Scientific experiments for children at home: 15 amazing and developing experiments with a description and explanation, ideas

Scientific experiments for children at home: 15 amazing and developing experiments with a description and explanation, ideas

In this article, we will consider fascinating and cognitive experiments that can not only entertain, but also surprise children.

You can conduct them using simple and improvised means. Do not worry if you did not like chemistry or physics. These developing experiments for children are very simple, but interesting, since children get acquainted with a wide range of scientific concepts. This is a great way to spend time together with the family.

Experiments for children - underwater volcano

Squirring experiments for children always cause delight among children of any age. But they are also very easy to perform and require a minimum of components.


  • Wide and high vase
  • The bubble is empty
  • Soda food
  • Any dye
  • Vinegar


  1. Pour cold water into the vase, approximately 0.5 liters
  2. Add 100 ml of vinegar to it, its quantity depends on the volume of water
  3. Pour soda through a watering can or a home -made cone from paper into a bubble, half of the entire volume of the bubble
  4. Add the dye to it
  5. We lower the bubble into the vase and observe how the water is seething and changing color


This is a simple chemical reaction of acid and alkalis. When vinegar reacts with soda that has fallen into the water, there is a seething that paints the dye.

Under water

Experiments for children - a lamp from a lava in your house

Substituting colored bubbles will cause delight not only in children, but in their parents. Therefore, such experiments for children must be on your list.

What do you need:

  • High capacity
  • Water
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt
  • Dye


  1. Pour water 2/3 of the total capacity
  2. Pour the remaining 1/3 with oil. But if you take even proportions, it will only be more spectacular
  3. Drip a few drops of liquid dye (the bulk component is better to pre -dilute in water)
  4. We begin to throw 5 g of salt (about 1 tsp), which will cause the formation of bubbles. The more often you throw it, the more bubbles will be


Oil is lighter than water, but water is lighter than salt. If the salt hits the salt, drops of oil and lowering them to the bottom. But when the crystals dissolve, these drops rise. The dye creates a more spectacular effect.

Tip: If you take any sparkling pill instead of salt, you will observe continuous watering of the liquid.


Experiments for children: toothpaste for elephant or frantic foam

Such experiments for children always cause a lot of delight among children, since the effect is visible instantly!


  • Hydrogen peroxide 3% - 200 ml
  • Food dye - 1 bag or 1 tsp. potassium permanganate
  • Detergent or liquid soap - 100 ml
  • Dry yeast - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 50 ml
  • Plastic bottle


  1. Dilute the yeast first in the water. Let stand for 5 minutes
  2. Pour in a bottle peroxide
  3. Add dye and detergent
  4. When the yeast swel slightly, pour them into a mixture of peroxide
  5. Observe the boiling foam. By the way, do not forget to put a tray or a large dish from below


Dissocation of peroxide into water and oxygen occurs, yeast acts in the role of catalase to speed up this process. And the detergent creates the effect of foam.

A lot of
A lot of foam

Experiments for children: a candleboard from a candle

Experiments for children with fire should only be carried out under the strictest control of adults!


  • 1 large and thick candle
  • Skewer
  • 2 glasses

The course of actions:

  1. We put the glasses opposite, at a distance of the length of the skewer (it should lie on them)
  2. At the candle from the other end we cut out another wick
  3. We pierce the candle with a skewer exactly in the center
  4. We place the skewer between the glasses and set fire to both wicks
  5. We observe how the candle itself leans in one or the other, like a pendulum

Tip: Do not forget to cover the table with something so that the wax does not stain it.


When the wax heats up, it melts and gathers in a drop. And this drop pulls the candle in its direction, but a similar picture is observed on the other hand. Therefore, the severity of each new drop alternately tilts the candle.

The candle itself will resolve the exact center of gravity
The candle itself will resolve the exact center of gravity
Find the center of gravity in soaring forks
Find the center of gravity in soaring forks

Experiments for children: a bill that does not burn!

Such experiments for children can even surprise adults, but they require proper caution.


  • Forceps or long tweezers
  • Any bill
  • Source of fire
  • Alcohol and water in equal quantities

How to conduct:

  1. Create a 50% alcohol solution by mixing the main component and water
  2. Dear the bill for 1-2 minutes into it
  3. With the help of forceps, take the face value, let the fluid a little
  4. Burn - the bill will burn, but it will not burn it itself. Do not extinguish it, let the flame go on your own!


