The male name Zakhar - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Zakhar: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The male name Zakhar - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Zakhar: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Zakhar is a beautiful and sonorous name. He has an interesting interpretation, origin, and also have talismans.

When choosing a name for the baby, some difficulties sometimes arise. In order to exclude them, parents should pay attention to the interpretation of the name. To study it is simple. For example, a name Zakhar It can be interpreted both according to Christian traditions and in astrological calculations.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Male name Yaroslav - which means: description of the name". You will learn about the secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decryption, characterization, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality.

In this article you can study all the information about this name. You will find out what talismans have, and also with which patronymic it combines well and much more. Read further.

What does the name Zakhar on the church calendar mean?

There are no differences in the interpretation and meaning provided by Christian literature and Hebrew reference books. Church sources also indicate what it means “God remembers”, “God's memory”, “the memory of the Lord”. The name that happens from the Hebrew past is called children born on such days:

  • January 22
  • February 2
  • February 21
  • 24 February
  • March, 6
  • April 6th
  • April 12th
  • 26 of May
  • 15th of November
  • December 18

These are the dates of the patron saint Zakhara According to the church calendar. Read further.

Patron saint named after Zakhar

The most famous patrons of the name Zakhar They are revered in the church in their days of memory. People born under this name choose them as defenders. But it is necessary to go to the temple on these dates, and not just celebrate at home.

  • Zachariah Egyptian, skinny, reverend
  • Zachariah opened, recluse
  • Zakharia Pechersky, Postnik, in distant (Theodosiev) caves
  • Zakharia is righteous, priest, Prophet, father of St. John the Baptist.
  • Zachariah is a sickle, a prophet, from twelve small prophets, 500 years BC. He described all the events that will occur in the future

Below even more useful and interesting information. Read further.

The mystery of the name Zakhar


The secret of the name of the boy Zakhara is the ability to refuse people calmly, but strictly. Many people consider him reliable, but he sees when they try to use it. Therefore, it can easily refuse and other people respect him for this quality.

Name Zakhar: Russian or not, what nationality is the name Zakhar?

The parents of the baby, whom they want to name Zakhar, the question may arise: "Is this a Russian name?", to which you can answer that not. This name has the Hebrew roots and the same nationality.

Name Zakhar: origin and meaning, popularity

From Hebrew: "God's memory". Despite the fact that the name Zakhar Non Russian, it is popular in Russia, as well as Georgia and Armenia. In ancient times in Russia, such adversary was widely known, but not common.

In the holy sags, according to whom children were traditionally called, saints with the name Zakhar During the year, they were commemorated about 20 times. But there is a saint, which was especially treated, he was revered with services in temples. For example:

  • February 8 (February 21 in a new style) was celebrated The day of Zachariah is a sickle.
  • There is a legend about the appearance of this name. On the night, the Prophet saw a flying sickle, which meant the inevitability of the punishment of God. Since then, it was customary to check agricultural crops on February 8 and pray for a good harvest.
  • According to the weather, Zakharia determined what spring and summer would be windy, if thunder thundered, very warm, if frosts hit.

Now the name Zakhar More popular than Zachariah, approximately a hundred times. This is the name of 7 boys per 1000.

Zakhar - Deciphering a name from Greek

Special interpretations of the name Zakhar There is no Greek at the moment, only the translation of the name - Ζαχαρίαςwhich is deciphered as "God". Consider how the name will sound and look in other languages. Read further.

Name Zakhar in English, Latin, different languages

Any person is interested in how his name is written and sounds in English, Latin and different other languages. Here are a few options for writing a name Zakhar:

Name Zakhar in English, Latin, different languages
Name Zakhar in English, Latin, different languages

How is the name Zakhar written in the passport?

It is known that in the documents when traveling abroad, the initials should be written in Latin. To know how to fill out official papers, you can contact help website You just need to insert the word into the form and click "translate". After a couple of seconds, a window with a finished translation will open. So, as the name is written in the passport Zakhar? Correct option:

  • Zakhar

Perhaps when filling out documents for receiving a passport, you will be asked to write initials in capital letters. Therefore, the name will look like this: Zakhar.

