The design of a children's room for a boy and girls, two children with their own hands: ideas, common advice, psychologists, designers, recommended materials for walls, ceiling, floor. What mistakes should you pay attention to when designing a children's room?

The design of a children's room for a boy and girls, two children with their own hands: ideas, common advice, psychologists, designers, recommended materials for walls, ceiling, floor. What mistakes should you pay attention to when designing a children's room?

In this article, we will consider how to arrange and decorate the children's room, given all the wishes and necessities for the baby.

In the life of every young couple, a very touching and important point comes - the appearance of a baby in a house that becomes a meaning and clear sun for all existence. And, of course, every parent wants to give him only the best and most useful, as well as create the most favorable living conditions. Therefore, in this material we will consider how to decorate and prepare a room for your baby.

What should you pay attention to when designing and decorating a children's room: General recommendations

Sooner or later, there comes a moment when a children's room for a child is no longer a wish, but a necessity. And here it is the question of how to arrange a children's room and decorate.

  • First of all, you need to consider the general requirements for the children's room. Thanks to modern technologies and materials, you can build a beautiful, stylish and original room without problems. There is no limit of imagination and desires.
  • However, when landscaping the personal corner of the child, it is worth taking into account not only their opinion, but also the advice of psychologists, designers and marketers. They, like no one else, will help to avoid gross mistakes, which over time can only negatively affect the child.
  • First of all, it is necessary to correctly evaluate the space and organize it correctly. Therefore, it would not hurt to use the premises plan in this case.
  • If it is, then the task is greatly simplified, and if not, then make up at least an approximate outline. Even small details can play a large role, so you treat everything as carefully as possible.
  • Starting from natural light in the future children's room (by the way, it should be enough) and ending with the right shape of the room.
  • The last aspect requires some clarification. Exclude sharp corners so that the child cannot get hurt or hit. If they are and it is impossible to avoid them, then adjust, round or close them with special plugs.
  • The second important element of the creation of the nursery is the age and gender of the child. As a rule, many make a room for a long time, completely forgetting that time flies very quickly. Agree, when the baby grows up, the wallpaper with cartoon heroes has no place on the wall. But it is also impossible not to take into account age -related needs.
Always take into account the age and wishes of the child
Always take into account the age and wishes of the child

What to consider when registering a children's room: Psychologists' tips

Of course, you can not always follow all the recommendations. But listen to the advice of experienced people. And try to fulfill them as fully as possible.

  • It doesn’t matter what parameters are in the room, but in any case, it should be divided into three zones: for relaxation, study and games. So say psychologists. Also, if the living space allows, then the child should even have his own living room. But this is only by the financial capabilities and desire of parents.
  • If this separation is not, then the baby will have problems with the organization. After all, he will not be able to overcome chaos and independently systematize his day in the future. If the baby is not accustomed to organization from the very beginning, then this will remain his weak place in the future. Moreover, it will be much more difficult to fix.
  • Initially, he must understand that there are some rules and norms (only let their number are gradually increasing), which must be observed. For example, that at the table you only need to draw, write and read, on the bed - sleep, and on the rug - play with toys.
  • According to psychologists, the presence of your own workplace is much more effectively affecting the development of the child than classes even with the whole family, but in different places. And do not forget that you need to take the baby seriously and do them even when you don’t really want to.
  • As for its location, then remember one invariable rule - the light should fall on the left. It is allowed if the table is located opposite the window. Even at a small age, place a small table already in a “your” place.
  • Since childhood, you need to teach the child to order. As experts observe, no matter how many toys in your house (and every year their number will be involuntarily increased) - a cabinet, basket or at least just a corner should be allocated for them.
Be sure to divide the room into zones
Be sure to divide the room into zones
  • But do not forget to clean the toys, try to restore order with the baby in the playing area. An ideal solution will be the location of each thing in “its place”.
  • The choice of space for sleep should be chosen carefully. In this matter, psychologists, designers and even Feng Shui specialists unanimously claim that the baby’s bed is undesirable to place opposite the door. So the baby will receive negative energy.

