Annual dahlias “Funny guys” - growing flowers from seeds, landing, care, watering, top dressing, pinching, reproduction: description, tips. When to plant, sow the dahlias “funny guys” for seedlings and in open ground: terms. Dahlias "Funny guys" in the design of the garden: photo

Annual dahlias “Funny guys” - growing flowers from seeds, landing, care, watering, top dressing, pinching, reproduction: description, tips. When to plant, sow the dahlias “funny guys” for seedlings and in open ground: terms. Dahlias

In order for the estate to be beautiful, it is often decorated with flowers.

Different flowers are used to decorate the garden. Now it is not a problem to find various options for such plantings in seed stores. Perhaps, the dairygins are one of the most popular or, as they are also called by the people - "funny guys." This variety is an annual culture. Growing flowers of this species is not so difficult. But their appearance is able to save the owners of the site even from strong depression. They look beautiful, have a different color scheme. The great advantage of plants is that they perfectly tolerate periods when there are no rains for a long time.

What do the flowers and seedlings of annual dahlias look like "Funny guys": photo

Such a variety, as already mentioned, relates to annual crops, plants have a small height. The flowers of dahlias are cut in the first year after landing. Unfortunately, “funny guys” do not have high frost resistance, because plants do not form tubers.

The height of the flower varies within 27-73 centimeters, the culture has strong stems, bright green leaves. In diameter inflorescences reach 8 centimeters. Such flowers are noticeable from afar due to the wide colors. The flower can be red, orange, white, pink, lilac. Terry petals look especially beautiful.

A bouquet of flowers, created from dahlias of various shades, will enjoy even the most capricious beauty. And on flower beds, plants stand out among other flowers with their unique beauty.

Annual dahlias
Annual dahlias

Dahlias love heat, light, have the ability to endure drought. Even the positive characteristics of the plant can be considered that they will germinate in almost any ground.

IMPORTANT: Do not plant “funny guys” in shaded places, otherwise you will get fragile plants with poorly developed flowers.

Seedlings Georgin (annuals)
Seedlings of funny guys (annuals)

What soil do the dahlia flowers “funny guys” love?

Although the culture is not executive to the composition of the soil, nevertheless, the planting of seeds must be carefully prepared. Earth should be dug up. Also remove the remains of plants, weeds, make fertilizers (humus, manure).

If you want to get lush flowering, then it is necessary that the soil has many nutrient components, has high breathability. Heavy loamy or light soils with a high sand content for dahlias are not suitable.

Dahlias in the flowerbed
Dahlias in the flowerbed

IMPORTANT: Fertilize the soil in the fall. Thanks to the nutritious elements for the next year, dahlias will delight you with lush buds, beautiful flowering from July to the very frost. The flowers bloom alternately, so the flowerbed will always look great.

When to sow the seeds of Georginov “Funny Guys” for seedlings: Dates

Georgin seeds are sold in special stores. There are plants of plants of different colors, shapes in one package. Before buying a package of seeds, study their description well. Pay attention to the height of the stems. Depends on this size, when the flowering of crops begins. “Funny guys” with terry petals begin to bloom a little later and the length of the stems are higher, the number of colors in terry varieties is less.

Sowing is carried out mainly at the end of April, when there are no longer frosts outside. Seeds are sown to a depth of 2-2.5 centimeters. It is important to observe the distance between the plants (do three centimeters each). Seven shoots appear after seven days.

The soil immediately before the sown should be watered with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Seeds of cheerful guys
Seeds of "funny guys"

Dahlias "Funny guys" - landing for seedlings: preparation of seeds, depth of landing

Many love large flowers. “Funny guys” belong to such species of plants, among other things, they simply should not be careed for them, you do not need to often water it. These varieties of dahlias are often found on city flower beds. These luxurious plants are capable of impressions, both for children and adults.

The only thing that the flowers must be planted annually, because these are annual crops. This requires high -quality seeds. Even to grow the seedlings of “funny guys”, you will need to take a number of events:

  1. In order for flowers in the summer they are already gaining strength, it is better to plant them from seedlings. They begin to sow seeds in March-April. For such purposes, plastic soda, cups or pots are suitable.
  2. The containers are filled with soil and sown by planting material to a depth of 2-2.5 centimeters at a distance of three centimeters from each other. Then the seeds are covered, watered with warm water, covered with a film.
  3. A few days later the plants will grow when this happens, remove polyethylene.
  4. Upon reaching the height of the seedlings of ten centimeters, it is advisable to immediately put them into peat pots, which will then be conveniently planted on flower beds.
  5. In May, it is already necessary to harden seedlings. It is recommended to take plants into the air, and in June you can plant flowers on the personal plots.
Funny guys - how to grow from seeds?
Funny guys - how to grow from seeds?

