Men's name Egor: Description of the name. The name of the boy Yegor: The Secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, the decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, patron, compatibility with female names, nationality

Men's name Egor: Description of the name. The name of the boy Yegor: The Secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, the decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, patron, compatibility with female names, nationality

The secret of the named after Egor.

There are a large number of male names, so if you are in thought, we advise you to take a closer look at Yegor. This is a great option for a boy, especially if you want to grow a really talented, hardworking person. In this article we will talk about the secret of the name Egor. 

The meaning of the name Egor

Translated from the ancient Greek, the name means a farmer.

The meaning of the name Egor:

  • That is, this is a hardworking person who loves to delve into the earth, grow something, and plant plants. This name is associated with hard work, as well as great success in some complex business.
  • Men who were called Yegor are very often able to spend a lot of time on a serious business, for the implementation of which patience is necessary.
  • In their place, most other men would give their hands and refuse to implement, but not Yegor.
Egor Letov
Egor Letov

The character of the name Egor

Since childhood, for boys who bear this name, a hobby is important. In it, they find a rapture, and reassurance. It is very good if this hobby can be associated with work. Then a person as a whole occupies himself work, devotes her a lot of time, is able to achieve tremendous success, especially if it concerns the business.

The nature of the name Egor:

  • Therefore, in no case do not be upset if a boy named Yegor will change children's sections, mugs. Egor is characterized by changeability, so he cannot find his place for a long period of time, being in a constant search.
  • Therefore, do not be discouraged, do not scream at the child, and do not force him to do unloved business. Sooner or later, Yegor will find his outlet, and then all his free time will devote a hobby. 
  • Yegor’s character is quite complicated, since he is very stubborn, he is difficult to convince in something. Thanks to perseverance, stubbornness, it often achieves great success in business and quickly climb the career ladder.
  • The main drawback- this is Huge love of truth. Therefore, in order to achieve success in a career, to communicate well with your leader, you need to find one that loves the truth. Yegor does not accept the subhalence, flattery, prefers to always tell the truth in the eye.
  • Very often it becomes a stumbling block on the way to achieving success. Many ill -wishers can sharpen a tooth on Yegor for this, insert sticks into the wheels in every possible way, and prevent the upholstery on the career ladder. 
The character of Yegor
The character of Yegor

Egor's name: Sexuality

In general, in adulthood, Yegor is very gloomy and laconic. He talks little, devotes almost most of his time to work and hobbies. He loves freedom, so married late.

Egor's name, sexuality:

  • It pays a lot of attention to sexual life, but in his company it is rarely possible to meet a woman of easy behavior, or a windy beauty. Prefers to associate his life with a serious woman, with her to lead an active sex life.
  • Yegor has practically no free time, so it is difficult to convict him in treason. It is worth noting that it is often exposed to alcohol, sometimes it becomes a real tragedy.
  • It is alcoholism that can ruin the rise along the career ladder, as well as cause a deterioration in family life, up to a divorce. 
Egor Creed
Egor Creed

Egor name: compatibility with female names

Yegor’s youth is very stormy, so he can do a huge number of irreparable actions for which he will have to pay all his life.

Egor's name, compatibility with female names:

  • In more adulthood, when choosing a girl for life, she prefers the modest representative of the fair sex, who is very serious.
  • Yegor is difficult to turn the head of a windy beauty who prefers fleeting novels.
  • However, it happens that nevertheless, Yegor falls into traps of such women, but the connections are doomed to failure. Egor is not the man who will endure ridicule, frivolous attitude towards himself. 

Ideal compatibility with Tatyana, Anna, Agatha, Love, Rita.

At work
At work

Egor's name in love

Pares with Yegor is usually a modest, serious, stylish woman. Usually these are quiet representatives of the weaker sex who give almost all their free time to the family, and take care of home comfort.

Egor's name is in love:

  • Of these couples, a good tandem is obtained, since Yegor gives a hobby almost most of the free time, or can stay at work for a long time.
  • However, this is not a reason for jealousy, since Yegor is still more interesting to spend time, doing a useful business than to surrender to passions.
  • Such men have practically no mistresses, they remain faithful to their chosen ones until the end of their life. 

When the birthday, the day of the angel at the name Yegor according to the church calendar

Angel's Day at Yegor on May 6, and December 9th. Saint Egoria pray for the health, purity of girls, unmarried girls, and also ask for help in agriculture.