Important: in many countries there is a belief that the legs are aimed at the exit, only the deceased person should have. Therefore, carefully calculate the dimensions of your room.

  • Do not forget the old remark that the head should be directed east or north. Then she will not hurt, and the person will get enough sleep and have “pure” thoughts. And this will also contribute to the implementation of even bold and grandiose plans. The West and South are also allowed, but not suitable for everyone.
  • Although there are opinions of psychologists that the face of the sleeping person should look at the sunrise. So he will start a new day with the best reserves.
  • If you organize a space for a child, then give you an opportunity to participate in your child. Of course, if age allows. Let it be a choice like a bed, a table, wallpaper or curtains.
  • For you it is a trifle, but for him-the opportunity to somehow participate in the creation of your future corner. Of course, this is small, but the first step towards its independence.
Even small children make a place to study, albeit the future
Even small children make a place to study, albeit the future

What do decor experts advise when decorating and designing a children's room?

Decoration of the children's room needs to be paid special attention. After all, it is necessary to make sure that it is relevant, at least for 5 years. Or add elements that can then be easily removed. Even if they will be made with their own hands or just a little redone. For example, add a few colored pillows, and take some toys on the contrary.

  • When choosing the color of such elements that will be in the room as long as possible (that is, a bed, a table and other furniture), it is better to dwell on neutral colors. And the taste of the child to emphasize with the help of accessories, which can easily be changed to others. Do not forget that children grow up very quickly.
  • The walls belong to the type that in any case will require shifts, repainting or new wallpaper pasting. Do not exclude the opportunity that children can apply their art.
  • And, in general, they wear out more strongly other components. Therefore, in the children's room, colorful wallpapers in 2-4 years can be changed to more suitable images.
  • In addition, you need to give preference to the furniture that can be used for several years, and such that it can simultaneously perform several functions.
  • For example, a crib, protected by side panels in the form of clouds, bunnies, tiger for a three -year -old child, transforms into adult furniture when all protective panels are removed. Moreover, just now furniture transformers are at the peak of popularity.
  • Another valuable advice from the designer is that it is forbidden to oversaturate the working area and furnish many distracting elements. These include photos, mirrors, pictures, and, especially, toys.
  • The kid will be distracted and will not be able to focus on the right task. But the playing part can just be distinguished by a bright color. The main thing is to finish it with a partition or a curtain from the working area so that it “does not press” the child during his classes.
  • In general, designers recommend highlighting and separating zones to completely different design. And not only in the color scheme, but also in the texture of materials.
The children's room should have enough space for outdoor games
The children's room should have enough space for outdoor games

Important: but medicine suggests that their location should take a minimum of space. After all, the baby needs outdoor games. We remind you that the child is not recommended to sit in one place for more than 30-40 minutes. And the cluttering room will cause injuries.

  • Experts prohibit the use of bright, saturated and acidic colors. Also complement the list too dark and gloomy shades. And red color should be at least at least. After all, he causes aggression and bad mood.
  • But light and pastel colors not only increase and refresh the room, but also create the necessary mood. By the way, the green color helps not only calm down, but also improves mental abilities.
  • But our advice - try to use all the colors of the rainbow in the literal sense of the word in the children's room. After all, each of them makes some important contribution. For example, yellow color cheers up, and orange helps to establish relationships with relatives.
  • But it is this color that can cause overexcitation, so it is worth diluting it with a light gray tone. But be sure to take into account the preferences of the child. Even at a small age, give a choice to the baby.
  • The fact is that each of us has a different color. To someone, green cheers up, and other person’s well-being can worsen because of him. That is why they need to be diluted with other colors.
  • Designers distinguish only white and beige colors of different shades, which favorably affect health, psyche and well -being.
  • But children need bright colors to saturate life with a positive. And it is not quite practical to create a white children's room. Otherwise, the repair will have to be done every year, if not more often.
The children's room should consist of the most light tones
The children's room should consist of the most light tones

What materials to use, and which you need to refuse When registering a children's room?

