The male name Boris - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Boris: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The male name Boris - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Boris: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Boris is a beautiful Russian name. What does it mean what interpretation he has and what talismans are, read in the article.

Nothing in our world appears just like that, everything should be explained and meaning, as well as that name that is given to a person from birth, what does it mean? Where did it come from? What great people wore him? Does the character of a person depend on the name, what will he be in life? Undoubtedly, all people were at least once interested in these issues.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Male name Yaroslav - which means: description of the name". You will learn about the secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decryption, characterization, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality.

From this article you will find out what talismans the name has BorisWhat patterns are suitable, what it means and a lot of other interesting information. Read further.

What does the name Boris in the church calendar mean?

People to today argue about the origin of the name, no one gives a reliable answer. Some think that it is associated with the name of the Bulgarian ruler of Bogoris I (from Iranian means - "Anointed of God"), and the rest believe that with the name Borislav ( "Glorious in the struggle"). Hearing the name Boris The names of the holy and revered Orthodox princes of the brothers Boris and Gleb immediately come to mind. They became the first Russian princes to be awarded the canonization of the church not only in Russia, but also in Constantinople.

Linguists put forward some possible values \u200b\u200bof the name Boris:

  1. According to Slavic pronunciation, the word lies in the root "Fight".
  2. From ancient Bulgarian language "Snow Leopard".
  3. From Arabic significance "Prominent".
  4. From ancient Persian, the connection with "Vares"meaning "Heir".

But disputes continue to this day, no one knows certain significance, each time new sources or new meanings appear, each person considers his theory the most correct. In any case, according to the Orthodox calendar, this name means "God", as well as "fighter". Below even more interesting information. Read further.

Saint patron named after Boris

Each name has patrons with the same ad). This is necessary in order to know the date of your name day. The patron saint of the name - Boris Bulgarian (Name day May 15, Memorial Day May 2). More about this saint:

  • His feat was predicted by Saint Uncle Boyan.
  • The last years of the prince’s reign were the beginning of the heyday of Christianity: they established the Patriarchal Department, temples were built everywhere, but the first years were extremely unsuccessful, they had to constantly fight with the neighboring peoples, people suffered and died of hunger and mora.
  • In the 860s, the country came into a distressed, almost destroyed state.
  • Boris saw the main salvation of hunger, wars and ruin the adoption of Orthodoxy, the saving faith of Christ, but believed that this would help them come to prosperity.
  • A little later, St. Methodius was sent to Bulgaria, enlightening with his brother Cyril Slavs the light of Christ faith. It was Methodius who dubbed Boris the first, his family and several noble boyars.

Being an old man, the prince decided to go to the monastery, leaving the reign of his two sons Simeon and Vladimir, but his second son renounced faith and began the persecution of Christianity. Therefore, St. Boris briefly returned to the throne and sent the wicked to prison, before this forever depriving his vision. The board completely went to the first son of Simeon.

The secret of the name Boris


The first bearer of this names was Bogoris (later named Mikhail). This is the secret. He ruled Bulgaria from 852 to 889, do not forget that, having been bought in 864, Boris accepted the name Mikhail and became the first holy Russian prince. Due to the fact that the prince was called Boris, this gave the fame of the name in Russia, people believed that having named the child with that name they provide him with a good life and a happy future.

Boris is the son of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, and his mother was of Bulgarian origin, so linguists do not exclude the possibility of a name in honor of one of the khans of Bulgaria. Bogoris also had two brothers, but both younger ones, Gleb and Boris were brutally killed by order of the older brother of Svyatopolk, who, with the help of cruel deception, came to power, dealing with his father Vladimir, which became unknown with his mother. All the remains of the dead have been buried in Vyshgorod, to this day, magical healings are accomplished over the tombs of the holy martyrs.

Name Boris: Russian or not, what nationality is the name Boris?

It is generally accepted that direct significance went from the Bulgarian khan, the first holy prince in Russia, Bogoris, whose rule was in 852-889 in Bulgaria. The name is considered Russian, but by origin it is Bulgarian, and therefore nationality - there may be two.

Name Boris: origin and meaning, popularity

The name Borya is of particular importance. Since childhood, this naming promises the boy many positive characteristics. All this is thanks to the Bulgarian origin, because the Bulgarians are kind and correct people.

  • Boris - This is a smart, successful person with a large road in life.
  • He himself sees all his shortcomings and misses, really does not like when other people indicate him and express their criticism.
  • This person is easier to live according to the established rules, therefore, he does not experience any problems in his career and work, well and conscientiously fulfilling his duties.

In popularity among male names Boris located on 69-71 positions And according to statistics it is necessary 1-3 boys out of 1000. But leaving a little further into modernity, the name is gradually forgotten and sooner or later it will leave the lexicon forever.

