The male name German - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy German: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The male name German - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy German: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Herman is a male name that indicates the greatness and greater significance of the owner in this world. He has an interesting interpretation and origin.

The choice of a name is a fairly important and significant process in the life of every person. It is generally accepted that many life situations, circumstances and even characteristic features of a future fate depend on it. That is why before the birth of a child is often recommended to familiarize themselves with the main information about the desired name.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Male name Yaroslav - which means: description of the name". You will learn about the secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decryption, characterization, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality.

Herman is a fairly common masculine adversary, which hides a long history of its occurrence. More details about this name are written below in the article. Read further.

What does the name Herman in the church calendar mean?

The main meaning of the name Hermann According to the church calendar - "True warrior". It comes from the ancient Greek language: when the brave and bold men went to war, most often they were called the title Hermann.

Saint patron named after German

In the Christian culture of revered saints with the name Hermann There are more than 10 people. Especially significant of them are:

  • German Solovetsky (... -1479)-Great Holy, Rev. Orthodox Church. He devoted his whole life to religion, observing the rituals of daily prayers and posts. He is the founder of several Russian temples, including the Solovetsky monastery. At the moment, the date of birth is unknown. Nameday August 12.
  • German Alaskan (1756-1836)-Monk, revered by the saint. He spent most of his life in hermittedness, after which he distributed religion in Alaska and neighboring islands. He served the church, conducted rituals and rebuilt monasteries. Nameday August 9.

There are still a number of patrons of this name, the choice for each individual person should be made independently.

The patrons of the name
The patrons of the name

The secret of the name German

The secret of this name hides an incredibly distinctive person with strong internal characteristics. Hermann It has determination, hard work, good leadership qualities. He is faithful to his principles, always fulfills the tasks and refers to understanding to the world around him.

Letter "G" In his name acts the first, it symbolizes a balanced and sensitive character. He makes decisions for a long time, trying to compare all positive and negative features. Herman is inherent in insight and responsibility for his actions. This is an honest and sincere person with a persistent moral rod.

Name German: Russian or not, what nationality is the name Herman?

This name comes from the ancient Greek language, but has German roots. Many believe that by nationality this name is German. Often they called people living in Germany, born or arriving there. It is worth noting that in the country the word was interpreted differently. From German "Heri", Herman translated as warlike, "Man" - man. A separate word meant warrior or combatant.

Name German: origin and meaning, popularity

According to scientific information, the name Hermann It has 2 different versions of its origin:

  • The first is Greek. The naming comes from the ancient name Hermannmeaning "warrior". So called brave men who went to war and served the Fatherland.
  • The second is Latin. The name is based on a word "Germanus"what is translated and means how true, close and real. Usually they called relatives, sometimes friends and people similar in spirit.

Such adobe is not considered popular, although the name is beautiful and majestic. Parents rarely call their sons - 6 to 1000.

German - decoding a name from Greek

In Russia, the name Hermann It gained its spread after the baptism of Russia thanks to the merger of Byzantine and domestic culture. In a foreign country, the name of Greek origin, including Herman, was most often used. Then this was called the defenders of the country, valiant warriors and brave men. That is why if you translate "Hermann" from the ancient Greek language, you can see its interpretation as "Glorious combatant".

Herman's name in English, Latin, different languages

Each language has a name Hermann It looks completely different:

  • English - Herman
  • Georgian - ჰერმან
  • Spanish - German
  • Italian - Ermanno
  • Chinese - 赫爾曼
  • Latin - Germanus
  • German - Germann
  • French - Germain
  • Japanese - ハマン

However, these are only some languages. There are so many options for pronunciations of one name shows the whole variety of national culture.

How is the name Herman written in the passport?

When drawing up documents, questions often arise related to the official spelling of the name. According to the rules established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, in a passport Hermann indicated by Latin letters of the alphabet as "German".

Herman: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive?

Abbreviated man named Hermann It is customary to call Hero. At the same time, there are several more variations of a short spelling of the name:

  • Gesha
  • German
  • Gema

In a diminutive format, they often use:

  • Gerochka
  • Gerunya
  • Gerusha
  • Gemulya
  • Gerik

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

Herman: The meaning of the name, character and fate


A man named Hermann Fate promises a rather calm and measured character. He is smart, independent and fundamental. He tries to achieve the intended goals, has vivid leadership qualities. His name means "warrior", he has a firm and judicial outlook on life. At the same time, quite sensitive and understanding, in any situation strives to come to the rescue.