Dahlias "Funny guys" - picking of seedlings: Description

After planting seed material in the soil, when the seedlings grow to ten centimeters, the plants must be dive. Seedlings are transferred either to peat pots, or to a large landing box. It is desirable to place plants at a distance of 14 centimeters. Thanks to diving, the stem will become stronger, plants will gain strength, become hardy.

Picking of seedlings
Picking of seedlings

Is it necessary and how to pinch the dahlias “Funny guys”?

Not all beginner gardeners know what pinching means. In other words, it is a stop of culture growth. The dahlias are pinched when the fourth-fifth pair of leaflets appears. If you are late with the process, then the plant will direct all the energy to the growth of a single bud.

Scheme of pinching flowers
Scheme of pinching flowers

There will be no more flowers on the stem. When the pinch is done on time, then over time it turns out a magnificent bush. Only curb varieties do not pinch, “funny guys” belong to such a category. They form independently beautiful bushes from many flowers.

Care for the dahlias
Care for the dahlias

IMPORTANT: It happens that “funny guys” do not bloom at all due to the increased nitrogen content in the ground. In such cases, greens are growing powerfully, but there are no flowers.

When to plant Georginov’s seedlings “Funny guys” in open ground: terms, selection of a place

Already in May-June, seedlings are planted on beds in open ground. With frosts, to preserve flowers, they are covered with polyethylene. Although “funny guys” do not require special care, it is necessary to feed the soil. For the recharge process, complex fertilizers for floral plants are used. After that, watering is immediately carried out so that there are no burns of the root system of the dahlias. It is advisable to select a sunny place. Flowers do not like too moist ground and shaded areas.

Multi -colored dahlias
Multi -colored dahlias

In July, the first flowers will appear, and the plants will be delighted with their beauty for a long time until the first cold weather.

At what distance from each other to plant the dahlias “funny guys”: technology, depth and landing scheme

When planting seedlings, take into account the necessary distances between rows and flowers. After all, the plants will need care so that they do not hurt and pleased with the beautiful landscape of you and the guests of your house.

Plant the seedlings of dahlias at a distance of 20-25 centimeters from each other, and leave a row with 90 centimeters. Dig a hole for seedlings with sizes of 40 by 40 centimeters. Then add a few Zhmeni ash to each fossa. After digging the stems of seedlings, compact them, pour a little.

Dahlia - how to grow?
Dahlia - how to grow?

Is it possible to deepen Georgin's seedlings “Funny guys” when landing if it stretched out?

The dahlias are successfully grown not only by experienced gardeners, but also by amateurs. These crops are perfectly combined with other colors (astures, petunias, etc.). Sometimes purchased seeds are slightly failed, and high seedlings grow. In such situations, planting material is sprinkled with earth to the level where the sprouts begin. Thanks to this process, root clubs are well formed.

The dahlias "Funny guys": how do spring frosts endure?

Multi -colored dahlias of heat -loving plants. In order for the flowers to bloom all summer, you need a minimum of costs, weeds weeds, water them if the season turned out to be hot, without rains. Annual dahlias stand until frost. It is the cold that is detrimental to culture.

White, red, pink dahlias
White, red, pink dahlias

How to feed the dahlias "Funny guys" for magnificent flowering?

If you make top dressing in time, then the flowers of “funny guys” will be more magnificent, and the stems are stronger. After a two -week break after planting seedlings, organic fertilizers are added, after another 14 days, mineral fertilizers are applied.

When flowering begins, it is necessary to feed phosphorus, potassium additives - at the rate of 25 grams per 10 liters of water. After the complex of such events, “Funny guys” no longer require top dressing.

Do not forget about loosening and weeding. Weeds tolerate diseases, as they close normal air access, so that damp, rot appears.

How often to water the dahlias "Funny guys"

Flowers tolerate sunny weather, unpretentious, but if the summer is rainy, then the plants can die. It is precisely because of such a feature of dahlias that you should not be watered too often. It is enough not to let dry and crack the soil. You can also moisturize the plants themselves in the evening from the spray gun. During the appearance of watering buds, it is minimized.

Rules for watering flowers. dahlias
Rules for watering flowers. Dahlias

Video: When are the dahlias of “Funny guys” bloom?