Boris - decoding a name from Greek

Almost every name has a decoding from Greek. After all, it is believed that at first there was a Greek faith and only then another faith and other different countries appeared. Here is the translation of the name Boris:

  • "BAT" - give
  • "Baris" - submit

In their most mass, the names have national Greek roots. They have a close connection with the history and myths of ancient Greece. Another part is associated with Christianity, is characterized by both the original Greek and Hebrew origin. Some of the names have Latin roots. Also the name Boris, it has Greek and Latin roots.

How is the name written in Latin and in English? Read further.

Boris name in English, Latin, different languages

You always need to know how the name is written and pronounced in English, Latin and other different languages. After all, you may need to fill out some documents when traveling abroad, etc. Read more:

  • Boris - this is how it is pronounced and written in Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian, Serbian.
  • Borisz - in Hungarian.
  • Borys - in Polish.
  • Boris - English, Spanish, Latin, German, Romanian, Czech, Slovenian, Latin spelling and pronunciation.

Now let's figure out how this naming is written in a foreign passport. Read further.

How is the name Boris written in the passport?

In the documents for abroad, the initials are indicated by the Latin alphabet according to the rules of transliteration. This is considered the only right option. How the name is written in the passport Boris?

  • Boris- That is how this naming of the Latin residents will be written.

By the way, you can translate any word into Latin using a special program on the website of Just insert the word form into the window and click "Translate". In a second, the translation will be ready.

Boris: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive?

Many parents call their children abbreviated, and the second halves instead of the name pronounce a diminutive form. It is beautiful and cute. This is what a short name can be used instead of a name Boris:

Abbreviated form:

  • Borya
  • Bean
  • Borya
  • Bob

Squeezing-lactative form:

  • Bore
  • Borunchik
  • Bore
  • Borechka
  • Boryusha
  • Boryunya
  • Boryusya
  • Boryash
  • Boriska

Related names : Bogoris (Bulgarian form)

Boris: The meaning of the name, character and fate

In ancient times Boris They called boys born in the family of great warriors and commanders.

Character A person with this ad):

  • A man with this name is independent, persistent and achieves his set goal, genuine perseverance.
  • Jealous of the opposite floor, without hiding its mistrust.
  • It treats money very strictly, it may seem very greedy for a miser, but if a loved one is really dear to him, then nothing will regret and react quite generously.
  • A good family man, loves his children with completely special love, but does not intervene in education, preferring to simply be nearby.
  • In everyday life, it is unpretentious, content with small, but for the family does everything in his power, investing all of himself.


  • In frequent cases, to old age remains without a family, completely alone.
  • Borya is hard, stubborn, sometimes despotistal.
  • A brave man with his principles, he achieves everything he wants, without outside help.
  • In his power to emotionally devastate the weaker interlocutor and suppress him with his influence due to the peculiarities of his energy.
  • Without difficulties, it bends people under his will, it happens with some secretive, even closes from people close to him, can even hide from a family or parents. Boris is a fighter who does not accept the loss in his direction, he should only win. If a defeat comes suddenly, for a long time this fact cannot accept this and come to terms with it.
  • Hardness and perseverance, he is able to overcome obstacles in his path and go to the top in almost any business.

A man who bore this name is a real deed bomb. The fact is not whether it will explode or not, but when exactly and at what point he will do it, and from what strength this explosion will be. A man will always try to be in the first place from infancy. To be in the spotlight becomes practically the purpose of his life, the soul of any company, but sometimes problems that he will never talk about can be hidden behind a cheerful attitude.

What patronymic suits the boy to the name Boris: compatibility with male names

Borya - The real warehouse of contradictory qualities that surprisingly coexist in the body of one person. He will become a wonderful faithful comrade if a person attracted his attention and was able to position himself, which does not happen so often, we can rarely say because of distrust of others. It is important that such an extraordinary person has a suitable patronymic. After all, it will be with him all his life and affects how a person feels himself.

What patronymic suits the boy to the name Boris? Great compatibility with such male names:

  • Borisovich
  • Alexandrovich
  • Valentinovich
  • Grigoryevich
  • Pavlovich
  • Gennadievich
  • Eduardovich
  • Fedorovich
  • Yaroslavovich
  • Bogdanovich
  • Tikhomirovich

There are still such beautiful patronymics as this name combined with this name Timurovich, Leonidovich, Lvovich and others. The middle name is poorly suitable - Mironovich, Alexandrovich.

When is the name day, Boris's Angel's Day is an Orthodox calendar?