Zakhar: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive?

Of course, not always Zakhara They can be called the full name. Parents and friends will use other sounds - simpler and shorter.

Abridged version:

  • Zah
  • Zak
  • ZA
  • Zacher
  • Zara
  • Zarko

Squeezing-mall option:

  • Zakharchik
  • Zakharochka
  • Zakharushka
  • Zakharonka
  • Zakharka
  • Zakharik

A person with any name has his own fate, purpose. By name, you can determine the character of a person. What awaits a person with this name? Read further.

Zakhar: The meaning of the name, character and fate

About the origin of the name Zakhar already mentioned above in the text, this is the Hebrew name meaning "God remembers."What does this mean, and what fate awaits the carrier of this name? Here is the description of his character at first:

  • He is a very good -natured young man, attentive to people, knows how to concede.
  • Therefore, the guy is caring in relation to his loved ones, a little sentimental and romantic.
  • He can revise the film about love several times.
  • Zakhar is responsive, people can use it for their own purposes, but his ability to say no often encloses from troubles.

If we talk about the fate of Zakhara, then everything is smooth, there is no place for sharp shocks. A calm measured life, which is called "in the resource." "The art of small steps" is its way of promotion. To his goal goes gradually, does not like excitement.

  • He does not like dynamism, so he will marry only after he finally convinced of the correctness of his choice.
  • Zakhar may also bring a woman with children into the house and will love everyone as relatives.
  • He treats children with special affection and kindness, for which they love him, he knows how to find an approach to understanding the kids.
  • A man will love his wife if he knows for sure that she retains him fidelity. Because it is she who underlies his perfect marriage.

Zakhar no longer loves wealth, he will save money. However, such a person will not be without financial resources. It is soft and sociable, acquaintances are often thanking his hospitality.

Here is a description of character and fate by age:


  • From an early age, Zakhar does not like scandals, will grow up with a soft and quiet child.
  • It also does not show squeamishness to something, does not begin hysteria. Parents will have a calm child.
  • To develop his intelligence, the boy loves fine motor skills, mosaic, designer and other puzzles.
  • It can come up with a calm leisure for himself.
  • Can find friends in any company, invite them to your home.
  • At school, he will show interest in the exact sciences, in general, study will be in good account for him.
  • He is very patient and reinforced, likes to work in order to achieve a good result.
  • Parents should be softer to their baby, he is very vulnerable and sensitive.


  • All his children's character traits are preserved in your youth. However, the teenager will be even more serious and stinking.
  • It may begin to be interested in the philosophy or psychology of people, perhaps, will study religion and spirituality.
  • With the help of knowledge of the secrets of the world and, first of all, herself, Zakhar will be able to find his purpose and at this stage will choose fate and future profession.
  • A very serious young man requires the environment of respect for himself and the same serious attitude.

The male:

  • Zakhar can take place both in material terms and in spiritual.
  • He becomes a serious and honest partner in business, but colleagues can use it.
  • He should take care of himself and his interests.
  • In adulthood, he ceases to be offended by the little things, vulnerability gradually fades away, although he can perceive comments addressed to his address, but he will not even give a look.
  • Any aggression from the outside will meet universality.

The holder of this advent is always ready to help other people in difficult times.

What patronymic suits the boy to the name Zakhar: compatibility with male names

Many parents think the name Zakhar It will sound ugly with the name of the father, that is, the patronymic of his son. But such an adversary has excellent compatibility with male names. What patronymic suits the boy with this name? The best sound with the name of the child in these patronymics:

  • Anatolevich
  • Artemovich
  • Gavrilovich
  • Leonidovich
  • Rudolfovich
  • Ruslanovich
  • Sergeyevich
  • Fedorovich
  • Moiseevich
  • Ignatievich

The patronymics that are difficult to pronounce, for example, Rudolfovich sounds ugly.

When is the name day, the day of the angel at Zakhar on the Orthodox calendar?

