What is the smell from the mouth of? How to determine diseases by breath?

What is the smell from the mouth of? How to determine diseases by breath?

An article on how to regain a fresh breath.

The smell from the mouth makes us be shy. He interferes at a business meeting or romantic date. How to get rid of him? This article is about how to regain a fresh breath.

What is the reason for the constant unpleasant odor from the mouth?

Important: in medicine, the breath is called from the mouth galitosis.

There are three types of this problem:

  • Real galithosis (people around feel stale breathing. It is caused by metabolic disorders or is a symptom of the disease.
    • False: (There is a barely noticeable smell. We notice close)
    • galithophobia (there is no smell. There is only a fear of galitosis. Phobia creates a smell of smell)
    Contact the dentist to determine your type.

Galitosis has several reasons. Here are the main and most common of them: tobacco or alcohol; plaque on the tongue and teeth; microorganisms; tooth stones; food stuck in the teeth; stress causing dry mouth; Hormonal drugs, antibiotics. The latter act on saliva only temporarily.

What is the unpleasant odor of the mouth about?

Perhaps you will recognize yourself in one of the following the situation. Then take measures immediately.

  • A person rarely brushes his teeth. A raid of microorganisms accumulates in the mouth. Among them there are anaerobic bacteria. They produce hydrogen sulfide. Because of him, the air that exhales a person smells bad. In a dream, saliva practically does not stand out. Bacteria use this. Therefore, in the morning the mouth smells bad. Advice: Start rinse your teeth after brushing them. The smell will pass.
  • A person has diseases of teeth, tonsils or gums. Because of this, the mouth smells.
    Galitosis warns of the disease of the liver, kidneys or respiratory organs. Advice: Read the next section of the article on diseases because of which galitosis appears.

Video: The smell from the mouth. What to do?

Video: The smell from the mouth of the child. School of Dr. Komarovsky

Types of smell from the mouth with different diseases

Most often, the cause of the smell is in the mouth.

Diseases causing galitosis:

  • Reducing bone tissue. Leads to the exposure of the neck of the teeth, atrophy of the gums.
  • language diseases
  • Brands, crowns, prostheses. With improper care, food particles are stuck in these designs. This causes an unpleasant odor.
  • Problems with salivary glands.
  • Stomatitis
  • Wisdom tooth. He begins to cut through. A gingival hood is formed above it. Sometimes crumbs and other particles of food fall under it. They begin to rot. This causes galitosis.
  • Caries

However, the smell from the mouth is not always a sign of diseases in the oral cavity. Sometimes its cause is much deeper in the body. You can determine it by smell.

The smell of iron from the mouth, the reasons

Important: Pay attention to what time you have a metallic taste in your mouth. Or maybe it is felt all the time?

  • Constantly. This is a signal about the disease. Here is a minimum list of possible diseases:
    1. Anemia
  • weakness and drowsiness
  • cardiopalmus
  • violation of smell and taste
  • dizziness
  • pallor
  • fragility of hair and nails
  • dry skin
  • cracks on the lips
  • sensation of dry mouth

The reasons: Poor nutrition, the strong need of the body in the gland: during the period of feeding the child with chest or rapid growth, gastrointestinal disease, bleeding.
2. Hypovitaminosis

  • strong fatigue
  • metal taste in the mouth
  • irritability
  • insomnia
  • physical weakness

3. diseases of the digestive system:

  • Liver. Symptoms: changes in taste, nausea, metallic taste, decrease in appetite, weight loss
  • Gallbladder. Symptoms: stool disorders, metallic smell from the mouth, pain in the right side of the right
  • Intestines. Symptoms: smell, a large amount of white plaque in the tongue.
  • Stomach ulcers. Symbols: strong pain on the empty stomach, vomiting, metal odor from the mouth

Perhaps he appeared due to the drunk mineral water. It contains a large number of iron ions. They create a metal bite.

In what dishes do you cook food? If in cast -iron or aluminum, the reason is found. Acids contained in the products react with aluminum and iron. As a result - after eating, a taste of metal appears.

