The name of the detachment, a speech and a motto for a children's summer camp for younger schoolchildren: ideas, examples

The name of the detachment, a speech and a motto for a children's summer camp for younger schoolchildren: ideas, examples

In this article you will find a large selection of speech for various events and for sports competitions in a children's school summer camp.

The name and motto of the detachment of the summer wellness school camp at school

In this article you will find a selection of the most funny and interesting motto, as well as speech, which are suitable for games, competitions and events that are held in summer health camps. Such rhymes will help to inspire children to participate in various competitions, as well as help them in achieving victory.

Options for names and speech:

Detachment: "Call"

We ring, we ring all day,
We are not lazy to call, however.

Detachment: "Eccentrics"

We are in a dream in a dream.
We are on land and in the water.
We always go ahead.
Luck is waiting for Chudakov!

Detachment: "Robinson"

We do not need nannies.
We are the islanders.

Detachment: "Orange"

We are all slices of orange.
We are friendly and indivisible.

Detachment: "Firefly"

Although our light is weak and we are small,
But we are friendly and so strong.

Detachment: "Ducklings"

Krya! Quarrel? Krya! Do not quarrel in vain.

Detachment: "Kapitoshka"

Rain cap on the roads,
But we are not bored at all.
We play and sing, we live very cheerfully.

Detachment: "Rainbow"

We, like rainbows of color,
Never are inseparable

Detachment: "Signed"

We are funny guys, because we are sincere!

Detachment: "Family"

We are a simple class family -
Everything is in our family atas!

Detachment: "Smile"

Life without a smile error
Long live laughter and smile!

Detachment: "Smile"

Our motto is only three words - to smile is cool!

Detachment: "Comet"

Comet in the sky, and we are on the earth!
Happy happiness always and everywhere!

Detachment: "Smile"

Smile every time, for health it is a class!

Detachment: "Friendly guys"

Super friendly guys class,
Friendly guys do not let you down!

Detachment: "Friends"

Many times, many times!
There are many of us, many of us!
We are a detachment - a detachment of friends!
More fun with us!

Detachment: "Shock"

Noisy! Mischial! Kinders!

Detachment: "Hunger chipmunk"

Neither step back nor step in place,
But only after half and only all together !!!

Detachment: "The detachment is Bobry"

Hello Beaver! Bober himself!
Don't quarrel you beavers,
After all, in the "camp" we are all equal.

Detachment: "Smeshariki"

We did not reinforce at home and flew to the camp.
Glorious deeds are waiting for us, we will shout together "Hurray!"

Detachment: "Gnomes"

The dwarf stood up - not food,
Do not look for a light life!

Detachment: "Kingdom"

No - whims
Yes - charging.
Everything is in order in our kingdom!

Detachment: "Forest cones"

We are lads - forest cones,
All quietly like mice,
Do not walk in the corners,
Everything in the world in half!

Detachment: "Freckles"

The sun loves us.We are freckles - super class.

Detachment: "Family Veselaki"

Veselaki, what are the beaks,
We live like trulas,
We dance, run, laugh.
Where not needed, we do not spit.

Detachment: "Pups"

They love nipples, they know the nipples,
Everyone adores the nipples in the camp!

Detachment: "Pink elephants"

Elephants - there is no trouble, pink I and you.

Detachment: "Mermaids"

Boredom, laziness from the heart - with us aunt Black Sea!

Detachment: "Ants"

We are funny guys -
Shorty ants,
Our motto is forward a detachment!
We went fun together!

Detachment: "Baby"

We are a baby's team
Do not write in our pot!

Speech and motto for a school camp
Speech and motto for a school camp

Speech in the dining room for the summer wellness school camp at the school

Crites and speech -“for the dining room” are needed to set their due mood for children, improve and warm their appetite, make up and cheer.

The most popular speech in the dining room:

I came to the dining room
And I found a cutlet there!
There is an inscription on the cutlet:
“The one who wants to eat”!

We love us very much stew
We love horns, love tea,
After the general meeting
Kitchen on SNEK meet us.

In the preparation of delicious cereals and juicy compote,
Neither Makarevich nor infantry will be compared with you!

We do not need a bream catch,
We love your pilaf very much!

We will not be tired of composing
Our loud chants.
We will not be tired of celebrating
Our cooks are talents.

The team of our cooks
We say: "Thank you!"
Everything was cool, just a class
To glory and marvel!

We are very tired
But they sat down at the table
We saw borsch
And they forgot about everything!

Thank you for dinner
We really needed him.

With gratitude, we turn to you again,
You cook deliciously to us, the rating is "five" again
Well, since our whole stomach is full now,
Hello to you with gratitude from us!

In the morning we get up again
And we are going for breakfast.
We see the porridge and again
We have an appetite on "5"!

Who prepares us?
- The cook!
Who loves us so much?
- The cook!
What can we say to the cooks?
- Let's tell them: "Thank you!"

Oh, how delicious your lunch is
He saves us from troubles.
We now do not know the worries,
Gratitude to you in return.

The deer has horns
Well, we eat stew.
Thank God, by the legs,
And the cooks for food.

Glory is my dear,
How did we wait for you
But they waited for the cutlet more
Only it would be thicker.

Thanks to our cooks
For pasta and cheese,
For tomatoes and gulls.

Buckwheat was delicious,
Tulka is nothing too.
But cabbage is best
We love all the cooks.

We ate porridge today,
And everyone looked at the plate,
And she was tasty
Since we were welded
Our super-foams.

