The male name Bogdan - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Bogdan: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The male name Bogdan - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Bogdan: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Bogdan is an interesting name that characterizes the faithful for the family and strong in spirit of man. The article describes its interpretation, origin, talismans and other interesting information.

Each person has its own name. You can find many identical advents, so people have similar habits, character, intelligence and other qualities. We will analyze in detail the name Bogdan on these possible aspects.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Male name Miron - which means: description of the name". You will learn about the secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decryption, characterization, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality.

From the article you will also learn about the talismans of this name, its secret, meaning, origin and much other interesting information. Read further.

What does the name Bogdan mean by the church calendar?

Unfortunately, there was not a single saint by the name in Christianity BogdanTherefore, this adherence is not listed in the lists of the church Orthodox calendar. When conducting baptism (at the request of the parents of the child), another name is selected, which corresponds to what is indicated in the birth certificate or that which has a similar meaning.

The ancient Greek is equated to this name Theodota. If parents do not like it, they can choose the saint who is most revered in the family circle. Read further.

The patron saint of the named after

Even in ancient Russia, our ancestors equated Bogdan to Feodota. And they began to use it in this form. In history there were two sincere patrons with the same name:

  • Saint Theodot Adrianopol (Bogdan)

He lived side by side with martyrs Maxim and asclipiodota during the ruler of Maximian Galeria, who had already adopted Christianity. After a while, Feodot also believed. The reigning ruler of Tiris, learning about this trick, gathered all three at home and insisted on the renunciation of the faith they received. The saint flatly resisted this, reproaching Tiris at his request. Then he ordered them all to throw them into a cage with a bear. The reaction of the surrounding people was incredible - instead of reprisal, they saw caress and care from the animal.

  • Saint Theodot Kirinean, bishop

At one time, almost all idolaters convinced the Orthodox faith. When this news overtook Emperor Likeia, he ordered the saint to torture. He was beaten with tough boots, then he was completely hung on a tree and began to cut his sides. As soon as they got to the bones - powerless from torment, threw it into prison. After some time, the torture continued - at the beginning, putting it on iron, began to breed a fire under it, then the nails were driven into his feet and forced them to move in this position. Despite all the cruelty - valiantly and bravely tolerated all his trials. After a while, the Byzantine emperor Konstantin with his army, destroyed Likeia and liberated all Christians. Feodota was given freedom. After the peaceful two years of life, he retreated to another world in 326.

The secret of the named after Bogdan

Energy, masculinity, desperate determination and courage are felt. All the surrounding people, whom he considers - will protect against all problems and hardships. This is the main secret of the name Bogdan. Many people from his environment do not even know about it. But when they understand the true attitude of such a person, they can use this, and use it for their own purposes. According to astrologers experts, the name belongs to the planet Mercury and the constellation Taurus.

Name Bogdan: Russian or not, what nationality is the name Bogdan?

"How many people, so many opinions"- This proverb is very accurately describes the theory of nationality of the name Bogdan. The fact is that various communities dealing with the issue of the origin of this adherence are held by different points of view. Some are sure that the source is the Ukrainian land. As a result, it turned out that the form of the name is Russian -speaking, it consists of words - "Dan" and "God".

Bogdan name: origin and meaning, popularity

Bogdan - A special name for men's sex. He has an interesting origin and meaning. It came to us from the distant past, when there was still an ancient Slavic language. The ancestors believed that every born Bogdan - "God's Gift". Many believed that these were the most welcome and precious children in the family.

If we talk about popularity, then such adversary takes 2608 place among the most popular. All over the world - approximately 396.5 thousand people are called Bogdami. Most often found in Romania. Read more in the table:                    

The country in which the name is found Percentage of carriers (men/women) The number of people of the nation, called that
Romania 100% - men 185,240
Poland 100% - men 77,242

98% - men

2% - women

Serbia 100% - men 10,168

94% - men

6% - women


97% - men

3% - women

America (USA) 100% - men 5,400
Bosnia 100% - men 4,542
Bulgaria 100% - men 3,971
Germany 100% - men 3,002

96% - men

4% - women

Slovenia 100% - men 2,754
Canada 100% - men 2,384
Spain 100% - men 1,697
Macedonia 100% - men 1,668
England 100% - men 1,674
Croatia 100% - men 1,385
Moldova 100% - men 897

93% - men

7% - women

Montenegro 100% - men 779

97% - men

3% - women

France 100% - men 559
Belgium 100% - men 551
Sweden 100% - men 504

Bogdan - Deciphering the name from Greek

Greece is one of those countries where mostly “its” names. They are divided into two subgroups: antique, which are associated with mythology and church, from the Orthodox calendar. The features of the Greek names are that it is customary to name children in honor of their ancestors. Therefore, it can be interesting how the adoption is deciphered.

