Microblading eyebrows: for and against, advantages, reviews. Eyebrow care after the microblading procedure, eyebrow healing by day: description, photo

Microblading eyebrows: for and against, advantages, reviews. Eyebrow care after the microblading procedure, eyebrow healing by day: description, photo

What to choose: microblading or tattooing. Find out all the pros and cons of the procedures and select for yourself the most suitable option, having familiarized yourself with our descriptions.

“An eyebrow should be like a thread, in surprise raised” - remember the words of the fashionista of Verochka from the movie “Office Roman”. Since this film appeared on the screen, several decades have passed, but in the subconscious of many women this phrase sounded, as a rule.

In the mornings, they got out of bed as early as possible and spent a lot of time so that their eyebrows looked neat and remained in surprise raised. But fashion is a lady is capricious and she tends to change. Maybe because “there should be a riddle in a woman”?

But how to remain a mysterious woman if you do not change? Change not only in your manners and the style of the wardrobe, but also in the view of modern cosmetology.

Yes, it was in cosmetology that the technique of eyebrow microblading appeared, using which it is possible to lie in bed in the morning and not spend time on eyebrow correction longer. Imagine: you wake up in the morning, out of habit, pick up shadows or pencil in your hands, and you have perfectly well -groomed eyebrows. And so every day !!!

Micluding of eyebrows: for and against

The microblading procedure in the West is called MICTOSTROKIBG, which sounds like "embroidery of eyebrows." It really seems to be something, because in the course of the procedure, if you observe from the side, the technique is so filigree that they really resemble staging embroidery.

During the implementation of microblading, the master uses a thin blade, with which it cleverly brings the pigment into the upper layer of the skin epidermis. As a result, thin strokes appear and no blocked under the skin, as with the usual tattoo of eyebrows. But everything new, as a rule, is covered with a mystery.

Some praise such a technique and cannot get enough that there was still a person in the world who really cares about women and their beauty, others, for some reason, do not recognize it. So what is the advantage of technology microblading and are there any contraindications?

Advantages of the microblading procedure

In simple words, microblading, this is the same tattoo of eyebrows, only it is made in more perfect technique.

Why should a woman give an advantage to microblading? There are several reasons for this:

  1. Correct the shape of the eyebrows and their color
  2. Make the eyebrows asymmetric
  3. Fill the "bald heads" or remove excess hair
  4. Hide scars or scars
  5. “Find” eyebrows, if for some reason they are not at all

After the procedure, the woman will receive the most cherished - absolutely identical eyebrows with a flat color of the hair along the entire length, which will be as close as possible to the ideal.

But, unfortunately, microblading, as well as many procedures, has its own contraindications. Therefore, not everyone can use such good cosmetology. Firstly, contraindications to the conduct of microblading, first of all, relate to those people who have:

  • Poor blood fracture
  • Diabetes
  • Inflammatory diseases

Everyone else can safely go to the salon and choose with a professional master exactly the type of eyebrows that will most clearly emphasize the expressiveness of your eyes and give the appearance freshness and beauty.

  • But first I want to familiarize you with how to prepare for microblading correctly. Contrary to your expectations, preparing for such a procedure does not require special efforts from you. But still, you need to stop plucking eyebrows a week before the procedure and not take antibiotics if they take place in your life. The fact is that the effect of antibiotics on the body can prevent the proper fixation of the pigment in the skin.
  • Also, do not drink alcoholic beverages, because their exposure liquefies the blood, which will make the procedure complex. That's all - this is the whole list of rules that you need to follow a week before microblading.
  • On the day of the visit to the salon, the master will introduce you to the sketches of the eyebrows and the pencil will design their exact shape. Naturally, you can choose the color that you like best. But in order for the color of the eyebrows to correspond to your general appearance, the master will help you to determine correctly. Then in a good way.

Eyebrow healing after microblading

Naturally, many women are interested in the issue of eyebrow healing after the microblading procedure. Let's figure it out and look at the healing process with our own eyes.

You have the opportunity to see the condition of the eyebrows before the microblading procedure and after it. As you can see, the effect of natural and thick eyebrows is obvious.

Let's see what our eyebrows look like the day after the procedure.

The first day after the procedure

As you can see, nothing actually changed. In the photo, the eyebrows are under a special cream, which cosmetologists recommend applying for healing. By consistency, the cream is very reminiscent of a petroleum jelly. Well, how can you go to work with this look?

The second day after the microblading procedure

Visually, as it were, nothing has changed. Everything is like yesterday. But the crust has already formed. It is impossible to see in the photo because it is very thin, but on palpation there is no longer pain at all.

The third day after the procedure

Everything is like yesterday, except that you can already feel how the skin begins to itch a little. Visually, this is not visible, but the sensation is just that.

Fourth day

The picture has not changed, but a little sensation changed. The skin itches a little more and can be observed in some places exfoliation.

Fifth day

Well, the result is on the face. If yesterday the eyebrows only scratched and in several places you could find a departure, today the husks are already moving actively. Have you noticed an uneven color in the photo? This is a sign of exfoliation. Where the crust has already moved away, the color of the hair has become lighter, and where there is no dark one. We continue to lubricate the eyebrows with cream.

Sixth day after the procedure

As you can see in the photo, crusts still remained in the central part. Nothing. We continue to observe the healing process and again lubricate the eyebrows with cream.

Seventh day

Ura-ah! No crust !!! You can no longer smear cream. In the mornings and evenings, you can apply a moisturizer. Well, perhaps, the whole healing process.

This is how the eyebrows look 2 weeks after the microblading procedure.

Eyebrow care after microblading: tips

  • And now let me familiarize you with how to properly care for eyebrows after the microblading procedure so that the effect will last as long as possible. On the first day after the procedure, you can not touch the eyebrows with your hands, wet them or moisturize with some kind of face skin.
  • The only tool is the cream that the master of the salon, whose action is aimed at accelerating healing, will definitely recommend you. Also, try to avoid direct exposure to sunlight.
  • Lead an active lifestyle, try to perform several physical exercises per day, to stimulate blood circulation, and in general - for good health.
  • Eyebrow cream, recommended by the master, apply on eyebrows 2 times a day, starting from the third day after the procedure. You can not forcibly tear off the resulting crusts - they exfoliate on their own.
  • The first month after the microblading procedure is not allowed to visit beaches, baths, saunas of pools and. T.P. The tan is also contraindicated for the same period. So if you planned a trip to the sea in the next month, then you better start the procedure after arrival.
  • That's all. From the article you learned what microbialing is, how to prepare for it, we got acquainted with the healing procedure and how to care for the eyebrows for the first month.

Video: Micluding of eyebrows

Microbling is a relatively new technique, so we tried to familiarize you with it as detailed as possible.

Microblading eyebrows: Review


Victoria: Girls, carry out the microblading procedure only with a good specialist. I did just that, and I am very pleased with the result. Everyone around us tells me about this. But unlike me, my friend decided on the procedure, while the master did not carefully select. The picture is not the best. The eyebrows have long been swollen, the look is inexpressive, the work is inaccurate, and the healing process itself, according to it, lasts a long time. I don’t know exactly what exactly the matter is, the master is to blame or the acquaintance did not do something after the procedure, at the most crucial healing, but the fact remains.

Video: Correction of unsuccessful tattooing

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