The name of the Angel is different dates. Namedays - the date of veneration of the saint with the same call, located close to the birth of the owner of the name. Angel Day is a day of man’s baptism in the church. Namedays u Boris According to the Orthodox calendar:

  • 7 and 17 February
  • May 15
  • 5, 13 and 20 June
  • August 6
  • October 1 and 15
  • November 23 and 25
  • 5, 6, 10 and 15 December

If you want to congratulate Boris's acquaintance on these holidays, then give a verse. It is beautiful and original. Read further.

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Boris short in verses and prose

You can give a birthday to a birthday man to give an expensive gift. But read verses or words said from the heart will be the best surprise. Such a present will be remembered for a long time. Here is a congratulation on the Day of Angel Boris Short in verses and prose:

Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day

Song named Boris

What could be more beautiful than a gift for a triumph in the form of poems? Of course, a song. If you also perform it or simply send it on social networks, then such a surprise will surely fall into the soul of the hero of the occasion. Here are songs with a name Boris:

Video: Oleg Kolyasa and a taxi group

Video: Song about Boris

Video: I love you Boris

Video: Happy Birthday Boris

Tattoo named Boris

A tattoo is a person’s companion until the very end of his life. But how to make the right choice? Each tattoo carries a special secret meaning. It can be the name of a child, a loved one or the name of someone who wants to remember always. It can be your own name - so you will show your pride with what honor you wear your name. Here are sketches of a tattoo named Boris:

Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named

Suspension with the name Boris from gold: photo

What paints a beautiful and stately man? Of course, stylish accessories that emphasize the entire charm, stylish pendants or chains around the neck are best suited for this. But many men will not wear such a decoration, because they are more suitable for women. Therefore, such a decoration can put on a girl - the second half Boris Or, if you have a baby with that name, you can also wear such pendants. It looks beautiful and just the letter (the first in the name). In general, what to wear or bore to you, decide individually.

Here are a photo of beautiful golden pendants:

Suspension with a name
Suspension with a name
Suspension with a name
Suspension with a name
Suspension with a name
Suspension with the first letter of the name
  • A great gift will be a face St. Boris In the form of a pendant of white gold or silver - beautiful and original.
Suspension with the face of St. Boris
Suspension with the face of St. Boris

Name Boris: intuition, intelligence, morality

All Boris Intuitively acted under a strong impulse of inspiration. This is what helps them make quick decisions in emergency situations and solve complex tasks. Men with this name are extremely sensitive, boast of an analytical mind and extremely good memory, as well as good natural designers. They have good intelligence.

Strict moral principles are tightly included in the system of their views, prefer sharp statements by the type of “do this” or “don't do it”. Very categorical, practically do not accept any compromises, living on the principle of "either all or nothing." Therefore, it is almost impossible to agree with such people, but if it happened, you can only be happy for you.

Name Boris: hobbies, activities, business

Most often in childhood, boys with names Borya They love to play football with the guys, to go out in the winter to drive a puck in hockey. This is one of the main hobbies. It becomes almost the first place to drink the ball, but sometimes it is not averse to calm entertainment, such as chess, crosswords or reading books. By virtue of his restlessness, he is engaged in these calm entertainments extremely not long.

In more adulthood:

  • An interest in design or planning is possible, with which the selected profession may be associated in the future. Or maybe even business will be connected with this.
  • A man is a master of all hands. Therefore, almost any activity will be on his shoulder, both physical and mental.
  • For his career, he is ready to sacrifice even a family, while he works not much for material values, but for satisfying his internal ambitions.
  • Boris It will be a good leader by virtue of his character, but can cause the discontent of his employees by virtue of his strict and fundamental nature.

Putting forward the requirements for others, first of all, such people are demanding on themselves, trying to meet their standards. His will without a share of diplomacy, this emerges scandals, hysteria and can lead to even a complete breakdown of any connections. It boasts a lightning -fast reaction. They cannot stand impractical people who cannot be relying on, it is important for them to be sure that they will not let him down.

Name Boris: Health and psyche

A man can boast of good health from birth. More often than the rest is affected by alcohol, but willpower does not allow him to go into a long binge. A few more facts:

  • A born interest and curiosity is almost everything, can play a cruel joke with him, even such things as extreme do not cause him fear, only a desire to try and test himself for strength.
  • Nervous breakdowns, problems with the stomach or heart are not uncommon.
  • It can work for days on end, so moral and physical exhaustion is possible, the psyche suffers.
  • Because of his will and craving for life, Boris It is sick infrequently.
  • In psychological terms, stable, sometimes despotistical, alien life is always interested in him most.
  • These are people who always dream of commanding. The old age is already a damnel from their health.

