What diseases the skin tells us about? Face and body skin signals that there are problems in your body

What diseases the skin tells us about? Face and body skin signals that there are problems in your body

The most voluminous organ of the human body is the skin. Problems with it cannot be ignored - they may indicate the presence of pathological processes in the body - about the signals of the skin and will be discussed in the article.

A brief analysis set forth in the article will tell you about the skin conditions that should be paid attention to to protect your health and prevent the development of some diseases.

What is dry skin about?

The skin of three layers consists: epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fatty tissue. Thanks to the regenerative properties, the skin is able to recover.

  • This process occurs gradually, on average, regeneration occupies 28 to 50 days.
  • The duration of regeneration depends on the age of the person and his state of health.
  • It differs from the norm - characteristic peeling and excessive sensitivity. Derma has an increased reaction to allergic stimuli - regular rashes and redness.

What is dry skin mean:

  1. Moisture lack - This is one of the most common reasons leading to dryness. Often the above symptoms are accompanied by crunch in the joint zone, which confirms the lack of water in the body. If these both states are present, you need to drink more fluids to improve skin elasticity. The minimum daily dose of water for an adult is 1.5 liters. It must be understood that the norm of liquid refers, only water in its pure form: tea, coffee, juice and other drinks have reverse properties that help eliminate fluid from the body.
  2. Imbalance in the hormonal system - slowdown in metabolic processes due to insufficient estrogen. The low estrogen content is not able to retain moisture in the layers of the skin. Special drugs - phytoestrogens help to regulate the production of missing hormones. However, it is worth using them only with a slight deviation from the norm. If the level of violations is many times overstated, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Before taking appropriate measures, it is necessary to carry out simple testing to determine water failure: pinch your palm on the back and follow the condition of the skin within five seconds. With good indicators, the fold should have time to level. If the trace of the fold is smoothed slowly - this indicates a lack of moisture in the body and a possible hormonal disorder.

What is the itch of the skin about?

  • What is the itch of the skin about? Such a symptom can warn about development of diabetes or infection in the body.
  • Also indicates pathologies in the liver or kidneys, increasing the level of keratin and bilirubin.
  • In some cases, itching is a consequence of a psychosomatic disorder. It is worth mentioning allergic manifestations, fungal diseases, impaired hormonal and lymphatic systems, with all these diagnoses, itching of the skin is manifested.
  • Even problems with the gastrointestinal tract can cause itching. You should especially be wary if wounds and rashes appear as a result of itching. It is necessary to visit a doctor immediately to eliminate the cause.

What is the wrinkled skin of the neck, face?

  • Most often, wrinkled skin and neck speaks of the first signs of aging. Due to the lack of fatty layer and thin skin, the neck is more susceptible to wrinkles, so on it they can appear earlier than on the face.
  • Besides, improper posture and head position during sleep They lead to early wrinkles in this area.
Can be due to the wrong position during sleep
Can be due to the wrong position during sleep
  • People whose skin is naturally predisposed to dryness can observe premature excision of the face and neck with small wrinkles, Lack of moisture leads to a similar effect. In other cases, the aging process begins from 25 years and is the result of improper skin care.
  • Insufficient care leads to the loss of the dermis and the spread of deep wrinkles.
  • Excessive sunbathing can activate the manifestation of a wrinkled mesh. In some women, the “Rings of Venus” become noticeable - deep transverse cervical folds.
  • Another reason is cervical osteochondrosis. This disease violates the natural position of the muscles of the face and neck, which leads them to sagging and creases.
  • After 45 years, collagen fibers will become thinner and cease to support the skin turgor, They provoke stretching, sagging and folds on the neck or chin - wrinkles are deepened.

What are the cracks on the skin?

If the human body has long, experiences a deficiency of vitamins, and also tolerates different diseases - this can cause increased dryness of the dermis, up to the formation of cracks in various places. Most of all, fingers, legs and heels are subject to damage.

A person, at the same time, can experience not only inconvenience, but also pain. What cracks on the skin are talking about:

  1. Lack or excess vitamin in the body. Responsible for metabolic processes in cells are vitamin A and E.
  2. Diseases that violate the integrity of the skin: fungus, eczema, dermatitis.
  3. Diseases accompanying diabetes mellitus and complicating metabolism in the body.
  4. Non -compliance with hygiene rules: Sweating, dirt and dust, the remnants of chemicals cause irritation and inflammatory processes that the infection can use.
  5. Poor and cramped shoes - It interferes with the flow of blood to the lower limbs, prevents the ventilation of the legs, forms the manifestation of cracks on the heels.
  6. The development period of menopause in women. With hormonal disorders, improper blood circulation occurs, which reduces the nutritional functions of the skin, the loss of elasticity, leads to the destruction of the surface of the epidermis - cracks.