  • Translated from the Greek name Bogdan means - "Donated by God."

It is worth noting that many names that we consider to be Russians (for example, love, hope) are actually translated from Greek.

Bogdan name in English, Latin, different languages

There may be cases in life when you need to translate your name into other different languages, for example, English, Latin, etc. The table below presents a translation of the name Bogdan In other languages:

Language How do you spell?
English, Latin Bogdan
Chinese 波格丹
Korean 보그단
Japanese ボグダン
Czech Bogdan
Polish, Romanian, Moldavian Bogdan
Belorussian Baghdan
Italian Bogdan
French Bogdan
Albanian Bogdanit
Vietnamese bai
Greek Μπογκντάν
Zulu handygames
Javanese bukum

How is Bogdan written in a passport?

Leaving the spacious country, each citizen needs to have a foreign passport of the Russian Federation. All the information indicated in it translives Russian letters to Latin. Thus, the name Bogdan will be spelled out as Bogdan.

Bogdan: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive?

Relatives often use short forms of adversaries to affectionately call their children or second halves. The abbreviated version is simpler and more convenient to use. If you use a diminutive form, then in childhood boys Bogdanov can be called:

  • Bogdashki
  • Bogdanchik
  • Bogdanushka
  • Bodyushka
  • Bogdase
  • Bogdik
  • Bogdanek
  • Danechka
  • Danushka
  • Bobik

Short form of the name:

  • Body
  • Dania
  • Bogda
  • Dan
  • Bogo
  • Boni
  • Bobi

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

Bogdan: The meaning of the name is character and fate

The letter of his name can affect the fate, character and habits of a person. For a better understanding, we will dwell on each separately:

  • B - It gives the owner self -sufficiency, equilibrium and high performance, helps to achieve their goals and go ahead.
  • O - Give the owners a quick witness and meticulousness in business (in moderation), the ability to unravel difficult situations.
  • G - It has an important mission: to look perfect in all works, it is characterized by punctuality and diligence.
  • D. - It lays a certain degree of egoism: it does not allow them to recognize their mistakes, gives the mood of shatter.
  • BUT - The innate sense of self -development does not know what a day off is always in business and when moving.
  • N - exactingness in the affairs of workers and family, persistence.

Note that the presence of six letters in the name suggests that a person will be endowed with an excited or very enthusiastic state. Such men love to have luxurious, expensive clothes and shoes in their wardrobe. They take care of their head and skin.

What patronymic suits the boy to the name Bogdan: compatibility with male names

For any person, it is important that his name is combined with the middle name. This is the only way to achieve harmony when communicating with other people who are called by name and patronymic. After all, if the pronunciation is complicated, then a person can even develop complexes. So what patronymic suits the boy to the name Bogdan? Great compatibility with such male names:

  • Stepanovich
  • Nikitovich
  • Tarasovich
  • Danilovich
  • Dmitrievich
  • Alexandrovich
  • Alexeyevich
  • Anatolevich
  • Vasilevich
  • Evgenyevich
  • Egorovich
  • Efimovich
  • Trofimovich

A combination of adversity with a patronymic is considered ugly - Bogdanovich, Emelyanovich, Abramovich And other similar ones, difficult for pronunciation.

When is the name day, Bogdan's Angel's Day is an Orthodox calendar?

Many people celebrate name days in the same way as the birthday - with a grand scale and luxurious, setting up the tables and calling the guests. This must be done on the day of honoring the patron saint. It’s easy to choose it - its date should be revered the closest to the date of birth of a person. But in fact, you can choose any intercessor and celebrate the name day on the day of his veneration.

Advice: If you doubt which patron saint of the Orthodox calendar to choose, then talk with the priest on your parish, that is, in the church in which you go to services, for confession and communion.

