Low pulse: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, drug treatment, bradycardia prevention. How to help a person who has a low pulse at home?

Low pulse: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, drug treatment, bradycardia prevention. How to help a person who has a low pulse at home?

If your pulse drops sharply, then this is a serious reason for seeing a doctor. Learn about the causes and home treatment of this symptom from the article.

The heart consists of the two upper and two lower chambers called atrial and ventricles. Their pumping function is usually coordinated by electrical impulses that occur in the heart, and then spread through the conductive paths. This allows the heart to contract in the correct rhythm. In case of violation of the formation and impulse of the heart contraction, they become abnormal: irregular, faster or slowly than usual. A violation of heart contraction is called bradycardia.

The main causes of the low pulse, the norms of the pulse by age

  • Bradycardia can occur with a congenital defect, coronary heart disease, as well as with reduced thyroid activity, the use of certain drugs (ACE, captopril, enalapril, hinapril, ramipril, ponds, prasososine) and other, less common heart disorders.

Normal heart abbreviations are considered within 60-85 beats per minute. However, the baby may have 145 strokes, and the teenager has 95. The pulse is considered low when it is behind a mark of 58 and below.

  • Particular attention should be paid to accompanying manifestations. These signs will show that "the slowdown of death is like."
  • When the head is spinning, there is not enough air, fainting - This is due to the small supply of oxygen of various tissues. Pain in the head, painful condition behind the chest. Contact the doctor, this is the most correct approach to your condition.
  • The therapist will measure your pressure and pulse and direct you to the cardiologist. You will be made an electrocardiogram in order to find out if the heart works correctly. And they will prescribe effective treatment.
  • Often the reasons low pulse lies in the pathological state of the body. And they can be divided into cardiological, toxicological, diseases that go back to physiological activity.

Physiological causes of low pulse: pulse in a dream and wakefulness

Study low pulse You should begin with various natural and visible factors, they make a low pulse norm of life, given physiological activity (sleep and wakefulness). However, it is important to note that the pulse with the frequency of strikes 30-40 per minute is held not over 3-6 hours.

  • Sleep at night. In a person, a slowdown in the work of all important systems occurs. The heart rhythm is slowing, and the flow of blood also slows down. When you do not sleep, the lymph moves at a speed of 11-16 m/s, and during a night sleep at a speed of 6-7 m/s. However, if you do not open the windows and in your bedroom it is difficult to breathe, or very hot/cold, or you yourself prescribe sedatives. Then this creates the conditions for reducing the frequency of heart contraction.
  • Hypothermia. If the air temperature around a person is very low, then the pulse slows down. The human body includes protection functions, they develop at the level of genetics - you need to collect sufficient body weight, protect yourself with the creation of sufficient fat layer. We are talking about changing the seasons of the year or climate change to colder, this manifests itself at the work of the heart muscle.
  • Changes in hormonal levels in adolescents. The pulse of the pulse in adolescents aged 11-17 years is a normal phenomenon. The pulse can change dramatically during some hours. Doctors associate this with the restructuring of the body, which is preparing for growing up. The manifestation of pulse jumps in adolescents is not an abnormal process. However, you need to keep the “hand on the pulse” and control this process.
  • Professional athletes. Most often, athletes involved in sports professionally, the heart is reduced at the level of 40-45 beats per minute. The cause of this phenomenon may be good pumping of the heart muscle and a significant increase in the heart itself relative to the proportions of the body. But the bradycardia in athletes may not be very good. The brain starves from a lack of oxygen, excessive increase in heart muscle, heart attack or stroke. At all competitions of athletes there are doctors.

Cardiological causes of low pulse

The most frequent The reasons for the low pulse It is a weak heart muscle. This is clear, because The heart function indicator is a reduction in myocardium.