When the birthday, the day of the angel at the name Yegor according to the church calendar:

  • It is believed that it is St. Yegoria that must be prayed if a weak crop, drought or strong winds.
  • It is believed that this saint is able to be responsible for the crop, to make it richer. It is he who is the patron of agriculture, and is able to help people who are engaged in agriculture. 
  • May 6 is considered a shepherd's day, therefore, according to ancient signs during this period, St. Egorius grazes his cattle. On this day, no hungry beast will touch the sheep, so they celebrate the day of pastures and arrange funny walks in the fresh air.
  • December 9 - Egor winter or cold. It is believed that the wild beast will not touch the sheep without the permission of Yegor. In pagan times, it was customary to sacrifice a thin sheep and throw it a wolf on this day.
  • It is believed that on this day the serpent at the snake, so in no case should you go to the forest, because you can become a victim, get into trouble. 
Icon with a patron for Yegor
Icon with a patron for Yegor

The meaning of the name Yegor for the boy

Usually Yegor is in your youth, as well as in childhood to study well, is able to devote a lot of time to science. That is why erudite people and good leaders are obtained from the Egorov.

The meaning of the name Yegor for the boy:

  • As for childhood, the boys born under this sign are very hot -tempered and active. They have a developed self -esteem. Despite the fact that Yegor is not a hero and not a handsome man, he is always in sight, and finds a common language with others.
  • I must say that he is one of the leaders at school, as well as in a youth company. He studies well, but can leave the true path, if you do not pay much attention to education. It is necessary to constantly control Yegor, in no case do not deceive him, but to explain the causes and consequences of specific actions.
  • It is necessary to convince the child so that he does not commit bad deeds, and not force him, through strict discipline. It will not give anything. Since the child is a truth, always seeks to prove the truth. Sometimes it happens with this difficult at school, since the child cannot lie, often tells the truth to teachers, which is not always good. 

Egor's name: profession, work, business

Egor often achieve heights, and quickly climb the career ladder.

Egor's name in work, profession:

  • However, the leader is not always good, due to the fact that he is very hot-tempered, and loves to punish the guilty. It is worth noting that at a more mature age, Yegor can be grumbling, and possess obsessive ideas.
  • Many consider it a bore. However, this is only due to the fact that Yegor is very fond of order so that everything is in its place.
  • Therefore, it does not forgive the negligence of its employees, it is always surrounded by a coordinated team of professionals. 
Information about Yegor
Information about Yegor

Egor: Health and psyche

As for health, it very often suffers from inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. Yegor's parents face this in kindergarten, since the child often has snot, sinusitis or sinusitis can be observed.

Egor, health and psyche:

  • Over time, the child’s immunity is strengthened, and in general, health is quite good. Only sometimes neurosis can occur, and back diseases.
  • This is especially common if Yegor has a sedentary work, he works as a leader.
  • He is able to monitor the state of his health, therefore he does not allow serious diseases, and at the slightest violations he addresses the doctor. 

The name of the boy Yegor: What is the zodiac sign, a talisman stone, a flower, what, wood, plant, animal, happy number?

The table can be found with talismans, planets and numbers of Yegor.

Stone Chrysolite, agate, sapphire
Number 8
Planet Jupiter, Saturn
Element Fire
Zodiac Sagittarius, Scorpio
Animal Bull
Season Autumn
Wood Poplar
Plant Lily of the valley

Celebrities named Egor

Among the Egorov there are a lot of famous people, since the named by this name is very active, often achieve successes with goals. This is due to hard work, and the desire to go to the goal.

Celebrities named Egor:

  • Egor Creed. This is a famous singer who likes modern youth. A very active artist who works in the direction of rap and modern pop music.
  • Egor Letov. This is a well -known performer, as well as the author who was a member of the Civil Defense group. Unfortunately, he died, but his work is still known. Throughout his career, he wrote more than 100 albums. Some of his works are included in the school curriculum in Russian literature.
  • Benkendorf, Egor. Film director, producer, screenwriter.
  • Egor Dronov. Actor, starred in the film "Voronins".
Egor Creed
Egor Creed

Remember, the character of a person does not always correspond. Life is affected by many factors, such as the zodiac sign, planet.

Video: Secret named after Egor


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  1. It seems to me that the article is not unambiguous. For example, I am not broken and calm.

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