How to avoid swelling of the abdomen: 10 effective tips, reasons

How to avoid swelling of the abdomen: 10 effective tips, reasons

This article describes effective tips that will help to avoid bloating in different situations.

Bloating is one of the most common and unpleasant problems. In order to know how to get rid of this, or prevent the appearance of such a situation, you need to understand the reasons for its occurrence. Below we will consider the causes of bloating, as well as how to avoid such discomfort in different cases.

Causes of bloating in adults


Many may not even realize that bloating can provoke, at first glance, a harmless incorrect habit. Below you will learn about the causes of bloating in adults.

Quick eating on the run.

  • People are in a hurry to work, study and buy coffee and donut on the go.
  • A quick snack saves time, but is also the cause of bloating.
  • Not only is such food not useful, but with a rapid absorption of food, along with pieces of food, a large amount of air enters the stomach.

Advice: Eat calmly and measuredly, do not rush, divide the portion into small pieces and chew on food thoroughly.

Incorrect food.

  • In addition to the excessive amount of air in the stomach, there may be some harmful products.
  • Carbonated drinks, vegetables of the bean family, fatty and fried food.All this violates the digestion process and causes gas formation.
  • Exclude them from your diet, replace them with healthy and healthy foods.
  • For example, fried food can be changed for steamed foods or boiled, carbonated drinks for green tea.


  • The use of alcoholic beverages with sugar content is one of the main causes of problems with the abdomen.
  • For example, sugar causes the reproduction of bacteria in the intestines, which leads to bloating. Replace drinks with sugar content with those where this component will be completely absent.
  • For example, there is little sugar in the dry dining room.

Review your life, get rid of bad habits, add more healthy and healthy food to your diet, and bloating will cease to bother you.

Stagnation of bile: how to avoid swelling of the abdomen?

Bloating from stagnation of bile
Bloating from stagnation of bile

Bile is a necessary substance that is involved in the process of digestion of fatty foods. Stagnation of bile in medicine is called cholestasis, i.e. Stopping the gall flow in the human body. This disease is mainly found in children and pregnant women. Violation of the process of formation and storage of bile occurs for the following reasons:

  • Incorrect diet.
  • Diabetes or obesity.
  • Passive lifestyle.
  • Bad habits (alcohol, smoking, etc.).
  • Chronic cholecystitis.
  • Excessive use of black coffee.

The main symptoms with stagnation of bile are:

  • Pain in the right hypochondrium
  • Bloating
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Unpleasant odor

To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a number of mandatory tests. Treatment occurs in several directions:

  • Restoring the process of outflow of bile using diets.
  • Treatment of damaged liver due to taking choleretic drugs and drugs.
  • Removal of symptoms of skin itching using special creams and ointments.

The main folk methods of treating stagnation of bile and the prevention of swelling of the abdomen are::

  • Daily implementation of a complex of physical exercises for the press.
  • The use of tinctures and decoctions of mint, rosehips and corn stigmas.
  • Reception of choleretic and anti -inflammatory herbal fees: St. John's wort, wormwood, immortelle.
  • Eating a small amount of pork fat and heated unrefined oil.
  • Freshly squeezed beetroot juice helps to withdraw bile.

Important: Whatever treatment, it must be in advance with your attending physician.

With atrophic gastritis, bloating: how to avoid what to do?

Bloating with atrophic gastritis
Bloating with atrophic gastritis

If gastritis is caused by bacteria, then treatment will be effective with taking antibiotics that the doctor must prescribe. Also, for effective treatment, you should avoid stress. It does not affect digestion. In order to avoid swelling of the abdomen with atrophic gastritis, you should not eat fried, acidic and smoked food. What else needs to be done:

  • Wash your arms thoroughly before meals and eat productswho were well washed before use. This will avoid harmful bacteria entering the body.
  • Give preference to boiled or baked food.
  • Food should not be cold or too hot, since this can lead to irritation of the stomach and intestines and cause bloating.
  • It is recommended to drink more waterAt least 2-3 lira per day.
  • Do not eat sweet and flour And those products that are slowly digested in the stomach.
  • The last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  • A clear meal time should be observed. This will allow the body to get used to the time when it is necessary to secrete acid to digest food.

You should also eat in small portions to make it easier to digest food. You should refuse smoking and alcohol and start playing sports, this will improve the condition of your stomach.

Effective ways to avoid bloating after eating: tips, folk recipes

Eat correctly and there will be no bloating after eating
Eat correctly, and there will be no bloating after eating

The reasons for swelling of the abdomen are different. Such reasons may include a little mobile lifestyle, as well as the presence of bacteria in the intestine. Regardless of the causes, there are several ways to avoid swelling of the abdomen after eating. Here are effective tips:

  • Eat in small portions.
  • Slowly and gently chew food.
  • Carefully read the composition of the products, the poor composition of the products contributes to bloating.
  • Refuse soda and alcohol.
  • Follow your psychological state. Stress and excitement can adversely affect your body.