What is the peeling of the skin about?

  • This type of irritation can be caused by a number of reasons, from improper blood circulation to an infectious or immune disease.
  • A provocateur of peeling, sometimes acts viral or fungal damage, allergies, invasion with helminths, subcutaneous tick.
  • Also the skin speaks On the possible development of diseases such as diabetes, vitamin deficiency, ichthyosis, insufficiency of adrenal glands, psoriasis, lichen, secondary syphilis, red lupus.
  • Peeling can appear due to the impact of external factors: sun, wind, cold. Pregnancy and lactation period have such symptoms in their manifestation.

What are red dots on the skin?

  • Factors the occurrence of red dots on the bodyit can be different: the consequences of epilation, microtrauma, lack of vitamin K and C, mechanical damage to tissues in the upper layers.
  • If red dots are found on the body, you should visit a doctor to exclude - hemangioma, A benign vascular tumor. Their size varies from a few millimeters to centimeters.
  • Several types of this disease are distinguished: a capillary form, a tricky and branched form. The appearance of red dots may be associated with violation in the gastrointestinal tract or the development of rheumatism.
  • If this disease is detected, it is necessary to take comprehensive treatment, which is designed not only to eliminate the cosmetic defect, but also to the fight against the main causes.

What is the color of the skin about?

A healthy skin color has a natural shade characteristic of a certain racial type of people. The remaining causes of color changes are more likely to indicate the presence of pathological disorders.

Types of skin color changes:

  1. Redness - It is local or extensive, in terms of the spread of the disease. Possible reasons: allergies, overheating or hypothermia, excess adrenaline in the blood. The presence of infection, an increase in blood pressure, arthritis, lichen, urticaria, malaria, rubella. Breast disease is mastitis. Also, radiation disease, Bursitis. If in the face: menopause, dermatitis, chickenpox. Extended capillaries, red lupus, flu, microsporia, measles.
  2. Pallor - The enhanced ejection of norepinephrine into the blood. Provoked by a sense of fear or excitement. This is due to the tint of the blood from the surface of the body and the slowdown in the heart rhythm. Sometimes pallor is an individual feature of a person and is not a sign of a disease. Especially, people who are little in the air are subject to clarification of the dermis. But there are other causes: impaired blood supply, stress or shock, infection, injury, sharp decrease in temperature, pre -storage condition. Anemia, peptic ulcer, intestinal tumor, menstruation, hemorrhoids, lactation and pregnancy, malnutrition and lack of iron, anemia. Bleeding, heart attack, an excess of aspirin.
  3. What the yellow color of the skin is talking about - Mostly manifests itself on the face, in the eye area and indicates problems with the liver. It is necessary to check the level of cholesterol in the blood. It occurs with hepatitis, oncological liver disease, cirrhosis, toxic liver damage, mononucleosis.
  4. Darkening in the zone of the neck and armpits - The harbinger of diabetes. It happens that the darkening of the body is found in the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbows, the popliteal cavity and other bends of the body, can tell about the presence of the second degree of diabetes.
  5. Bluish tint  skin - It is observed in the lip area or under the nose, fingers and legs. Rarely, in other parts of the body. Warns of problems with the cardiac and vascular system - worsening blood flow. It is the cause of a number of disorders: poisoning and general intoxication of the body, interference in the respiratory system - pulmonary bleeding, chest deformation or a foreign body in the nasopharynx. Cervical cyanosis, hypothermia and frostbite of the limbs. Pregnancy and an unhealthy lifestyle associated with excessive alcohol consumption.
  6. The marbled of the skin- pallor of the upper cover with bluish veins. Confirms the lack of vitamin E and C, in the body. Reports on the fragility of blood vessels, poor blood coagulation and change in body temperature. In some situations, it occurs with prolonged use of certain drugs and is an allergic reaction to components. In adults, it is extremely rare and can indicate the following pathologies: dermatitis, atherosclerosis, tuberculosis, heart disease, chronic tonsillitis, tumor, malaria. Sometimes, a similar symptom, occurs when body overheating and lasts no more than five minutes. It is also noticed in people of advanced age - as a natural pigmentation.

What are the spots on the skin?