Why do the buds of the dahlias of the “Funny guys” turn black: causes of illness, pests, treatment

Many reasons can cause a disease in the dahlias called Botritis. It appears first in the form of dark spots on the sheets. Then it affects all parts of culture, including buds.

Sources of gray rot can be:

  • Unfavorable areas for planting dahlias.
  • Many weeds, wet environment.
  • An excess of nitrogen -containing components.
  • Bad weather conditions are frequent rains.

Mushroom and viral pathologies affect the buds of the plant and lead to its death, if you do not take any measures in time.

In case of manifestation of diseases of the dahlias, it is necessary to tear out, then carry out insecticidal treatment of the soil, in the future to change the place of planting plantings. On the affected soil, it is impossible to grow cultures of this species for four years.

A lot of all kinds of insects can hit the leaves, stems and even buds of plants. To get rid of them, special tools are used.

  • Karbofos, phytroverton, ragor - are effective from tripps, caterpillars of the scoop.
  • Dispis, bioton, spark - save plants from aphids.
  • Activated Creolin - destroys slugs.
  • Karbofos, Celtan - are effective from earwords, a spidery red tick.
  • Carbotionic solution - use against the gall nematode.

For the prevention of cultural diseases, insect damage, it is necessary to examine the colors in time. It is also recommended to do agrotechnical processing.


Illnesses - funny guys
Illnesses - funny guys

How do the dahlias of “funny guys” propagate?

Propagation of dahlias occurs with tubers, seeds. Corneklubni They are able to fully convey all the characteristics of the varieties, but it can be problematic to save them.

When propagating "funny guys" seeds Cosques can occur. Not always from planting material you can get the youth of the dahlias you like.

How to collect the seeds of the dahlias "Funny guys"?

To collect the strongest seeds, it is necessary to choose the best plants during the completion of the flowering of “funny guys”. Then, when the inflorescences are dry, separate the planting material. Pack the finished seeds in a paper bag. For storing them, a temperature of 20-25 degrees is suitable.

From one site you can get a lot of landing seeds. It’s just not the fact that plants will grow the same as they were before.

Red dahlia
Red dahlia

Annual dahlias “Funny guys” - growing flowers from seeds: Tips of flower growers

The details of the cultivation of this culture were discussed above. But each experimental gardener has its own characteristics of plant breeding.

To decorate the garden beautifully, flowers can be planted along with other types of such crops. The areas planted by “cheerful guys”, petunes, peonies, cultural daisies, echinacea, etc. look very good.

If you want to get early flowering of the dahlias, then it is better to raise them from seeds in greenhouse conditions. Then transfer the seedlings to the flowerbed.

Is it possible and how to keep the roots of dahlias funny guys: storage of tubers

After cooling in late autumn, those dahlias that you like, you need to dig out carefully from the soil so that the tubers are not damaged. The stems are cut, the roots are lowered into a solution of manganese. After that, tagged with the variety and color of culture to them.

For about four days, the tubers are dried, and the earth is not shaken off the plant. Thanks to the soil, the roots do not dry out during storage.

After the tubers, gently laid out in boxes with cardboard or thick storage paper.

It’s good if you fill the root crops with peat, sand. Then the roots will perfectly undergo long -term storage. The storage temperature should be about 8-9 degrees.

Storage of tubers
Storage of tubers

Periodically planting material is checked for rot and mold. Typically, completely ripened tubers are well preserved if the temperature regime is observed. You also need to ensure that they do not dry out. Moisturizing tubers is preferably monthly using a pulvizer.

Growing dahlias "Funny guys" from tubers

After winter storage, root crops are taken out of the basement, carefully studied for the presence of damaged areas, treated with phytosporin, sprinkled with activated carbon (powder). If the tubers are large, then they are divided into parts of two root crops and two living buds on the tuber.

Landing by Georginov cornclubs Conducted in May directly on the open ground. These parts are sprinkled with the soil to the level of the formation of sprouts. Thanks to this process, new root crops are subsequently formed, which again are planted after time.

Funny guys on a garden plot
Funny guys on a garden plot

Dahlias "Funny guys" in the design of the garden: photo

Perhaps after studying the material, you will also want to plant such beautiful flowers as “funny guys” in your garden. After all, living compositions presented in the images will be able to please with their appearance of all passing by and decorate the site for almost the whole summer, autumn with proper care.

Dahlias - funny guys
Dahlias - funny guys
Annual Georgin
Annual Georgin
Beautiful flowers - annual dahlias
Beautiful flowers - annual dahlias

Video: How to grow "funny guys" from seeds?

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