At the very beginning of the article it was said that the name Zakhar celebrates several times a year - during the days of the patron saint. It is worth noting that the Angel Day is the day of baptism in the Church, and the name day is the day of the memory of the patron saint.

Holidays Zakhar He notes seriously as a spiritually held man. So, when does the name of this name have this advent of this Orthodox calendar? Here are the dates:

Named after Orthodox calendar
Named after Orthodox calendar

Congratulations on the Day of the Angel Zakhara are short in verses and prose

If you need to congratulate Zakhara With name days, but the necessary words do not go to mind, then you can congratulate as described below. Here is a congratulation on the day of the Angel short in verses and prose:

Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day  

Song named Zakhar

There are many songs that mention someone's names. Rapers read about their lovers, someone about friends. There are compositions for a birthday. And there are personalized songs, such as the song of the group Killagram - "Song about Zakhara!".

Video: Song about Zakhara

Video: I love you Zakhar

Video: Happy Birthday Zakhar

Tattoo named Zakhar

Many men like to fill in their name tattoos on different parts of the body. And it happens that a girl in love with a man decides to make a tattoo with the name of her lover. There are many options for tattoos named Zakhar. Below are also sketches by which you can fill a beautiful drawing:

Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named

Suspension named Zakhar from gold: photo

A universal gift for a man will be gold. For good -natured Zakhara Such a gift is just suitable. Moderately, a small decoration will tie him up and cheer up. But not every man will put on a suspension with the name on the chain. You can give a pendant with the first letter of the name or the face of the saint. A woman in love with the name can be worn by a woman in prove her feelings or a mother with the name of her crumbs. Here are a photo of such jewelry:

Suspension with the face of a saint
Suspension with the face of a saint
Suspension with the first letter of the name
Suspension with the first letter of the name
Suspension with the first letter of the name
Suspension with the first letter of the name
Suspension with the first letter of the name
Suspension with the first letter of the name
Suspension with the first letter of the name
Suspension with the first letter of the name

Name Zakhar: Intuition, Intelligence, Morality

Zakhar It is very sensitive, its intuition is so developed that subconsciously can separate him from his father towards his mother. He is very susceptible to feelings, often dependent on his sensations. And the level of intelligence is also at a high level, so such people are more drawn to technical specialties than to humanitarian. Inside it, the harmony of analysis and synthesis.

Speaking about human morality, they are controlled by selfishness and hedonism, which is very combined with its sensitivity. The craving for pleasure can play a cruel joke in his life.

Name Zakhar: hobbies, activities, business

The most beloved hobbies Zakhara - These are cars and travel. His high intelligence and openness to people contribute to any favorite things. Despite a calm and measured life, a man can break out of nature with friends and family. Also, not the last place in his life is occupied by the garden in the country or in the village. He loves to work in favor of the future crop.

  • Zakhar is a promising worker with the possibility of career growth.
  • The main role in any of his activities is played by sociability, sociability and awareness in new trends.
  • It is very talented, so it can succeed in any field.
  • Its fundamental intelligence and memory contribute to obtaining a position in technical specialties.
  • And his sociability and openness are in the humanities.
  • He can also become an artist and get on television, as his internal potential can be regarded in different ways.
  • It has qualities that do not contribute to development in the field of management.
  • Such a person cannot occupy leading positions because of his softness and naivety.

Few well -known businessmen with this name, however, if he has ideas for his own business, then you need to attract partners with business grip and zeal.

Name Zakhar: Health and psyche

Zakhar - Melancholic, he prefers that everything goes by itself, be “in the resource” - his favorite state.

  • He is an open and vulnerable person, his environment uses these qualities.
  • It can seek help or provide it at any moment to another person.
  • However, the guy loves to ask his parents who believe that he should do everything himself and solve problems on his own.
  • But this is not the quality of bias, but rather a feeling of doing everything as it should be in order to prevent a mistake, caution.

Speaking of his mental health, he can spoil the nervous system and psyche, and in the future, because it is too sensitive. From health problems, you can highlight fullness and blindness. He should engage in gymnastics of the eyes and physical exercises to be in good shape.