If your stomach has swollen, and you want to get rid of this, then you can use such folk recipes:

  1. Grind 3 tablets activated coal and drink it.
  2. Pour in the evening 1 spoon plantain seeds A glass of boiling water. Strain the water in the morning (it is not needed) and eat the resulting mixture. This action is desirable to repeat 10 days.
  3. Infusion of sage and rosemary. To prepare it, add a tablespoon of sage and a tablespoon of rosemary in half a liter of boiling water, let it brew 15 minutes And then you can drink. Should be consumed three times a day after eating 200-250 ml.

If bloating occurs often, then consult a doctor. It is possible that you have problems with the intestines.

How to avoid swelling of the abdomen during pregnancy: Tips

Bloating during pregnancy
Bloating during pregnancy

During pregnancy, you can face difficulties. Soweity, hormonal changes, malnutrition can lead to bloating. Below are tips that will help to avoid swelling of the abdomen during pregnancy:

Drink a lot of liquids (if healthy kidneys).

  • Water provides uniform operation of the digestive tract and prevents constipation that exacerbate bloating.
  • It is necessary to refuse carbonated drinks, but to enter herbal tea, clean water and water with lemon into the diet.

Eat slower.

  • With rapid chewing together with food, a person swallows the air, which later settles in the stomach.
  • Carefully chewed food, on the contrary, facilitates the work of the intestines and reduces discomfort.

Adjust the food.

  • Most foods are increasing gas formation: cabbage, legumes, dairy products and some fruits.
  • In the diet, it is better to replace them with lighter food. For example, low -fat meat, boiled vegetables, oatmeal on water.

Move more.

  • Physical activity also helps to accelerate digestion.
  • You can perform special gymnastics for pregnant women or just walk for 20-30 minutes.

The tips are simple and known to everyone. Perform them and you will be healthy.

How to avoid bloating from legumes: tips

Legumes cause bloating
Legumes cause bloating

The problem of bloating appears mainly from the fact that a person does not work well with the intestines. In general, every person has gases. But everyone has different removal from the intestines. Someone has problems with this.

Advice: If it is difficult to release the gas, then try to change the position of the body. Go to the floor and completely relax your muscles. This will help the body produce a natural process.

After using legumes, you can feel unpleasant discomfort. But, if you follow the tips, then you can avoid swelling after consuming legumes:

  • Drink mint or chamomile tea.
  • You can brew both of these types of tea during the day.
  • Buy such tea in bags in a pharmacy. This will be a guarantee that in the bag only healthy grass without different additives.
  • Such tea has relaxing properties And the body will be easier to emit gases.
  • Use fresh or dried mint leaves and chamomile flowers. Boil the ingredients in hot water and enjoy an interesting taste and aroma.

If you use herbal teas and after legumes still feel discomfort, then change the diet and remove the legumes from it.

How to avoid swelling of the abdomen before menstruation: tips

Before menstruation may be bloating
Before menstruation may be bloating

A few weeks before the start of the menstrual cycle, many women have discomfort in the digestive tract and can even increase the stomach. This fact spoils the mood.
Every woman wants to be beautiful at any time, and a large belly can greatly ruin the appearance of the figure. How to avoid swelling of the abdomen before menstruation? Here are the tips:

  • In the second part of the cycle, you need to begin to eat right.
  • It is recommended that there is boiled or steamed food.
  • Thanks to light food, the intestines will be able to unload.
  • During this period, it is better to refrain from eating cabbage, beans, dairy products, smoked meats and soda water.

Also, women need to take a complex of vitamins with potassium, vitamin B and magnesium. This will help to establish a digestive system.

Advice: To prevent an increase in the abdomen, take herbal teas with honey. During this period, you need to drink a lot of clean water.

To prevent the stomach does not increase, it is recommended to engage in charging and strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and back. Before the onset of menstruation, take baths with a few drops of mint.

Bloating in an airplane: how to avoid, prevent?

The aircraft may be bloating
The aircraft may be bloating

Often, travelers are faced with a problem such as bloating. Usually it is caused by the expansion of gases in the intestines due to changes in pressure and height. Here are some tips to avoid, prevent bloating on board the aircraft:

Refuse fatty foods.

  • Steaks, chips, burgers are heavy foods that need to be avoided, because incorrect snacks contribute to the formation of intestinal gas.
  • Also, you should not eat food that is given on board: it contains a lot of salt and preservatives.
  • It is better to choose natural products (fruits, vegetables, low -fat meat).

Avoid carbonated drinks and coffee.

  • Alcohol, lemonade and coffee complicate the work of the stomach.
  • These drinks can increase the amount of gases in the body and enhance the feeling of bloating.
  • Instead, you can drink herbal tea or warm water with lemon.

Move more.

  • You need to get up and walk several times per flight.
  • This will help activate the digestive system, which is impossible in a sitting position in a close seat.
  • Before flying, it is also important to stay physically active.

Do not take chewing gum with you.

  • Although chewing gum seems harmless, it contains a large amount of sugar and causes bloating due to constant "swallowing" of air.
  • If chewing gum helps when laying ears, then you should choose a chewing gum without sugar.

