The male name Jacob - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Yakov: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The male name Jacob - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Yakov: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Yakov is a biblical male and Orthodox name. It has an interesting origin, interpretation and meaning.


Many scientists believe that his name, in addition to his character, also affects the fate of a person. Jacob Now it is not particularly popular, however, some parents continue to call their sons so.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Male name Mark - which means: description of the name". You will learn about the secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decryption, characterization, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality.

From this article below you will learn what the name means JacobHow it acts on the fate of a person, what origin, interpretation and meaning. Read further.

What does the name Jacob in the church calendar mean?

Jacob It is the name of one of the apostles, which will be discussed below. At baptism, this name changes to Jacob,under the reliable protection of many saints, whose adults are more than more than 50 times a year. Means by the Orthodox calendar “Next on the heels” (Hebrew), “Second by birth of two twins”, “appeared“ on the heels ”behind the first”.

Saint patron named after Jacob

The most famous patron saint of all Jacobov, counts the grandson of Abraham - Jacob, ruler of the Israelis. He had two wives, twelve sons and one daughter. The sons were the founders of some tribes of Israel. Living with their sons in Canaan (now not far from Jerusalem), during the drought, they moved to Egypt, where at that time, one of his sons Joseph, was a ruler. Having lived there for 17 years, at the age of 147, Jacob died.

The secret of the named after Jacob


A lot in a person depends on what his name is. Each letter in the name of a person has its own color. This is precisely the main secret Jacob. We will analyze each letter of this adversation by color:

  • I- Color of the title letter red, means inner calm and self -confidence and at the same time pride. Throughout life, he tries to win the love of others, and having achieved - he becomes a narcissistic person.
  • To–  brownthe color reports that this is a person with enormous endurance, who knows how to keep other people's secrets that calmly feels in large companies.
  • Oorange, this color indicates the presence of the ability in a person to competently dispose of finances and his attention to other people's problems, empathy.
  • AT–  saladcolor is a symbol of sociability, goodwill and great love for nature

Each letter of the name also has its own vibration, and it is important for parents to take this into account when choosing a names for their child. You should like it by sound, not repel or be hard and unpleasant.

Name Yakov: Russian or not, what nationality is the name Jacob?

The name comes from ancient Israel. The Hebrew was written like  יעקב(Yaakob)Which meant "heel".The Bible spoke of the Apostle Jacob, the twin of Isav, who was born, holding on to the heel of his brother. Such a name is considered to be Russians by nationality, but at the same time it has Jewish roots.

Name Jacob: Origin and meaning, popularity

It has an ancient origin, repeatedly mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. The name was popular in the 19th-the first half of the 20th centuries. Currently, according to prevalence in the world, it is on 10 420th place. Near 98 000 People are called Yakovami:

  • Russiait is a nation in which there are more people with this name than anywhere else. Here it is considered popular. But recently, its prevalence has been reduced, since more modern names are replaced.
  • Within the territory of Ukrainethe highest density of such people.

Below is a table with detailed information about exactly where and how much Jacobov at the moment lives:

Country % people of this name Number of people (thousand)
Russia 99% men, 1% of women 42 700
America 100% men 6 850
Ukraine 99% of men, 1% woman 39 400
Uzbekistan 100% men 2 800
Kazakhstan 99% of men, 1% women 2 100
Belarus 98% of men, 2% of women 1 500
Tajikistan 95% of men, 5% of women 515
Kyrgyzstan 98% of men, 2% of women 350
Poland 100% men 290

Yakov - Deciphering the name from Greek

Name Jacob It has no translation from Greek. Only from Hebrew and in several meanings. Here is the decoding:

  • Not easy
  • Heel
  • Walking on the heels
  • Not the first
  • Under the protection of God

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

Yakov name in English, Latin, different languages

In other languages \u200b\u200bthe name Jacob It sounds differently. Here is confirmation:

Language Translation
English, Latin Jacob, James, Santiago, Jim
House language Yacubu
Hawaiian Kimo, Iakopa
Maori Hemi
Abkhazian Jacob
Kyrgyz JAKYP
Welsh IAGO
Icelandic Jakob
Scottish Seumas, Jamie
Dutch Jaak, Jacob, Jacobus, Sjaak, Cobus, Jaap
Romanian IACOB
Ukrainian Yakiv
French Jacob, Jacques

How is the name Jacob in a passport?

