Hoops for weight loss. How to choose? How to remove sides with a hoop?

Hoops for weight loss. How to choose? How to remove sides with a hoop?

An article about the benefits and harm, contraindications of hoop for weight loss. Rules for training and full -fledged complexes of exercise with a hoop.

Using diets and sports, you can significantly reduce the fat layer of the whole body. But separate zones are reluctant to correct only power or a complex of exercises. Special devices are used. In the case of belly and sides, this is a hoop for weight loss - an indispensable shell for a thin waist.

Is the hoop effective for weight loss?

A hoop for losing weight is a sports equipment, so classes with it will definitely be effective. It is only important to perform training correctly and do regularly.

Important: Hula-huup itself will not affect the reduction in mass. It acts only as part of a set of measures to lose weight of the whole body, namely, intended for modeling the waist.

The home hoop performs the following functions for the body:

  • The muscles of the press and back participate in the training with hula hup. In addition, fat on the sides and abdomen fall under the influence of hoop. All this allows you to train the muscles of the waist area and split fat deposits on it
  • There is stimulation of internal organs located in the abdominal cavity: stomach, intestines, kidneys, liver. The motility of these organs is accelerated, and with it metabolic processes
  • Any hoop, even the simplest and easiest, affects the massage comparable. Subcutaneous fat is mechanically broken, which helps to accelerate its burning. The shell classes activate blood circulation in the zones of the abdomen and sides, which also affects the rate of splitting of fats
  • The tissues during training get more oxygen and are restored faster
  • Regular exercises with hula hup develop coordination of movements
  • Classes with a hoop belong to the category of cardio exercises. They strengthen the respiratory and cardiovascular system
  • Cartilage and spine discs receive additional nutrition, as a result of which the spine becomes more flexible

Important: in addition to losing weight in the waist, gymnastic hoops have a positive effect on the digestive system, avoid osteochondrosis, radiculitis, and gastrointestinal diseases.

Video: how to twist a hoop for weight loss

Which hoop is more effective for weight loss? Types of hoop for the waist

There are many types of hoop for weight loss. They are made of different materials, differ in size, weight, equipment with additional devices.

Types of hoop for weight loss:

  • simple sports hula hoops made of plastic or metal
  • weighted
  • compound
  • massage
  • soft
  • magnetic
  • hoops with built -in calories meters

Each of these shells is effective in its own way. Many of them should be used at a certain stage of training.

  • So, simple plastic and light hoops are suitable for beginners, only honing the skill of twisting the hool-huup
  • Following a light simulator, you can purchase a metal one - it is harder, which means that it has more mechanical effects on fat deposits
  • Weighted models continue to complicate training
  • With a soft hoop, you can perform not only classical rotations, but also many other exercises useful for a figure
  • Hula-hoops equipped with calorie meters differ only in that on a small screen you see the result of classes-the number of calories burned in one approach

According to reviews, the most effective are still massage hoops. These are shells on the inside of which there are plastic, rubber balls, suction cups or other protrusions. Such simulators are produced in a wide variety and can be both light and weighted. And their effectiveness is achieved due to the enhanced massage effect.

Important: professional coaches recommend weighted models of ordinary smooth hoops. It is with the help of such simulators, in their opinion, that an ideal waist is achieved.

Iron hoop for weight loss. A photo

Metal hoops are made, as a rule, from aluminum and iron. Aluminum shells are very light, along with plastic, they are classified as a hoop for beginners. In addition, such simulators are easily deformed and will not last for a long time, because the metal in them is completely fragile.

How to get sick-Styushi-General-1

Iron hoops are attributed to weighted versions. They are usually purchased after a sports plastic or aluminum hool-hut to increase the load on the abdomen.

Initially, iron simulators are hollow inside. Wanting to use their shell as much as possible, losing weight with time they make a hole in it and pour inside the sand. So, without changing the hoop, you can get an even more weighted model.

Important: with insufficient preparation, an iron hoop with sand will leave bruises on the skin. It is dangerous to start training with such a hoop also because of the risk of injuring internal organs.

Massage hoop for weight loss with spikes, benefits and harms

Massage hoops differ from the others by the presence of massage elements in the form of balls, spikes, suction cups. Massage also include hoops with magnets and flexible hula hoop.


