Echinacea tincture - instructions for use. Echinacea is purple for immunity in tablets, drops, capsules, ampoules: therapeutic properties, contraindications, side effects

Echinacea tincture - instructions for use. Echinacea is purple for immunity in tablets, drops, capsules, ampoules: therapeutic properties, contraindications, side effects

If you think about strengthening immunity and increasing the body's resistance to viruses, our article will help you about the healing properties of Echinacea and the features of phyto-therapy.

Bright pink flowers of echinacea in the summer can be seen in garden plots and city flower beds. In addition to decorative qualities, the plant has a whole set of healing properties and is successfully used in folk recipes of healing, as well as as part of pharmacy drugs.

Why is Echinacea useful?

  • All parts of the young plant have useful active components - flowers, stems, leaves and rhizomes. Echinacea is distinguished by pronounced antiviral and bactericidal properties, therefore it is used to treat viral infectious diseases-acute respiratory infections, herpes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract-gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenum.
  • The anti -inflammatory properties of the plant are used to treat purulent wounds, ulcers, eczema, dermatitis of various origin, allergic rashes, psoriasis, burns, traces of insect bites
  • Echinacea contains betaine-a substance that helps to normalize the function of the cardiovascular system, and reducing the risk of strokes and heart attacks
  • Biological active substances in the composition of the plant contribute to the removal of heavy metals from the body and are used to treat diseases of the liver and kidneys, diabetes mellitus, as well as inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, prostatitis, osteomyelitis
  • In addition, drugs based on purple echinacea normalize blood pressure, activate the activity of the immune system, helping to increase the body's resistance and general healing
Echinacea - a natural remedy for strengthening immunity

Echinacea tincture - Instructions for use

Echinacea tincture is a drug based on natural raw materials - the roots and rhizomes of the plant of the Echinacea Purpuria (Echinacea Purpuria).

  • This tool has a pronounced positive effect on the immune and central nervous systems of the body, increases the amount of leukocytes in the blood, and also reduces the reproduction of pathogens
  • Tincture of tincture in the autumn-winter period reduces the likelihood of infection with viral infections, helps eliminate the spread of the inflammatory process in acute and chronic diseases of the kidneys and bladder
  • The unique composition of the product is used for external treatment of open wounds, boils, ulcers and other skin damage, as well as fungal infections, contributing to the rapid restoration of tissues
Echinacea tincture is an effective remedy for protection against viruses

Take tincture as follows:

  • in the first H day reception dose medicines for adult must make up not more Z0 drops, acceptable once in the morning per half an hour before food
  • in subsequent days daily dose should increase before 60 drops, divided on the H reception (per half an hour before food)
    children from 12 years necessary accept a drug, diluted with water in proportions 1:2before 10 drops H times in day
  • for external use 15 ml tinctures echinacea bred 100 ml saline (sodium chloride) and use for washing, compresses or lot

General duration course treatment assigned doctor in dependencies from character diseases and conditions tolerance components patient. AT general case maximum time reception not must exceed 810 weeks.

On the recommendation of a doctor, Echinacea can be used as part of a comprehensive treatment

Contraindications of tincture of echinacea and side effects

Side actions at reception tinctures echinacea can express in form allergic reactionsredness, rash, edema and itching skin pokov.

Before starting treatment, this drug should consult a doctor, since there are a number of contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to the active substances of tincture of echinacea or identified allergies
  • diagnosis of leukemia, rheumatism, tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases in a patient
  • HIV infection
  • oncological diseases
  • the period of pregnancy and lactation (due to the alcohol basis of the product)
  • children under the age of 12

The presence of ethyl alcohol in the composition of the patient’s ability to drive a vehicle, work with complex devices and mechanisms.

A doctor’s consultation is necessary before taking Echinacea

Echinacea release form: in tablets, drops, capsules, ampoules

Echinacea extract drugs:

  • alcohol tincture for internal use (50 or 100 ml) - from transparent to muddy brown color
  • liquid and dry extract for internal use
  • solution for internal use (Dr. Tysse)
  • resorption tablets - round or flat cylindrical shape
  • capsules - 250 or 300 mg
  • ampoules containing a solution for the introduction of intramuscularly
  • syrup for children and adults for oral administration
  • fito-tea

Medicinal funds released from natural vegetable raw materials, not protected patents, that's why on the market pharmaceutical products constantly appear drugs new species from different manufacturers.

Based on Echinacea extract, a large number of various pharmaceutical products are produced

Echinacea for adults

  • These drugs are successfully used as a preventive and therapeutic agent for colds and viral diseases. The popularity of Echinacea has increased significantly in the last decade, due to the preference of natural remedies for treatment, such as alternatives to antibiotics having a chemical composition
  • The immunoving property of active substances is based on an increase in the production of interferon in the body, due to which its resistance to viral, infectious and fungal diseases is enhanced
  • Recipe for the preparation of drugs and biologically active additives based on the roots, flowers and leaves of the plant can be different and have a particular effect on the body - reduce inflammation, reduce the activity of bacteria, viruses and fungi, have an analgesic and healing effect

Specialists of herbal medicine recommend taking echinacea to adults as part of comprehensive treatment for the following diseases:

  • catarrhal phenomena
  • upper and lower respiratory tract infections
  • urinary tract infections
  • allergic dermatitis and other skin irritations
  • fungal diseases of the skin
  • vaginal candidiasis
  • metabolic disorders
  • chronic fatigue and stress states
  • as a means of rehabilitation and restoration of intestinal microflora after taking antibiotics
Echinacea can be used for the prevention and treatment of various diseases

Echinacea for immunity to children in resorption tablets

The problem of reducing immunity and frequent incidence is especially acute before parents of preschool and primary school children.