When choosing furniture for the children's room, it is better not to save on money. If the financial opportunity for one reason or another is limited, then it is better to take less furniture, but a better and more high -quality employee.

  • And, even more so, in no case can be saved on the use of quality materials. Otherwise, this is fraught with a lot of negative consequences that will only have a negative imprint on the baby's body.

Important: to the maximum, refuse plastic and plastic. No matter how environmentally friendly it is, evaporation comes from it anyway. And this will affect the health of the baby in the future.

  • Health can be harmful to many other things: chipboard with an unacceptable formaldehyde level, harmful varnishes and paints, the presence of a considerable amount of glue. In the hot season, as a result of an increase in temperature, they are able to secrete toxic evaporation dangerous for health.

Choose the right flooring correctly

Of course, they have not yet come up with the floor that there will be better parquet. Yes, it needs to be monitored, polished and polished from time to time with a special machine. And most importantly - to restore the lacquer and wax protective layer.

  • But this is a natural coating, which will not harm the baby in any way. And quite strong and warm, which is also important. But he has one minus - this is the price.
  • Therefore, we offer you another good option for installing the floor in the nursery - cork floor. Its advantages are expressed as follows:
    • warmth even in the cold season. And this discards the use of carpet coatings;
    • environmental friendliness and health safety;
    • elasticity, which will reduce injury;
    • prevents the accumulation of harmful organisms, which will also perform the prevention of the development of allergies;
    • and on the aesthetic side - on such a floor it walks very pleasantly barefoot, since it is also insanely soft, but also persistent at the same time.
  • But not everything is so simple. Children are very active and their room is needed for their room that will withstand their crazy activity. And such a floor is very easy to damage and break out. Yes, in most cases, childhood curiosity knows no boundaries.
  • The laminate is more resistant to children's activity, which is inferior in cost to natural parquet. Given the variety and quantity of this material today, the most optimal and safe option for installing the baby’s room has determined the E1 class laminate.
  • If the financial situation is not at the best level, then you can use the economy option in the form of linoleum on a natural basis.
  • It is better to refuse carpet, as it is a vacuumber and can cause an allergy to the crumbs.
An ideal floor for the nursery is a cork coating
An ideal floor for the nursery is a cork coating

Choose not only color, but also the right option for walls

Here you can build on personal tastes and preferences - wallpaper, paint, handmade jewelry, etc.

  • If you want to use the first option, then paper wallpapers are best suited - they have no harmful discharge, and they can “breathe”.
  • Vinyl and non -woven wallpaper for a children's room fall under the taboo. Despite the greater advertising of manufacturers. The reason is that such wallpapers do not pass air and prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria on the walls.
  • And from the rational side, paper wallpapers win. After all, they are much cheaper, and in the children's room the repair will need to be carried out at least every 5 years.
  • In the case of painting walls, use special paints for children's rooms, which can be read on their packaging. If possible, make the sound insulation of the walls: you will be calmer and the children will be able to scream and have fun, thereby without depriving you of peace of mind.
  • True, then it will not hurt to start a radio tower. Special, if the children are still too small, then this is even a necessity.
  • We want to give a small recommendation - highlight one side or part of the wall near the game corner for drawing. If the baby is quite an adult, then let him take part in the design of his room at least on a small segment.
  • We repeat that the breeding of zones with different coating is recommended. But the painting of a children's room in a cartoon style will also look insanely beautiful.
Wallpaper should be not only colorful, but also passing the air
Wallpaper should be not only colorful, but also passing the air

The ceiling also requires attention

  • Most prefers such a universal option as children's water -based paint, because it:
    • safe and harmless to the health of the baby;
    • moisture resistant;
    • it requires a minimum of time and effort to take care of oneself.
  • But for painting you need a perfectly even ceiling, which is not in all houses. Stretch ceilings are very popular now. But for the baby they can be harmful. Since quality material is not always used in them.
  • The suspended ceilings are already safer and will help separate different zones of the room. But here are what they are similar to parquet - the price is not for every citizen.
  • It is better to refuse polystyrene plates. This is a cheap option that is extremely undesirable for a children's room. After all, first of all, care for the health of the baby.