  • Massage elements are made of plastic or silicone. During rotation, in addition to pressure, which breaks fat deposits, such a hoop also carries out a massage effect. Conventional balls or spikes massage the skin, suction cups - adhere to the body for moments and thus also create an additional massage effect

Important: many massage models have the function of removing balls and spikes. If you want to use the massage hula-huup also as an ordinary shell, pay attention to this model.

  • Massage simulators are mostly collapsible. They consist of the same segments, thanks to which the shell can be increased by adding the segment, or reduced, the segment removed. Collapsible models are convenient in storage and transportation. However, a frequent disassembly of a hoop may result in the fact that the mounts will become unusable
  • The harm of such simulators can be caused only if its operation is improperly. It is recommended to twist the hoop for no more than 30-40 minutes. Longer training can adversely affect the internal organs. And if you start practicing with massage hool-huup massage, you can seriously injure both internal organs and tissues and the skin of the waist area

Soft hoop for weight loss, photo

The soft hoop due to its flexibility creates the same massage effect as the spikes simulator. In addition, it can be used as an expander for a variety of exercises. Using a complex of training with a soft hool-huup, you can not only pump up the abdominal press, but also arms and legs. In comparison with other ones, this is one of the most expensive options for a home shell for the waist.

Magnetic hoop for weight loss, benefit and harm

In a magnetic massage hoop at an equal distance from each other, there are magnets. Such a simulator is indispensable for a thin waist, as it performs the same functions as any other hula-hoop.

In addition to the effect of losing weight, magnets also enhance blood flow in the tissues of the abdomen and accelerate metabolic processes in them.

Weighted hoop for weight loss, photo before and after

Calorius counter on a hula hup

Bearing hoops are more effective due to the larger weight of the projectile itself. Typically, weighting is carried out at the expense of the material from which the hula-hup is made. For example, iron models or models with massage balls are considered weighted.

Important: there are several weight categories of hoops starting from 0.7 kg to 3-4 kg. Choose a heavier simulator only after several months were eager with the previous weight model.

Sports hoops for weight loss. Should I buy?

  • Sports hoops are classic simulators made of plastic or aluminum. You can find such shells in any sports store. They are cheaper than other models, but they also bring the effect at times less
  • However, this is an indispensable simulator for beginners. It is on it that it is worth learning correctly and for a long time to twist the hula-hup. Some losing weight, on the contrary, call the sports hoop the most effective, because in order to hold a light shell, it is necessary to apply more strength than to rotate the heavy

How to quickly learn how to twist the hoop? Video

If you do not know how to twist the hoop, get ready for the fact that at first it will constantly fall.

Important: even if you regularly drop the hoop, do not stop training and try again. The first classes can last only 5 minutes, this is normal.

You will need comfortable clothes, a well -ventilated and spacious room, preferably equipped with a large mirror. And, of course, the easiest hoop of plastic in size.

  • Take the starting position. Put your legs on the width of the hips, keep your back straight. Lower the hoop on top so as to be exactly in its center. You must capture the shell with your hands from above
  • With force, pushing the hoop in one direction. At the same time, he must touch your waist
  • Roting movements perform only the muscles of the abdomen. Breasts and hips should be recorded
  • The smaller circles you outline the waist, the more effective the exercise

If you feel that the hoop is falling, try to hold it without help. For this:

  • bend your legs slightly at the knees and throw the waist upside down
  • accelerate rotation of the waist and thus hold the simulator

Video: How to learn how to twist a hoop?

How to twist the hoop to lose the sides? Video

In order to see the first results, follow the basic rules of classes for the waist.

  • Twist the hoop daily
  • One training should last at least 20 minutes
  • Rotate the hula-hup in both directions equal to the amount of time to equally affect the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe waist

Here are ways to enhance the effect of training with the hoop:

  • Put on your feet weighing or pick up dumbbells
  • Combine the rotation of the shell with exercises for the legs or hands
  • Twist a hoop with a lifted stomach, so you will have more effects on the press. You can also combine the usual twisting with twisting with a drawn press

In addition to the classic twisting of the simulator around the waist, there are effective exercises for the sides and abdomen.

  1. Rotate the hoop of 5 circles in each direction. During the change of direction, freeze for a few moments. With this exercise, you will work out all the oblique abdominal muscles.
  2. Change the position of the legs while twist the hula hup. The wider the legs cost, the stronger you use the muscles of the legs and buttocks. Try for several minutes to twist a shell with fully closed knees - so you will achieve maximum stimulation of the abdominal muscles.

