Pasteen: therapeutic properties and contraindications, description, chemical composition. Putting Prof aid in a pharmacy - Instructions for use

Pasteen: therapeutic properties and contraindications, description, chemical composition. Putting Prof aid in a pharmacy - Instructions for use

Flowers are not only unusually beautiful, but also have healing properties. But the treatment with the help of a one should be careful, because in large doses this is the strongest poison.

Such a medicinal plant as digitalis Found its application in various fields. For aesthetic appearance, the flower is used as a decorative element, and in medicine it is completely magic remedy. At the same time, the improper use of this plant can cause great harm.

Description of the shifts, varieties, legends

Digitalis - This is a medicinal plant that is shrouded in doubts, myths and legends. This is a herbaceous plant with flowers that resemble fingers in shape, hence the name - paste (thimble). Overflow flowers are of different colors: from bright yellow to brown.

There are a large number of types of gangs that have different applications in medicine
There are a large number of types of gangs that have different applications in medicine

There are several varieties of this plant - a purple gang, woolly, a large -flowered one, etc. To the family of plantainers And has a strong influence on the human cardiovascular system.

Actively used since ancient times for the treatment of heart disease, With an incorrectly selected dose can cause poisoning or even death.

The gateway is used not only for medical purposes, some of its varieties are used as a decorative plant with beautiful large colors-collars, and in the natural environment, bells of the lines are a home for insects or small rodents, feed for butterflies.

The people ascribe magical properties
The people ascribe magical properties

There are many legends and beliefs about these plants. In some cultures, the lines are called "Witches thimbles" And they believe that this plant can protect from troubles, give luck and health. But if you use a gateway with an angry intent using this plant, you can suppress the will of a person And send troubles on him. In fairy tales, it is believed that focusing flowers are nothing more than hats of good fairy -tale elves.

The chemical composition of the one

The leaves and flowers contain the so -called glycosides - substances that affect cardiac activity. Moreover, the number and composition of these substances depends on the type of one:

  • In the Purple or Digitalis It contains more than 62 glycosides, among them acetyldigoxin, digoxin and guitarxin. Also, the Purple Purple contains choline, flavonids and other healing substances. These chemicals Strengthen the work of the heart With heart failure and other diseases of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, eyes. In therapeutic doses, they are indispensable drugs, but you should also know that these substances in the body are capable of accumulate and cause poisoning
Glycosides, which are part of the lines, are used to treat the heart
Glycosides, which are part of the lines, are used to treat the heart

In large doses, glycosides act as a strong poison, lead to strong poisoning of the body or even death. Therefore, in no case should you take the drugs on your own. Prescribes and controls the intake of glycosides exclusively a doctor

  • The overhead is rough Contains a large number of steroid and cardiotonic glycosides, lantosines, calanide. Substances of this type of gateway are faster from the body and accumulate less, so they are more often used. They better fight stagnant heart failure, remove excessive fluid from the body faster
  • Pauline rusty Contains more than 31 glycoside, veroxin, steroids, flavonids. It is used to treat heart disease, as well as for the treatment of epilepsy

Pastens, therapeutic properties

Great domestic doctor and scientist Botkin He spoke about the gateway: “This is a scalpel of therapists” and was completely right. This plant has the strongest healing propertiesbut at the same moment, it can harm if used improperly.

In medicine, the one is widely used, but it must be used with great caution
In medicine, the one is widely used, but it must be used with great caution

Pastens and drugs that produce from it have a wide range of action On the human body. They are used for:

  1. Heart disease
  • Heart failure - When the heart cannot provide a full blood supply to the whole body, the drugs enhance blood release with a heart, thereby helping to fight heart failure
  • Arrhythmias and acceleration of the pulse - influencing the centers of regulation of heart rhythm, restore it, and also slow down the pulse
  • Frequencies of the heart(congenital and acquired)
Put-based medicines allow you to cure many diseases of the cardiovascular system
Put-based medicines allow you to cure many diseases of the cardiovascular system
  1. Vascular diseases:
  • Hypertension - Reduce pressure
  1. Eye diseases
  • Pain in the eyes With migraines, they are well removed with the help of drugs.
  • Increased intraocular pressure, for example, with glaucoma
  1. Kidney diseases
  • With chronic renal failure
  • With edema - help to remove excess fluid from the body
  1. In diseases of the lungs - reduce shortness of breath and increase the saturation of the body with oxygen

Contraindications of the reception of a one

For taking drugs, there is many contraindications. Before starting to take the medicine from a one, be sure to consult a doctor.

Reception of a focus and her drugs without the recommendation of a doctor is extremely life -threatening for life
Reception of the one and her drugs without the recommendation of a doctor is extremely life -threatening for life

It is not recommended to use preparations containing extra -vibration extracts if you have:

  • Atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Full atrioventricular blockade
  • Reduced heart rate (bradycardia)
  • Rheumen or endocarditis
  • Heart defects in the stage of compensation
  • Chronic lung diseases
  • Tuberculosis
  • Angina pectoris
  • Infectious diseases
  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding period
  • Popular preparations are also not recommended for children under 12 years of age

Pasteen is poisonous or not?

As mentioned above, abroad drugs have many healing propertiesbut if you take them without control and incorrectly, then you can get poisoning, the so -called "Digitalis intoxication".

