The navel does not heal, fester after puncture: what to do, what to process?

The navel does not heal, fester after puncture: what to do, what to process?

How to eliminate suppuration of piercings of the navel with folk methods and pharmacy drugs.

Pierce navel is a common procedure that allows you to decorate the body. A variety of earrings with stones in the form of arches, significantly emphasize the beauty of the press and decorate the figure. However, with This manipulation is connected by a lot of complications about which we will talk about in this article. 

How much navel heals after a piercing?

Please note that usually with proper care, the navel should heal for two weeks or a month. If for some reason it takes longer, then you should contact the doctor or say goodbye to piercing.

How much navel heals after piercing:

  • At the very beginning, this area is not such good blood supply, such as in the ears or chest. That is why the wound can heal a little longer. The most popular complication after the puncture is slight redness, slight itching, as well as pulling pain. With proper care and treatment with antiseptics, they take place within 1-2 weeks.
  • Redness goes off, and the complete healing of the navel occurs within six months. But very often, with improper care or non -compliance with the instructions for the implementation of the puncture, there may be some difficulties and complications. Usually they appear in the form of severe redness of the tumor, the presence of itching or purulent discharge from the navel. Absolutely normal is the release of transparent fluid a week or two after a puncture.
  • This is a sucker that helps to drag on the wound. Its amount is small. However, it is worthwhile to understand that if the wound is breaking away, severe edema has appeared in this area, a large amount of greenish, yellowish, muddy fluid with a very unpleasant odor is released, this is abnormal. During the night in this place, crusts with dried pus can form in this place. This situation does not apply to normal and requires treatment.
Beautiful belly
Beautiful belly

The following antiseptics are usually used to carry out such manipulations: 

  • Chlorhexidine 
  • Miramistin 
  • Hydrogen peroxide 
  • Furatsilin 

These solutions must be washed the hole in which the earring is standing. Often doctors, as well as cosmetologists, advise Levomekol ointment, because it prevents the penetration of infection into the hole. Its small amount is applied to the swab, applied to the place where it hurts and fixed with a patch. You can use Vishnevsky ointment, but it is distinguished by an unpleasant aroma, so it is unlikely that the girls will use it. 

Healing piercing
Healing piercing

How to understand that the navel is fester after the piercing?

In general, most often it is not recommended to use hydrogen peroxide and alcohol for wiping the navel, as they can dry the skin. An ideal option will be aqueous solutions of antiseptics. Please note that often in one or two weeks the channel may swell pus, this indicates rejection.

How to understand that the navel is festering after the piercing:

  1. This often happens if the body does not perceive a specific metal. Many experts advertise products from titanium or medical silver, as they are hypoallergenic and in extremely rare cases cause allergic reactions. 
  2. However, as practice shows, allergies and not the adoption of titanium are a common situation that the girls who made piercing face. In this case, it is recommended to use another metal, it is easiest to replace with gold, and look at the reaction.
  3. Many argue that after the replacement of earrings, the situation really improved quickly and the channel has completely cooked. If you find a rash around the navel at the site of the puncture, this indicates an allergic reaction. It can be on the product itself, that is, decoration, as well as at the funds that you use to care. Try to replace chlorhexidine withMiramistin. Or replace the earring.
Sexual belly
Sexual belly

Why doesn't the navel heal after the piercing: what to do?

With severe suppuration and inflammation, unfortunately, antibiotics are very often prescribed, not onlylocallybut also internally.

Why is the navel heis after the piercing:

  • Therefore, it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that the doctor can prescribe medications to you. For these purposes, it is usually often prescribedDoxycyclineAugmentin, or levomitsetin. Usually shows antibiotics of a wide range of action that help remove suppuration.
  • Together with antibiotics, it is also recommended to take care of the microflora of the stomach and other mucous membranes and take lactobacilli. SuitableLactiala, Linex, or Lactovit. The drug is also often usedBiogay.
  • Along with these agents, along with antibiotics, antifungal drugs are prescribed so that there is no thrush. Therefore, often, together with taking antibiotics, they are prescribedNystatinFuchis or other antifungal drugs for oral administration.
Beautiful piercing
Beautiful piercing

The navel piercing is festering - how to process?

There are a lot of antibacterial ointments that are often used in order to stretch the infection. Below is a list of the most popular. 

The navel piercing is fester than to process:

  • Hypozol. They are not an ointment, but a solution contained in a glass bottle. The jar is equipped with a spray, with which the product is applied to the wound. Created on the basis of sea buckthorn and ordinary antiseptic. Sea buckthorn accelerates healing and promotes restoration, tissue tightening. This option is suitable only in not neglected cases, when only a small amount of pus oozes from the wound. If the inflammation is serious, then using the product is useless. 
  • Ichthyol ointment. In general, many doctors believe that this is the last century, and the ointment is advised to use extremely rarely. Now there are more modern means that contribute to rapid healing, stretching pus from the wound. However, some people are accustomed to using this ointment, claiming its effectiveness. Yes, indeed, Ichthyol dries, allows you to eliminate pus from the wound, but it is not distinguished by a pleasant aroma and color, which can dirty light clothes. 
  • Shinnomicin. Ointment based on drugs that contribute to delaying the wound and extracting pus from inflammation. With the help of the ointment, crusts are softened, which are dried up and easily removed. 
  • Levosin. This is an ointment that is characterized by a combined composition, thanks to which it is possible to eliminate pus, as well as remove inflammation. The tool has proven itself well in the treatment of various purulent wounds. A small amount of the product is applied to the napkin, applied to the sore spot, fixed with a bandage, adhesive plastry. You need to change the bandage once a day. If the pus has sucks to gauze or to cotton wool, do not try to tear it off the navel. It is best to fill the area with chlorhexidine or peroxide. After a few minutes, the wound will swell, and you can easily remove the swab and replace it with a new one. 
Beautiful jewelry
Beautiful jewelry

How to accelerate piercing navel?

