Male name Emil - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Emil: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Male name Emil - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Emil: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Emil is a beautiful male name that came from Catholics. You will learn more about the origin and about its interpretation from the article.

Parents give us one and for life. It accompanies a person everywhere - at home, at work, in the circle of friends. We rarely think about its origin and meaning. But when such an idea comes to mind, we study all the information thoroughly.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Male name Yaroslav - which means: description of the name". You will learn about the secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decryption, characterization, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality.

From this article you will learn what the name means Emil, what is his interpretation and what are the talismans. Read further.

What does the name Emil on the church calendar mean?

Provide any information about the meaning of the name Emil According to the church calendar - it is not possible. It is not listed in Orthodoxy. However, some church ministers equate him to Emelyan. But as far as this is correct, no one knows for sure.

Social patron of the name Emil

Due to the lack of such a name in Orthodoxy, it is customary to baptize the boy as Emelian (Emelian)under the sacred protection 10 saints.

  • One of them is Emelian Trebian.
  • Treating the gospel, he directed the pagans to Christ, for which he was represented by the judge of Emperor Maximian, where he suggested that he be convinced of the power of prayer.
  • To verify the veracity of his words, a deadly sick one was brought to the legs of the ruler, whose recovery no one already believed. The saint uttered the words of miraculous prayer, ordered the patient to get to his feet and go. So everything happened.
  • The emperor believed in what happened a miracle and in Christ himself.
  • But in the end, the priests made him out, making it clear that Emelian - The real sorcerer, for which he was later suffered by martyrdom.

In addition to the saint described above, there are other patrons of this name:

  • Emelian Kizic (confessor, bishop)
  • Emelian, Monk
  • Emelian, V/Much
  • Emelian Italian, Rev.
  • Emelian Dorostolsky, martyr
  • Emelian Goncharov, Holy Martyr, Priest
  • Emelian Panasevich, holy martyr, priest
  • Emelian Kireev, Holy Martyr, Priest
  • Emelian, martyr

You can choose anyone, and many people consider the defender of the saint, the reverence date of which is closest to the birth of a person.

The secret of the name Emil


Emil He combines strong, but at the same time unusual character traits. Positive helps the individuals to open up and become more confident. Negative, oddly enough, too: the whole negative that “sits” inside helps to achieve the desired balance and balance in life. The secret of the name is an interesting topic and often it is associated with the interpretation of each individual emergency letter. Here's a description:

  • E - rich vocabulary, resourcefulness, excessive meticulousness
  • M - constraint, performance, accuracy and severity in everything
  • And - friendliness, susceptibility, subtle mental organization
  • L - wit, logic, cunning, creative potential
  • B - detailed systematization of the information received

The title letter symbolizes the goal (task), the solution of which must be achieved in life, and the last letter indicates the problematic place, the next to protect.

Name Emil: Russian or not, what nationality is the name Emil?

It is not a Russian name. It came from Catholics. Nothing is known about the nationality of the name Emil, there is only information that the boys in the East were called that.

Emil name: origin and meaning, popularity

The origin of the name Emil is still unknown. Widespread in most European countries adhering to Catholicism.

  • According to one version, came from the Roman Empire.
  • In one of the noble families, for a long time the established name was Aemiliusmeant "Zealous", "uncompromising".
  • Currently, on some continents, the female version of the name is widely used - Emily, Emilia.
  • According to another version, came from the Persian language, and means "Enemy", "enemy", "competitor". Popular in Asia and in our region.

Despite the fact that transfers vary - young people have similar character traits, because the sound of a name (pronunciation) plays the greatest meaning here.

The name is not considered popular. This is the name of their sons mostly peoples from the East. Therefore, the popularity of this adversary among boys and men is no more than 4 per 1000.

Emil - Deciphering the name from Greek

From the Greek language Emil Translated as "Diligent", "diligent". It is a Roman family name. Deciphens how "warrior".

Emil's name in English, Latin, different languages

I always want to know how the name is pronounced in different languages. Name Emil In English, Latin and others. It has a beautiful sound. Below, in the table, foreign versions of the pronunciation are presented.

Language Writing Pronunciation
English, Latin, Finnish, German, Azerbaijani Emil Emil
Ukrainian, Belarusian Emil Emil
Estonian Emile Emil
Italian Emilio Emilio
Bulgarian Emil Emil
Arab إميل Emil
Greek Εμίλ Emil
Hebrew אמיל Emil
Macedonian Emil Emil
French Emile Emil

How is the name Emil written in the passport?

