Folk signs for December about the weather, nature associated with church holidays, for every day: description, customs, rites, what is possible and what cannot be done. Wedding, marry, get married, be born in December: signs

Folk signs for December about the weather, nature associated with church holidays, for every day: description, customs, rites, what is possible and what cannot be done. Wedding, marry, get married, be born in December: signs

This article contains folk signs for December about the weather. Find out what to expect according to the signs of December.

Folk signs for December about the weather: Description for children

In those days when there were no modern smartphones, TVs and computers, people could not find out the weather forecast from weather forecasters. But our wise ancestors were very observant people, from year to year they followed natural phenomena and learned to predict the weather.

People believed signs. Signs related to the weather helped before a long trip, going to hunting, fishing and other events. Folk wisdom was transferred from year to year. Despite the fact that it is not at all problematic to find out the weather forecast for the near future, many people believe and focus on folk signs. Often they turn out to be true, are true.

You can also learn to predict the weather. To do this, you need not so much: know signs and carefully observe nature. This skill will not be superfluous and may come in handy in life.

For each month there are signs. Today we’ll talk about the signs of December.

Important: by natural phenomena and signs of December, not only the weather for the current month was determined, but also what the whole winter will be. In addition to the weather, there are signs related to marriage, birth, church holidays.

Here are some signs related to the weather in December:

  • If the sunset is very crimson, be frost.
  • If you paid attention to the clouds and noticed that they are floating against the wind, expect snowfall.
  • If fog creases on the ground, there will be a thaw.
  • The people said this: white winter, green summer. If a real winter with snow has begun in December, then the summer will be warm.
  • If a white rainbow appeared in the sky, there will be severe frost.
  • A clear evening sky with stars also testifies to the approach of frost.
  • If the house is dedicated to the window, there will be warming.
Signs for December

Particular attention was paid to animals and their behavior. It has been repeatedly proved in practice that the behavior of birds, pets can tell a lot about the approaching bad weather. For example:

  1. If in December you noticed that the bullfinches have arrived, then the winter will be frosty.
  2. If in the early morning you heard a tit, then there will be frost at night.
  3. When the hoibs are hidden under the roof, wait for the blizzard.
  4. If the chickens sat on the nest earlier than the previous one, there will be frost at night.
  5. The frost will be very strong if the hens sat on the nest.
  6. Crum cries on the tops of trees - expect severe frost and snowstorms.
  7. If in winter the horse turns over the back, there will be warming.
  8. If the horse lies in the harness on the ground, snowfall should be expected.
  9. When the cat scratches the floor, there will be wind and blizzard.
  10. If the cat lays on your back, wait for the thaw.

By showing observation, you will learn to quickly predict the weather.

Folk signs associated with birds and pets

Folk signs, customs, rituals for December related to church holidays: what is possible and what cannot be done

Church holidays are special holidays that the people revered since ancient times. In December, the following church holidays:

  • The introduction to the temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
  • Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Days of memory of saints, prophets, righteous.

Important: one of the God's commandments “Work for six days, and do all sorts of things; And the day of the seventh is Saturday to the Lord to God. ”

For a long time, people tried to complete all their worldly affairs in order to spend the holiday in the temple, pray in calm, without fuss. On church holidays, it is not customary to deal with such things:

  • Wash.
  • Harden.
  • Engage in cleaning in the house.
  • Engage in garden work.
  • You can not swear with loved ones, acquaintances and strangers.

Believers believe that homework should be done on weekdays. Holidays should be spent differently: go to the temple, spend this day with your family, pray at home.

Church holidays: what can and cannot be done?

This does not mean that if the child dropped food on the floor and got dirty, you can’t wash clothes or wipe the floor. The necessary work is necessary and can be done, the church does not prohibit this. But those things that can be postponed the next day, it is better to postpone and spend the holiday in prayer, with relatives. The most important rule: one must not forget these days about God and faith.

