Folk treatment of umbilical hernia in adults. How to get rid of umbilical hernia in adults without surgery?

Folk treatment of umbilical hernia in adults. How to get rid of umbilical hernia in adults without surgery?

The causes and signs of the appearance of umbilical hernia in adults. How to treat umbilical hernia in adults: traditional and non -traditional methods.

To date, quite often adults are diagnosed with umbilical hernia. The concept of hernia is a protrusion of internal organs through a hernial gate. In this case, the hernial bag enters the human navel. The umbilical ring stretches, passing the convex organs into its cavity. It is worth dealing with why and how a hernia arises, and how to deal with it.

Causes of umbilical hernia in adults

It would seem that it is customary to mention the umbilical hernia, talking about children. However, today this disease is increasingly affecting the more mature population. The reasons for this are the lifestyle and nutrition of adults. As a rule, the following factors affect the appearance of umbilical hernia:

  1. Anatomical ring defect from birth - can be hereditary in nature or acquired
  2. Pregnancy and childbirth in women
  3. Sedentary lifestyle and improper nutrition, led to obesity
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system, accompanied by constant constipation or stresses during bowel movements
  5. Chronic diseases of the respiratory system with regular strong coughing
  6. Sharp weight loss
  7. Excessive physical activity
  8. Stupid abdominal injury
  9. Complications after operations on the abdominal organs

All these reasons almost always depend on the human factor and they can easily be eliminated.

Umbilical hernia in the photo on the left

Umbilical hernia in adults: symptoms

  • The first sign of the umbilical hernia, of course, is the protrusion of the umbilical ring, noticeable in the standing position of the person. In a lying state, the bulge disappears. At first, when the hernia is still corrected, the convex organs can be independently adjusted to the abdominal cavity. This should not cause any discomfort or cause pain
  • If the umbilical hernia is already an incredible character, then when trying to push the bulge inward, the patient may feel pain. In some cases, such hernias are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, constipation
  • Sometimes the percentage region can be painted in red, blue and even gray. If a fragment of the intestine is in the umbilical ring, then bloody spots can be found during defecation in the feces. If a piece of bladder fell into the navel, then bowel movements can be irregular and accompanied by pain

As soon as such manifestations were noticed, a person should immediately seek help from a specialist.

Umbilical hernia in adults: photo

Umbilical hernia in adults: photo
umbilical hernia

Umbilical hernia in adults: reviews and recommendations

It has long been tried to fight the umbilical hernia in numerous ways. These were recipes for traditional medicine, and independent physical manipulations and a traditional surgical method.

To date, the only effective way to get rid of umbilical hernia in adults is surgery. Patients who have tried all the means and methods of our grandmothers claim that only the operation helped them get rid of this ailment.

Umbilical hernia in adults: treatment

Harry removal operation

Modern surgeons are eliminated by the umbilical hernia with the help of hernioplasty, which has three varieties:
- Non -flowing
- Laparoscopic

Stretch hernioplasty It can be carried out both under local and general anesthesia. During the operation, the surgeon separates the hernial bag and studies its contents. Then he sets it to an anatomically assigned place, and, if necessary, damaged tissues excise. The hernial gates are tightened and strengthened by their own fabrics.

This view hernioplastics It is considered the most technically light, but it has one drawback - a high probability of relapse.

Unnecessary The type of plastic is performed according to a similar principle. Its difference lies only in the fact that special synthetic nets are used as fixtures of hernial gates. They are superimposed as patches, on holes in the fabrics and over time grow into them.

This procedure lasts a little longer and costs an order of magnitude more expensive, but the risk of relapse is excluded with it.


As for the third type of hernioplasty, its name speaks for itself - such an operation is carried out without cuts. Using small punctures, a microcamer is introduced into the abdominal cavity, which allows to observe the process, and the minimum enlighteners that perform the functions of the hands and instruments of the surgeon. All other manipulations are similar to the procedure of classic hernioplasty. At the hernial gate as a “castle”, a special implant is placed.

Laparoscopic hernioplasty It is performed under general anesthesia and costs even more expensive. However, it has a number of advantages: quick rehabilitation, the impossibility of relapse, the absence of traces of the operation.

Laparoscopic operation

Removal of umbilical hernia in adults

There are such categories of people who are strictly prohibited operations to remove hernia. These are pregnant women, people suffering from severe or onco, allergies to anesthesia. Doctors prescribe conservative treatment to such patients: proper nutrition, special physical exercises and wearing a bandage from umbilical hernia in adults.

That it is impossible after surgery for an umbilical hernia in adults

Removing umbilical hernia in adults must be accompanied by a rehabilitation period. In this period of time, a special diet is attributed to the patient, excluding meals capable of causing constipation.

Also, the whole postoperative period will have to wear a bandage to maintain the abdominal muscles. Large physical activity throughout the year after surgery is strictly prohibited. All these recommendations relate to stretch hernioplasty.

With a laparoscopic and non -flowing procedure of surgery, the rehabilitation period is much shorter and has fewer restrictions and contraindications.

Bandage from umbilical hernia in adults

Treatment of umbilical hernia with folk remedies in adults

As mentioned above, an operation in adults is an justified and confirmed way of removing umbilical hernia in adults. However, in milder cases or in order to prevent the appearance of hernia, some folk methods can be used. For a greater effect, it is advisable to wear a special bandage and lead a healthy lifestyle with them in parallel with them.

Conspiracy of the umbilical hernia in adults

As a way of getting rid of umbilical hernia, our grandmothers proposed using a variety of decoctions of herbs and lotions.

For this purpose, even "conspiracy of the umbilical hernia in adults." Here are some of the most popular conspiracies:

“A hernia, hernia, I am a gear. You have one tooth, and I have seven - I will eat you! "
“Grying, hernia, gear, I have,
Grying, hernia, germ you have,
scattered hernia, embankment hernia,
Go away, hernia, in the field,
on a wide expanse,
Go away from me, get away from you. ”


  1. Some "healers" apply a copper coin to the bulge navel or glue it with a patch for three days
  2. Another compress is made using camphor oil. It is melted in a water bath, and after cooling, they sculpt a circle from it. Such a cake must be applied to the navel greased with the same camphor oil and tilted with a layer
  3. A baked onion can also be applied to the sore spot. It should be wrapped with a warm scarf and left for a while. This procedure must be repeated once a day
  4. A compress of salt will help get rid of pain in the navel: two tablespoons of salt to fill in a dense bag and moisten it in water. Apply the bag directly to the protrusion.

Reception of funds inside:

  1. In fifty grams of milk, you need to add six drops of turpentine oil and drink it on an empty stomach twice a day for at least a week
  2. A teaspoon of ash obtained from burning in the spring of cherry branches from the top of the tree must be dissolved in a glass of boiling water. Such a mixture is recommended to drink a third of a glass three times a day on an empty stomach
  3. Three teaspoons of the flowers of cornflowers must be poured with half a liter of boiled water. All the resulting infusion must be drunk per day in uniform quantities
  4. It is believed that the broth from the fish in the amount of about half a liter per day helps strengthen the navel tissue
  5. Insist a tablespoon of placine-grass in a glass of boiling water, strain and take fifty grams before meals

All of the above folk methods are only an addition to therapy and should be applied only with the permission of the doctor. Adequate treatment can only be prescribed by a surgeon.

Video: Reasons for the appearance of umbilical hernia in adults

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