What are the spots on the skin? This symptom has several types and different factors of origin:

  1. Red spots On the skin is a possible allergic manifestation for a drug or food product. As a rule, it appears in the face or neck, but it happens on other parts of the body. If the spots are discovered at the time of physical exercises, this indicates hypertension. The results of perennial studies confirm that the formation of red spots has a wide range of occurrence: psychological disorders, infections, vascular and heart failure, dermatological diseases, unbalanced nutrition, autoimmune disorder, animal and insect bites, the presence of bacteria and parasites, vegetative pathologies, nervous exhaustion and emotional overload.
  2. White spots on the skin - form on the elbow bends, shoulders, knees, chest and face. This is a violation of pigmentation, occurs during the abuse of exfoliation of the upper layers of the epidermis or a long stay in the sun. It may occur during photo starting or hereditary skin changes.
  3. Dark spots on the skin - Another type of pigmentation distribution. In addition to age -related transformations, other reasons for the formation of spots should be distinguished: hereditary species, ultraviolet, in the process of hormonal disorders, post -traumatic, a consequence of taking medications, vitiligo. All these circumstances affect the uneven distribution of melanin on the surface of the skin.

What is the goose skin talking about?

  • The first sign that the goose skin is talking about - exposure to allergens on the skin.
  • Such an impact, all kinds of inappropriate cosmetics and detergents. These manifestations can be purely reflex in nature and not melt the danger.
  • However, in some cases, it is necessary to show vigilance to your health, if the sensations of goose skin is constant and is accompanied by other alarming symptoms.
  • This may indicate such diseases: migraine, osteochondrosis, varicose veins, vitamin deficiency, arthritis, rabies, lichen.

What are rashes on the skin?

  • Diagnosis of this disease is extensive and has many reasons. At frequent rashes, large acne All over the body and face, you need to visit a doctor for detailed diagnostics.
  • Large accumulations of acne - effects intoxication organism or hormonal disorders. For women, this is an excess of male hormones in the body.
  • The defeat zone is also important: On the chin - indicates problems of a gynecological nature and endocrine system, on the cheeks and a hollow triangle - violation of the respiratory system, temporal and frontal part - associated with the stomach, intestines, gall bladder and liver.
  • Acne and acne can tell about the presence of inflammatory processes in the body.

What does oily skin say about?

  • Stands out the presence of skin rashes, acne, black dots, advanced pores and increased salinity. Provoking the factor that oily skin tells us about, an excess of male hormone - testosterone. This type of skin, more hardy to stress and does not lose elasticity for a long time. However, it needs regular cleansing and monitoring of sebaceous secretions.
  • To regulate this process, special drugs prescribed by a dermatologist help. It is important to consider the fact that such leather tend to respond to the release of adrenaline into the blood. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce irritability and aggressiveness to a minimum - not to provoke the production of male hormones.
  • Checking whether the skin with an excess of oily is easy: it is necessary to get your forehead with a clean cloth and repeat the procedure after a few minutes.
  • Old skin will constantly leave sebaceous spots on the napkin. Diseases that have symptoms, oily skin: endocrine dysfunction, menopause, ovarian polycystic, hypothyroidism, gastrointestinal disease. Also, the sanality of the skin glands in women is manifested at the time of pregnancy and lactation.
Oily skin
Oily skin

What is the poor skin of the face and uneven skin?

  • What Bugar skin is talking about - This is the consistent action of various factors that left a mark in the external manifestation, to such a state of the skin can lead to a set of all of the above bases.
  • The reason is often the formation of abscesses during some internal disorders and the penetration of the subcutaneous tick, through expanded pores. Further, there are constant infectious foci in the epidermis, having the form of white or dark deep formations, which become the prerequisites for the tuberosity of the skin surface.
  • Other circumstances causing the irregularities of the dermis are: cuts, scars or scars from burns. Restoring processes in the defect zone lead to a partial shift in melanin and impaired skin elasticity in these areas.
Skin irregularities
Skin irregularities

What the skin is talking about: reviews

  • Anna, 34 years old.I have long adhered to a healthy lifestyle. The article turned out to be very relevant and useful information. The skin is our main assistant in the development of our own body. This is the first thing I pay attention to before diagnosing something at myself.
  • Natalia, 19 years old.From adolescence, I suffer from skin rashes. Thanks to the article, I realized that you should not delay the visit to a specialist. Cosmetic procedures give only a short -term effect. Now it remains to identify the internal problem. I will hope for the help of a specialist.
  • Kira, 27 years old.Every year, at a certain time, small redness forms on my skin. According to the article, they can be characterized as stable allergic reactions. This makes me think about the proper nutrition and suggests a thorough review of cosmetic and detergents.

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Comments K. article

  1. In women, after 40, the skin more than age indicates than for sores. That is why it is so important to care for her if you do not want to be like an old woman. After 30, I take Evalarovskaya hyaluronic acid without fail (I am always only taking it, because I am sure), collagen, multivitamins. Nobody gives me my years ... There are almost no wrinkles))

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