Dysbiosis in a child. What to do? Folk treatment of dysbiosis

Dysbiosis in a child. What to do? Folk treatment of dysbiosis

Dysbiosis is a term used in microbiology. They indicate the state of microflora on the skin, in the nose and vagina, the intestines of the person. Most often, if they mention dysbiosis, then intestinal dysbacteriosis.

In the colon of a healthy person there are more than four hundred cultures of microorganisms, for example, streptococcus, E. coli, lactobacilli and others. Interacting, bacteria are involved in the digestive tract.

Microbiologists deduced the optimal ratio of “good” and “bad” microorganisms. Deviation from the norm, that is, the predominance of pathogenic bacteria, provokes various disorders of the digestive system.

Symptoms of dysbiosis in children

The degree of manifestation of dysbiosis in a child depends on its age, the characteristics of the protective properties of the body and prevailing pathogenic microorganisms.

Among the main features, they distinguish:

  • liquefaction of feces, speaking, simpler, diarrhea;
  • feces acquires a greenish tint;
  • bloating and colic;
  • redness and peeling of the skin;
  • darkening tooth enamel;
  • pain in the lower abdomen.

If dysbiosis was not immediately seen and entered the chronic stage, then the baby’s cheeks are covered with red spots. Outwardly, it resembles a diathesis, which is.

The intestines cannot cope with the neutralization of toxins and allergens, therefore there is an allergy as a reaction to an “overdose” of harmful substances.

Symptoms of imbalance dysbiosisIn the case of the infants, it is quite difficult to determine dysbiosis “by eye”, since increased gas formation may be the result of overfeeding or improper selection of a mixture for feeding.

However, dysbiosis is not an independent disease. It is like a runny nose with colds - a consequence of more serious and global problems of the body.

Causes of dysbiosis in children

Changing the diet It can provoke an imbalance of microorganisms in the intestines. Especially if the products were not chosen by age. They are not digested and begin to decompose in the intestines, where they become an excellent environment for the propagation of pathogens. The same result can provoke spearry child.

Adding exotic fruits to food It is considered useful. Moreover, oranges and bananas have long been considered "children's" products. However, in exotic fruits and microbes exotic for the child’s body.

The mother’s body also does not produce the necessary microorganisms to transfer them to the baby. As a result, the intestines and other organs take on the attack of unusual bacteria, from which the child is not yet ready to defend himself.

Moreover, harmful particles do not necessarily enter the body directly with complementary foods. Often they are transmitted along with breast milk.

Dirty water, which periodically appears in our taps, is also full of microorganisms. The change of place of residence or rest in the country is often unsuccessfully combined with a stool disorder not only in children, but also in adults. The reason is that the body produces protection before the actual danger. The microbiological composition of water varies depending on the source, because the body is defenseless in the fight against new pests.

Antibiotics of a wide spectrum It is rarely prescribed a nursing mother or baby, but sometimes this cannot be avoided. The composition of the drug is designed to kill bacteria, indiscriminately for "good" and "bad".

After taking the antibiotic in the intestines of the child, the amount of microorganisms is sharply reduced. The only question is which bacteria will get faster and populate the baby's body.

Dysbiosis in infants

The child is born completely sterile. In the first hours and days of his life, the intestines are populated by bacteria. More than half of them, the mother of the baby passes with milk.

Moreover, in the colostrum there is a double or even triple (depending on the condition of the woman) a portion of useful lacto- and bifidobacteria.

In some cases, the mother is not able to feed the child in a traditional way.

Accordingly, the early transition to the mixture and their wrong choice become one of the main, if not the only cause of dysbiosis in infants.

For infants, the best treatment for dysbiosis is breast milk or adequate choice of the mixture.

Possible consequences of dysbiosis

Dysbiosis is the condition of the body, a consequence of other diseases. However, a prolonged imbalance with the advantage of pathogenic organisms allows them to populate the intestines.

Since bacteria participate in the digestive tract at the stage of splitting food into its components, the imbalance of microflora does not allow the body to obtain all nutrients from food. The child to ask for more food, which is the first bell of dysbiosis.

Violation of the digestive tract at the stage of absorption of water leads to malabsorption. For parents, this means that the feces will become liquid and foamy.

How to take tests for dysbiosis in children

The absence of a reliable analysis on the composition of the intestinal microflora contributes to disbacquation in dysbiosis. Since it is possible to explore only the feces of a person, an analysis for dysbiosis resembles a fortune -telling on a tea throat.

With feces, the body is freed from excess or pathogenic microorganisms, that is, gets rid of unnecessary. On the basis of such an analysis, it is impossible to conclude about microflora inside the body.

Analysis on dysbiosis does not exist. There is only an analysis for pathogenic microorganisms.

It is this study that is carried out when the symptoms of dysbiosis are detected.

Treatment of dysbiosis in children

Doctors strongly recommend not to confuse the investigation with the cause, because the treatment of dysbiosis is not in the first place.

But to facilitate the general condition of the child, there are both pharmacological agents and folk.

Drugs and drugs for the treatment of dysbiosis in children

Despite the frankly negative attitude of doctors to the existence of dysbiosis as an independent disease, they do not prohibit parents to actively fight against dysbiosis even with the help of pharmacological agents.

All kinds of probiotics, according to pharmacological companies, contain useful lacto and bifidobacteria. But doctors warn that saliva, gastric juice, bile and other fluids of the gastric tract completely dissolve and neutralize these microorganisms. However, this is not proved.

