Clothing for newborns - slips. How to choose a slip size?

Clothing for newborns - slips. How to choose a slip size?

Find out what slips are for babies, what are their advantages. How to choose the right size, buying them in a store.

All future mothers are already looking in advance, and closer to childbirth and buy beautiful clothes to their baby. After all, then, when they will write it out of the hospital, it is necessary that everything be ready. Dad definitely cannot cope with such a duty, is unlikely to buy what is well suited to the newborn. But about clothes, in general, we talked in this article. Now let's talk about slips for crumbs.

Slips are a foreign word. Now, almost every mother of the newborn knows what this product is. In the simple way: Slip-overalls. This convenient little thing replaces the little braid and sliders.

Slip for discharge from the hospital

Whether it is summer or winter - the first thing that comes in handy for the discharge of crumbs from the hospital is a slip. Just keep in mind that in the summer it is advisable to wear a jumpsuit from light cotton matter. In winter, the slip should be warm - from natural flannel fabric.

Even a young dad will put this piece of clothing on its own, since it has many buttons, rivets, ties. Slip does not need to be pulled through the head of the baby, which greatly simplifies dressing. After all, crumbs do not love much when they are put on uncomfortable things.

Important: the slip should not be too large on the newborn. But in prick, he will not be practical either. Make sure that the fingers on the legs do not compress much in the area of \u200b\u200bthe socks of the overalls.

Slip for a newborn child. A photo

The most ideal model of a jumpsuit for babies is a slip that is completely on fasteners, i.e. In the form of a cunning structure. Namely: unbuttoned all the buttons, laid it, on top of the baby, put the hands in the sleeves, fastened it and ready.

It is not advisable to buy too bright clothes to the newborn. The paint will be melted, and you will have to wash every day. In addition, you can’t put them in the general washing. Still, after repeated rinses, such an outfit will lose its bright, beautiful view.

Do not buy slips sewn from synthetics - this negatively affects the health of the child. The skin of the baby is delicate, there can be allergies and other negative reactions to this type of fabric.

Still, they are more practical than those overalls for the crumbs that are fastened on the buttons. With buttons, mom will have to spend much more time on dressing.

Experienced mothers do not advise buying pajamas for infants, which are fastened on their backs. Firstly: it is difficult to change diapers, secondly: it is inconvenient to shoot, put on this slip.

Slips sizes for newborns

Before ordering a jumpsuit to the baby, decide on a dimensional net. The mistake of many mothers and grandmothers is that they try to buy things for growth. Do not do this. If you buy a slip large, then it will not fit the newborn and will not warm the baby either. A child in winter can catch a cold in such a robe. Buy a thing of the corresponding size.

In infancy, the size is determined by the growth of the baby. The volume of the chest, waist, hips are not measured, as in adults. You just need to take a centimeter, measure the growth of the crumbs, see the table.

If you just expect the birth of your beloved child and want to guess with the size of the slip, then consider the following factors:

  • if mom, dads are small in growth, then the baby will also be born low, it is better to buy a overalls of the 50th size
  • if the ultrasound was said that you have a large baby, then you can immediately order a slip of the 62nd size
  • buy the smallest overalls to a premature child, keep in mind that such a baby will need a warm slip even in summer, since he has a disturbed temperature balance


Advantages of slips

  • This clothing replaces the child with braces, sliders. If a slip is made of natural fabric, then it does not pose any danger to the baby's health
  • There are different types of overalls, for any time. There are summer from thin, cotton fabric, there is from soft, warm, natural matter
  • It is convenient to put them on a child and take them off the baby thanks to many fasteners, ties
  • If the baby is in the slip, then its back is always warm, while an ordinary blouse can lift up
  • The correctly selected slip does not constrain the movement of the newborn, the baby is comfortable in it

Important: children's slips without socks (on an elastic band) will be just right for your child and a month, while the overalls with traces will be completely small.

How many slips to buy a baby?

For newborn children, you should not buy too much of all kinds of robes. In the first months of their life, the babies are quickly gained in weight and growth. Therefore, the clothes are becoming very small. At the same time, the kids do not even have time to vilify her.

When you are stocking up with clothes for the baby, keep in mind what is the time of the year outside the window. If the house is warm, then buy a couple of slips from thin fabric. And do not forget about the same number of warm overalls. Then one will be worn on the baby, the second in stock, the third in washing.

If in the house it is cool and cleaned things do not dry quickly, then a couple of slips for reserve (at a minimum) will be needed.

Slips for children up to a year

The jumpsuit on rivets are used not only for newborns, but also for older children. It is difficult to abandon such comfortable clothes. When the baby begins to turn over, crawl, sit - slip is an indispensable thing. He will go well for a family campaign with a child for a walk, to the clinic. Manufacturers offer many options for convenient slopes of different sizes. Little fashionistas and fashionistas look great in them.

Slips for children from 2 years old

Slips for older children are most often used for sleeping. Many children have a habit of sleeping without a blanket at night. That is why the slip is used as pajamas so that the child does not freeze at night, does not catch a cold.

Sew a slip with your own hands

If mom has at least small sewing skills, then it will not be difficult to sew a slip. For this she will need:

  • sewing machine
  • fabric, thread
  • scissors, buttons, buttons
  • pattern on paper

Take the fabric and transfer all the parts of the patterns to it, leaving allowances (somewhere 1.5-2 centimeters). Cut all the parts of the cut. Put the details. Stitch, neatly on the wrap of part of the slip. Then sweep the edges with a zigzag. Sew the buttons. Below, watch the video tutorial on how to sew a jumpsuit on the buttons with your own hands.

Video: How to sew a slip for a newborn?

Slip pattern for a newborn

If you have a book of cutting and sewing, then you will easily make a slip pattern for the baby according to the description in it. Otherwise, use old sliders and swing as a pattern. Connect them together and get a wonderful slip. Further in the video you will see how to make a pattern of sliders yourself.

Video: How to sew sliders?

Slips: tips and reviews

  • Reviews of mothers about slips are mostly positive. More precisely, they are well said about good quality overalls made of natural material with a comfortable cut. Moms do not advise buying such clothes from synthetics, with uncomfortable fasteners, lightning from behind
  • There are many diversity of such products. For kids you can find beautiful, festive options for different cuts, home for everyday use, warm slips and for summer heat - from thin fabric
  • How to choose a slip, you already know. In addition, after the information provided, you correctly determine the size of the overalls for the baby. And if you need it, and you yourself sew comfortable clothes with the baby

Video: overalls for babies from fleece

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