are many times more powerful and can provoke the loss of hairs from eyebrows or even burns. You should also be careful by purchasing paint, being in position - some companies produce a special line for pregnant women, so you should pay attention to it
  • Pay attention to hair color. Of course, black paint is considered the most persistent, but it will not be categorically not suitable for blondes. Blurious people can purchase a brown palette, as well as a gray one, which is considered a universal
  • Henna is an excellent option. It does not cause allergic reactions, burns, but looks natural. It also does not contain harmful substances and, moreover, is capable of nourishing the hair and maintaining them in a healthy state

Correct, beautiful eyebrows: shape and eyebrow correction

Experts say that when correction forms of eyebrows It is necessary to pay attention to the shape of the face:

  • Round - high eyebrows with a pronounced fracture, a short tail are suitable for him.

Important: however, you cannot do too sharp eyebrows - so they will only emphasize the roundness. Round bends are also contraindicated.

  • Oval - straight lines located horizontally are preferable to all other forms. Rugging, if it is permissible, then barely noticeable - the arc will only emphasize the oval. The inside of the eyebrows should be corrected so that they are located far from the nose.
  • Triangular - elation should be light, and curvature is uniform. The length is best to choose the average. Right eyebrows are unacceptable.
  • Square - curved is preferable to strong, arcuiness is welcome. The longer the eyebrows, the better. It is contraindicated to plucking the hairs, since thin eyebrows will only harm the image.

If you want to know more interesting information, look about the shape and correction of eyebrows here.

Brove design

  • Take an oblong object in the form of a stick - the best pencil is best. Put it to the wing of the nose, while drawing a line in your thoughts to the eyebrow through the outer edge of the eye. So you get the length.
  • Slightly shift the pencil so that it passes next to the edge of the iris - this is how the bend of the eyebrow is determined.
  • Now install the pencil in parallel to the nose and so that the pencil passes through the inner corner - this will be the beginning of the eyebrow.

If you want to know more useful information, look about eyebrow design here.

Eyebrow tattoo

Choosing for yourself tattoo, be prepared for the fact that you may have to work on the shape of the eyebrow. After all, not all women were lucky with the form. But it doesn’t matter, because the specialist will be able to suggest exactly what you need by depriving you of the need to paint your eyebrows every day, and giving them the best bend.

A real master will never chase fashion, but will advise a classic version that will best correspond to the shape of your face, proportions. And do not be afraid that severe discomfort will be felt, because the necessary area is certainly subject to processing by a delerable agent. Read more about what the eyebrow tattoo is, you can read here.

Eyebrow pencil

As already mentioned, the eye pencils are in no case suitable for the reason that they are excessively soft for eyebrows and, as a result, will give excessive brightness. In addition, the technique of applying strokes, which will be used in this case, is not available with the eye pencil.

Important: special attention should be paid to the sharpening of the pencil. It is worth storing in the refrigerator - so it will remain in perfect condition for as long as possible.

The basic rules for applying the pencil are as follows:

  • First of all, decide on which areas you want to slightly visually change. As soon as you are determined - start the correction by applying light strokes. Let this take more time, but the strokes will resemble natural hairs as much as possible.
  • The most common mistake is to sharply outline the boundaries with one continuous movement. Having taken such a step, you are guaranteed to deprive the image of naturalness. If you are a beginner in the design of the eyebrows and have not yet learned to adhere to the boundaries, you can draw them with a pencil, but always with light movements, drawing a barely noticeable line.
  • A very good solution would be to draw the boundaries with a white pencil - it can be easily shaved, and at the same time the highlighting of the bottom of the eyebrow will be useful, as it will “open up” the look.
  • After drawing the eyebrows, be sure to comb them with a special brush - so you will not only fix the result, but also at the same time grow a pencil.
  • To get the best result, combine pencils of two close shades - the darker will draw the beginning of the eyebrows at the nose, and the lighter tail will be painted.
  • If the result is too bright, you can slightly powder your eyebrows. Correct or foundation, do not correct the shortcomings in any case.

Permanent eyebrow makeup

Advantages permanent makeup The following:

  • Correction of the shape of the eyebrows, adding expressiveness. A specialist will help you choose exactly the form that suits you.
  • This is excellent ability to aesthetically disguise scars or scars that appeared as a result of accidents or surgical interventions.
  • It is quite possible to give the existing eyebrows more volume thanks to additionally drawn hairs, which are difficult to distinguish from the present.
  • A woman does not waste time every day putting eyebrows in order and saves on appropriate cosmetics.

Important: real experts will never advise a dense tattoo that will turn the eyebrows into one continuous bright line, as this is considered a bad taste.


Brovy staining: photo before and after

No wonder they say that it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. Let's look at the photo “before” and “after” the coloring of the eyebrows.

Pluses and minuses of eyebrow staining

So, let's start with the advantages:

  • No wonder they say that his eyes are a mirror of the soul, and his eyebrows are his frame. Properly decorated eyebrows highlight their eyes perfectly, making them more expressive. This is especially important for fair -haired ladies, in which the hairs are almost invisible to the hair
  • The above mentioned such undeniable virtues as saving time due to makeup and saving money on it
  • You can always choose a product that not only does not hurt, but also benefits - for example, this is henna. In addition to strengthens hairs, visually thickens them, which gives the look of expressiveness. In addition, wide eyebrows are very popular now
  • The sea, sauna, pools - now you can go there beautiful. Do not forget about all sorts of campaigns with business trips, where sometimes there is simply no way to bring yourself into a normal look

Well, of course, nothing happens without flaws:

  • Henna is harmless, but at least an hour to process it. In addition, it is very difficult to work with her, especially an unprepared person, since henna is inclined to crumble and spread. In the case of complications with painting, make a second attempt sometimes very problematic
  • The tattoo will decorate your face for several years. This is wonderful, but not if the master came across bad. Think for yourself: the wrong shape or length of the eyebrow, as well as inaccurate in its drawing will be with you for a very long time, is difficult to fix it
  • With unsuccessful selection of paint, allergic reactions, peeling skin of the eyelids are possible

Important: there are a number of contraindications - these are wounds, redness, inflammation, eye disease. It is advisable to refrain from the procedure for nursing mothers and pregnant women.

Brovy staining: tips and reviews

Listen to some general recommendations:

  • If you have never encountered eyebrow staining before, contact a specialist for the first time. It will help with the form, and with color, and will institute in detail about further departure. The only exception is coloring with shadows. In this case, you can safely experiment yourself
  • It is recommended not to be in the straight rays of the sun for a long time. Once a week it is worth allocating time in order to make masks
  • You can not plucking hairs immediately before staining, since skin irritation, which certainly occurs after plucking, is incompatible with all sorts of other procedures. It is best to put your eyebrows in order before staining in three or four days
  • Use only those cosmetic products that are tested more than once. The same goes for tools - they should be professional
  • In order to maintain the result of the procedure, it is recommended to lubricate the eyebrows with castor oil every day. In addition, this will help them become brilliant and thick

According to most reviews, women are advised to contact specialists, as they are able to transform the face beyond recognition. It is especially worth listening to the opinion of experts to those girls who are naturally have thin or bright eyebrows.

As you noticed, eyebrow staining is not easy and requiring serious preparation. After all, it only seems that it is enough to draw with a brush or pencil along the arcs of the eyebrows - and the procedure is over. In fact, among the abundance of coloring substances, nuances and tips, it is easy to get lost. But it doesn’t matter: every woman can find exactly the option that suits her.

Video: How to paint eyebrows at home?

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  1. So understandable, thank you very much!
    I will paint my eyebrows for the first time!

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