How is the navel treatment during suppuration? It is necessary to adhere to certain instructions, and in no case do not try to tear out purulent crusts or rub the antibacterial agent into the wound.

How to accelerate piercing navel piercing:

  • It is necessary to lie on your back and pour such a amount of means into the navel area that it fills all the cavity completely. Next, you need to wait a couple of minutes and try to rotate the earring back and forth so that the crust is softened, and the antiseptic gets directly into the channel in which the decoration is located.
  • Further, after the implementation of all manipulations and flushing the wound, it is necessary to wet the remnants of the antiseptic using a napkin. In no case do not try to rub or wipe it. Washing is enough to remove excess funds. 
  • From ointments that are often used for suppuration, it is worth noting tetracycline, gentamicinovy. These ointments contain antibiotics that kill gram -positive and gram -negative microorganisms. However, these ointments do not pull pus from the deep layers.
  • Therefore, the means that contribute to the extraction of pus are indispensable. They include ichthyol, as well as Vishnevsky ointment. There are many wound healing ointments on the basis of means that stimulate the restoration of the skin.
  • It is best to use when there is no pus, but at the same time the wound remains red and fattened enough. For these purposes, Solcoseryl, Actovegin and methyluracyl are used. These means contribute to the rapid healing and restoration of tissues. And also impede the occurrence of a keloid scar. 
Beautiful belly
Beautiful belly

Folk methods from suppuration of the navel

It is possible to eliminate suppuration in the piercing area with the help of folk methods. However, it is worth considering that the navel is very close to the abdominal cavity, so it is best to use proven products that cannot harm. 

Navel suppuration recipes for suppuration: 

  • Aloe. It is necessary to cut off the leaf of the plant, whose age is at least 3 years, remove the skin and chop it to a state of mashed potatoes. Now apply the ointment directly to the sore spot. Cover the application with a cotton pad and a patch. Do not forget to carry out treatment with antiseptics. Aloe accelerates the healing of the wound, and promotes pus stretch. 
  • Onions with household soap. This recipe is very common and simple, and effective. To prepare the product, a small amount of laundry soap is needed 72% on a fine grater to a crumb state. Next, on a meat grinder or on a fine grater, a bulb is crushed. Soap chips with onions are mixed until homogeneous mashed potatoes, which will be like an ointment. The product is applied to suppuration and covered with a bandage and a patch. It is best to carry out processing at night. Please note that the product smells unpleasantly, so in the morning it is necessary to remove the compress and take a warm shower, then treat the wound with an antiseptic. 
  • Cabbage sheet. Everyone knows that this vegetable perfectly draws pus and helps to resolve seals. To do this, you need to put the cabbage sheet in the refrigerator so that it becomes cold. Further, with the help of a trap, it is tedious to beat off the sheet so that a little juice comes out. Attach the sheet to the sore spot and fix it with the use of a patch.
  • Folk remedies based on vegetables showed themselves well in the fight against suppurations. As indicated above, you can use the cabbage leaf, but this is not the only means with which you can remove and stretch pus from the wound. For these purposes, potato juice or compress is often used very often. It is necessary to grind potatoes on a grater, wrap it in gauze to apply to the sore spot. In the same way you can act with juice. They are moistened with a cotton swab, applied to the navel and fixed using the patch. You need to change the compress every 2-3 hours.
Sexual belly
Sexual belly

Recommendations of a specialist in the healing process of the navel

To avoid relapses, as well as suppuration in this area, try to adhere to the following pnavel healing specialist  

  1. Wear free clothes that do not rub in the waist, navel. It is best if it is cotton products that perfectly absorb and do not provoke the occurrence of a greenhouse effect. 
  2. Take a shower and carry out hygienic manipulations. Two weeks after puncture, the navel cannot be taken. It is best to swim under a warm shower with constant treatment after this wound with antiseptics. In no case do not use towels to wipe moisture from the navel. Remove moisture from this area with vuminizing movements. 
  3. The opinions of experts about when it is better to do the navel piercing, differ. They believe that there is a lot of dust in the summer, since the skin is not protected and only a thin layer of clothing is on it. Therefore, they say that it is necessary to carry out manipulations in winter. Others, on the contrary, believe that in winter the skin can sweat and create additional friction in this area due to pants or thermal underwear, which tightly adjacent to the body.
Belly button piercing
Belly button piercing

Make manipulation when it is convenient for you. However, use only natural fabrics during this period that does not fit the body, but quite free, allow the skin to breathe. 

Video: Pierce Pupa

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