Tincture of wax moth larvae: therapeutic properties, recipe for cooking, indications, instructions for use, contraindications, reviews. Dosage of tincture of wax moths for children, kids, adults

Tincture of wax moth larvae: therapeutic properties, recipe for cooking, indications, instructions for use, contraindications, reviews. Dosage of tincture of wax moths for children, kids, adults

What is the useful tincture of wax moth larvae? How to take tincture of wax moth larvae in various diseases?

The wax moth is a night butterfly belonging to the firewall family. Its other names are the terms of a shackler, a wax firing, a scrap, a bee fireworm. This insect is a real nightmare for beekeepers. The fact is that it feeds on the life of bees, and sometimes the bees themselves. The firing is capable of destroying the whole bee family. While beekeepers are actively fighting wax moths, the folk healers have learned to benefit from it.

Tincture, hood, extract from wax moth larvae: therapeutic properties, indications for use

  • Mentions of this insect are found in ancient Egypt. Later, the glory of healing moths came to the countries of Europe and Asia. With it, infertility was treated, diseases of the respiratory system.
  • The folk doctor A.S. Mukhin in the middle of the 20th century. His works were devoted to the treatment of this medicine of cardiovascular diseases and bronchial diseases. The researcher himself claims that he got rid of tuberculosis precisely with the help of tincture of the fire.
  • What is the secret of this small moth and tincture from it?
  • Almost everyone knows that beekeeping products have a whole range of useful actions on the human body. Since the firing feeds on these products, part of their healing properties is transmitted to it.
Useful composition of tincture of wax moths
Useful composition of tincture of wax moths

Tincture of wax moths, in turn, boasts a rich composition from a number of nutrient, healing substances, such as:

  1. Hormones
  2. Minerals
  3. Peptides
  4. Amino acids
  5. Nourishing protein
  6. Nucleosides
  7. Lipids
  8. Fatty acid
Useful properties of tincture of wax moths
Useful properties of tincture of wax moths

Such a rich component of the tincture of the firewall allows it to have the following actions on the human body:

  • strengthen the immune system and protective functions of the body
  • have an anti -inflammatory and healing effect
  • stabilize the work of the nervous system
  • to fill with energy
  • normalize metabolism and metabolic processes
  • reduce blood pressure
  • bore cholesterol
  • prevent the formation of atherosclerotic platens and blood clots
  • promote resorption of scars

Tincture of wax moth larvae: Instructions for use

Indications for the use of tincture of wax moth larvae
Indications for the use of tincture of wax moth larvae

Thanks to its healing actions provided on the human body, tincture of wax moth can be shown in a number of the following diseases:

  • Tuberculosis
  • Pneumonia
  • Female and male infertility
  • Heart diseases
  • Problems with blood vessels
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Allergy
  • Oncological diseases
  • Prostate diseases
  • Dermatological diseases
  • Vision problems
  • Parasitic invasions
  • Klimax
Instructions for the use of tincture wax moths
Instructions for the use of tincture wax moths
  • Contraindications for the appointment of tinctures of the larvae of the firewall can only be individual intolerance, allergies to beekeeping products and diabetes. With diabetes mellitus, you can use tincture, but the dosage must be strictly negotiated with a doctor.
  • In a pharmacy, such a medicine can be purchased in the form of tablets, tinctures, hoods or extract.
  • All four products are used orally.
  • Some healers recommend the external use of tincture of wax moth larvae with various kinds of skin inflammation and rashes. For such purposes, in a pharmacy you can find ointments based on wax moth larvae.

Tincture of wax moth larvae: dosage for adults, children and babies

Dosage of tincture of wax moths for adults and children
Dosage of tincture of wax moths for adults and children
  • According to the instructions for the drug, take a tincture of the fire-flags, it is necessary half an hour before meals 2-3 times a day. For preventive purposes, you can use the product once a day.
  • An adult is recommended to dilute a tincture of 100 g of water based on its weight - for every 10 kg 3 drops are taken.
  • Children over 12 years of age can adhere to the dosage of adults.
  • Children under 12 years of age need to drip 1-1.5 drop of tincture for each year of life. For example, a baby of 3 years old is recommended to use 3-4 drops.
  • The course of treatment with this tool, as a rule, is three months. After the specified time, it is necessary to take a break of 2-3 weeks.
  • The course of treatment of children should not exceed a period of 2-3 weeks. You can repeat the course no earlier than after 3-4 weeks.
  • The intake of the firing tincture is not desirable before bedtime.
  • In the treatment of a postinfarct state, the intake of tincture of wax moth can be started only from 10 days after treatment with the main drugs. The dosage for such patients can be increased to 4 drops for every 10 kg of weight.
  • In the treatment of tuberculosis, the dosage is allowed to increase to 5 drops per 10 kg of patient weight.
  • To get rid of toxicosis and prevent anemia, pregnant women need to strictly stipulate the intake and dosage of tincture of the fire.

How to make tincture of wax moth larvae: cooking recipe

Recipe for the preparation of tincture of wax moth larvae
Recipe for the preparation of tincture of wax moth larvae

You can get a wax moth larvae with a bottle of tincture of wax larvae - go to the pharmacy and buy it. In this tool you can be 100% confident - all proportions are observed in it and it is stored longer. You can cook tincture yourself.
First of all, it is worth saying that there are 3 types of tincture of firewood larvae:

  • 10%
  • 20%
  • 25%

The concentration of tincture directly depends on the number of larvae. For 10% of the infusion, 10 g of material per 100 g of alcohol will be required, for 20% - 20 g, and for 25% - 25 g.