When applying for an international passport, transliteration of the acting is performed man. This is the only correct writing option for such documents. When converting a name Emil For a passport it turns out - Emil. You can write in capital letters - Emil.

Emil: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive?

Parents, grandfathers and grandmothers of most children call them diminutively. Each family comes up with its own option, and it is always cute and beautiful. What is the abbreviated form of the name Emil? In an abbreviated form, it sounds like this:

  • Em
  • Mile
  • EMA
  • El
  • Emilienne
  • Emilhen
  • Emmy
  • Amelius

In a diminutive version:

  • Emilyushka
  • Milechka
  • Milek
  • Emilyushechka
  • Emilchik
  • Emileg
  • Emilenka
  • Milchik
  • Mulyochka
  • Milyushka

You can come up with your own option for your baby. It will turn out unique and the sweetest for you.

Emil: The meaning of the name, character and fate

Emil It is a two -faced, paradoxical person. With friendliness, openness, simplicity and responsiveness, hypocrisy, selfishness and falsehood are combined. The last three qualities exacerbate the life of the individual and lead it to pernicious consequences. Here is a description of character and fate for the periods of life:

Childhood. Already from the young age, the owner of the name has been harassed by luck and luck, which help to avoid reckoning for acts and antics. He believes that "the whole world is spinning around him," but not vice versa. And this plays great importance in the formation of personality. He considers himself the main one, often naughty, often gives instructions to the older generation. It has an innate fox cunning and charm.

Having good inclinations for learning - everything lets it on time. Training does not carry him away. It passes without much interest and attention. He receives good grades only in the subjects that truly inspire him.

AT youth All existing inclinations are aggravated and take a brightly exposed shape. In the groups, he is deservedly recognized by others as a leader. But there are very few real friends nearby. He chooses them carefully, paying special attention to the material situation of a person and his social status. At this age, it becomes even more prudent, more cunning, smarter and more agile. Not seeing their own benefits in the proposed tasks - he will not take up them.

In adulthood It is endowed with a huge willpower, a penetration, energy and insight. He achieves the goals in any way, in the literal sense of the word, "walking on the heads." But if it nevertheless overtakes failure, a certain dissolution occurs for a while, ultimately leading to the continuation of the intended path.

Researchers of ancient predictions Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter describe the representatives of the name Emil:

  • As reliable, executive, experienced people who are able to solve all their problems and troubles deliberately and “decomposing on the shelves”.
  • Considering that everything has its time - never “run ahead of the steam locomotive”, thinking through each step.
  • They are distinguished by a straightforward character.
  • Do not tolerate gossip and conspirators.
  • For true friends, they are always ready to help: advice or business.
  • Rarely they can be found in a depressed, dull mood.
  • Most often, being optimists and funny, they themselves charge the people around him.

Below are signal qualities and their explanations:

Quality Significance (from 1 to 5) Explanation
Hard work 5 A workaholic who was ready to do his job for a long time without a break
Sense of humor 4 Subtle humor. It may laugh at himself. Can joke kindly about others
Activity 4 Performs the assigned tasks quickly, clearly, without errors, most often ahead of schedule
Goodwill 4 With love and kindness refers to strangers. Always ready to help them
Sociability 3 With unfamiliar people, it establishes connections solely if necessary, with "his" prefers to be silent
Sensitivity 3 It is worried only for loved ones. They care about them and cares about them
Friendliness 3 Friendly contacts establish if he sees the meaning and his benefit in this
Curiosity 2 The new, incoming information belongs negatively. He himself will never take part in new activities
Self-esteem 2 Samoyed, unable to praise himself and admit his victory. Forever doubts himself and his abilities

Significant years in life Emil are 18, 26, 38 years and 54 years old. The most difficult, long period - 18 to 38 years old, in the interval of which you need to decide on the choice of a future profession, wife and life values. The last period of life (older than 54 years) sums up of everything. There is active work on errors and the classification of the experience gained.

What patronymic suits the boy to the name Emil: compatibility with male names

An adult always accompanies his patronymic in life, especially if he works in a leading position. Therefore, it is important to know whether the father’s name for the name of his son is suitable or it is better to call the boy differently. What patronymic suits the boy to the name Emil? It is worth noting good compatibility with such male names:

  • Alexandrovich
  • Viktorovich
  • Dmitrievich
  • Konstantinovich
  • Vadimovich

Here are still good options:

Patronymics that are suitable for the boy to the name Emil
Patronymics that are suitable for the boy to the name Emil

When is the name day, Emil's Angel's Day is an Orthodox calendar?

Angel's Day is the day of baptism. This day is celebrated separately from the name day, which are celebrated on the day of veneration of the chosen saint.

