What diseases does the stiffness in the joints prevent? Excess weight, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, rheumatism, reactive arthritis, as the cause of stiffness in the joints

What diseases does the stiffness in the joints prevent? Excess weight, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, rheumatism, reactive arthritis, as the cause of stiffness in the joints

What can occur the stiffness of the joints and whether this is the cause of the disease - we will find out in the article.

Some people waking up in the morning feel stiff in the joints, but do not betray special importance to this. What are these symptoms dangerous and what diseases can portend? Why is it necessary to think about the consequences in the morning stiffness in the arms, legs and back? What entails this feeling in the future?

What diseases does the stiffness in the joints prevent? 

Similar symptoms can warn about a number of diseases. Let us consider in detail what kind of diseases we are talking about:

  • Overweight
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Psoriasis
  • Rheumatism
  • Reactive arthritis

Now let's dwell on each of them in detail.


Excess weight or in other words obesity has a negative effect on our joints. With overweight, patients feel stiff in the knee and ankle joints in the morning. This feeling appears from the fact that at night the whole body, including joints, rest. When in the morning a person waking up rises to his feet, his joints receive a large load under the weight of the body. These sensations, as a rule, do not last long and pass within half an hour.

Negatively affects the joints
Negatively affects the joints

Rheumatoid arthritis

This disease affects the connective tissue and leads to their inflammation. It is dangerous in that in 70% it leads to early disability. And with infectious complications and renal failure, it can lead to death. The sensations of bezing in the morning, this is one of the first symptoms of this disease. These sensations are accompanied by muscle weakness within two hours.

STATION FROM arthritis
STATION FROM arthritis


This is a disease of the skin, and it would seem what it is related to the joints. Nevertheless, 6% of patients with psoriasis precisely the stiffness of the joints in the morning precedes the manifestation of the disease on the skin. With this disease, not only large joints, but also small ones suffer.


The disease of the joints and muscles affecting the cardiovascular system is accompanied by a feeling of acute pain and a volume in the body. The cause of the disease is transferred streptococcal infection, which leads to inflammation of the connective tissues. Streptococci, getting into the human body, can cause diseases such as angina, pharyngitis, lymphadenitis. If the human immune system is weak, then rheumatism can be the consequence of the infection. And the first symptom of the manifestation of the disease is the stiffness of the joints.


Reactive arthritis

The disease affects the joints, develops after adopted genitals, intestinal and nasopharynx infections. Reactive arthritis can affect not only joints, but also tendons, skin, mucous membranes, nails, lymph nodes. The feeling of constraining is caused by the ingress of such infections as gonococcus, chlamydia, ureaplasma. The inflammatory process is asymmetrically and can cause severe pain.

Reactive arthritis
Reactive arthritis

If you wake up in the morning you felt a certain constraint in the joints, you should not write off it for lack of sleep or an uncomfortable pose. It is better to contact the hospital and undergo an examination so that in the future there is no health problems caused by the above diseases.

Video: pain and stiffness in the joints: about dangerous symptoms

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