From ailments
From ailments
  • Cardiac ischemia - This is a weakened movement of blood in the heart, which leads to a slowdown in metabolism. The first and most correct sign is the reduction in the pulse.
  • Infarction - It is extensive and partial, this is a damage to the heart, which leads to the formation of a blood clot in the arteries.
  • Heart failure - This is a heart disease that has not been manifested for many years. The heart cannot pump blood, and it can completely stop. The pulse in this case is much lower than ordinary indicators.
  • Cardiomyopathy - This is a whole unification of diseases in which the structure of the heart muscle changes. As soon as it begins to develop, the pulse decreases, and the supply of the blood of the organs slows down.
  • Inflammation in the heart muscle. It can develop against the background of autoimmune diseases, infections, poisoning of the body. The frequency of pulse blows can decrease to 35-40 beats.
  • Various disadvantages of the heart. Anatomical heart disease, which is aggravated by a slowdown in blood flow, the formation of scars and a violation of the heart pump. The patient can be observed both a very high pulse and very low. Constant observation is required.

Toxicological causes of low pulse

Reducing the pulse can come from various presence of toxins:

  • Strong intoxication. It can occur with mushroom poisoning, industrial waste and with long treatment of cancer. The number of blows to 35 per minute is sharply reduced.
  • Not supervised the use of drugs. Diuretic, laxatives, tablets with increased pressure, etc. Independent treatment leads to clogging with body toxins. And the pulse slows down significantly.
  • The diet, in which the components are significantly reduced. Getting chasing a beautiful figure, people can take a significant disorder of their health. Limiting yourself in nutrients is the fastest way to become a cripple. Diet can only become safe if it is part of the proper nutrition, and BJU are balanced (protein, fat, carbohydrate). Everything else leads to metabolic disorders and the heart does not work well. The body clogs. The heart does not pump blood through the vessels. In this version, the pulse is slowing down. Take a doctor immediately.
  • Reception of narcotic drugs, passion for alcohol and cigarettes. The body has been completely poisoned for many years. All these violations lead to the failure of the heart muscle. A low pulse is the first harbinger.

What diseases can there be a low pulse?

Accompanying diseases associated with the work of the heart, neurology, the state of the environment and the human lifestyle lead to low pulse.

  • Vegetes -vascular dystonia leads to disorders in the work of the heart. It is directly related to heart function.
  • Anemia - This disease consists of a small content of blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood. Anemia is characterized by a decrease in heart function, weakness and dizziness
  • Lung diseases - Bronchitis and asthma. A significant reduction in the passages in the trachea, which occurs as a consequence of other diseases, brings oxygen starvation of the body. The heart with insufficient supply of oxygen weakens.
  • The pressure inside the skull as a consequence of swelling, formations, outpouring of blood in the brain. In this case, the pulse can decrease to critical marks incompatible with life.
  • Infections And diseases with them. Hepatitis, meningitis, diphtheria lead to blocking the receptors that control the operation of the aorta. The consequence of poor work is a sharp reduction in pulse blows.
  • Hormonal disease - Diabetes, hypothyroidism, decrease in the function of the adrenal glands. Reducing heart impacts is a symptom of the disease.

Reason low pulse The aging of the body is also. In an elderly person, the heart slows down his work due to the wear of the body.

Factors that affect the reduction of the pulse:

  1. The disease of the heart muscle.
  2. Various pathological changes in the heart.
  3. Hormonal disbalance.
  4. Hypofunction of the thyroid gland.
  5. The peculiarity of the work of the vagus nerve.
  6. Various drugs.
  7. Readiness to become a mother (pressure and pulse may decrease during pregnancy).
  8. Nervous diseases.
  9. Hypothermia.

However, if you have calmed down relatively, and the pulse remained the previously low, then see a doctor. It is noted that there is a category of people with a low pulse, but they feel good. This is a feature of the heart.

How to eliminate the cause of the low pulse?

  • First, the doctor will prescribe the treatment of the body that is damaged and its work leads to reducing the pulse.
  • If the reason lies in nervous excitement, then Corvalol or Validol will help. You can drink a cup of coffee or drunk ginseng, or lemonnik. Eat a piece of black chocolate or drink strong black tea with sugar.
  • If the victim has lost consciousness, he must be laid to the top. And if he does not come into consciousness, make heart massage or artificial respiration.