Given that the name Emil There is no on the list of saints, which the Christian Orthodox Church honors is not possible to say about name day. In Orthodoxy, boys are usually baptized as Emilianovwho has a name day for a calendar 10 times a year:

  • Emilian Trebian - August 31
  • Emelian Kizic - memory days 2 times a year - August 21 January January 21
  • Emelian, Rev. - January 31
  • Emelian, V/Much - March 29
  • Emelian Italian - March 20
  • Emelian Dorostolsky - July 31
  • Emelian Goncharov - November 5
  • Emelian Panasevich - December 3
  • Emelian Kireev - December 26
  • Emelian, torment. - December 24th

If Emil has an angel day soon, then he can make an original surprise. Read further.

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Emil are short in verses and prose

Many people celebrate Angel Day. If your environment has an email who has this holiday soon, then make him a unique gift - congratulatory poems or beautiful words. Below is a meeting of the quatrain and prose in honor of the Angel Day Emil:

Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day

Song named Emil

Emil - A beautiful name with which not only verses, but also songs are composed. If your acquaintance or relative has a birthday with this call, then hand him a musical gift in the form of a song work.

Video: Happy Birthday Emil

Tattoo named Emil

For modern youth and even the older generation, tattoos play an important role. You can fill in a tattoo with the name of the proof of love (this is how girls for guys do), and parents also perform drawings of the names of their children, and the owners themselves, using this option, declare the whole world about themselves. Below are photos of sketches and the tattoo itself with the image of the name Emil:

Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named

Suspension with the name Emil from gold: photo

Young guys and girls often cannot do without sparkling jewelry. They complement the image beautifully, especially if this is a name. Pendants "Emil" You are unlikely to find jewelry stores in catalogs, because wearing such jewelry is a prerogative of women. But even ladies will be able to wear the name of an expensive or loved one, for example, in the form of the first letter of the name. Here are a photo of such gold peels:

Suspension with a name
Suspension with a name
Suspension with a name
Suspension with a name
Suspension with a name
Suspension with a name

Emil name: intuition, intelligence, morality

Before you call the baby by some name, you should study all the qualities of the adults. At the name Emil They are versatile and unique.

Intuition - In men, she is female type, possessing a thin, sharp instinct and completely inexplicable logic. Most often it is a sudden “flash”, similar to insight.

Intelligence Speakers in the style of synthetic type of thinking. It is expressed in the creation of something new, original and combining various views and ideas.

Moral capable of incomprehensible acts. When nothing is needed, a person will sit exactly in place without applying any effort. But in the case of an urgent need, it will go to everything in order to achieve the result.

Emil Name: Hobbies, Activities, Business

We continue to reveal the characteristic features of the name Emil. All of them are unique and completely reflect a person as a person.

Hobbies. From your youth, it actively shows its natural artistry: it comprehends acting, is engaged in music. With a careful attitude of parents, directing the young man in the right direction, his hobby can develop into a full work.

Activities, business. The future profession, most often, is associated with creativity. Maximum - with science. A successful actor, artist, director, scientific worker can come out of such a talented young man. It has a subtle musical hearing that helps him become a musician or composer. But contrary to their complex character, in spite of everyone, can go to sailors, travelers or researchers.

Emil name: Health and psyche

Emil It has not too good health. Colds and seasonal diseases are not afraid of him, but there is a place to be overwork. A typical workaholic should not forget about breaks, so as not to overload the nervous system and not spoil the psyche. At such moments, you can take hiking or arrange a local cycling. The weakest place is the stomach.

Emil name: sexuality, marriage

Sensuality and attention to the opposite sex usually manifest at an early age. Sexuality comes out at an early age. Sex life can start already at 13-14 years old. By nature Emil Not monogamous. He does not consider treason. Each of his passions surrounds with care and attention.

As for the marriage, he will never marry the first person oncoming. The marriage union for him is a deliberate, balanced decision and that, importantly, a complete understanding and knowledge of his second half. Of great importance pays its status. Only the one who can recreate the appearance of success and family well -being will take the wife. He always presents his personal life in the best light: if buying a house, then the best, if purchasing a car, then the fastest. There will never be nothing wrong with his wife or children, even if things are not very good. He can respect his wife, but not love. Children will worship.

What zodiac sign is the name Emil?

It is also important that the name suits a person according to the zodiac sign. This will help a person become successful and achieve everything in life. Which zodiac sign is the name Emil? Here is a horoscope for the signs of the zodiac circle:

Aries. Reliable and practical. Able to get along with others perfectly. Most often assigned to senior positions.

