Cleaning the intestines with castor oil. How does castor oil work on the intestines?

Cleaning the intestines with castor oil. How does castor oil work on the intestines?

The article will open you trailers of intestinal cleaning with castor oil. He will talk about the benefits and contraindications of this cleaning method.

They began to clean the intestines with castor oil for a long time. This remedy has a fairly not pleasant taste, because a large number of combinations of castor oil with other ingredients and fruits that have a softer and more pleasant taste have appeared.

The oil itself is obtained by hot or cold squeezing from the African plant of Kleshchevina. The plant belongs to the genus malochaev. In our countries, this plant began to be diluted in the 19th century, the first samples of plants were brought from Persia.

How does castor oil work on a person's intestines?

In the composition of castor oil, the main part occupies recinolein Fat acid is affordable 90%, also in the oil linoleic oil ,oleinova, stearin and palmitin fatty acid.

This oil has found application in many areas, including cosmetology. However, its main scope of use belongs gastroenterology. Castor oil has a strong laxative effect, this is mentioned even in children's fairy tales. Its action is manifested as follows. Once in the intestinal lumen, the oil irritates the receptor apparatus of the mucous membranes, causing increased peristalsis. The laxative effect of the drug manifests itself after 4 hours on average after its use.

How to clean the intestines at home with castor oil?

The indication for the intestinal treatment procedure is the presence of not only constipation, but also diarrhea. This indicates the presence of a pathological microflora in the lumen of the intestines, which must be removed. Such States lead to bloating, increased gas formation, headaches, and reducing performance.

Castle cleaning with castor oil-stomach The radical method, but effective. There are many recipes for this procedure, we will talk about them below. It should be noted that it is impossible to take at once and just drink castorks. For this procedure, the body must be prepared in advance.
The procedure is usually carried out before bedtime. BUT during the day A certain diet should be observed. At lunch, you can cook light food, but the rest of the meals (afternoon snack and dinner) need to be canceled. This will avoid an unpleasant sensation of nausea after taking the drug.

The dose of caster oil is always selected individually by every person depending on body weight. Since the drug is allowed for use from children's age, for them, the calculation of the child’s body, respectively, the child’s body. Calculate Reception based on a proportion of 1 g of castor oil for every kilogram of body weight.

After the procedure for several days, it is worth observing dietary nutrition.

How to take castor oil to cleanse the intestines?

Do not forget that castor oil has enough not a pleasant smell and how all the oils are not pleasant to the reception in its pure form. Our body is practically unable to learn this fat substance in its pure form, therefore, it is recommended after taking castor oil in liquid form, to drink it with lemon juice to improve its splitting in the intestinal lumen. We will also discuss the recipe for this procedure below in our article.

Do not forget that the onset of a cleansing effect, which will come closer to the morning, will cause certain inconvenience, frequent and abundant urge to defecate. Therefore, you need to choose one weekend day on which you do not need to attend work or to leave home for a long time. Spend this day at home, where you can safely engage in your health.

Kefir with castor oil to cleanse the intestines

One of the people tested by the people is a combination of castor oil with kefir. Kefir is also a sour product and will help to split fats of castor oil. In some cases, bran can also be added to this scheme to enhance the effect of cleansing with rough fiber.

For the procedure, you need:

• compliance low -collar diets for several days
• On the day of the procedure, do not take food after 14 hours (after lunch)
• We take 1 teaspoon of castor oil
• 1 tablespoon of bran in the form of powder
• 1 tablespoon of kefir with a low percentage of fat content and mix everything
• Take a warm mixture before bedtime on an empty stomach

After the procedure and cleansing the intestine, follow the dietary image of the diet for another 3-4 days.

Cleaning intestines with castor oil and cognac

This method of intestinal cleaning is attributed antiparasical properties. It is believed that the addition of cognac to the mixture for cleaning causes parasites living in the lumen of the intestines, the state of paralysis. That parasites as a result of this cannot gain a foothold on the mucous membranes and with the laxative effect of castor oil are excreted from the body naturally.

For the procedure, it is necessary to conduct preparation, which we wrote about earlier. We will also need:
• Castor oil
• Cognac with the number of stars at least 5
This procedure is recommended to be carried out in the morning of the day according to the following scheme:
• Drink 50 grams of cognac on an empty stomach
• Then drink 50 grams of castor oil
• Drink sweet tea after 5-7 minutes

The effect will not be long in coming. To achieve the desired effect on the expulsion of helminths, the procedure is recommended to repeat up to three times. Wherein enforcement In this technique, it is contraindicated.

A similar method of cleaning is not recommended more often than 1 time in 2 years.