Name Zakhar: Sexuality, Marriage

Character Zakhara Determines his success among girls. It can be noted that a sensitive young man chooses a companion with psychological problems. Thus, he wants to protect her from grief in life, perhaps the girl survived an abyusive relationship, and this time he will protect her. Or maybe this is a girl in divorce from children, he will accept them and will consider them relatives. His companion should be an economic girl without leadership qualities.

  • The man himself is an ideal husband and father.
  • He will help with household affairs and takes an active part in raising children.
  • His masculinity, seriousness and sexuality attract women.
  • He can conclude a marriage only if he is convinced of the seriousness of the intentions, fidelity of the chosen one, material prosperity, approval and agreements from all sides.
  • He is not a supporter of quick relationships, refers to his family.

Zakhar refers to love and sexual relations equally. If the wife is either a mistress or a mistress, then he will not be able to be next to her for a long time. She must love him and respect him, so he will demand art both in the kitchen and in bed. He loves the initiative of a woman in this regard, she can amend and changes to sexual life.

By behavior in courting a girl, Mono Determine the goals Zakhara. If he has long and stubbornly achieves the location of his beloved, he sees in her a life partner. And if from the first minutes such a man achieves sexual intercourse with her, then this, on the contrary, means that she is not interested in him in the future.

What zodiac sign is Zakhar's name?

The name Zakhar is preferably for two zodiac signs: Capricorn and Crayfish. It is for them that it is perfect. Read more:


  • The bearer of this name, born from December 22 to January 19, is a serious person.
  • He is one of those who are not only hardworking, but also persistent in achieving the goal.
  • He can learn his whole life, both for profession and spiritually.
  • The main feature of Capricorns is timidity combined with a strong character.
  • Also, a man born of Capricorn can be a supporter of patriarchal foundations.


  • A man with such a name, born in the period from June 22 to July 22, is distinguished by perseverance in his achievements and goals.
  • But the way out of the comfort zone is a huge trouble for him.
  • A practical man who prefers instead of flowers to give a useful pan. However, this does not mean that he is not capable of romance.
  • On the contrary, he is interested in what is happening in the life of his lover, than she is upset. He will always support and calm down.

Along with astrology, the parents of the future baby are interested in his life talismans, because they have a huge role in human life. Read further.

Stone-the-dinosman to the name Zakhar

The stones-stones of names can also mean a lot in human life. There are three magic stone for Zakhar: yellow sapphire, amber, black opal.

Men's ring with a stone-talisman-yellow sapphire
Men's ring with a stone-talisman-yellow sapphire

Yellow sapphire:

  • The most powerful amulet for a person with this name.
  • He protects his nervous system and prevent anxiety.
  • He can also protect from black magic: damage, evil eye and so on.
  • Sapphire has a beneficial effect on the state of a person.
  • It can even attract positive people and push off negative thoughts.
  • Also, when wearing it with you, new projects and ideas can occur.
  • The family will have peace and good, if you leave the products from the stone in the apartment.
  • But with prolonged use, the effect becomes the opposite.
  • He can attract anxiety and strengthen the alarm.
  • The same consequences are waiting for those who wear a broken or scratched piece of sapphire.
Men's ring with a stone-talisman-amber
Men's ring with a stone-talisman-amber


  • Amber is believed by esoterics, the most mysterious stone.
  • He connects ordinary people with unearthly phenomena.
  • There is a belief that in the hands of evil people he becomes dark, and in the hands of the good - he sparkles with all the colors of the rainbow.
  • Amber protects against evil spirits, helps to prevent insomnia and bad thoughts.
  • He also adds creative thinking and inspiration.
Calisman stone-black opal
Calisman stone-black opal

Black Opal:

  • This stone has a strong energy ability.
  • With its help, transactions with magical forces are concluded, damage, lapels and love spells of loved ones are entered.
  • The most dangerous of Zakhar’s amulets, because with an unstable mood of the porter, he can play a cruel joke, only harm and spoil the energy.
  • But Opal has the ability to protect from accidents with proper use and in skillful hands.