Important: drugs such as tetracycline, metronidazole, lanporazole can cause light metal odor from the mouth.

You will have to wait for the end of the course of treatment. Then the smell will pass.
Another reason is unpeeled water from the tap. You may have bad pipes. Particles of rust penetrate into the water. This creates an unpleasant taste.
Perhaps you are overeating. At such moments, the stomach begins to function at the limit of capabilities.

The smell of bile is from the mouth. The reasons

Important: bitterness in the mouth, the smell of bile from the mouth, pain in the right subparagraph. All these are symptoms of the problem with the gall bladder.

It can be a stone in the gall bladder, cholecystitis, stagnation of bile in the gall bladder or disease in the liver. Make an ultrasound, undergo an examination. After treatment, the smell will disappear from the mouth.


The smell of acetone from the mouth, causes

IMPORTANT: Acetone smells like a liquid for removing varnish.

If you felt such a smell in your mouth, you may have one of the following diseases:

  • diabetes
  • digestive problem
  • thyroid disease
  • liver
  • kidney disease
  • infection

Perhaps you eat a lot of fatty and protein foods. Your stomach does not have time to digest it. Squirrels and fats do not break down to the end. Some of them become acetone. And acetone is an intermediate product when digesting food. Its content in the body is growing. The smell appears from the mouth.

Another possible reason diabetes. In this case, sweat and urine also smell like acetone.

Thyrotoxicosis - Thyroid disease. It also causes the smell of acetone from the mouth. With this disease, a person constantly wants to drink, suffers from diarrhea.

What is the smell from the mouth with gastritis?

A lot of coating appears in the tongue, and it smells unpleasantly from the mouth. These are gastritis syndromes.

Think about how you eat. Do you often have a snack without drinking food with water? How many times in a week do you drink alcohol? How often do you indulge in harmful food: chips and food from Mcofuds? If you have gastritis, you often answered yes to these questions. Analyze your preferences in products. Be honest with yourself.

How to determine the gastritis by smell from the mouth?

The smell from the mouth and a thick gray raid on the tongue are signs of chronic gastritis.
Get rid of their causes and they will pass immediately.
Be patient and follow a diet:

  • A minimum of sugar and carbohydrates. Refuse sugar in tea and a large amount of pastry baking
  • Exclude whole milk, coffee, cottage cheese, fatty foods, fried dishes from your daily menu
  • Exclude meat from the diet
  • Stop eating eat fruits that cause stomach fermentation: plums, apples, grapes
  • Eat more products containing bifidobacteria and acidophilic bacteria. These include bio -groups, for example biolayf
  • Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables with the exception of apples, grapes and drain. Burning fruits, you remove the raid from the tongue and cheeks. And also you can better digest food

According to the philosophy of Louise Hey, gastritis is caused by a long state of uncertainty and uncertainty. To defeat this disease, she advises to pronounce affirmations and work on her worldview.

Unpleasant odor from the mouth with a diet. What is the associated unpleasant odor from the mouth during starvation?

If you are sitting on a low -caraling diet, over time you have an unpleasant odor from your mouth.

The reasons:

In the process of burning fat, the body selects certain chemicals. This process is called the state of ketosis. It is the cause of the smell unpleasant. Do not be upset. In this case, the smell is a sign that the process of losing weight has begun.
Ways to solve the problem.

  • Change diet
  • Mask the smell from the mouth. To do this, absorb mint candies without sugar, drink a lot of water (one glass per hour), cheat a chewing gum without sugar, also drink water after each meal, cheat fresh parsley
  • Add a little carbohydrates your diet

Important: if the smell does not disappear after all the recommendations, consult a doctor. It can be the syndrome of the disease.

The reasons for the appearance of odor from the mouth during pregnancy

  • Dressing tooths

During pregnancy, the body consumes a lot of calcium. The body has to be supplied with this substance and the body of the mother and the child. Therefore, calcium begins to lack. Problems with gums begin. Crings installed before pregnancy may begin to collapse. In this case, food falls into the opened tooth cavities. After some time, she begins to rot. As a result - galitosis.

