What the woodpecker knocks on wood, home, out the window: signs

What the woodpecker knocks on wood, home, out the window: signs

In this article we will consider signs in which the woodpecker knocks.

From time immemorial, the woodpecker was called a forest doctor. Indeed, this colorful beautiful bird destroys all pests of the forest, bringing great benefits to trees. However, despite this, it will take a slightly two -digit attitude to the woodpecker. Moreover, there are different versions when a woodpecker knocks on a tree in a certain area. In other words, to hear the knock of a woodpecker in the forest and near your home is already two different interpretations.

What does it mean if a woodpecker knocks on a tree or a residential house, out the window?

In general, woodpeckers knock on wood to get food. Even a schoolboy owns this information. But we repeat that this is a wild bird that lives in the forest. Therefore, hearing a knock on its territory does not carry bad news. In the city, seeing woodpeckers in the yard is extreme rarity, and in rural areas they do not often fly to visit.

  • Therefore, many are sure that seeing this forest bird near their house is always a bad sign. But here hear a rare cry Feathe is an exception. More precisely, a sign that it is time to prepare for the wedding. Family people are a hint about the wedding of relatives or close friends.
  • If the woodpecker is circling over your house Or the court, but does not knock, then this portends the complication of financial situation and financial losses.
  • When you hear or see how next to your house knocks wood woodpecker Or any wooden product, then this is a signal of a change in health in the bad side. Sometimes this may indicate a significant deterioration in condition and even death. It is not necessary to talk about you, but about all the inhabitants of the house.
  • A very good sign see a woodpecker in the forest or hear his knock. If you are sick or one of your relatives in a bad position, then such a sign denotes an early recovery and good health.
  • To meet a woodpecker near a modern building is a huge rarity. The thing is that the sign itself originates from those times when people lived in wooden and clay houses. It is believed if the woodpecker is actively knocks on the wall of your home - He warns of the imminent move of the whole family or a close relative, or maybe just about a long and distant departure.
The knock of woodpeckers has different versions depending on the area
The knock of woodpeckers warns of possible dangers or deterioration
  • If the woodpecker knock on the roof of the house, which does not have to be made of wood, then warns of a great misfortune that he must fall on the whole house.
  • If you saw a feathered on their windowsillBut he did not knock, then this only reports any changes more neutral.
  • But if the woodpecker has become pound on a window frame, and not necessarily on wooden material, then he warns of evil gossip. They can touch, both you and all family members.
  • If the woodpecker knocks on the glass itself, then you should fear a very big trouble or grief. In general, the inhabitants perceived the knocks of the window from any bird as news. But his character could be unpredictable. Therefore, in this mind there are different theories: some talk about great trouble, while others assure good changes.
  • If the woodpecker knocks on the fence, then this is a sign about the invasion of some pests for rural cultures.
  • And if a woodpecker knocks on an agricultural extension, That, most likely, mice started there. Or he simply warns of their imminent invasion.

As you can see, the woodpecker can knock on a lot. To believe in signs or see only the sober meaning of the search for a bird food is to solve only to you. But even if the woodpecker knocked on the window, never lose a positive mood, because it helps in many troubles!

Video: Why is the woodpecker knocking?

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