  • Given medicinal plant is good assistant for stimulation immunity and prevention common children's viral diseases. Regular application provides general strengthening and healing impact on the organism child
  • In case of infection of a viral infection, the use of echinacea facilitates the course of the disease, allows you to quickly stop the symptoms and avoid severe complications
  • The form of release in the form of tincture is not suitable for children under 12 years of age, since it contains alcohol
Echinacea resorption tablets for children is an effective tool to increase immunity

Specially designed for children, resorption based on echinacea can be given to children from 4 years old:

For the prevention of colds and viral diseases:

  • children from 4 before 12 yearson 1 tablet 2 times in day
  • from 12 yearson 1 tablet H times in day

For treatment infectious diseases in composition complex therapy:

  • children from 4 before 12 yearson 1 tablet before 45 once in day
  • from 12 yearson 2 tablets before H4 once in day

You can take pills up to 5 days in a row, then you need to take a break on 2 days and resume treatment. The general course should not exceed 6-8 weeks.

Echinacea syrup, instructions for use

  • Echinacea extract in the form of syrup is the most convenient means of preventing many diseases and for children from 1 to 4 years old
  • Timely intake of the drug helps to strengthen the unformed immune system of the child, which allows reducing the risk of infection with viral infections and avoid taking antibacterial drugs

Syrup is usually given to children in the next dosage:

  • to the age of 2-2 drops 2 in the morning and in the evening half an hour before meals
  • children older than years old - 1 teaspoon in the morning and evening half an hour before meals

Before taking the drug, be sure to consult a pharmacist and a pediatrician. Contraindications for the child can be individual intolerance or the risk of atopic dermatitis due to the content of sugar syrup in the composition.

Children under 3 years of age are recommended for the release form of echinacea in the form of syrup

Echinacea tea, instructions for use

  • Fito-tea is useful for children and adults with influenza and colds as an auxiliary preventive and general strengthening agents
  • In pharmacies, such a product can be purchased in the form of ready-made filter packages for brewing or sushats for making a decoction

You can also cook tea yourself:

  • Take 1 tbsp. spoon of crushed dry roots and leaves of the plant, pour 1 glass of boiling water
  • Let it brew for an hour, take 0.5 cups of decoction with the addition of 1 teaspoon of natural honey half an hour before meals
  • The total daily dose of tea or decoction for adults should not exceed 300 ml

Children from 1 to 3 years old are recommended to take tea or echinacea decoction 30-50 ml of it times a day. You can add it to ordinary tea or compote.

Their echinacea tea has a general strengthening and healing properties

Can you drink pregnant women echinacea?

  • Weakening immunity in period pregnancy determined physiological and hormonal changes in body women. Application natural funds for increased protective functions organism before viruses and bacteria more preferably, rather than reception synthetic immunostimulants
  • On the basis spent research influence echinacea on the condition health mother and development child installed, what reception decoctions and infusions on the basis given plants not curses to intrauterine vices development fetus
  • AT anyone case need use echinacea and doses reception in period pregnancy and lactation must control treating doctor. Increase established dosage maybe bring to development immunodeficiency fetus
  • Alcohol tincture plants, a also injection introduction drug contraindicated pregnant women
  • Phytotherapy in form decoction, infusion or tea from plants maybe applied in case treatment inflammatory, infectious diseases, purulent rAS skin pokov, mucous membranes membranes and soft fabrics, colds and influenza states, furunculosis, herpes, stomatitis, urethritis, cystitis and etc.
  • Dates reception drug not must exceed 10 days
The intake of echinacea during pregnancy should take place under the supervision of a doctor

Echinacea: reviews

Lyudmila, 52

By advice doctor accepted tincture echinacea course in flow months in period surge colds and influenza diseases. Saw on 10 drops, diluted in tea, 2 times in day. I think, what reception echinacea good stimulates work immune systems.

Marina is 28 years old

Usually in autumnwinter period i give to your own son for prevention colds decoction or phytotea from echinacea with honey. Spring on recommendations doctor we accept tablets for resorption from echinacea with propolis. They stand such funds inexpensive, now in children's garden he very rarely sick, although other children often cooking.

Natalia, 46 years old

Often she was sick with colds, in the pharmacy they advised to purchase the Immunal remedy. However, after reading the instructions for this drug, I found out that the main active substance is Echinacea extract. I tried to use ordinary tincture, which costs 10 times cheaper. After several courses, I notice that it has become much less common.

Video: Echinacea to increase immunity. A simple way. Harvesting

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Comments K. article

  1. Echinacea is just a lifesaver in such matters. My husband and I always buy this tincture to strengthen immunity+Kurkumin Evalarovsky drink. The effect is good, I think together they just act perfectly, because we really became much less often)

  2. It seems to me that Vitamin C is much more in the same parsley .... Now there will be summer, you can make a smoothie every day, the benefits are invaluable. But in order not to really get sick at all, I can recommend to accept probiotics. The best option is a bac-set of a witch Flu .... There are 17 types of viable bacteria that do not die reaching the intestines, improve microbia. Thanks to this, health as a whole improves.

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