One of the many locked people in a church holiday is the adoption of a shower. In those days when this procedure took a lot of time, people did not bathe on church holidays. It was necessary to prick firewood, drown the bathhouse. It took a lot of time. People tried to do this in advance in order to catch the church service. It is not forbidden to take a shower. But this must be done not to the detriment of going to the temple.

For a long time, various signs related to church holidays have developed:

  1. It was forbidden to sew on any church holiday, since people believed whether there would be a misfortune in the family or with someone close. Everything related to needles and scissors was under the strict prohibition.
  2. Hunting on a church holiday was also considered a sinful thing.
  3. Lies, foul language, curse - a bad sign. It was believed that you can bring trouble and illness.
  4. It was also forbidden to swim, sweep the floor, engage in any physical work.

The clergymen consider such signs superstition and argue that if such work is indispensable during church holidays, you can perform it. And you can not swear and faded not only on holidays, but also on ordinary days. Swearing from the lips of a believer is unacceptable, this should be avoided.

Video: Is it possible to work on church holidays?

Wedding, marriage, wedding in December: signs

Folk signs did not bypass marriage. According to the weather and other events at the December wedding, they determined what the life of a married couple will be. You decide or not to believe superstitions and folk signs. Below are the signs related to the wedding in December:

  • Frost at the wedding - the life of the couple will be happy, prosperous.
  • If severe frost has begun a few days before the wedding day and covered the wedding day, the couple will live in abundance.
  • If during the wedding it was snowing, the couple will have a son a first.
  • If the weather is unstable on the wedding day, it changes throughout the day - this is not a very good sign. The life of the young will be as unstable.
  • If the bride has torn a stocking, there will soon be replenishment. If one arrow, a couple should wait for a daughter. If two arrows are a son.

Important: in December there is a Christmas post. Believers do not marry and do not get married at this time. Young people will be signed in the registry office, but you will have to get married later.

You decide to believe or not believe the popular signs related to the wedding. Old people for the most part trusted signs, modern people are skeptical of this. If the couple lives in harmony, love and fidelity, then no folk signs are terrible.

Wedding in December: signs

Born in December: signs

The birth of a child is an important event for both parents and a newborn. For a long time, the birth of a child is associated with many signs. Many parents pay attention to every trifle associated with the birth of the baby.

Consider what future and what features have long been attributed to people born in December:

  1. Born with a full moon means life in abundance.
  2. Birth in a shirt not only in December, but also in other months is considered a good sign. This symbolizes protection in life and luck.
  3. It was believed that the seventh born child in the family is endowed with healing opportunities.
  4. If warming has occurred on the baby’s birthday, this means that a person who is able to love and give warmth is born.
  5. A sharp cooling on the birthday of a child was not considered the best sign.

The fate of a child born in December is also affected by the time of day. So our ancestors thought. For example:

  • To be born in the morning - you will have to achieve much in life with great difficulty and efforts.
  • Born at noon - energetic and talented children. There can be many changes in their life.
  • Born in the evening - get the favor of fate. Such children are endowed with special intuition, caution and attentiveness.
  • Born at night - a child with a strong spirit. Such a person will be a good assistant to his family, friends.

IMPORTANT: Previously, names were given to all children in the saints. This is a list of saints. The child was brought to the sacrament of baptism, and the priest gave him a name. A certain name falls for every day of the month. It has long been believed that if you give the child a name for the shrines, then he will be protected by this saint. Many modern people observe this tradition.

In addition, there are zodiac signs. People born in December are archers or Capricorn. These signs of the zodiac are endowed with their features:

  • Sagittarius is an energetic, cheerful, honest and decent person.
  • Capricorn is a purposeful, confident in his abilities, a practical, serious person.

Many factors affect the fate and character of a person. But the main and decisive factor is not folk signs, but upbringing and the family in which the child is growing.

Born in December: Folk signs

December 1 Plato and novel Day: Signs

Important: on the first day of winter, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the holy martyrs of Plato and Roman. Both saints paid their lives for their faith.