Thanks to God for the bread
And the cooks for lunch.

Thanks to our cooks
What a cool dinner gave us.

Speech in the dining room for a children's school camp
Speech in the dining room for a children's school camp

The name and motto of the sports detachment of the summer school camp at school

Such speech and chants are useful to kids during sports events and competitions in the camp.

The most popular and beautiful speeches:

Detachment: "kids"

Guys - forward!
Guys - let's!
Guys - do not fall asleep on the field!

Detachment: "Bodryaks"

Our guys are cheerful!
Our guys are brave!
Both to football and basketball
Ours will make yours!

Detachment: "leaders"

If ours win
We guys kiss!
If ours blow you up
Their cow will kiss!

Detachment: "Modnyshki"

Fashionable shorts,
Cool shirts -
Our boys are just bunnies!

Detachment: "Streetings"

Fashionable shorts, stylish shirts -
Our boys are the strongest!)
The gates of the opponent are taken to the fly
Our .... (the name of the guy) a blow like a gun!

Detachment: "Sports guys"

A boy in a white T -shirt, blue underpants!
We really like you ... miss goals!

Detachment: "winners"

Our opponent is very formidable
You can’t take them so simply!
You will only turn off the wind
And you will slaughter snot!

Detachment: "active"

We are mobile beetles
Two legs and two hands
We are not sitting on the spot
Here and there we will win!

Detachment: "The first in the row"

Drink children milk,
You are far from ours.
Drink children yogurt
Anyway, victory is ours!

Detachment: "Physical education hello!"

We go to the stadium 
Our detachment will be a champion!
The muscles are strong!
And we ourselves are beautiful!

Detachment: "Barberry"

Sweet we are “barberry”
Tanya, Vanya and Lariska.
Everyone came to compete
To stay the winner!

Detachment: "Sports-squirt"

And our motto is as follows:
“More things are less than words!
Do not clap your ears in vain
And break the rivals all! ”

Detachment: "winners"

We are ready, as always,
To defeat you without difficulty.

Detachment: "medalists"

We will fight for the victory
You will have to try!

Squad: "Sport is life!"

Play with us
Play how we
Play better than us!

Detachment: "Cool team"

The team is our super class!
Do not beat us today!

Detachment: "Streetings"

Sports are power
Sport - is life!
We will achieve victory!
Opponent, hold on!

Detachment: "Fitness guys"

Our coach is the best coach!
The team is just a class!
You don't even hope
Do not beat you!

Sports speech in a children's school camp
Sports speech in a children's school camp

The name and motto of the detachment for the team competition of the summer school camp

Here you will find any speech that is suitable for each event or competition in a children's school camp.


Detachment: "dexterous"

Dexterous, bold, abyss of mind,
We win everywhere and always!

Detachment: "Sports Friends"

Smart sports
We guys are active!
Dexterous perky,
To everything, stubborn!

Detachment: "activists"

We came and we are ready
They are ready to win again!

Detachment: "Victory lovers"

We are ready, as always,
To defeat you without difficulty.

Detachment: "coaches"

To win is our fate
We will defeat you as always.

Detachment: "funny"

Our motto: Do \u200b\u200bnot lose heart!
Go through everything and find out everything!

Detachment: "winners"

We fly forward and win!
We help everyone lagging!

Detachment: "Dreamers"

Swim always, swim everywhere,
And you will find the path to your dream!

Squad: "Warriors"

We are at least where!
We are all masters in sports.
We will run, drive the ball,
For the victory to fight

Detachment: "musketeers"

All for one, one for all,
Then the team will have success!

Detachment: "Prometheus"

Light fire in the hearts of people,
How Prometheus did it!

Detachment: "record holders"

Records - always, records - everywhere.
Records on land, records of water!

Detachment: "capita"

Rain cap on the roads,
But we are not bored at all.
We play and sing
We live very cheerfully.

Squad: "Rainbow"

We, like rainbows of color,
Never are inseparable.

Detachment: "kids"

Combat, energetic,
Young, pretty.

Detachment: "activists"

We will fight for the victory
You will have to try!

Detachment: "Friends"

Three four!
Hey guys, wider step!
No, probably in the whole world,
More fun, friendly guys!

Detachment: "handsome"

When we are one -
We are invincible!

Detachment: "Masiki"

Maximum sports, maximum laughter!
So we will achieve success faster.

Detachment: "pencils"

We are the best team
Do not prove!
We bring to victory
We will tear rivals!

Detachment: "Smile"

We will smile at all
We wave his hand.
And immediately an opponent
Loses peace!

Detachment: "Streetings"

Our team is strong,
Today is lucky!
Ole-Ole (name of the team)
Forward! Forward! Forward!

Detachment: "Victoria"

Victory, victory
We just need it!
We will achieve victory

Detachment: "active"

In vain with the ears we do not clap,
And we will break the rivals all!
We will fight for the victory!
You will have to try!

Detachment: "Super-Star"

Our team is super,
The team is our class!
You don't even hope
Do not beat you!

Detachment: "playful"

Play with us
Play how we
Play better than us!

Squad: "Game"

We will win,
Who doubted
It would be better to stay at home!

Detachment: "Toys"

Let us not play at home,
We’ll score and score!
Our team cannot be broken,
We beat, beat and we will beat!

Detachment: "kittens"

Adults and children know
Better "kittens" are not in the world!
Brave, powerful,
Invincible by no one!

Video: "Speech for a children's camp: a motto and name of the detachment"

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