Important: for a newborn baby, safety and practicality in the first place. Choose only light colors, natural materials and a convenient location of all things.

The suspended ceiling will also help divide the room into zones
The suspended ceiling will also help divide the room into zones

How to arrange a children's room if it is designed for two children?

If the arrangement of one children's room requires a lot of attention and effort, then the organization of one nursery for two children is an even more difficult matter that requires the most close attention to each detail. Because not only individual preferences of children, but also their age and gender are taken into account.

  • If the parameters of the room do not allow the installation of a large amount of furniture, then a bunk bed will correct the situation. Someone will sleep below, and someone will be upstairs. In order to avoid quarrels for a place, you can agree that in turn to change places in the form of an interesting game.
  • As a common recreation area, a sports corner, a playing rug, a small television zone, a table for joint creativity can be used - it all depends on the interests and hobbies of children. By the way, the workplace should be not only among schoolchildren, but also from those who visit the kindergarten and only learn to write and read.
  • So that the kids do not get confused in search of their things and do not conflict about this, there is a simple way to avoid this. Let each of them will have its own box of different colors and decorated with individual elements. For example, drawings that the kids themselves painted.

How to arrange a children's room for two boys?

There are more than a hundred original ideas and sentences. Do not be guided by any one option and strictly follow the proposed scheme. You can turn on imagination and combine several options together.

  • The design and decoration itself depends on what your boys like most - football (or other sport), sea, dinosaurs, traveling in the world or flight into space, etc. With age, the subject can be changed or slightly supplemented with various elements.
  • Sometimes the situation involves finding two children of different ages. Yes, and with a big difference. In this case, the best option would be to divide the room into two main zones: for the older and youngest child.
  • The color scheme and design design, even with your own hands, must be chosen taking into account all the above requirements. Do not move with stereotypes that you need to decorate it in a boring style with blue wallpaper. After all, in the boy you need to educate a man. Remember - while he is still a child!
  • Therefore, it is important that not only the working area, but also the recreation area (albeit small) be equipped for both children. Boys need outdoor games more. Be sure to consider this when designing a room. Also be prepared for family fights, so exclude sharp corners even for adult guys.

Important: by the way, Feng Shui does not recommend using furniture with sharp corners at all. After all, they cut protection and positive energy, making a person vulnerable.

Boys just need outdoor games
Boys just need outdoor games

How best to arrange a children's room for two girls: tips, ideas

  • Everyone knows that little girls prefer pink. But this does not mean that the whole room should be bright pink. You can put up pink with other delicate tones.
  • But to supplement the decoration in the form of images of princesses, fairies, hearts, animals, flowers, butterflies. In other things, your princesses themselves will tell you what they like best.
  • In addition, so that the girls have a personal space for making their favorite things and study, it is necessary that the interior of the room favorably affect the formation of a good taste for them. Therefore, try not to exaggerate with the number of decor elements.
  • Unlike the boys' room, here you need to take care of a larger amount of furniture. All girls from the very birth of a fashionista. Therefore, they need many boxes of various parameters. After all, toys, various accessories, the first accessories and even cosmetics will be stored in them.

Design of a children's room for two children: Ideas

How to arrange a children's room if it is intended for both the boy and for the girl?

  • Of course, without dividing the room can not do. Moreover, do not exclude the fact that children will grow. Yes, ideally - to publish children in different rooms before puberty. But so far it is enough to simply divide into half -rooms.
  • For example, purely visually. That is, having painted the walls in different colors, pushing thematic murals and choosing the appropriate furniture. Or with the help of small details of the children's interior in the form of a variety of toys, figures, pictures, shelves with the contents of the interests of each child.
  • The main thing is that the division of the room into individual zones for each is made not only conditionally - we are talking about a screen, a curtain or partition. This will be especially important and relevant if one of the children is already older.
Each child should have his own personal space
Each child should have his own personal space
Design of a children's room for two children: Ideas
Design of a children's room for two children: Ideas
Design of a children's room for two children: Ideas
Design of a children's room for two children: Ideas
Design of a children's room for two children: Ideas
Design of a children's room for two children: Ideas
Design of a children's room for two children: Ideas
Design of a children's room for two children: Ideas

