Non -steroidal anti -inflammatory agents for the treatment of joints - what contraindications are there, how to accept: list

Non -steroidal anti -inflammatory agents for the treatment of joints - what contraindications are there, how to accept: list

From this article you will learn what non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs are.

If your joints hurt, do you know what can help? These are non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs. What is non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs? What medicines are here? How to take them? To find out about it - read this article.

What is non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs?

Non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs

Non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs or non -hormonal drugs abbreviated as NSAIDs, which means that they are less harmful than hormonal ones. The first non -steroidal drugThe removal of inflammation is aspirin. It was received from the willow bark in the middle of the 19th century. There is aspirin now, but besides it, scientists have received many different non -steroidal drugs that have various active substances.

How do NSAIDs work?

  • Reduce swelling with inflammation
  • Joint pain is removed
  • Reduce body temperature if increased

They are produced in the form of injections, pills, ointments, candles.

Are non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs harmful?

NSAIDs have a lot contraindications:

  • Severe liver and kidney diseases
  • Allergy to the contents of the drug
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding baby
  • Blood predisposition to blood clots
  • Frequent bleeding of various nature
  • Children's age is less than 15 years old, some medicines (Zornika, Ethin Fort, etc.) after 18 years
  • Older people over 65 years old

Partial contraindications non -steroidal drugs:

  • If you, in addition to diseases of the joints, have gastritis, stomach ulcers, you cannot take pills and injections of non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs, you can only ointments, candles.
  • If you, in addition to diseases of the joints, are observed by hemorrhoids or cracks in the anus, you can only tablets, injections, ointments, and candles can not be from all types of non -steroidal drugs.
  • It may be that the same non-steroidal drugs of different companies behave differently: there are no side effects from the drug of one company, and there is from the same drug, but there is another company.

Side effects from NSAIDs:

  • Stomach ache
  • Nausea
  • Hurts and dizzy
  • I want to sleep all the time
  • Diarrhea or constipation

How to take non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs?

Rules for the adoption of NSAIDs:

  • Medicines are taken strictly according to the instructions or prescription of the doctor, usually no more than 2 times a day.
  • In order not to harm the stomach, tablets are taken 1 hour after eating, and they need to be washed down with a whole glass of water.
  • After taking the tablet, do not go to bed for at least 20-30 minutes.
  • Do not take alcohol after the medication drunk.
  • Agree with the doctor all the drugs that you take at the moment, since non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs are rarely compatible with other drugs, including 2 types of NSAIDs cannot be taken, and only the doctor can decide what is possible and what is impossible.
  • To relieve pain and inflammation, the doctor prescribes non-steroidal drugs no more than 5-7 days, and to reduce temperature-no more than 3 days.

What are the non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs?

NSAIDs are as follows:

  • Medications where an active substance is acetylsalicylic acid: "Aspirin", "Azecardol". The medicine is made in tablets. It helps with muscles and joint pain, if you played sports for a long time, reduces body temperature with colds and other inflammatory diseases.
"Aspirin" with an active substance acetylsalicylic acid
  • Medications where an active substance is diclofenac: Diclofen, Diclofenak, Diklonate, Diklonak, Diklonak, Diklobene, Dikloran, Voltaren, Rapten, Aerrtal, Azeclofenak, Ortophen, Naklofen "," Zerodol ". The medicine is sold in tablets, injections, ointments, candles. Within 20 minutes after taking the medicine, pain and heat are removed inside, after the ointment the pain subsides slower, and not as effective as after injections and pills.
"Diclofenac" with an active substance diclofenac
  • Medications where an active substance is ethodulak: Etodolak, Etol Fort, Ethin Fort. The medicine in the form of tablets. It helps with arthritis and arthrosis, when cartilage, bones, ligaments and muscles are affected.
"Ethin Fort" with an active substance ethodolase
  • Medications where an active substance is indomethacin: “Metintol”, “Indomin”, “Indomethacin”, “Indoward”, “Inteban”, “Intodena”, “Rheumatin”. A medicine with indomethacin is found in the form of tablets, candles and ointments. These are strong drugs with a large number of side effects. They help with arthritis and arthrosis, stiffness of movements, severe pain.
Indomethacin with an active substance of Indomethacin
  • Medications where an active substance is ibuprofen: Nurofen, Bolonet, Brufen, Buran, Raumafen, Ibuprofen. The medicine in our pharmacies is sold in tablets, ointments and candles. Helps with sprains of ligaments, arthritis, gout.
Ibuprofen with an active substance Ibuprofen
  • Medications where an active substance is ketoprofen: “Ketonal”, “Artrosylene”, “Knavon”, “Flexen”, “Profenid”. The medicine is produced in a solution for injections in the muscle and vein, capsules, gel, candles and aerosols. It helps with arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, muscle pain, to eliminate pain after operations.
"Ketonal" with an active substance of Ketoprofen
  • Medications where an active substance is dexquetoprofen: Dexalgin, Deksketoprofen. Available in the form of tablets. Helps with muscles and ligaments for stretching.
Dexalgin with an active substance desketoprofen
  • Medications where an active substance is pyroxics: “Pyroxics”, “Pyrokam”, “Fedin-20”, “Roxim”, “Erazon”, “Pyrox”, “Brexin”. Medicines of the new generation, they act much longer than the first non -steroidal drugs, but their contraindications are the same as in other non -steroidal drugs. Available in the form of tablets, capsules, injections, ointments and candles. Helps with arthritis, arthrosis.
"Pyroxics" with an active substance pyroxics
  • Medications where an active substance is loroxics: “Xephokams”, “Larfix”, “Zornika”, “Xephalgin”, “Lorakam”. New generation preparations in the form of tablets and a solution for injection, painful joints with arthritis, arthrosis. It is enough to take a tablet once a day, and it will operate until 12 hours.
"Xephokami" with an active substance to Loroxics
  • Medications where an active substance is meloxicam: “Meloxicam”, “Medixiks”, “Movalis”, “Movalgin”, “Melbek”, “Councils”, “Meloxan”, “Meloxic”, “Moviks”, “Mataren”, “Melox”, “Melox Xanthis”, “ Mesipol ”,“ Melomax ”,“ Miliksol ”,“ Arthrosan ”,“ Algezam ”,“ Aroxes ”,“ Aspics ”,“ Zeloxym ”,“ Inflamin ”,“ Loushol ”,“ Rheumoxic ”. Relatively new medicines. Available in tablets, a solution for injections and candles. They help with arthritis, arthrosis.
"Meloxicam" with an active substance meloxicam
  • Medications where an active substance is ketorolak: “Ketalgin”, “Ketorolak”, “Ketorol”, “Ketanov”, “Adolor”, “Dolk”. Available in the form of tablets, gel, solution for injections. They help with pain after operations, joint pain after sprains, dislocations, arthritis.
Ketorolak with an active substance of ketorolac
  • Medications where an active substance is nimesulide: "Nise", "nihd", "nimesulide". The medicine in the form of solutions for injections, ointments, tablets. Helps with arthritis. The sore spot after smearing with ointment blushes a little.
Nimesulid with an active substance nimesulid

So, we got acquainted with non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs, and learned that these are serious drugs that can only be used according to a doctor’s prescription.

Video: 3 Rules for safe use of NSAIDs

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  1. As for specifically, I can’t say anything about such drugs, but what really helped me get rid of articular pains is so ordinary collagen+honda. I don’t know what acted better out of this, but there is no more pain, and LDLLA is the most important thing for me) In any case, I think that the integrated approach has worked)

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