During the burning of alcohol, the process decomposes it into water, carbon dioxide and heat. The burning temperature of alcohol is much lower than that of paper, so it burns first. But this temperature is not enough to evaporate moisture from paper. Therefore, alcohol burns completely, and the bill remains untouched.

We surprise a children's and even an adult audience
We surprise a children's and even an adult audience

Experiments for children: moving water

There are also such experiments for children that require a certain time. But the result will definitely be worth it!


  • 5 glasses
  • 3 food dyes
  • 4 napkins


  • Pour the water into glasses through one, painting each in a different color. Although it will be no less exciting if you pour it for each glass
  • Fold the napkin in a tube and bend in half
  • Put, as shown in the picture, one napkin for 2 glasses
  • In a couple of hours you can admire the rainbow from the water!


This occurs due to the difference in pressure, level and forces of surface attraction of water. The liquid rises up the capillaries of the napkins due to the fact that it takes a concave form (meniscus). In this position, the fluid pressure under this meniscus becomes less atmospheric, and the water strives upward. The attraction between water molecules weakens, it spreads through the solid body. And then the water level and the power of attraction between molecules, which becomes stronger, plays a role. They try to reduce contact with the surface and gather in drops.

The wandering of water
The wandering of water

Amazing experiments for children with water: air pressure

There are various water experiments for children. But this is the simplest and cognitive.

You need:

  • A glass of water
  • A piece of cardboard or a sheet of paper


  1. Fill half a glass with water, although its exact amount does not play a big role. The main thing is to have air
  2. Now place a piece of cardboard on the hole, turn the glass 180 degrees
  3. As soon as the glass is turned upside down, you can release cardboard. Water will not spill, and cardboard will hold


In a glass, negative pressure is lower than in the environment, a mini-vacuum is created. The pressure is larger outside, so the cardboard is pressed to the glass and prevents water flow.

With fabric
With fabric

Cognitive experiments for children with salt water

Such experiments for children are very diverse and will be interesting to any age category.


  • Two bowls
  • Water
  • Salt


  1. First fill both bowls with water. Pour a lot of salt into one of the bowls, approximately 100 ml of 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Then place two bowls in the freezer for several hours
  3. When you get cups from the freezer, the children will be amazed. Water freezes to ice, but no water-salt solution-no!
  4. If you allow children to sprinkle ice with salt, then it melts


There is always a thin layer of water on each layer of ice, because the air pressure causes ice melting. If we add salt to it, this layer can no longer freeze. Thus, the air pressure passes through the layers, as a result of which the ice is always liquid.

Important: from -21.6 ° C, salted water also freezes!

Arrange ice fishing
Arrange ice fishing

Experiments for children: rubber egg

All experiments for children are cognitive. And in this case, you can even connect the value of our tooth enamel from harmful factors.

For this experiment, you need:

  • 1 raw chicken egg
  • Any container
  • Vinegar

The course of the operation:

  1. Pour the egg completely with vinegar, so it’s more convenient to take a glass. Not so large fluid consumption
  2. Leave it for the night or for the whole day. By the way, the oxidation of calcium on the shell is accompanied by a small formation of bubbles
  3. In general, it should pass for about 12 hours. The egg should be done periodically. Since it pops up, and one side will be above the surface of vinegar
  4. After this time, you need to rinse the egg under water. The shell will come to naught, perhaps somewhere not to the end, but it will easily move under running water
  5. If you periodically replace vinegar, then the process will accelerate
  6. You will not have a very rubber egg, but its imitation. It will spring like a ball. But throwing it on the floor is still not worth it!


After the lime membrane has dissolved, the raw liquid contents of the egg is kept only with a thin protective film. By the way, do not underestimate her strength.

Can an egg go through the neck of the bottle?
Can an egg go through the neck of the bottle?

Fascinating experiments for children: color and moving milk

Experiments for children with milk are very simple and affordable, but they can really fascinate with interesting paintings.

You will need:

  • A little milk-about 50-100 ml
  • Shallow container or plate
  • Any paints
  • Liquid soap


  1. Pour into a plate of milk
  2. Add any dyes
  3. We dip a cotton wand in any liquid soapy product, put it in some places in milk
  4. It begins to move, and the colors are mixed


Molecules of the detergent react with particles of fat in milk, forcing them to move. They seem to diverge from the molecules of the washing liquid. For this reason, a fat -free product is not suitable.