Even more information about talismans below. Read further.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Zakhar

Talisman Flower Name-Mac
Talisman Flower Name-Mac

Plants are the same excellent talismans and help people with their positive energy as stones. At the name Zakhar Such vegetable talismans:


  • Gives the owners of this name such qualities as discipline, responsibility, observation, insight.
  • The chestnut protects him from the forces of evil spirits, arouses in him wisdom to combat temptations and temptations.
  • He takes care of the boy, gives him insight and dreaminess.

Mac-a talisman flower:

  • Mac gives Zakhara longevity, good health, love.
  • However, Christianity declared a Mac flower with a reminder of suffering.
  • A symbol of ignorance and indifference.

Nettle-a plant-plant:

  • Nettle protects against black magic and helps to strengthen health, although beliefs say that it is a symbol of death.

There is another amulet - this is a totem. What is it, read on.

Totem animal named after Zakhar

Laska - totem animal named after
Laska - totem animal named after

The totem is a deified animal, considered the ancestor of the genus. He protects a person from adversity. U Zakhara Three totemic animals, like talismans-stone and plants. This is a affection, an owl and a horse or a horse.


  • Associated with family life.
  • She personifies the delicate keeper of the hearth or brownie.
  • To keep affection at home from ancient times was considered a good sign, it helped the reproduction of livestock.
  • And if she dies, she will take away other animals with him.
  • So, affection brings love and harmony, passion and lust to the house.


  • Means sorrow, bad news.
  • She is an obligatory attribute of any witch.
  • This is a symbol of witchcraft and secret wisdom.

Horse (horse):

  • This is a good sign, but the horse is a symbol of both life and death.
  • The four horsemen of the Apocalypse are also connected with the horse.
  • But this is a sign of the sun, courage, perseverance and strength of mind.

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

Numerology named after Zakhar

Numerology plays an important role in human life, like talismans. It affects the inner sensation and harmony with the outside world.

  • The sacred number of the name Zakhar - 7.

It symbolizes calm, the ability to think and think. The owner of such a number in the name is reasonable and cannot be frivolous. However, it is insightful in relations with people and perfectly recognizes the lie.

Pseudonym to the name Zakhar

Sometimes the names seem ordinary and uninteresting, then I want to add a little riddle and secrets. There are pseudonyms and nicknames for social networks to the name Zakhar. Here is some of them:

  • Zachary
  • Zach
  • Zachariah
  • Zacharias
  • ZACK

But you can come up with something original. For example:

  • Zakharchik79 (any numbers or year of birth, number of the region of residence, etc.)
  • Zachar
  • Zakharych
  • Zakharonka
  • Zakhar is elusive
  • - Invincible
  • - Luxurious
  • Irresistible Zakhar
  • Boar Zakharka
  • Zakharseever
  • Maestro Zakhar
  • Master -
  • Pretty boy -
  • Taxi driver -
  • Special forces -
  • Brother -
  • Loyal -
  • Drugan -
  • Zakhar is not sugar!
  • Zakharka is the best
  • Zachar777

Instead of a dash, insert the name in the usual form or diminutive, as you like.

Famous people, celebrities named Zakhar

How many celebrities named Zakhar? Here is a list of the most famous people with this name:

  • Zakhar Prilepin is a famous writer
  • Zakhar Dorofeev - the initiator of Mordovian literature, teacher, researcher of folklore, historian and ethnographer
  • Zakhar Pashutin-Basketball player of the CSKA team, 5-multiple champion of Russia
  • Zakhar Semenyuk-fighter pilot during the Great Patriotic War
  • Zakhar Ronzhin - an actor, is most famous for the role of the rapper in the series "My Beautiful Nanny"
  • Zakhar Salenko-participant "Dom-2"
  • Zakhar Bowl - Millionaire

You learned about the origin, legends, secrets of the name. Parents of the future Zakhar found interesting information about his character and fate. Numerology and astrology also play an important role in human life. The main thing is not to focus on this information, and remember that each person is an individual, and all of the above is only a small addition to a personality unraveling.

Video: Secret named after Zakhar

Video: Value of the name Zakhar

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