Accordingly, they cannot cause any harm, like the benefits, they cannot cause the body.

In most countries, probiotics are in the category of "potentially non -dangerous drugs." Roughly speaking, these are the same dietary supplements, only in profile.

Pharmacies provide several drugs containing lactobacilli: Lactobacterin in the form of tablets and biobactone or acilakt in the form of powder.

Useful bifidobacteria are contained in drugs: Bifidumbacterin, produced in a tablet form, is not recommended for children under 3 years of age. Under the same name, rectal candles are produced.

Treatment of dysbiosis folk remedies

Recipe No. 1

You need to find a market or dairy kitchen where products are checked for pathogens, and buy kefir. For treatment, it is enough for 80 g. In the evening, the child is easy to feed, redeem and take it to the toilet. Before going to bed, put an enema from a slightly heated kefir. It is believed that fermented milk products are full of lacto- and bifidobacteria. They are designed to destroy pathogenic microorganisms. It is important to adhere to precautions: boil the sprint, grease its tip with cream.

Recipe No. 2

Boil a liter of milk and cool it. For sourdough in milk, 4 crusts of black bread are placed. After a day, you need to add 2 more crusts, grated by garlic. After a couple of hours, milk will turn into garlic yogurt. Keep refrigerated. The child can drink yogurt 20 minutes before meals or half an hour after. The balance of microflora should recover in a few days.

You can also drink kefir serum. To do this, the milk is fermented according to the described method, and then the liquid part of the yogurt is drained. In some markets, you can buy serum separately, but follow the seller’s cleanliness and the conclusion of the sanction.

Recipe No. 3

A decoction of a series is a concentrate of prebiotics. For a healing drink, 2 tbsp. l. dry series and 300 ml of hot water. After cooling, the decoction can be drunk for 1 tbsp. l. before each meal, that is, at least 3 times. The course of treatment is no more than one week.

Prevention of dysbiosis in children

As a prevention, doctors advise using prebiotics - natural products that stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria. They break down only in the large intestine, that is, intact and preservation cause food for microorganisms with a positive reputation.

The number of products containing prebiotics include:

  • dairy products;
  • cereals;
  • bread;
  • cornflakes;
  • garlic;
  • onion;
  • peas;
  • beans;
  • field chicory.

Products_s -preschool prescriptions

For infants, the best prevention is breastfeeding.

Dysbiosis in children: tips and reviews

  • From the part of medicine there is one main advice: to look for the underlying disease, the symptom of which is dysbiosis.
  • The folk opinion converges on eliminating factors that cause an imbalance of intestinal microflora.
  • Many doctors do not mind combining folk methods of treatment and official. It is this combination that allows you to eliminate the symptoms unpleasant for the baby and look for the main diagnosis.

Video: Dysbiosis - School of Dr. Komarovsky

Video: We treat dysbiosis at home

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  1. At first we thought, it would pass by itself, the body will adapt, but the child often began to diarrhea, the weight gained poorly even after the start of complementary foods. We were assigned a new feeding scheme and probiotics. It became better, they took Bifidumbacterin, then I re-read a lot of reviews about children's probiotics and complementary foods, now Bifidum is very praised, it is a probiotic-zakvaska, you can cook something like yogurt, it turns out very tasty, they can be replaced one or two feeding per day .

  2. Regarding the folk remedies, I can’t say anything, I heard that you can do a decoction of dill, but we did not experiment, we treated the doctor because dysbiosis was strong and the child was only tormented with the stomach. The diet was observed and Enterosgel drank, everything worked out in the end.

  3. The son was ill recently, they drank a lot of medicines. Now he has dysbiosis, something does not go away.

  4. By the way, Enterosgel advised the pediatrician to our child with dysbiosis. This enterosorbent removes harmful substances, and does not touch useful substances, also suppresses harmful microflora, which is relevant with dysbiosis. As a result, he helped my baby, so if this beak still happens, we know what to do.

  5. Irina, tell me how you can urgently, how do you give him a child? And then we also have the same problem.

  6. Raisa, good afternoon. Sorry that yesterday I could not answer. Enterosgel should be given depending on the age of the child. Since we took it at infants, the dosage of us was half a teaspoon and gave it six times a day before each feeding. In general, look in the instructions, there for each age the dosage is described and the method of admission.

  7. Here, too, it began. The treatment was an antibiotic-naval, this is the matter?

  8. The right thing was written about Enterosgel. We also wrote this enterosorbent for dysbiosis. It also contributes to the normalization of intestinal function. Yes, and in the market he has long established himself well and causes trust. The treatment of my baby helped.

  9. Also tormented with such a problem ...., the pediatrician advised the Bak-Set Baby to give the child+probiotic enemas. That I can’t say that it is better to say it from this ... But, probably, thanks to the integrated approach, the intestines really began to work better, gradually there was no trace of dysbiosis, which is very pleasing)) Apparently the microflora and really came in order)

  10. In such cases, the pediatrician usually the Flora Baby assessment advises us to accept. Drops are one of a kind based on olive oil. And they themselves are quite effectively fighting dysbiosis.

  11. A very interesting article. I found the information necessary for myself.

  12. Folk remedies are good for prevention, but as for treatment, it is better to choose a good effective remedy. This is especially true for children. After taking antibiotics, I give an asset of Flora Baby to restore the normal functioning of the intestines.

  13. I trust pharmacy drugs than folk. I myself drink and the child in which case I give drops of the Actic Flora Baby. This probiotic copes very well with the consequences of dysbiosis.

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