Sanguinees are a little dry and love to talk in a cold rude tone, beating and slightly annoying others. However, this does not mean that because of this he will not like others. Most often vengeful, impose their hard principles to everyone.

Name Boris: sexuality, marriage

Women have not the last place in life Boris.


  • The most important thing in the relationship is intrigue.
  • The girl should be a mystery so that it can be slowly disclosed, gradually studying all her sides.
  • In his style there are many romantic night phone calls and carefully organized, prepared meetings and dates.
  • The easily accessibility of the girl does not cause any interest.
  • For him, the main thing is to achieve his companion gradually.


  • In relations, unfortunately, a woman will be in the background, in the first there will always be a career.
  • The man is very sensitive and caring for the companion.
  • The wife should not count on help in household chores, but the family will be behind him as behind a stone wall.
  • The bonds of marriage are applied with all its responsibility.
  • The family is a cozy and calm place for him, where he rests his soul to ripen new plans and plans.
  • But not everything is as smooth as it seems at first glance. Borya is very often prone to betrayal, even while he is bonded by the bonds of marriage. He carefully hides this fact from his wife.

U Boris Since adolescence, a large number of fans. He was never deprived of attention. It always has many small novels and affairs, but it refers to this completely frivolously, considering only fleeting entertainment.

Good compatibility With the names of women:

  • Tamara
  • Daria
  • Margarita
  • Eve
  • Yana
  • Olesya

Bad compatibility:

  • Julia
  • Nina
  • Love
  • Alice
  • Hope
  • Elena
  • Tatiana

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

What zodiac sign is the name Boris?

The zodiac sign is important when choosing a name. This is how absolutely all experts think - esoterics, astrologers, etc. Which zodiac sign is the name Boris?

  • Aries

If you call it Boris A boy born under this sign, life will most fully endow a person with different talents and determination.

Stone-the-dumpman to the name Boris

Men's ring with a named after-amethyst
Men's ring with a named after-amethyst

Any talisman is support, good energy and help in business. Stone to the name Boris - This is an amethyst. FROM the dear and beautiful version of quartz is a precious stone. A symbol of sensual love and sincerity, as well as purity, humility and love for the whole world.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Boris

Iris-a named after
Iris-a named after

Plants can also be talismans, and they have no less energy than that of stones. They protect a person and help, adding good energy.

  • The talisman flower For the name Boris - Iris. Its inflorescences are able to give the owner of this adherence to courage and courage.
  • The plant is a fern. The amulet that reveals the potential of a person, adding positive to his life. It drives the spleen and illness.
  • The talisman tree is mulberry. It absorbs negative emotions, helps to solve the protracted life problems, cleanses the atmosphere of the house of anxieties and experiences.

Plant iris in the courtyard of the house, and there is a fern (its variety) for home cultivation. It is enough to have a twig in the house from a tree, you can even dry.

Totem animal named after Boris

Totem is a strong amulet, protection against evil spirits. Negative energy will simply disappear from home if there is at least a simple figurine with the image in the house. The totem animal of the name Boris:

  • Cuckoo - A symbol of a new fate and new events in life.

In the old days it was believed that if you make a desire, when it is dollled, it will definitely be fulfilled.

Numerology named after Boris

Numerology plays an important role in our lives. Each name has its own number. It characterizes a person. Each letter of the name has its own figure. Therefore, calculating the number of adversary is simple. This is what it is in the name Boris:

  • Boris - 27911 - 2 (Moon).
  • You need to add all the numbers.
  • Two numbers will remain, they also develop among themselves.
  • It turns out number 2.

Controls the name Moon, a symbol of duality, soul, emotions, changes, passions. Such a person boasts sensitive intuition, instincts and sensations.

Pseudonym to the name Boris

The pseudonym can be associated with the name and surname, or it can completely hide the personality of a person. The most just nickname to the name Boris:

  • Boris

Also, the pseudonym may differ from the initials, it can be a completely different word. For example:


Famous people, celebrities named Boris

With name Boris Many famous people. You probably know all of them. These celebrities:

  • Boris Khmelnitsky (Russian actor)
  • Boris Yeltsin (First President of Russia)
  • Boris Pasternak (Russian poet and writer)
  • Boris Kustodiev (Russian artist)
Famous people, celebrities named
Famous people, celebrities named

The name Borya is unique in itself, as well as a way of spreading in Russia, and not only. The adversary quickly spread around the world and is found in almost all nations and countries, it can simply be slightly changed in pronunciation. In life with such people, it is not easy, but you definitely don’t have to get bored. His love life begins early and never ends. Really beautiful and original name for a unique man.

Video: The meaning of the name Boris - Karma, character and fate

Video: Karma named after Boris

Video: The meaning of the name Boris. The secret of the name

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