The norm of bird in the blood in women, men and children by age

The norm of bird in the blood in women, men and children by age

In this article, we will consider the blood test indicators, as well as the norm and deviation from it.

Protrombin index (bird) serves as an indicator of a violation of normal blood fluidity. Using this indicator, it is easy to detect a person’s tendency to form blood clots or, conversely, to excessive bleeding. In this article, we will consider what the norm of this and other tests related to the composition of the blood.

What are birds, many, Epo of blood, fibrinogen, coagulogram and what is the norm in adults?

Bird, MOS, EPO

Coagulogram (Biochemical blood test, hemostasiogram) is a type of study that allows you to determine how well or poorly the human blood coagulation occurs.

Coagulogram norm indicators:

Name Norm
Achtv 24-34 sec.
Protrombin time 11-18 sec.
Protrombred KVIK index 80-120 %
Thrombin time 14-20 sec.
Fibrinogen 1.8-4-0 g/l
Antitrobin III 75-125%
The reaction of the clot 40-95%
Plasma recalcification 1-2 min.
The concentration of soluble complexes 3.35-4.0 mg/100 ml of plasma
Much 0.85-1.15 cu

Bird (Protrombin index) is the value of a biochemical analysis, which shows the ratio of the plasma of the plasma of liquid connective tissue relative to the coagulation time of the control plasma. The obtained indicators are expressed as a percentage and are one of the main factors of the coagulogram.

Age (years) Norm(%)
18-25 82-115
25-40 78-135
45-65 78-140

It is worth knowing: The norm in pregnant women is increased and varies within from 90 to 120%.

Much(international normalized value) is a test whose indicators allow you to determine the blood coagulation rate. Norm Much In an adult from 0.8 to 1.15 units.

Epo - Blood test for erythropoetin, which is prescribed to diagnose anemia.

The average normal indicator Epo:

  • in women from 11 to 30 mm/l;
  • in men from 9.5 to 25 mm/l.

Fibrinogen -these are large protein molecules dissolved in blood plasma. Analysis for fibrinogen is one of the necessary stages of examining pregnant women, preparing patients for surgery, as well as establishing the causes of inflammatory processes and pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Indicators of the norm of fibrinogen in the blood in adult women and men of fibrinogen in the blood vary from 2.0 to 4.0 g/l.

Blood bird analysis indicators - norm in women, men, children: decoding biochemical analysis, table

Bird of blood
Bird of blood

When passing blood tests, a number of diseases are detected. Using a prothrombin index, a liver condition, blood coagulation level, as well as filling the body with vitamin K, for the type of this examination, is taken by blood plasma and compared with the patient’s plasma. Normally, women and men are approximately the same Bird And he is 77-141%. If the indicators are higher, there is a risk of blood clots. And if below, bleeding may open.

It is worth noting: Analysis Bird can be done in any medical institution. But the norm in each of these institutions will have its own. It depends on the reagents that are used for analysis and other factors.

Here is a table with an approximate average norm Bird blood in women and men by age:

Table of the norm of the bird
Table of the norm of the bird

Another important study is a biochemical blood test. It includes the following components:

  • Albumen
  • Glycked hemoglobin
  • Iron-causing serum
  • Mioglobin
  • General protein

Consider in more detail - decryption:

  • Albumen - This is the protein that produces the liver. His norm up to 60 years 35-50 g/l, after 60 years 34-38 g/l. If its increase occurs, this indicates the disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Low indicators indicate liver failure.
  • Glycked hemoglobin It is a component of hemoglobin. This type allows you to determine the state of sugar in the blood. Normally no more 5,7%. If the level is 6,4% There is a risk of diabetes.
  • Iron-causing serum- The ability of blood to transfer iron. The norm is 45.3 - 77.1 μmol/l. Prevention of anemia.
  • Mioglobin - This is the protein that is contained in the gland. With an increase in the blood, myocardial infarction may develop. Values \u200b\u200bin men 19-92 mcg/l, among women 12-76 mcg/l.

The total protein is checked to eliminate the pathology of the metabolism. In the blood, its amount is read about 150 different proteins.

What does a blood test mean: what is the norm of pregnant women?

Blood of blood in pregnant women
Blood of blood in pregnant women

Many believe that a blood test is not necessary at least once a year. This is an erroneous opinion, especially in pregnant women. During pregnancy, blood is taken for a coagulogram. It is the most important analysis. When taking this blood test, it can be determined not only about the state of the body as a whole, but the time and blood coagulation index.

It is worth knowing: Bird or prothrombin index It is a comparative study. For this analysis, a sample of blood of a healthy person and a pregnant woman is taken. Normally the index is 78-142%. For pregnant women, error in 7%.

This is due to the appearance in the body of the future mother of 3 circles of blood circulation-uterine-placental. If the index is less than the permissible norm, bleeding may be opened during childbirth, and if, on the contrary, thrombi may appear higher. Also, the prothrombin index allows you to determine not only the level of coagulation, but also the saturation of the body vitamin K..

Important: During pregnancy, this type of laboratory examination is carried out at 12, 24, 36 weeks.

The quantitative content of the bird is “95” in the blood: is this the norm?

Blood Analysis
Blood Analysis

In order for blood to thicken and curl up at the right time, a chemical agent - Protrombin acts in it. In the case of a wound from this substance, thrombin is formed, which serves to aggregate a blood clot. Briefly about this process:

  • Such education clogs a injured vessel.
  • A natural mechanism that prevents excess blood loss is triggered.
  • If quantitative content Bird It goes beyond the boundaries of the norm, then there is a danger of the appearance of a blood clot not at the scene of the accident, but in any section of the vascular channel.

People suffering from high pressure and heart disease often take drugs that liquefy blood. With such therapy, you have to keep birds under control. As mentioned above, the normal level of the bird is limited by the range 70-140. Quantitative content Bird in the blood - "95" It enters normal boundaries. This means that you can not be afraid of vascular pathologies and this is the norm.

Video: Why are birds prescribed?

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