When transliterating the name Jacob For a foreign passport of the Russian Federation (with a forced or planned trip beyond the borders of the Russian Federation) - it turns out Iakov. It is important to remember that all data should be written in Latin, in lowercase letters. All other forms are considered incorrectly written. If you need to translate other data into Latin, then you can do this using website - Convenient and fast.

Yakov: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive?

Many parents and just close relatives call their babies names in a diminutive version. It is beautiful and cute. You can use abbreviated options for simplicity of communication. Here, for example, is a short form from Jacob:

  • Yasha
  • Yashka
  • YAha
  • Yasya
  • Yakuha
  • Yashuta
  • Yashata
  • Yany

Affectionate options:

  • Yasha
  • Yashun
  • Yakushka
  • Jashenka
  • Yasechka
  • Yaska
  • Yakunik

Typically, the child is assigned one option, which seems to parents more sweet and interesting. So this remains with the baby all his life.

Yakov: The meaning of the name, character and fate

According to the version of Pierre Ruzhe, this name has an interesting meaning and includes a huge supply of strength, energy and excellent mood directly transmitted to the owner. The scientist claims that all Jacobs - Open extroverts who want to completely change the world.

Childhood is character and fate:

  • From birth - zealous and interested in everyone, without much parsing.
  • In their character is incredible hard work: if they take up the job, they will certainly bring it to the end, not afraid of obstacles and mistakes made.
  • In school years, it is the most obedient among its classmates.
  • The absence of any talents and abilities is compensated by a full immersion in the lessons: he can sit and “puff” for hours until he understands the assimilated topic.
  • In the circle of their same -year, one of the most open, friendly and kind boys. He will always come to the rescue and provide all kinds of support if he knows how to do it.
  • However, feeling that they want to use his kindness and help in one way or another, flatly refuse a given person.

Youth is character and fate inadolescence:

  • In this period, it becomes a favorite of his mother. This is mutual. Unknowingly, but he also nourishes a true feeling of love for her (though he will understand it only in adulthood).
  • It has a small number of devoted friends, but surrounded by many acquaintances and friends.
  • Given that from birth it is an extrovert, it makes new acquaintances easily, receiving exciting impressions from this.
  • The attitude to lessons at this age is somewhat changed. In high school, it is no longer distinguished by perseverance. But it starts friendly, useful for themselves, relationships with classmates-excessors who help, in which case, in complex control and independent work. Mastroly uses cheat sheets.
  • In adolescence, it has a rather complicated character. He hates other people's advice. He has all his own opinion and is convinced that he will be able to achieve success on his own.

Adult time:

  • Having reached adulthood, he tries not to become attached to people around him.
  • At this age, it is very difficult to quarrel with him.
  • Friends who would like to see Jacob Near yourself, you need to give freedom to the guy.
  • Only in this case, having removed friendly “handcuffs” from him and providing complete freedom of action, can one find a real devoted friend who will return.
  • As for the business, working, sphere - a young man with that name needs work that will proceed in calm, comfortable conditions.
  • Basically, he does not strive for a sharp ascence along the career ladder, paying more attention to the respect, friendship and sympathy of colleagues.

Having matured, the companies are silent more and speaks little. However, in a hot dispute, it will always be able to defend its own point of view. In his free time, he travels a lot. Moreover, not always in comfortable conditions. For him, the main thing is that there is a friend who will always help nearby.

What patronymic suits the boy to the name of Jacob: compatibility with male names

For each person, especially if he works in senior positions, it is important that the name and patronymic are well combined and sound. Otherwise, it will be difficult for subordinates, colleagues, partners and other people to pronounce them, and the owner will begin to develop complexes. What patronymic suits the boy to the name Jacob? There is good compatibility with some male names. The most favorable patronymics that will be combined with this name are:

  • Konstantinovich
  • Vladimirovich
  • Nikolaevich
  • Fedorovich
  • Bogdanovich
  • Glebovich
  • Zakharovich
  • Ivanovich
  • Ignatievich
  • Innokentievich
  • Klimentevich
  • Rubenovich
  • Savelyevich
  • Svyatoslavovich
  • Sergeyevich
  • Stanislavovich
  • Emilievich
  • Yakovlevich

This is ugly sounded with a patronymic Vladlenovich and Khristoforovich. They make it even more “heavy”, and the combination is difficult to pronounce.