Low pulse: symptoms of bradycardia

  • Weak heart rhythm disturbances are observed quite often and usually do not require the prescription of drugs. With a serious disorder of the pumping function of the heart and blood circulation insufficiency, drug therapy may be required.

Fatigue, weakness, starvation, dizziness, nervous excitement - all this symptoms of a low pulse. Insufficient nutrition by the blood of all organs and systems, vegetovascular dystonia, anemia can be additional symptoms of a low pulse.

  • Medicines are used both to stop individual bouts of bradycardia, and for regular administration in order to prevent heart rhythm disturbances.
  • The appointment of the drug depends on the type of bradycardia, but since the action of different people may differ, it is necessary to choose the most effective.
  • With a sudden attack of severe bradycardia, it may be necessary in the immediate injection of the drug to restore the normal function of the heart.

Diagnosis of a low pulse

  • Low pulse The diagnosis is diagnosed by conducting an electrocardiogram, you can also make a diagnosis by considering heart attacks per minute. The pulse below 58-55 beats is bradycardia.
  • It is necessary to check the adrenal glands, since with a decrease in their functional activity, there may be a low pulse.
  • Also, with a decrease in the activity of the thyroid gland, the pulse decreases.
  • Having eliminated all possible reasons, you will bring the pulse to normal.
  • It happens that the pulse is reduced due to an overdose of drugs.
  • Therefore, it is equally important to understand and eliminate the imbalance in time.

Low pulse: drug treatment

  • The drugs enhance the flow of electrical impulses to the heart muscle or increase the ability of the heart muscle to response.
  • For treatment is used Beta-adrenergic receptors blockers, Popularly preparations and calcium channel blockers, as well as other drugs, such as Dizopiramid, lidocaine, prokaamynamide and quinidine.
  • Beta-adrenergic receptor blockers reduce the ability to transmit electrical signals to the atrium. Putting drugs slows down signals through atrioventricular (atriral-hollow) knot.
  • Calcium channel blockers reduce the ability of the heart muscle to reduce, preventing calcium current into muscle cells. The last two of these drugs reduce the sensitivity to electric pulses.
  • Mechanism of action. The pumping function of the heart is regulated by electrical impulses under the control of the sympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system. These signals pass through the heart muscle, causing a sequential contraction of atrial and ventricles. All drugs affect the conduct of electrical signals in the heart, but they act differently on the sequence of processes that control the pumping function of the heart.
  • Influence. Preparations usually prevent the occurrence of bradycardia and restore the correct heart rhythm. They cannot prevent all heart rhythm disorders, but usually reduce the frequency and severity of bradycardia. Unfortunately, many of them inhibit the normal function of the heart and cause dizziness when stood up or enhanced by shortness of breath during physical exertion. Also, when used, nausea and visual impairment are often observed.

How to help a person who has a low pulse at home?

  • The reduced pulse is not a heart disease, and appears because the natural mechanisms are impaired, in which case the pulse can be tried to restore home methods.
  • However, before doing anything, you need to think about the reasons that led to a reduction in the pulse.

Easy excitable nervous system. It happens that after a nervous injury, the frequency of heart contractions can fall to the mark of 35 strokes.

In this case, you can resort to the following means:

  • Valocordin. It will help relieve symptoms of stress and excitement. It is necessary to drink 18-20 drops three times a day. Valocordin will help restore the disturbed rhythm of the day (sleep) and raise the pulse, it reduces various nervous disorders.
  • Motherwort tincture. Well stimulates the work of the heart and blood vessels. Allows the heart to work in the natural framework, reduces nervous tension, soothes well and normalizes sleep. 35 drops are accepted in the morning and evening.
  • Cardiophyte. This drug is designed specifically for the treatment of bradycardia. The drug is based on plant components. It relieves nervous excitement, normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle.
  • You can cook it yourself at home tincture Of the following components: 25 ml of valerian tincture, 25 ml of hawthorn tincture, 25 ml of peony tincture, 25 ml of motherwort tincture. Take 20 drops three times a day 30 minutes before meals and 40 minutes before bedtime. He fights well with all types of nervous exhaustion.