The most common mistakes when designing a children's room

  • The largest and most rough oversight is a cold color. It is he who "eats" all the comfort in the house. Psychologists recommend gently choosing saturated blue and blue tones. And designers advise diluting them with sand and solar color.
  • We want to give a small recommendation regarding light in such a room - choose lamps only with warm daytime color.
  • Different colors are necessary in the life of the baby, but do not get excessively excess of them. Give preference only to light and pastel colors, but use bright colors only for decor.
  • Do not confuse the table and bed. It is about their location. Often the bed is placed near the window, and the table is nearby. This is a gross mistake that has been stretching for several decades. So the baby will study dark, and in a sleeping place will always pass through a draft.
  • Do not clutter up the children's massive and rough curtains that they do not miss the light. Children are simply necessary not only from the point of view of medicine, but even from the psychological aspect.
  • We want to once again focus on expensive wallpaper. Give up this idea. Children grow, and will express their personality through the drawings. And over the years, sooner or later they will lose its former relevance.
  • Also, you should not create a classic design using gold and intricate patterns in a nursery.
  • Furniture should correspond to age. Choose high -quality materials, but be prepared to change them as a child or children grows up. By the way, high cabinets are another additional chance to injure.
  • And take into account the wishes of the child. Even if his idea of \u200b\u200bthe children's room does not coincide with your dreams.
  • And the last advice-two children should not have any privileges or prepositions for rivalry. No, the kids will find them. But you must maximize the possibility of quarrels and fights for the best chair or decor near the bed.
Be sure to highlight the wall for the work of the baby
Be sure to highlight the wall for the work of the baby

How to decorate the children's room with your own hands: tips

As previously mentioned, you can supplement the decor of the room with the help of various unusual little things made by yourself with your children. It can be anything - balls under the ceiling, butterflies or aircraft. In general, what your child likes best.

  • An applique of butterflies or curtain from hearts at the head of the girl will look beautiful.
  • But the boy is better off cutting a spider-man or Makvin's zipper.
  • In addition to the wall for drawing, you can also make a stand where the drawings of your baby will be stored.
  • Princesses will also appreciate pompons from tulle or a bedspread from ruffles.
  • And for the boy, make a large wall garage made of cardboard boxes or shelves for men from Lego.
  • It also does not hurt to make a bag in the form of a puff for storing small things. It can be easily sewn on your own.
  • Boarding a children's room for a boy: Ideas
Boarding a children's room for a boy: Ideas
Boarding a children's room for a boy: Ideas
Boarding a children's room for a boy: Ideas
Boarding a children's room for a boy: Ideas
Boarding a children's room for a boy: Ideas
Boarding a children's room for a boy: Ideas
Boarding a children's room for a boy: Ideas
Boarding a children's room for a boy: Ideas
Boarding a children's room for a boy: Ideas
Boarding a children's room for a boy: Ideas
Boarding a children's room for a boy: Ideas
Boarding a children's room for a boy: Ideas
  • Organization of a children's room for a girl: Ideas
Organization of a children's room for a girl
Organization of a children's room for a girl
Organization of a children's room for a girl
Organization of a children's room for a girl
Organization of a children's room for a girl
Organization of a children's room for a girl: Ideas
Organization of a children's room for a girl
Organization of a children's room for a girl
Organization of a children's room for a girl: Ideas
Organization of a children's room for a girl: Ideas
Organization of a children's room for a girl: Ideas
Organization of a children's room for a girl: Ideas
Organization of a children's room for a girl: Ideas
Organization of a children's room for a girl: Ideas
Organization of a children's room for a girl: Ideas
Organization of a children's room for a girl: Ideas

Video: How to create an ideal children's room?

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