When is the name day, Yakov’s Angel's Day is an Orthodox calendar?

The name of the name is named after Jacob According to the Orthodox calendar, they celebrate several times in a year, in memory of such saints:

14 Priest Jacob Alferov
17 One of the 70 apostles of Jesus Christ James
26 Bishop, son of one of the princes of Armenia, Jacob Nizibian (Nisivian)
4 Son of a psalmist, priest Jacob Zyablitsky
11 Martyr Jacob Samosatsky
12 Syrian ascetic and desert
17 Rev. Jacob Karmilsky (Palestinian)
3 Rev. Jacob Katan (Sicilian)
17 Holy Russian Church Jacob Galich
19 Holy Martyr, John's Younger Brother, Priest James Boykov
23 Holy Martyr, accomplice of Jacob Persian

Holy monk Jacob Zheleznoborovsky

Saint Jacob Bryleevsky

28 Jacob Mesukevius (suffered for faith in Christ)
4 Pupil of Sergius of Radonezh, Jacob Stromynsky
13 One of the disciples of Jesus Christ, Jacob Zevedeev
18 Monk Jacob Zheleznoborovsky
27 Bishop Jacob
12 One of the saints of the Russian Church Jacob Galich
7 Righteous Jacob Menuzhsky

Disciple of Christ, Jacob Zevedeeev

Apostle Jacob Alfeev

29 Holy Martyr James Maskaev
22 Martyr James of Constantinople
25 Rev. Martyr, novice of the Belogorsky St. Nicholas Monastery Jacob
26 Holy Martyr, Priest James Arkhipov
29 Martyr James Gortinsky
28 Holy Martyr, Priest James Leonovich
15 Martyr James Kazan
17 Holy Martyr, Priest James Bobyrev
22 Apostle Jacob Alfeev
23 Rev. Martyr Jacob Zograf
26 Jacob

Rev. Jacob

Rev. Jacob Omuchsky


Jacob Borovichi

Apostle, brother of the Lord in the flesh of Jacob

13 Martyr Jacob Blatov

Rev. Martyr James

Hierodeacon Jacob

Persian holy martyr, presbyter Jacob Zealot

24 Hermit of Jacob

Holy Martyr, Priest James of Diamonds

Holy Martyr, Archpriest Jacob Ferences

5 Holy Martyr, Priest James Sokolov
9 Hermit of Jacob Syrian

Great martyr Jacob Persian

Bishop Jacob Rostov

23 Holy Martyr, Priest James Shestakov
26 Holy Martyr, Priest James Gusev

Few people know that name day is the day of memory of the patron saint, and the day of the angel is the day of the baptism of the child in the church. These are different dates. Therefore, a person can celebrate 3 different personal holidays a year - a birthday, name day and Angel Day. Many people really like it, as it is three times more fun and gifts.

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Yakov short in verses and prose

So, if you have a friend or relative Jacob, then make him a surprise and congratulate him on the day of the angel or name day. Or maybe he has a birthday soon? In any case, the congratulations are short in verses and prose will be by the way. This is a great present that will delight the hero of the occasion and will remain in memory for a long time.

Below are collected several congratulations written in verses and prose:

Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day

Song named Jacob

You can congratulate not only with the help of banal words or poems, but also a song composition. Send your friend or relative Jacob A song with his name on the social network, and this will be the best surprise on his day.