Herman is courageous and has a huge inner force. It easily forgives and releases negative situations, tries to maintain a positive attitude throughout the way. This means that the owner of the name is a noble person with moral attitudes and moral values.

What patronymic suits the boy to the name Herman: compatibility with male names

At the name Hermann Good compatibility with other male names. According to statistics, it is best for boys with this name, patronymics are suitable:

  • Alexandrovich
  • Ivanovich
  • Andreevich
  • Nikolaevich

Viktorovich is also often used and Bulatovich.

When is the name day, Herman’s Angel's Day is an Orthodox calendar?

Angel Day is the day when the baby was baptized. It must be celebrated annually, as well as name days (the day of veneration of the holy name). According to the Orthodox calendar name German celebrate 14 times a year:

  • February 23 - Bishop Herman's Day
  • April 2 - St. Herman Day
  • May 25 - Day of Herman of Constantinople
  • July 6 - Kazan Day
  • July 11 - Valaam's Day
  • July 20 - Day of Dirrachia
  • August 9 - Alaskinsky Day
  • August 12 - Day of Solovetsky
  • August 25 - Day of Garedzhiysky
  • September 15 - Day of Ryashentsev
  • October 10 - Day of Kosolapo
  • November 2 - Kokkel Day
  • November 4 - Polyansky Day
  • November 26 - Caesarea Day

In order to correctly determine the day for German, It is necessary to choose the names closest to the date of birth.

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Hermann are short in verses and prose

Congratulations on the day of the Angel for German There are many. Including, these are various short poems and prose. They differ from each other in content, but bring a person only good emotions. Choosing the right congratulation, it will not be difficult for loved ones to make Herman on the day of his name day. It is worth focusing on the age and hobbies of a person, then this will serve as an excellent addition to the holiday.

Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day

Song named German

There are currently a lot of songs with the mention of the name Hermann. Basically, this is a comic performance or various ditties with music. However, there are compositions that are completely directed to the plot with such an adversary. For example, "Aquarium - Holy Herman".

Video: Aquarium - Holy Prince German

Video: I love you German

Video: Happy Birthday German

Tattoo named German

Tattoos with a name Hermann A rather popular and frequent phenomenon, since it is the tattoo that most colorfully convey everything sensual and tender attitude to a loved one. This is a wonderful gift to surprise a friend or family member. The meaning and value of such a presentation is undoubtedly great. This thing, which remains not only in memory, but also on the body for the rest of life. A tattoo is a great way to deliver a huge amount of emotions and sensations to a person. Here are sketches of a tattoo with this name:

Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named

Tattoo named
Tattoo named

Suspension with the name German from gold: photo

Name suspensions, including with the signature "Hermann"They have a fairly great demand in the market among other jewelry. This is not surprising, because buying this kind of object makes people experience special feelings. You can give the owner of the name or such a product can be worn by a woman to show how it relates to a beloved man. Also, such a decoration can be worn by a mother if her son is called Herman. Here are a photo of such gold products:

Suspension with a name
Suspension with a name
Suspension with the letter g
Suspension with the letter g
Suspension with the letter g
Suspension with the letter g
Suspension with the letter g
Suspension with the letter g
Suspension with the letter g
Suspension with the letter g

The suspension can be used, for example, as an amulet that brings well -being, if it is the face of a saint, or, on the contrary, as a normal decoration in everyday life. If the nominal decoration acts as a gift, then in most cases it will be perceived in a positive way, since such things are always associated with something personal and original.

Name German: intuition, intelligence, morality

Character German It is often complicated and ambiguous, but morality and moral values \u200b\u200bfor him are one of the most important life priorities. He is honest with himself and others, he is ready to help in a difficult situation completely disinterestedly. This is a wise person who combines amazing intelligence, determination and good intuition.

Name German: hobbies, activities, business

Hobbies German Very diverse: it is both creative activity and reproductive. He treats finances perfectly, fate promises him success in the development of his work. If he is engaged in business, then this will be a serious matter related to medicine or other similar sphere.

At the same time, he is inherent in music, literature, dancing. He easily studies languages \u200b\u200band makes new acquaintances. Also Hermann It can work in the political and economic sphere. His activity, as a good worker, never remains unnoticed by the authorities. And soon an increase will follow.

Name German: Health and psyche

Hermann It has a fairly strong physical health, but it is often accompanied by heart and stomach diseases. Also, a person with this name is not recommended to smoke, since serious problems with the pulmonary organs are possible. Because of his temper German The unstable psyche, aggressive and destructive behavior is characteristic. Often there are dependencies, for example, food and alcohol.