These simple tips will help to avoid discomfort during the flight, and you will not ruin your journey.

After alcohol, bloating: how to avoid?

After alcohol, there may be bloating
After alcohol, there may be bloating

It is not uncommon that each person meets such a problem as bloating after drinking alcoholic beverages. Birthdays, family holidays or just funny parties with friends, all these events do not pass without alcohol. And often after a fun pastime, bloating and discomfort are observed.

First you need to understand why this is happening:

  • The fact is that some drinks contain sugar, which affects human digestion.
  • Sugar creates a favorable environment for the propagation of bacteria in the body, or rather in the intestines.
  • This is what leads to a large cluster of gases. Hence the unpleasant sensations.

So what to do? How to avoid swelling of the abdomen after alcohol? Here are the advice

  • Reduce the amount of consumption of sweet alcoholic beverages.
  • Drinks with a large amount of sugar can be replaced with those where sugar is missing at all. For example, dry wines.
  • Exclude all alcoholic beverages in tin jars from use, since they already have a large number of gases.
  • Refuse alcohol cocktails. Any cocktail is prepared by mixing several ingredients. It is difficult for the body to learn such a mixture, so there may be problems with the stomach.

By applying these simple rules in practice, you can have fun, drinking alcoholic beverages, and not experience discomfort in the abdomen.

How to avoid swelling of the abdomen after lentils: tips

After lentil soup, there may be bloating
After lentil soup, there may be bloating

The lentil is a very useful product containing a large amount of vitamins, protein and fiber. However, like all legumes, it is able to cause a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.

Experienced housewives have some “secrets” that help prevent gas formation after eating lentils and other dishes with this ingredient. Here are the advice that will help to avoid swelling of the abdomen after lentils:

  • All legumes must be washed and soaked in cold water Before cooking. Swelling should occur at least a few hours, or better - all night.
  • Using soda when cooking Although it reduces the process of bringing to readiness, it can also negatively affect well -being after the consumption of such a dish. Therefore, it is better to cook lentils longer, without any tricks.
  • Foam formed when boiling, it is advisable to remove. Or completely change the water.
  • To reduce the likelihood of flatulence, you need to add more useful spices beneficial to the intestines, for example: coriander, turmeric, pepper, ginger, greens. They facilitate the digestion and absorption of complex substances by the body.
  • Legumes should not be consumed simultaneously with fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • After eating, it is not advisable to drink for half an hour.

Such tips will help to avoid swelling of the abdomen. But it is always worth remembering: lentils are a complex product. If the intestines are hard to cope with it, then do not neglect these signals.

During the post, bloating: how to avoid?

During fasting, there may be bloating
During fasting, there may be bloating

The post involves restrictions on nutrition, and due to the abundant use of certain products, such an unpleasant phenomenon as bloating and abundant gas formation may appear. What are the reasons and how to avoid bloating during fasting?

The main reasons for swelling may be:

  • Poor digestion.
  • Air swallowing during meals.
  • Eating a large amount of food that is heavily digested.

But to prevent this problem is quite realistic. For this you need:

  • Avoid those products that cause increased gas formation, for example, legumes, cabbage, etc.
  • Reduce the use of dairy products, and if there is an intolerance to lactose, then you should completely abandon them.
  • Use less sugar -containing products.
  • Lead a more active lifestyle.
  • Refuse bad habits.
  • Increase the number of meals, but reduce portions.

You can also arrange a fasting day in rice in order to reduce the load on the intestines, and he rested. If you follow all the above tips, then such a problem as bloating will not bother you and life will become more comfortable.

Bloating after cabbage: how to avoid, tips

From raw cabbage can be bloating
From raw cabbage can be bloating

Bloating occurs due to the formation of gases in the intestines, which literally burst our stomach, like hundreds of balloons. Cabbage, very useful for our body. It contains many vitamins and trace elements. Few people know, but cabbage can also cause bloating. However, it is not worth abandoning it, because only fresh cabbage causes gas formation. If you treat the cabbage thermally, it can be safely used for food. How to avoid swelling of the abdomen after cabbage? Here are another tips:

  • Try not to overeat, but to eat more often, but in small portions.
  • Also, you need to carefully chew cabbage and other food. Any food can be digested for a long time, and this will cause gas formation.
  • Try to eat less on the go. When walking, you swallow the air, which also leads to bloating.
  • Bloating can be one of the signs of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. This is a symptom of health problems such as vomiting, nausea or diarrhea.

Experts believe that bloating can be associated with psychological problems. For example, there is nervous gastritis in which bloating appears. Therefore, with any problems of the digestive tract, it is better to consult a doctor.

Bloating is one of the most common problems. Gases should leave and if this does not happen, serious health problems may occur. Timely contact doctors and follow the advice in the article. Good luck!

Video: Bloating and flatulence. Home treatment

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the advice, for example, I would not have thought about chewing gum, but I often chew. I accurately noticed that on grapes my stomach swells with me, well, on women's days it happens ... I help me a good time with fennel, capsules with natural components, the action is fast and soft, since everything calms down there.

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