There are many songs with this name, but you can highlight several of the most interesting and beautiful:

Video: Happy Birthday Jacob

Video: Happy Birthday Jacob

Video: I love you Jacob

Video: Song of the clerk Yashka-Finist-Yasny Falcon

Video: "Yakov catches crayfish." Comic song

Tattoo named Yakov

Girls for whom Jacob (Yasha) Not just a name, but something more-ready for the most important step in their life: to stick unusual tattoos with the image of a young man and his name on parts of your body. It is worth noting that such a tattoo is made by the owners of the adults themselves. Here are a few options for sketches for such a tattoo:

Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named

Suspension named Yakov from gold: photo

People whose profession is inextricably linked with the creation of products from precious metals make gold pendants with names. It turns out very beautiful and stylish. But a man is unlikely to wear such a product. It can be presented with the second half of this person. A woman can put on a jewel with a sign of recognition and love. Parents of children named Jacob can also wear such a decoration.

The faces of saints with a name and just the first letters of the name also look beautiful. Here are a photo of different pendants of gold:

Suspension with a face of a saint of gold
Suspension with a face of a saint of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold

Name Yakov: Intuition, Intelligence, Morality

In terms of intuition It should be noted the predominance of excessive supersensitivity, which sharply spoils relations with the father. There is a mental misunderstanding and frequent quarrels, and, conversely, favors relations with the mother - it becomes closer to her.

Level intelligenceu Jacob Too high, capable of conducting a quality analysis in almost everything. This often interferes in life when establishing business or personal relationships.

Speaking about morality, we can say that such a person almost always drives innate egoism. It is difficult to redo it, so you have to put up with this quality.

Name Yakov: Hobbies, Activities, Business

Thanks to innate perseverance, perseverance and hard work, he will be able to cope with any chosen profession. However, it is not recommended to “try yourself” in the field of information technology and programming. The reason for this is the fact that Jacob It is very difficult to put up with all the innovations, namely, these areas are often modified.

The most productive employee, this person will be able to show himself in such positions:

  • Builder
  • Master-Jewish
  • Interpreter
  • Agronomist
  • Cook (confectioner)

Basically, representatives of this name, by the onset of adulthood, take possession of any skill and understand exactly who they will be in the boundless future. There are many professionalism in their activities, therefore, as an employee, such a person is valued at any enterprise or company. Business Yasha You can engage in, but open companies in areas in which everything has long known. For example, you can open your confectionery or construction company.

As for hobbies, then Yasha He loves to take part in various sporting events - competitions, races, cycles and much more, and in competitions, for example, at the wedding, such a young man will definitely not sit still.

Name Yakov: Health and psyche

From childhood actively playing sports, has a strong health. Without stopping its classes, in adulthood it has no problems with the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system and metabolism. The only problem - Jacob Prone to various poisoning and diseases of the stomach.

The psyche This person can fail to close to old age. In all other life periods, has a full -fledged combination of mental processes.

Name Yakov: Sexuality, Marriage

Holders of the name Jacob Very seriously and practically approached the choice of their second half. Usually, they are looking for smart, business and home girls who will expect the head of the family after a working day at home. Self -confident and businesslike women do not attract him. The sexuality of a woman is important to him, she should be attractive not only next to NM on the street, but also in bed.

In marriage, it will never argue about trifles in order to avoid grievances and quarrels with a loved one. But when resolving a really important moment, it will definitely be on your decision. He loves his family very much, trying to spend all his free time with them: going to cultural places, trips to nature, etc. The financial component takes it exclusively, spending a lot of time at work (sometimes busy at two or three nights).

Which zodiac sign is the name of Jacob?

Briefly analyze the name Jacob According to the signs of the zodiac. Choose which is best for this dialect:

  • ARIES. Incredibly stubborn, often crossing measures of permissiveness.
  • TAURUS. A balanced, “home” guy striving to create heat, comfort and complete calm inside a family circle.
  • TWINS. A hardworking and zealous person, almost always, albeit unexpectedly for himself, turns out to be the center of universal attention.
  • CRAYFISH.The young man under this zodiac sign, often forgets the information received, “flies in the clouds” and does not remember important things.
  • A LION. The predatory representative of this name always uses his achievements and privileges that can help him in the implementation of the plan.
  • VIRGO.Constantly engaged in comfortable arrangement of the house, workplace, knows how to think through all things in advance.
  • SCALES.Often such people are occupied by a deep thought process that is angry with the people around him.
  • SCORPION.A workaholic who loves work more than friends/relatives/acquaintances.
  • SAGITTARIUS. From childhood, the romantic, smart owner of this sign has been trying to rebuild the world in his own way.
  • CAPRICORN. Not able to relax, giving free time exclusively to work.
  • AQUARIUS. Unable to endure loneliness and loving a large crowd of people (friends of friends, club parties and so on).
  • FISH. Quite often falls in love with one person, cannot come and speak, but is always ready to come to his aid.