Video: Exercises with a hoop for weight loss

How to learn how to twist the hoop on the hips? Tips

To twist the hoop on the hips, try to start rotating it in this area. At first it may seem difficult. It’s easier to twist the hula-hup at the waist and gradually lower it below until the projectile takes the right position.

Important: to keep the simulator on the hips, use the way that helps to adjust the hoop at the waist-start twisting the hula hup quickly and quickly.

How to twist the hoop on the leg? Whether the legs will lose weight from twisting the hoop

There is a method of twisting a hoop on one leg. To do this, lie on your back, stretch your leg up and with numerous efforts try to twirl the hula-hup on it. This is an extremely difficult way to use the projectile. In addition, the data on its effectiveness due to the complexity of the exercise itself is not enough.

Experts do not recommend such a way of losing weight thighs, since at the place of contact of the hoop with the foot there are lymph nodes, the impact on which is undesirable. This is especially true for heavy simulators, metal, massage.

How long does it take to twist the hoop to lose weight?

You need to start classes with a hoop from just a few minutes a day. This is due to the risk of damage to internal organs and external tissues during prolonged loads without preparation.

When you come into shape, daily training should be 15-40 minutes. Too short classes will be ineffective, and too long can harm health.

Contraindications to the twisting of the hoop: who cannot twist the hoop

  • pregnancy
  • the first months after childbirth
  • gynecological diseases (uterine fibroids, retroflexia, etc.)
  • diseases of organs located in the abdominal cavity
  • problems with the spine (intervertebral hernia, vertebral displacement, transferred fractures)
  • skin diseases in the contact area with the hoop

Bruises after hoop: norm or not? How to remove bruises after a hoop?

Due to training with the hoop, many losing weight have hematomas. This is a natural and not dangerous consequence, since, despite the significant layer of fat, which sometimes accumulates on the waist, blood vessels in this area pass quite close and respond to influence.

Hoop hula-huup massage for weight loss delicate

However, the appearance of hematomas is rather not the norm, but a consequence of the incorrectly selected hool-hut and non-fulfillment of the rules of handling of the projectile. Here are some tips on how to avoid bruises when twisting a hoop:

  • In the case of a weighted or massage model, put on a thick sweater on the waist area
  • The more smooth your movements, the less bruises you get
  • Put your legs as close as possible to one to the other
  • Increase the load gradually, starting from 5 minutes a day

Important: in order to get rid of bruises that have already appeared, use pharmacological agents: a body, a rescuer, etc. If you notice a manifestation of hematomas after training, attach something cold to them.

What should be the diameter and weight of the hoop?

To choose the right hoop size, put it in the store next to you. Hula Khup should reach the lower part of your ribs.

The weight of the hoop depends on the level of your preparation. Shells weighing 1 kg or more belong to weighted, they should be purchased if you are already engaged in a hula hup for some time.


How to make a hoop with your own hands at home?

A real weighted hoop can be made yourself at home. Details of the manufacture of hula-huup manufacturing with your own hands watch in the video.

Video: Hula-hup with your own hands

How can you replace the hoop so that weight loss does not slow down?

If you accidentally lost access to your favorite home simulator, but you don’t want to stop losing weight, there are ways to replace the hoop. In its own action, the hool-hupe is comparable to the massage. Therefore, for classes without a hoop, tie a warming belt on the waist, which will continue to heat the subcutaneous fat.

Performing movements that simulate the twisting of the hoop, you will still strain the muscles of the waist. Make tilts to the right and left. And complete the training with a 5-10-minute forcial massage of problem areas.

Is it worth buying a hoop for losing weight waist: tips and reviews

It is worth buying a hoop for losing weight - specialists ask for no doubt. Even if your faith in its effectiveness is not strong for the waist, training with hula hup is still a movement. And any movement when losing weight is many times better than a sedentary lifestyle, so exercises with a hoop will be effective in any situation.

Advantages of engagement with a hoop:

  • there are practically no contraindications
  • suitable for a person with any physical training
  • shell for training compared to another inventory inexpensive
  • the hoop is convenient to store at home
  • training is fun and easy

Video: The hoop hula hup. Errors and contraindications. Choice and training. Thin waist

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