Name German: sexuality, marriage

Partnerships German Often they are very difficult. It is difficult for him to find a chosen one, since he is extremely hot -tempered and freedom -loving. He strives for short -term relationships, it is characterized by idle life and inconsistent sexual relations. However, if a person with such a name still finds his companion, he tries to preserve marriage, treats his partner with respect and understanding. He also loves children, always puts them in the first place.

What sign of the zodiac is the name Herman?

The combination of the zodiac sign and the name of a person has a significant impact on his future fate. It can be both positive and negative. That is why it is recommended to first study information about its astrological forecast before choosing a name. For Herman, the most suitable zodiac signs are Crayfish and Scorpion.

The union of cancer with a person of this name promises a man to become a more sensual and open world. The sign will preserve its best qualities, help to be realized in the world. Scorpio will add energy and positive attitude to life German, make it the soul of the company, add confidence.

Glassman stone to the name German

Each person has his own personal-dalisman stone, which helps him cope with difficulties throughout his life. It not only protects, but also adds to the ward characteristic qualities, features and features.

Stone-Galisman to the name
Stone-Galisman to the name
  • The patron saint of Herman is a stone diamond.

It is closely connected with the wisdom and balanced solutions. The talisman helps in choosing the correct answer, provides a person with a reliable and high -quality environment, endows with internal confidence and spiritual strength.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Herman

Flower and plant-dumpman named after-water lily
Flower and plant-dumpman named after-water lily

As well as stones, trees and plants are a constant life partner, act as a certain talisman, protect from troubles and various misfortunes.

  • For German Such an amulet is a talisman tree cedar And the plant and the flower at the same time - water lily. In their tandem, they symbolize calm and balance.
  • The cedar helps to preserve leadership qualities, adds confidence. He also fills the life of a person with interesting events, increases the need for self -development.
  • At the same time, the water lily represents harmony, endows intuition and protects the ward from unpleasant events.
Cedar-wood-mudman named after
Cedar-wood-mudman named after

Plants are excellent defenders. Make a water reservoir on your summer cottage and plant water lilies. You can also plant near the house and cedar.

Totem animal named after German

Totem animal name - shark
Totem animal name - shark

Totemic animals German is shark. It symbolizes leadership qualities, the ability to take control of the situation. This is a symbol of influence and power.

  • A person in combination with such a totem has the skill of influence on other people, it is not difficult for him to manipulate and convince the rest.

Also, the shark is a sign of curiosity, which then helps German Find the right guidelines in life, find out new information and achieve success.

Numerology named after German

Each name is accompanied by a good number, the people are commonly called numerology. With the help of it, you can identify certain character traits of a person, determine his future fate. For a man named Hermann Science has identified number 4.

People combined with such a number, first of all, have a decisive and reasonable character that helps them throughout life. They value morality, faithful to moral views. They also have great inner strength, hard work and methodology in everything.

Pseudonym to the name German

Now the use of a pseudonym in everyday life is a rather ordinary situation. Often it is needed to emphasize the feature of the name in communication or on social networks. Also, for example, many famous figures take pseudonyms in order to fully reveal the audience their own image.

For the usual routine German A pseudonym is suitable "Jeremiah". This is a foreign form of his name, but it sounds interesting and unusual. At the same time, in social networks for nickname, you can use combinations such as "Ggermann", "Hermiii", "Gertruda".

Famous people, celebrities named German

Famous people named Hermann There are quite a lot - these are scientific researchers, actors, and politicians. The most famous of them:

  • Herman Hesse (1877-1962)-a famous German writer and artist. One of the most read authors of the 20th century, Nobel Prize winner. The most recognizable works: “steppe wolf”, “playing beads” and “Demian”.
  • German Titov (1935-2000)-Soviet astronaut and the first person who made a long journey into space. The hero of the USSR.
  • German Staudinger (1881-1965)-German scientist and outstanding chemist. He became famous for many achievements in the field of science, including the discovery of the existence of macromolecules, which he subsequently presented as polymers.
  • Herman Tommeraas (1997- ...)-a modern Norwegian actor, model and theater figure. Got the most popular after the role in the series "Shame", which was released on TV screens in 2015.

It is worth adding that the name Hermann Quite popular in world culture. It has a long history of occurrence, many options for its pronunciation and even its own numerology. This is a great choice for the name of the unborn child, which will further affect his fate and the main character traits.

Video: The meaning of the name German - karma, character and fate

Video: The meaning of the name German. The secret of the name

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