Building on the upper forms by acrylate. How do the upper forms differ from liquid Tibs? Correction with upper forms. Overview of the upper forms on Aliexpress

Building on the upper forms by acrylate. How do the upper forms differ from liquid Tibs? Correction with upper forms. Overview of the upper forms on Aliexpress

Features of the use of upper forms for building.

The upper forms appeared in the nail service industry for a long time. They have been used since the appearance of a gel, but few masters can boast of such skills. The fact is that initially they were developed as a way to build up nails with acrylic or gel. But literally a year ago, with the advent of a polygel, the upper forms again became popular. In this article, we will tell you how to build up nails with the help of upper shapes.

What are the upper forms for building, how do they work?

Previously, in order to build up nails in this way, decent skill and extensive experience needed. Accordingly, very few masters used the upper forms for building. It is quite difficult to use them with acrylic, as a certain experience and the possibility of prolonged polymerization of the material are necessary. That is, acrylic should harden for a very long time so that it can be able to apply it to the upper form, attach it with liquid to the nail and wait for complete solidification. A few of the masters used this way.

But not so long ago, a new material appeared, which is a hybrid. It is called polygel or acrigel. This material combined the properties of acrylic and gel. Its main advantage is that you can align on nails or on the upper forms as much as you like until you get the desired thickness of the material. At the moment, this is one of the fastest and best ways to extension nails to the upper forms using acrigel. In this way, you can build up nails in just one hour. Of course, this method has a number of disadvantages. This is especially unusual for those who do this for the first time and do not know some subtleties.

Upper forms
upper forms

How do the upper forms differ from liquid Tibs?

Many believe that liquid tips and upper forms are one and the same. In fact, this is a wrong statement. Because coating technologies are completely different. In liquid tips, the material is used exclusively gel, that is, the current material. At the same time, Tibsa is applied not on the entire nail, but only on 2/3. The main difference is that after removing the upper forms there is no need to support the surface of the nail, because it is already ready.

With liquid tips, the master should do a lot of work, since the material does not close the entire nail. That is, it will be necessary to lay out the gel in the cuticle area, as well as level the surface. Just as this is done with the lower paper forms, only here the already formed tip of the nail with gel and liquid Tibs acts as a substrate.

Upper forms
Upper forms

Most often, liquid tips are disposable, while the upper forms can be used several times in a row. As a result, the time spent on nail extension using liquid Tibs and upper forms is significantly different. About 60-90 minutes are spent on the modeling of nails with the help of upper forms, while liquid tips will have to be spent much more time. Basically, time is spent on finalizing and laying out the material after the formation of the substrate.

Liquid tips
Liquid tips

Acrylate extension on the upper forms

When is it worth using the upper forms? There are masters who are accustomed to the classics and perform extensions to ordinary lower, paper forms. If faster, then use this technique. But it so happens that customers come with a very short nail bed, broken nails or significant problems with nails, under which it is completely impossible to substitute a paper shape. It is precisely for these purposes that the upper forms are developed. They allow you to increase the nails on the nail bed of any length.