You need to pay attention to the signs of the zodiac when choosing a name, but do not forget that the baby will still be born with his special character traits that can strengthen, or vice versa, weaken the qualities of the sign.

Stone-the-dinosman to the name of the Jacob

Krasnaya jasper
Krasnaya jasper

A stone that helps young people who have the name of Jacobs is red jasper.It is she who will give success in love and business relationships, will save from excessive pessimism. You can give a man with such a ruling a men's ring with this mineral. This will be the best amulet and a talisman on the life path.

Men's ring with a red-staman named after red jasper
Men's ring with a red-staman named after red jasper

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name of the Jacob

Flower and plant-dalisman named after
Flower and plant-dalisman named after

Amulet for people named Jacob, from the flower and plant world serves purslane,able to give guys with that name for joy, inner calm and luck in all matters. It will help to expel bad thoughts from the head once and for all. Will contribute to the disclosure of internal potential.

The fruit of the Kashtan tree
The fruit of the Kashtan tree

ChestnutLike a tree-talisman, it is endowed with strong energy, thanks to which it will be possible to heal all its life “scars”: failures, losses, resentment against others. You can plant a tree in the yard, or you can simply collect the fruits of horse chestnut (5-10 pieces are enough) and keep them at home in a vase. They will give good and vital energy.

Totem animal named after Jacob

Defender or totem Jacob The most ordinary snake.It combines, on the one hand, the qualities of a good person who are ready to help everyone, and on the other, “rush” to the offenders, in the event of a threat (moral or physical).

Numerology named after Jacob

Numerology is a very interesting science. Absolutely any name has its own number. We offer to make a detailed calculation of the name Jacob. Each letter of the Russian alphabet has its own serial number, for example “A” - 1, “b” - 2, “c” - 3 and so on. So:

  • I (33 \u003d 3+3 \u003d 6)+K (12 \u003d 1+2 \u003d 3)+O (16 \u003d 1+6 \u003d 7)+B (3) \u003d 6+3+7+3 \u003d 19 \u003d 1+ 9 \u003d 10 \u003d 1+0 \u003d 1

The key number of this nation is unit (1),meaning the firm and volitional character of a person, the presence of leadership qualities, determination and incredible perseverance.

Pseudonym to the name of Jacob

Modern people use pseudonyms on the network everywhere - in social networks, on different sites, etc. This can be a paraphrased name written with the help of English, other languages \u200b\u200bor a generally modified word, which is even impossible to understand what kind of adversary is hidden behind it.

To the name Jacob The following pseudonyms are suitable:

  • Cob
  • Jack
  • Jackie
  • Jacky
  • Iakobchik

Nicknames can be with a share of humor:


Famous people, celebrities named Jacob

Throughout the history of mankind, there were many famous people who wore this beautiful and ancient name. Here are celebrities named Jacob:

  • Yakov Kedmi -israeli diplomat
  • Y. Dzhugashvili -the eldest son of Joseph Stalin, who was a senior lieutenant at the time of his life
  • Y. Sverdlov - Soviet Bolshevik
  • J. Segel - film actor, the most popular in Soviet times
  • Ya. Korobov - Posadnik from Novgorod
  • J. Seleznev - Hockey player-defender from Russia
  • Y. Potemkin - Famous Lieutenant General
  • I. Eshpay - Russian composer

Summing up the analysis, we note that in our time Jacob - A name that is rarely found. But at the same time, it carries incredible performance, optimism and other positive qualities that can make a person - a figure of an incredible scale.

Video: The meaning of the name of the Jacob - Karma, character and fate


Video: The meaning of the name Jacob - male name

Video: The meaning of the name Jacob. Male names and their meanings

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