Cash intestinal cleaning with lemon juice

We have already mentioned this method. As with other methods of intestinal cleaning with castor oil, we initially prepare our body. We use oil before bedtime.
• We measure the amount of castor oil at the rate of 1 gram per 1 kilogram of body weight and heat
• Squeeze lemon juice in pure, not diluted, without adding sugar, in an amount of 2 times more than oils
• Drink warm castor oil and drink it with lemon juice

Like In previous cases, after cleaning, we observe the dietary diet for some time.

Contraindications to cleaning the intestines with castor oil

Like For any procedure and any other drug, there are contraindications for castor oil:

• Pregnancy. When using these methods in the early pregnancy, excessive intestinal activity and active peristalsis can cause a reflex reduction in the uterus and its hypertonusthat will entail a threat of premature termination of pregnancy
• chronic inflammatory and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
• LAW MAMMA. Due to a certain measure of dehydration during acts of defecation, the composition of milk may change and affect the status of the baby's health
• Children under the age of 12
• poisoning with toxins that tend to dissolve in fat. This can worsen the symptoms of poisoning
The remaining conditions are not contraindications to the treatment of constipation with castor oil. However, in any case, you must seek a doctor’s consultation.

If side effects occur after intestinal cleansing, it is also necessary to consult a doctor.

May arise:
• Pain in the gastrointestinal tract
• Headache
• Nausea
• Weakness
• increased blood supply to the pelvic organs

Doctors' advice on the intestinal cleaning with castor oil

Experts do not recommend frequent use of this method. As with the use of other laxatives, frequent use of castor oil can lead to the formation of the so -called “lazy intestine”. This is a condition in which the intestines are not able to cope with its function adequately without the use of laxatives.

The fascination with such a method of cleansing the body can also cause the development of serious diseases is an enderocolite.

Experts note that purification in this way is not a very pleasant procedure, but it has its own positive action. One of which is the natural origin of a laxative, and not synthesized artificially and the fact that the price of this drug is available to people with the most modest income.
Cleaning of intestines with castor oil: tips and reviews
After reading many reviews about the proposed method cleaning intestines, we note some points indicated in them.
People who use in their practice of treatment the method of cleaning with castor oil note the loss of body weight after the procedure about an average of about two kilograms.

Request! Do not use this method as a method of losing weight. The weight is lost due to a certain dehydration of the body and the removal of the contents of the intestine. it not a way to lose weight not In any case.

The effectiveness of the method and its simplicity is noted. Patients can quickly and without a blow to the budget solve their delicate problem.

Video: Cleaning the intestines with a castor. How to drink castorca, how to determine a dosage

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  1. Once I tried to get rid of the constipation with it .... and I promised to never use it again. Everything is very hard to turn out, it turns out, tasteless, and you run into the toilet constantly and non-stop+nausea constant .... There was a nausea again, so I tried phytolax in tablets and decoctions of the Seine-action is much softer, and there are no more problems with the chair)

  2. Castor oil personally did not help me get rid of constipation ... The same phyatomucil norms and ordinary kefir did better. So, after such therapy and microflora, the chair was normalized ... And after the oil in the toilet, you can spend the night, the terrible and non-stop process of some kind of somewhat

  3. I somehow tried cleansing with castor oil with lemon, I was able to do only three times, for the third time there was a vomiting reflex, but I would say that the effect is very good, the joints ceased to hurt and the wen left, which I sat for 15 years, but alas to drink it It is very difficult, no lemon or raisins will help. And so, impressed, the most powerful, something of all the purges. And yes, castor oil needs to be taken from Auverda, in no case from the pharmacy, in the pharmacy it is with glycerin.

  4. I drank with an orange freshly squeezed juice with a clamped nose, then wiped my lips, then opened my nose, stuck it with an orange and did not feel any inconvenience. Maybe someone like it, try.

  5. I tried to clean myself with Indian castor oil, read it, I looked around and decided, it was very tortured, and the general condition does not matter. I bought Indian oil on ozone, stopped eating at 12 and took 19 with apple home vinegar diluted, since the oranges were now none. Heated the mixture in a water bath to 30 g and drank in one gulp, Zaev a little orange. The smell is not so unpleasant, expected worse, but drinking oil is not pleasant of course. It was nauseous a little, but the joints and general self -activity pushed all this to endure. She took up a concentrated work and did not last two hours, as she flew to the toilet after an hour of systematic flights, she decided not to leave the toilet. 😀😄🤦imes but by 12 in the morning everything lay down and fell into a murmur in his stomach, still ran away in the morning and that’s it. Lightness in the stomach, joints sing, although there is still a soft remote pain in that joint, then. I did on the waning moon on the 26th - 29th day, two days later I wanted to poirate again ,. The result is excellent.

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