  • In order to increase the nails on the upper shapes, it is necessary to prepare the nail plate. For this, a trim or hardware manicure is performed, phergy, the area of \u200b\u200blateral rollers, as well as sinuses is cleaned.
  • After that, it is necessary to brush off dust, wipe the surface with alcohol, degreaser, treat the primer. It is best to use the acid version, since it is always necessary to use an acid primer under artificial material. He kills pathogens and helps to prevent the appearance of the fungus.
  • To do this, you need to walk along the surface of natural nails with a handle brush, avoiding the hit in the cuticle zone, as well as the side rollers. Because acid can provoke a burn or allergies.
  • After the nail is completely dry, it will become whitish in color, this is absolutely normal. Further, with a flat brush, it is necessary to apply the base with a rubbing layer. No need to seek alignment of the surface and ideal glare. Here the base acts as a coupling of an artificial and natural nail, so it should penetrate the scales as well as possible, as well as the pores of a natural nail.
  • After dried in an ultraviolet lamp, you can start modeling the nail. To do this, select the upper shapes in size to the nail bed. Please note that it is best if the upper forms are half a million wider than your natural nail plate. After that, decide on the area in the cuticle area.
  • Many manufacturers produce the upper forms in which the area of \u200b\u200bthe cuticle is not rounded, but square. If you have a rounded cuticle, then with the help of ordinary manicure scissors, cut the cuticle in shape. Now you need to take the ball of acrigel, apply it to the upper form in the cuticle area.
  • With the help of a flat brush, it is necessary to level and press the material, gradually pulling it to the zone, where the free edge of the nail will be located. Please note that in the zone of the cuticle of the material there should be very few, just like the side rollers. The largest amount of material should be in the center of the nail, in the Apexa zone, as well as at the free region.
  • It is necessary to attach the upper form with the material on a natural nail, but you need to do this without reaching the cuticle by 2 mm. As soon as you press the nail, you need to move it to the cuticle. This is done so that the minimum amount of material is in the cuticle zone and does not flow under it, no sides arise. This will reduce processing after building.
  • Next, press the nail and you can use special transparent clothespins. Now turn it over and look from the inside. Very often, after pressing the shape to a natural nail plate, a decent amount of artificial material begins to get out from under it, forming a step. If this happens, you need to align it.
  • To do this, a brush moistened in a degreaser, you just need to walk under the nail in the upper area. If some part of the artificial material hit the cuticle, or crawled out onto the side rollers, a beveled brush moistened in alcohol or degreaser, it is necessary to remove the remains of acrigel.
  • After you are perfectly moving everything, get rid of the artificial material that is outside the upper forms, place the nail for 30 seconds in the lamp, turn it over and dry it on the inside for another 30 seconds. After that, you need to squeeze the shape slightly, and with swaying movements from the side to remove it.
  • After remove the upper form, you need to see what happened and dry the nail for 1 minute in the lamp. This is the final stage of drying. After that, it is necessary to evaluate the work, to adjust the zone of the free edge, side parallels, and also align in the area of \u200b\u200bthe side rollers and cuticles. If there is any roughness and irregularities of the material, we recommend that using a milling cutter or a flame process this zone.
  • It is for this purpose that we recommend that before the extension on the upper forms, do not remove the cuticle, but only clean the phergy using a cutter. Because very often after processing already extended nails in the cuticle and side rollers zone, an absolutely naked cuticle is easy to injure with a file. Now turn the nail and look at it from the inside. If you notice a step there, then take the cutter and try to equalize everything, as well as remove the remains of the frozen, extra material. After that, brush the dust and can cover the nails with gel polish or perform a design.
Operating procedure
Operating procedure

Correction of nails with upper forms

Many masters are interested in whether it is possible to perform correction with the help of upper forms? Yes, many masters really do this, especially this method is relevant if the nails are “pecking”. It is worth noting that the correction is ideal using the upper forms on stylets, ovals or the shape of the ballerina. If this is a pipe or square, then it is quite difficult to perform correction, due to the fact that the form does not always fit tightly to such nails, due to the features of the structure and geometry on the nails. Correction is done quite simply.


  • It is necessary to process in the zone of the overgrown part of the nail. To do this, with the help of a milling cutter, the flame is removed by phergy, the cuticle rises with a skirt, cleaned with a ball with a red marker. Small errors are removed by corundum or silicone grinder.
  • The nail is processed using a buff or a saw of 180 grit in order to remove the gloss. Next, dust is removed using a brush, the nail is processed with a degreaser and primer. The base is applied with a thin layer only in the cuticle area.
  • A little polygel is applied to the upper form, exactly in the same way as when increasing, that is, the minimum amount of material is in the cuticle area. The amount of acrigel increases to the free edge, while there is no need to apply the material to the entire surface of the upper shape.
  • Further, the form is pressed without reaching 1-2mm to the cuticle, and shifted with not strong pressure, dries in a lamp. The form is removed with swaying movements from the side. Please note that grinding the surface of the nail may be needed, because in the area of \u200b\u200bthe joint of the old and new coating a step or irregularity can form.
Upper forms
Upper forms

Please note that after removing the form on the ends there is a huge amount of material. That is, it is very fat. Now, with the help of a ceramic milling cutter, it is necessary to cut the thickness of the nail from the inside. Thus, you will adjust the shape and again make the nails visually correctly growing. Do not worry that a natural nail is cut out with artificial material. When correcting "poke" nails, this cannot be avoided.

Overview of the upper forms on Aliexpress

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  • FrancheSKA. Soft, without markings, very thin. Break after 3 buildings.
  • MIZHSE. There is marking, good quality, a square cut in the cuticle.
  • Fengshangmei. In the package of 12 sizes and a round cut of the cuticle. There is marking for building, but there are no antennae.
  • Contigo. There is no graduation, but the cutting cut is round, there are antennae.
Acrylate on the upper forms
Acrylate on the upper forms

Video: Acrigel to the upper forms

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