Similarly, green and iodine acts. First you need to paint the green in some places milk. And when you touch on a pointedly with a stick with iodine, the liquid will move and stain in a different color.

Antiseptics and milk
Antiseptics and milk

Experiments for children: creates a volcano with your own hands

Such experiments for children have many variations of execution. For example, citric acid and lemon juice enter a similar reaction with soda.

You need:

  • Vase or glass
  • Tray
  • Food soda - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 50 ml
  • Vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Food dye-5-6 drops, you can sparkle-1 tsp.
  • The detergent is 1 drop (not necessarily, but it will be more enchanting)


  • To simulate a volcano, create a small layout of a stump of paper, cardboard or even sand, plasticine. Children can also decorate it
  • Put the layout on the tray. Throw soda into a glass. Dyes, sparkles and drip detergents. Dilute all this with water
  • Place the glass inside the cone and pour in vinegar into it. Acids may require more


As in the case of an underwater volcano, soda and acid react. And the detergent creates foam from their contact.


Funny experiments for children: a self -suppressed balloon

Such experiments for children will even help you organize a holiday by creating the main attribute - balloons that soar in the air. However, you do not even need to spend your strength for this.


  • Inflatable ball
  • Soda
  • Vinegar
  • Plastic bottle


  1. Fill a plastic bottle on 1/3 vinegar
  2. Pour 3-4 tsp into the ball with a watering can. soda
  3. Pull the tip of the ball on the neck, raise it behind the base so that the soda falls asleep
  4. And then the ball itself is pouting. At the same time, he will soar, like inflated balls with helium


Upon contact with soda and vinegar, a lot of carbon dioxide is released, which will decide the ball.

And try to pierce the ball!
And try to pierce the ball!
Another experience with a ball
Another experience with a ball

Experiments for children: ash snake

Such experiments for children are still better to carry out on the street or on a surface that is not a pity to spoil.

Would need:

  • 1-2 tablets of dry fuel (urotropin)
  • Calcium gluconate - 10 tablets
  • A bowl that is not a pity (you can make their foils)
  • Lighter
  • Working non -combustible surface

Course execution:

  1. Grind fuel and calcium arbitrarily
  2. Put the fuel with a slide in a bowl, make a small recess
  3. We fall asleep and set fire to
  4. We observe how the snake grows from the ashes


Calcium gluconate decomposes under the influence of temperature on calcium oxide and carbon, which makes the ashen tree. But for this you need uniform and constant heating, which provides us with dry fuel.


Experiments for children: selfless candle

This is from the series Physical experiments for children to clearly show the pressure effect.


  • Low candle
  • Plate
  • Cup
  • Lighter, matches
  • Water
  • Food dye (it will be more effective with it)


  1. We collect a little water in the plate, add the dye
  2. Put a candle and light it
  3. Cover with a glass
  4. After a few seconds, the candle goes out, and the water is sucked into a glass


Due to the lack of oxygen, the flame of the candle goes out. And burning oxygen inside a glass, we create a vacuum. Therefore, the liquid is absorbed.

Analogue with the bulb
Analogue with the bulb

Exciting experiments for children: different liquid density

Such experiments are perfect for older children, as they clearly show the effect of liquid density. But young children will be very interested in watching everything.


  • Alcohol
  • Oil
  • Water
  • Dye

Action plan:

  1. Pour alcohol into a glass, lower it into it with a tube or pipette a large drop of oil. It falls to the bottom, because heavier is heavier
  2. Now you need to add water to the bottom. We also do it with a pipette. Now we observe how a drop begins to rise. At the same time, the border between water and alcohol is visible. Conclusion - water is heavier than oil, but it is also easier than alcohol
  3. Sprinkle with the dye on top, he begins to fall down clubs, and on the border we observe a small rain
  4. Add more water, gently stir - now the density of alcohol falls, and the drops of oil surfaces
We observe, play and know!
We observe, play and know!

Experiments for children: ideas

All these experiments for children will be interesting and exciting in their own way.

Surprise the children with still solid liquid
Surprise the children with still solid liquid
Water clock
Water clock
With water
With water
3 liquids
3 liquids
How to make a pillow out of the ball!
With a ball
Check the tangerines
Check the tangerines
With a boat
With a boat
Leaky bag
Leaky bag
Water rises up
Water rises up
With forks
With forks

Video: Experiments for children - 19 cool ideas

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