In large doses, a poison is a poison that can lead to death
In large doses, a poison is a poison that can lead to death

The fact is that Cardiac glycosidesContained in the gateway, tend to accumulate in the body (cumulation effect). When they accumulate in excessive quantities, they begin act like poison. Here are symptoms of digitalis intoxication:

  • Intensive abdominal pain and diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Raw on the skin
  • Interruptions in the work of the heart, sensation «fading of the heart "
  • Rare and weak pulse
  • Shortness of breath, breathing violation
  • Twitching muscles and cramps
  • Hallucinations
  • Loss of appetite
  • Critical manifestation - stop of breathing and heart

In history, there are cases when tincture of the gangs in large doses was used as a poison. Therefore, when applying drug -based drugs, be sure to follow all the recommendations of the attending physician.

The tincture of a woolly one

Drugs woolly They contain the same active substances as other species - heart glycosides. They have a stimulating effect on the cardiovascular system.

Woolly tincture can be prepared at home or bought at a pharmacy
Woolly tincture can be prepared at home or bought at a pharmacy

From the gateway purple tincture of the sheath of woolly distinguishes more rapid absorption in the body, a quick effect and a lower ability to accumulate. Therefore, these drugs are preferred.

The tincture of the foams are woolly Prepared at the rate of 1 g of dry leaves per 200 ml of water. It is best to buy ready -made tincture in a pharmacy as a doctor’s appointment.

Video: Woolly

Poppy drugs in the pharmacy

Of the leaves, a lot of industrial preparations are made in various forms of release - tablets, solutions for injection, tinctures, capsules, etc. The main preparations of the purple - purple - digitoxin, guitoxin, cordigitis.

  • Digitoxin - tablets. They are used for heart failure, hypertension, heart valves, arrhythmias. Has a pronounced cumulation effect and is poorly dissolved
  • Gitoxin - It has the same therapeutic effect as digitoxin, but is much better dissolves in the body and is less capable of accumulation. Produced in the form of white powder
  • Cordigite - a combined drug containing digitoxin and guitoxin. Available in the form of tablets and rectal candles. It dissolves well in water, the cumulation effect is very low
Digoxin is one of the drug -based drugs
Digoxin is one of the drug -based drugs

The main dosage forms of the sheath of wool:

  • Digoxin - is produced in the form of tablets, solutions for intravenous injections and a solution for receiving through the mouth. Assign with heart valves, arrhythmias, before surgery patients with chronic heart diseases. If necessary, this drug can be prescribed for children. The effect occurs faster, the ability to accumulate is very low
  • Tselanide - produced in tablets and solutions for injection. Indications for use are the same as for other preparations, but this drug has the widest spectrum of action and less toxic effects. The ability to cumulation is very little pronounced
  • Lantoside - produced in bottles for droppers of 15 ml. This drug consists of several components of the one, has a pronounced decongestant effect. The ability to accumulate is poorly expressed

Video: Digoxin. Instructions for use

Pasteen tincture - instructions for use

It should be recalled once again that you only need to take a gateway by appointment of a doctor And under his strict control, clearly observing all the recommendations. The exact doses, time and frequency of admission are calculated only by the doctor.

200 ml of tinctures contains from 0.5 to 1 g of dry plant leaves. Typically, adults take 20 ml 3-4 times a day.

Pasteen tincture is very easy to cook - for this you only need plant flowers and alcohol
Pasteen tincture is very easy to cook - for this only plant flowers and alcohol are needed

The duration of the course of admission will also be determined strictly by a doctor. In no case do not cancel or extend the course on one's own.

Application of ahead of the heart disorders

For diseases of the heart, use finished preparations. It is dangerous to take cooked infusions with your own hand. The maximum amount of the drug per day should not exceed 0.5 g. The path of administration of the drug is also selected by a doctor (tablets, intravenous injections) in each case individually.

With heart diseases, it is recommended to take finished preparations from a one
With heart diseases, it is recommended to take finished preparations from a one

Use of deposits for edema

Since the substances contained in the gateway enhance urine They are used in the treatment of edema of cardiac origin. With the help of drugs, swelling is treated in a complex of treatment of heart failure.

Due to an increase in the amount of urine secreted, excess fluid is removed from the body and the load on the heart is removed.

Use of gypsy for hypertension

With hypertension, use an infusion of gangs. For 200 g of boiled warm water, 1 g of dried leafs are taken. Insist 20-30 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day. It is necessary to take a tincture for hypertension only with the permission of the attending physician.

With hypertension, it is also possible to take preparations from a half
With hypertension, it is also possible to take preparations from a half

Use of gear for healing wounds

For healing of wounds, lotions of tincture are used. Apply gauze moistened in the solution to the affected area and left for 10-15 minutes.

Use of gangs for nervous disorders

For diseases of the nervous system, alcohol tincture of the shifts are used:

  • 15-20 g  dry leaves Pastens fill 50 ml of alcohol
  • then placed in a container of dark glass and let it brew 7-10 days
  • use no more than 10 drops of infusion at a time

Recent studies have proven that attendants can be used in the treatment of epilepsy, hysteria and other mental disorders. Also, the infusion of gangs is effective for migraines with pains with pain in the eyes.

As you can see, the gateway is really a magical remedy for many ailments, but it should be used reasonably. Otherwise, you will cause serious harm to your body, up to fatal outcome.

Video: Pastens

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