  • Another reason is products such as garlic, beans and onions.
    If your diet does not have this food - contact the dentist

How to eliminate the smell from your mouth?

Take care of your mouth hygiene. Be sure to brush your teeth twice a day. Do not forget about the language. It can be cleaned with the back of the toothbrush if there are special ribs for this. There are no them, buy a special brush for the tongue. Pay attention to your toothpaste. It should contain fluorine or calcium. This will help strengthen the enamel of the teeth. You can buy a toothpaste with a plant extract. This will improve the condition of the gums.

Be sure to rinse your mouth after eating. To get food stuck between the teeth will help a tooth thread or a special brush that can be bought in pharmacies.

Video: Proper cleaning with a dental thread

  • Another good product against caries is chewing gum without sugar. However, if you wear braces, this option is not for you
  • Do not be afraid to contact the dentist if you feel discomfort in your mouth. Nowadays, in every city you can find many good specialists. Want to be confident in your dentist? Look for reviews on him on the Internet. This will help you make the right choice
  • It happens that, the solution offered to you by a specialist does not suit you. Then turn to several more dentists of the city. Among them, there will probably be someone who advises you the least painful and inexpensive way to solve the problem. This does not mean that the rest of the solutions were bad. Just the same dental problem can be solved in different ways

Another case when your teeth and gum are healthy, but the smell is still there. Then sign up for a therapist. He will conduct diagnostics and prescribe a course of treatment. And at the end of it, you will get rid of both the galitosis, and, from the disease that gave rise to it.

Make yourself a useful habit of taking care of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. This one will help to avoid galitosis or prevent its secondary appearance.
Particularly prevention is necessary in cases of dysbiosis and risk of microflora disorders. Consider both cases in order.

Important: symptoms of dysbiosis - bloating, stool disorder, constipation. And the risk of microflora disorders appears while taking antibiotics, stress, diets, long trips.

  • In both cases, start taking probiotics. These natural drugs contain lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. In addition to useful effects on microflora, they will also improve immunity
  • You can buy liquid probiotics. In them, useful microorganisms are in an active state. In terms of properties, they are even better than solid nails. In liquid form, bacteria retain all useful properties. Because of this, they can heal the mucous membrane in the entire gastrointestinal tract
  • They also contain vitamins, amino acids, immunomodulating substances
  • Remember that probiotics should be stored in the refrigerator. They cannot be consumed after expiration date

The most effective liquid probiotics are biodvestin and bivestine lacto. They contain thousands of times more bifidobacteria than in ordinary bio -ogurts and bifidocyphyrs.
Galitosis can warn you about the presence of serious diseases. Therefore, do not rush to mask this smell and forget about it. Determine if there is a dangerous problem in your body that caused the smell from the mouth. Consult a doctor. This will help prevent the possible development of the disease.

But no matter how we struggle with the smell from the mouth, even in a healthy person. The fastest way to eliminate the smell from the mouth is chewing a little cinnamon. Therefore, it is useful to always have a wand for cinnamon with you.

Video: How to eliminate the smell from the mouth?

Video: How to get rid of unpleasant odor from your mouth?

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Comments K. article

  1. But I also had problems with an unpleasant odor from my mouth. I honestly thought that I was sick already. But it turned out that the interdental space of the toothbrush is not well combined, so the dentist, in addition to the toothbrush, advised me to use the Irrigator Waterpik. So now the hygiene of the oral cavity at the “height”, so the smell was gone.

  2. thank you for the article

  3. the article is useful, everything is normal with the oral cavity. The smell does not pass. Which doctor to contact for a more detailed examination? Is it possible to have parasites in the body?

  4. Vitaly, it can be a throat and problems with the nasopharynx. Usually they rarely talk about him, everything about the teeth, gastrointestinal tract and parasites. But this is a fairly common reason.

  5. It was helped to get rid of this infection that began to absorb the multifloor dentu. This is a probiotic that allows you to reduce the number of bad bacteria ... They cause such a smell. Plus, of course, also excellent cries prevention, so I advise you to take note. I myself usually order in the online store. Of course, the lack of sweets in the diet has a positive effect, but still.

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