There are signs related to this day:

  • If this day is warm on the street, winter will be warm.
  • If a strong wind blows, the winter will be frosty and with snowstorms.
  • If on December 1, the weather changes during the day, winter will be changeable.
  • Born on December 1 will be able to predict the weather. A protective stone for such a person is malachite.
  • Circles around the moon appeared, we should expect frost.
  • If a raven walks along the road, there will be a thaw soon.
  • If a mosquito flew into the house on December 1, it will get warmer soon.

Feast of Nikolai Wonderworker December 19: signs

Important: the holiday of Nikolai Wonderworker falls on December 19. The saint is considered the patron saint of children, the defender of the traveling. Young girls ask the saint to arrange their family life.

Nikolai the Wonderworker helps everyone who turns to him for help with good intentions and sincere faith.

In Russia, this day was called Nikolin Day. It was believed that winter is completely included in its rights. The people said: "Nikolai carries St. Nicholas frosts."

Signs for the holiday of Nikolai Wonderworker:

  1. If there is an frost on this day, then there will be a good harvest.
  2. If it rains, there will be a good crop of winter crops.
  3. How much snow will be on this day, so much in the spring will be grass.
  4. There is a belief that on the night before this holiday there are prophetic dreams.
  5. If you have not been returned to the debt until St. Nicholas, they will not be returned.
  6. Sadness on the holiday of St. Nicholas will bring frosts.

On this day, children are placed under the pillow and other sweets. There is a legend that it is a saint who puts the children under the pillow of treats. On this holiday, you can’t do housework, you can’t quarrel. It is better to spend this day with the family in a calm and comfortable atmosphere.

St. Nicholas Day: Signs and customs

Signs for December 22 - Winter Solstice Day

Important: December 22 - Winter Solstice Day. On this day, the longest night and the shortest day.

The Orthodox Church on December 22 honors the memory of St. Anna, the Mother of the Virgin. Being in old age, Anna and Joachim did not have children. But the angel sent them good news, said that soon they would become parents. After 9 months, their daughter Maria was born, whom religious parents sent to the temple for serving God.

Exist folk signsrelated to this day:

  1. If the weather is good on this day, the weather will also be good for the New Year.
  2. If on the trees are hook, on the New Year will be cloudy.
  3. Abundant yoke on trees also speaks of a good harvest.
  4. If on December 22 the snow is close to the hedge, the summer will be bad.
  5. If there is a clearance between the hedge and snow, the crop will be good.

Special signs in this concern pregnant women:

  • Pregnant women can not be done at home work and make fire.
  • Also, pregnant women on this day are recommended to follow the post, on other days this is not necessary.
  • You can not cross through the harness and sharp objects, otherwise the birth will be difficult.
  • It is undesirable to meet on this day with sick people so that the child is born healthy.
Folk signs about the weather

Folk signs for December for every day

For every day of December there is its own sign. Currently, few signs of these signs, because modern life is saturated with troubles and worries. In the bustle of everyday matters, you can simply forget about folk signs.

But old people always tried to follow these signs and paid due attention to them.

Consider signs for every day of December:

  • December 1: It was believed that the noise of a flying aircraft on this day symbolizes important news. Another sign is associated with birds. By the beginning of winter, all birds should go to the warm edges. If you see rooks on this day, know that winter will be warm.
  • December 2nd. If on the second day of winter it snowed, people knew that until January should not wait for frost. It is recommended to pay attention to the first person who has met on this day. If this is a man, to love, to good; A woman is bad events.
  • December 3. Snow on this day portends pouring rain on June 3. On this day, the ancestors recommended not to get acquainted with new people. If suddenly you witnessed the accident on this day, soon a person will appear who will bring negativity into your life.
  • December 4. It was believed that on this day winter is fully entered into its rights. Therefore, they paid special attention to the weather: if there are a lot of clouds in the sky, then there will be a cold winter. If the weather is warm on this day, the whole winter also promises to be warm. Slipping December 4 is a bad sign. It means the collapse of the expected events.
  • 5th of December. On this day, people tried not to leave their homes, avoided meetings with friends. December 5 was considered an unfavorable day.
  • December 6. Snow on this day foreshadowed the onset of frost. If on this day a thaw, do not wait for frost until the New Year. On this day it is not customary to clean in the house, a bad sign.
  • December 7th. In winter, a starfall is extremely rare. Therefore, if on this day it was possible to see a falling star, this is a sign that a strong cooling will occur since March. If on this day you saw a clear starry sky - to frost.
  • December 8th. On this day, the weather was determined by smoke from the pipe. If the smoke goes up, there will be snow soon. If it diverges in different directions, wait for windy weather.
  • 9th December. Our ancestors on this day went to the well to listen to water. If it was quiet, winter was expected to be warm, if the water was noisy - the winter is frosty. Seeing frost on her hair on this day is a good sign. Expect romance in relationships or new love.
  • December 10. It was believed that the news of someone’s pregnancy on this day is a good sign. This meant that replenishment was coming in your family. Watching pets on this day. If they behaved uneasily, expected weather deterioration.
  • December 11th. If the dog whines, and the cat scratches the door - expect the cold. Avoid meeting with enemies. Meeting them on this day - to woeful events.
  • 12 December. Break the dishes is a good sign, but not on December 12th. If this happens, you should expect trouble. If the weather is foggy on this day, to the wind.
  • December 13th. People watched the clouds. If they were low, they expected the approach of frost. It was believed that the snow that fell on this day would lie for a very long time. The 13 people have long been cautious.
  • December 14th. This day was called in Russia "letter". Boys 9 years old were sent on this day to study. It was believed that the one who fell ill on this day would hurt for a long time.
  • December 15th. Rain in winter, as a rule, is a rare phenomenon. If the rain was on this day, then it will be protracted. If the guests came unexpectedly, wait for a new acquaintance.
  • December 16th. In Russia, men went to fish on this day. A good bite testified to a warm winter. It was considered a bad sign to hear a dog howl to everyday difficulties.
  • December 17. The weather was determined by branches of trees. If on this day snow was lying on the branches, then a protracted cold winter was expected.
  • December 18. On this day, those who fell under the snow were considered lucky. It was believed that this is a sign of good luck for the entire coming year.
  • December 19th. This is a special holiday of the holy saint of Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • December 20. Watching cats on this day. If they reach for water, it will soon begin. If the nose is closed with their paws during sleep, there will be frosts soon.
  • 21 December. Talking on this day with a child is considered a good sign. Good news should be expected. It is also worth watching the clouds: cirrus clouds - a sign of approaching colds.
  • December 22. Clear weather on this day indicates approaching warming. A bad sign is homework on this day, it promises failure in business.
  • December 23. In Russia, the sun was called on that day. People arranged mass festivals and burned bonfires. If the weather was clear and sunny, then people said that spring would be warm.
  • December 24th. To see the forty near your home - to good news. If the southern wind blows, it will get warmer soon.
  • December 25th. On this day, it is customary to make a desire, looking at the starry sky. It was believed that by the New Year it should be fulfilled.
  • December 26. Starting from this day, they followed the weather for 12 days. Every day, out of these 12 days, he foreshadowed the weather of one month. For example, on February 27, the weather was determined for March, February 28 - for April, etc.
  • 27th of December. Morning frost indicates frost and blizzard. On this day, a stray dog \u200b\u200bat the house is considered a sign of the appearance of a new neighbor.
  • December 28th. If there is no frost on this day, then the winter will be protracted. If on this day you were not given change in the store, this is a bad sign. So next year, financial losses await the family.
  • December 29th. According to the weather of this day, you can determine the baptismal frosts. If it is cold, then the baptism will be frost. Alms are not served on this day.
  • December 30th. Strong snowfall indicates a cold New Year's night.
  • Dec. 31. On this day, it is necessary to give out old debts, to recall all the good things that were in the past year. There is such a sign: as you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend the whole year. Therefore, celebrating the New Year is better joyful and fun.

Folk signs in December are associated with the weather, birth of children, a wedding and other life events. Our ancestors had signs for all occasions. Now you know what kind of folk signs are related to December. Find out in this articleWhat signs exist in January.

Video: Folk signs for December

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