Instructions for the preparation of tincture from wax moth larvae
Instructions for the preparation of tincture from wax moth larvae

Preparation instructions:

  • We take directly from the hive of the largest, but still not having time to muse, larvae (the number of larvae depends on the required concentration of tincture).
  • Pour caterpillars 100 g of 70% alcohol (some take 40% alcohol, but it is believed that the tincture only loses in the properties).
  • We place the alcohol-gosenic mixture in a glass vessel and close tightly.
  • We put a vessel in a dark, cool place.
  • Shake the infusion daily.
  • We maintain tincture from 2 weeks to a month.

How to take tincture of wax moths with prostatitis?

Treatment of prostatitis tincture of wax moths
Treatment of prostatitis tincture of wax moths
  • The impact of the tincture of the firing with prostatitis and prostate adenoma consists in the minimization of the size of the prostate, stabilizing its work and normalizing the outflow of urine.
  • For the treatment of these diseases, it is necessary to take tincture 2 times a day half an hour before meals for 0.5 teaspoon for 3 months.

How to take tincture of wax moths with adenoids?

Treatment of adenoids tincture of wax moths
Treatment of adenoids tincture of wax moths
  • Since the tincture of the firing has excellent antibacterial and antiviral properties, it can also be used in the fight against adenoids. Its main function in this struggle will be the prevention of colds and viral diseases, which provoke an increase in tonsils.
  • As a prevention from acute respiratory viral infections, children are recommended to give 1 drop of funds for 1 year of life.
  • You need to take tincture once a day for 2 weeks during the period of epidemiological risk or other factors that contribute to mass diseases of children.

How to take tincture of wax moths in oncology?

Treatment of oncology tincture of wax moths
Treatment of oncology tincture of wax moths
  • The effectiveness of tincture of wax moth larvae has not yet been proven. However, its composition makes it possible to believe that this tool can be used as an immunostimulating, anti -inflammatory and antibacterial drug during the treatment of cancer and rehabilitation after chemotherapy. In addition, the enzyme of the cervical core contained in the tincture is able to kill cancer cells and impede their new formation.
  • For oncological diseases, it is recommended to consume tincture of the firewall 4 times a day half an hour before meals for 3 months. Then you can take a break from 1 to 2 weeks.
  • A single dose is 3 drops of the drug per 10 kg of the patient's weight.
  • After 3 weeks, the dose can be increased to 5 drops.

How to take tincture of wax moth into gynecologists? How to take tincture of wax moths for conception with infertility?

Treatment of infertility and gynecological diseases tincture of wax moths
Treatment of infertility and gynecological diseases tincture of wax moths
  • Pregnant women and women with gynecological problems are recommended to take tincture of wax moth larvae 15 drops three times a day half an hour before meals for three months.
  • If necessary, after the course, you can repeat the reception, but not earlier than after 3-4 weeks.

How to take tincture of wax moths with lung fibrosis?

Treatment of lung fibrosis tincture of wax moths
Treatment of lung fibrosis tincture of wax moths
  • Since the tincture of the firing has an anti -regulatory effect, the use of this drug for lung fibrosis will be very appropriate.
  • For the treatment of this disease, it is recommended to use 3 drops of infusion for every 10 kg of body 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
  • The course is 3 months.
  • After 2-3 weeks, the course can be repeated.

How to take tincture of wax moths with ischemia?

Treatment of ischemia tincture of wax moths
Treatment of ischemia tincture of wax moths
  • With ischemia, it is recommended to take tinctures of 3 drops per 10 kg of body weight 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
  • The course is 3 months.
  • If necessary, you can repeat the course after 2-3 weeks.

How to take tincture of wax moths for parasites?

Getting rid of parasites using tincture of wax moth larvae
Getting rid of parasites using tincture of wax moth larvae
  • In the case of parasites, tincture of wax moth larvae is taken only as a general strengthening and antibacterial agent.
  • You need to take it 3 drops for every 10 kg of body once a day half an hour before meals for 3 months.

How to take tincture of wax moths for the treatment of glaucoma?

Treatment of glaucoma tincture of wax moths
Treatment of glaucoma tincture of wax moths
  • The effectiveness of tincture of wax moths with glaucoma and other ophthalmic problems is still called into question.
  • However, folk healers offer their patients at least as a strengthening agent to take this drug according to a standard scheme - 3 drops per 10 kg of weight once a day 30 minutes before meals.

How to apply ointment from wax moths from psoriasis?

Treatment of psoriasis tincture of wax moths
Treatment of psoriasis tincture of wax moths
  • A moth ointment will help relieve itching and relieve peeling with psoriasis.
  • Some healers recommend smearing the affected areas of the skin with ointment 3 times a day. If the ointment is purchased, then it is best to adhere to the instructions contained in it.
  • At the same time, a dermatologist’s consultation with regard to the use of this tool remains mandatory.

Dear readers! No matter how the tincture of wax moths praised the tincture of the wax moths, in any case, do not forget about traditional medicine and first turn to it. Those who want to accept this tincture for the purpose of prevention or as an additional means of therapy, it is still desirable to immediately consult a doctor.

Tincture of wax moths: video

What is the useful tincture of wax moth larvae: video

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