Taurus.Energetic, ambitious. He does not trust people. He is trying to deal with all problems quickly.

Twins. Active. He knows how to adapt to others. But creates problems out of the blue.

Crayfish. Friendly, soft -bodied. It has a rich inner world.

A lion. Hard -shaped, witty. But too self -confident.

Virgo. Pragmatic, planning each step, perfectionist. Most often, either lonely until the end of days, or creating a family too late.

Scales. It has incredible organizational abilities, becoming managers and businessmen.

Scorpion. Stubborn, aggressive. He will not give offense to his relatives.

Sagittarius.Quiet observer. Never lean out. It does not attract excess attention.

Capricorn. Nervous, restless. He needs a person who will direct him in the right direction.

Aquarius. Sensitive, vulnerable. Rich fantasy. They will only be revealed if they meet a loving girlfriend.

Fish. Dreamy, worried. Looks at the world through the "pink glasses."

Calisman stone to the name Emil

Stone-the-dumpman to the name-Rubin
Stone-the-dumpman to the name-Rubin

Name talisman Emil There is not one stone. A lot of them:

  • Topaz - indicates the path in life, will help to find the right work, create a profitable business.
  • Carcerer - will help in heart affairs. If a person cannot find a life partner for a long time, then this stone-talisman needs to be carried with him. Helps to see one single among hundreds of thousands.
  • Rubin - you need naturals that have constrained. Loose passion and add a light to a person to character.
  • Sapphire - on the contrary, people need people with too hot temperament. He seemed to extinguish excess energy.
  • Hematitis - it used to be that this stone can endow a person not only with extraordinary power and fearlessness, but also to make him invulnerable in battle. Wearing such a talisman adds intuition and protect from the adoption of quick and rash decisions.

Give Emil A male ring or ring with one of these stones, so that the talisman protects it throughout his life.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Emil

Blue-talisman named after thistle
Flower-Blue-Summarian Name-Thistle

Plants are also important in human life and they, like stones, can protect. Each flower has a special energy. It consists in inflorescence, stem and leaves. Plant energy goes well with human energy and can help.

  • Flower-Range Flower Emil counts Thistle, from the genus of astro plants.
  • A tree that can bring good luck - Olive. Gives strength and helps to achieve success in life.

The tree can be planted in the garden, and the plant grows in any field. You can tear a flower, dry and keep at home as a talisman.

Totem animal named after Emil

Totem animal name - dolphin
Totem animal name - dolphin

Totem - among primitive peoples: deified animal, considered the ancestor of the genus. Names also have totems that help a person throughout life. The totem animal of the name Emildolphin.

Totem - dolphin means meeting with success and gaining joy. The owner of this name throughout the life path will be accompanied by success. Dolphin symbolizes salvation and eternal life. Such a totem urges to follow the energy rhythms of nature. It is time to exhale negative energy, freeing up a place for a new, pure life.

Numerology named Emil

Numerology plays an important role in human life. With its help, you can not only see the character of a person, but also predict the future. Any name is in the number row from 1 to 9. We will calculate the number of the name Emil:

  • Letter E (is the 31st number in the alphabet, so 31 \u003d 3 + 1 \u003d 4) + letter M (14 \u003d 1 + 4 \u003d 5) + letter And (10 \u003d 1 + 0 \u003d 1) + letter L (13 \u003d 1 + 3 \u003d 4) + letter B (30=3+0=3) =17=1+7=8
  • The result turned out - 8

This figure helps in life to achieve success in absolutely any endeavors. Helps to ensure financial independence. Provides the owner - hard work and businessiness.

Pseudonym to the name Emil

The pseudonym is necessary in order to hide your true life and personality. Often they use show business stars, but also ordinary people. Nick -nickname are needed for social networks.

Pseudonym to the name Emil It may perform EM, Melin. You can come up with it yourself. It is not necessary to use the letters of the name. You can come up with completely different words that reflect character or mood.

Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name

Famous people, celebrities named Emil

There are many famous people with a name in the world Emil. All of them cannot be listed. Here are some celebrities that you probably heard about:

  • Emil Henry Dubois Ramon (1818-1896)-german physiologist, founder of a scientific school.
  • Emil Francois Luba (1838-1929)-president of France from 1899 to 1906, in the former lawyer.
  • Emil Ed (1843-1888)-member of the Paris Commune, member of the political trends of L.O. Blanki.

Summing up the analysis of the name Emil, it can be noted that, despite the complex, controversial character, such a person has great ability to work, energy and the ability to achieve their goals.

Video: The meaning of the name Emil. Male name

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