Hypotension, followed by a low pulse. If you have low pressure and at the same time a low pulse, then you need to approach the selection of therapeutic agents very carefully.

In this case, you must try to drink herbs and their decoctions:

  • Hawthorn: leaves and flowers. Normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle, the flow of oxygen to it increases. 2-3 tablespoons pour 500 ml of boiling water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Drink 1 tablespoon during the day.
  • Pepper peppermint sheet. You can add 2-4 leaves to tea. And you can cook a decoction of 4 tbsp. l. Boiled 200 g of boiling water for 10 minutes, take 20 ml three times a day.
  • Rhododendron Golden relieves swelling, normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle.

Hypertension and low pulse. With increased pressure and low pulse, physiotherapeutic procedures such as rubbing, compresses, a roller of Lyapko and exercises work well.

You need to massage points
You need to massage points
  • You can take a walnut tincture.
  • Grinding. It is easy to massage the occipital part, you can twist the earlobe. Rub your hands and massage the forearm. You can grind the areas around the collarbone.
  • Blapko roller. This is a special roller with needles of several metals. It normalizes electric currents on the surface of the skin. You can massage your head completely, arms and legs.
  • Exercises. Squats, tilting forward and backward, circular rotation of the head, and hands. Each exercise do 2 approaches 10-15 times.

Pregnancy and low pulse. During pregnancy, a low pulse is rather an exception, but it happens. The kid in this case is in full safety.

In this case, you need to call an ambulance, and before the arrival of doctors, the following should be done:

  • Open all windows, provide fresh air, try to reduce the surrounding temperature.
  • Do exercises. Squat, wave your hands, twist your head in a circle.
  • Put a woman so that the legs are above the level of the head.
  • Drink weak sweet tea.
  • Eat a piece of black chocolate.

Low pulse of professional athletes.

  • The pulse in the region of 35-45 beats per minute is a normal pulse for an athlete professionally involved in sports. With such a pulse, the athlete has completely no discomfort.
  • The heart, which perfectly pumped up perfectly with its function.
  • This state of the heart muscle provides the opportunity to fully train, withstand enormous loads, and stress during competitions. For a physically trained person, it is necessary to ensure a constant load.
  • Run. Slowly run or make a long -distance race depends on the state of the athlete's traffic.
  • Squat and jump, brings the pulse well to normal. 15 approaches 10 times.
  • A bath or shower with a change in water temperature. Perfectly leads to the pulse to normal indicators.

The methodology for increasing the pulse in athletes is also perfect for an ordinary person. With a minimum load, it is good to start coming to sports. You can dance at home or just jump to fun music, it also raises the mood and pulse well.

Low pulse prevention: important rules

In order for the pulse does not decrease, you need to follow certain rules:

  • Make sure to eat food in time (do not starve).
  • Lower the hormonal background of the body.
  • For low pulse prevention It is necessary to engage in physical exercises, then blood will be washed in sufficient quantities tissues and organs.
  • In order for the work of the heart to be correct, you can take the necessary drugs.
  • And also lead an active lifestyle, be more in the fresh air, walk on foot, play outdoor games.

Each person himself is responsible for his health. Therefore, please, see the doctors every six months, do not be nervous on trifles. Love yourself, take care of your health.

  • Physical exercises, traditional methods of treatment and a great mood - this is a great way to be young to advanced years. It is very important to fully follow it.
  • If a low heartbeat causes inconvenience, you need to take certain steps. You need to measure the pulse for yourself - this is the first. Does your pulse are extremely rare? In this case, homemade actions will help.
  • It happens that there are no symptoms, and the pulse for a long time is on the lower border. In this order, you need to consult doctors. The clinic can advise exercises and walks, but this prevents a possible danger of heart disease.
  • And if a diagnosis is already diagnosed with a disease, then a change in the usual rhythm of life, proper nutrition, physical education, timely appeal to traditional medicine will put your life in order with such a disease.

Take care of yourself. You must fully follow the doctor’s prescriptions, do not deviate from prescriptions, lead a healthy lifestyle and walk as much as possible.

Video: How to increase the pulse?

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