Angel's Day is the date of baptism of man in the church. The patrons of the name Bogdan For a year, they are revered by the Russian Church 14 times:

  • January 14 - martyr Theodot
  • March 4 - martyr Theodot (Bogdan) Adrianopol
  • March 15 - Bishop and Confessor Feodot Kirinean
  • May 12 - martyr Theodot Kizic
  • May 31 - martyr Theodot Ankir
  • June 11 - martyr Theodot
  • June 20 - martyr Theodot Ankir
  • July 17 - martyrs Theodot Libyan and Theodot Roman
  • September 15 - priest and holy martyr Theodot Shatokhin; Martyr Theodot Caesarea (Cappadocian)
  • September 28 - Martyr Theodot Markianopol (Mizi)
  • October 25 - Bishop Feodot Ephesus
  • November 16 - Martyr Theodot
  • November 20 - Corceress and Martyr Theodot Ankir; Martyr Theodot Melitinsky

If among your relatives or acquaintances there is a person with that name, then present him with a surprise and congratulate him on the name of the Angel. Below you will find several touching lines. Read further.

Congratulations on the Day of the Angel Bogdan are short in verses and prose

The talented part of people on our vast earth composed various congratulations on the day of the angel with the name Bogdan - Short in verses and prose:

Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day

Song named Bogdan

Sometimes it is much better to give a birthday song and such a surprise is more suitable for a particular person than a verse or an expensive present. Or maybe you just want to please a friend Bogdan Fun composition. Here are musical works with the mention of the name:

Video: I love you Bogdan

Video: Song about Bogdan

Video: Song about Bogdan (Remix)

Video: Happy Birthday Bogdan

Tattoo named Bogdan

The Russian singer Bogdan Titomir was of great importance in our country, at one time. Speaking with his programs, he showed all his power and chic, expression and his appearance: tattoos were noticeable on his body. Perhaps it was from him that such a fashion for a tattoo came from him. Here are images with a name Bogdan:

Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named

Suspension with the name Bogdan from gold: photo

Another original gift is a pendant with a name of gold. Of course, a man will not wear such a thing, only if you find a male version of the pendant. You can present him with a pendant with the face of the patron saint. You can buy one in a church shop or in any network jewelry store.

If you are a girl or woman and want to wear in love and recognition of your Bogdan A similar product is made of gold, it will be easier for you to choose such a decoration. You can wear the first letter of his name in the form of a gold jewelry - stylish and unusual. Also, many parents wear such jewelry - with the names of their children.

Look at a photo of this type of jewelry with a name Bogdan, the first letter of the name or with the face of the saint:

Suspension with the face of a patron saint of gold
Suspension with the face of a patron saint of gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold

Bogdan name: intuition, intelligence, morality

Human qualities help him in life - at home, at work, in his personal life and other areas. This is what can be said about a person with a name Bogdan:


  • It is developed very well, but the carrier rarely “hears” it. Rather, he will trust his mind.


  • It has a dodgy, meticulous mind.
  • It is expressed exactly in everything: in the working and personal spheres, in ordinary events, in training.
  • Due to the natural cunning - does not allow people, even to relatives, to see themselves the present.


  • We can say that since childhood he does not like to listen to notations and instructions related to ethics and moral moralizing.
  • But with all these shortcomings, such a person can take out a lesson from every negative situation.

We will analyze the character in more detail:

  • Determination - Always eager to work, never letting it down. Started brings to the end and is not afraid to take responsibility.
  • Friendliness - The ability to hear a person, not to dispute his ideas and thoughts. Trusts "his" people.
  • Favor - To others, including strangers, is kindly, respectfully. Always ready to help.
  • Performance - The workaholic who does his job at the highest level knows how to give himself time to rest at such moments.
  • Communicativeness - In this area, not everything is so smooth: it begins to communicate with strangers only if necessary, otherwise it is silent.
  • Emotionality (Feeling of humor) - ready to joke over himself and over people in the event of a good mood. In the bad - does not perceive jokes.
  • Curiosity - It shows its interest in acquiring new knowledge, but this happens so rarely that people often consider it indifferent.
  • Responsiveness - It is cold in relation to others, often consider his heart "callous."

Truly close people from Bogdan Very little, but it is with them that he sincerely values. He always shows his interest in them: he will listen, support, if necessary, give advice. From the outside it may seem that it is a calm, quiet person. But if you hurt it with something, then a lot of negativity will result from the “human vessel” and others will look in a completely different way. But this, from childhood, sensitivity and attention to people, helps him to understand them and press the necessary “points of the body” in order to change the situation for the better.

Even more qualities of people with this call is described below. Read further.

Name Bogdan: Hobbies, Activities, Business

What is a person by name Bogdan? What activity will bring him joy in life, and what disappointment? Answers to these and other questions are described later.


  • The most important and main enthusiasm is the family. At the beginning of the life path - games with parents, brothers/sisters, grandparents. After the onset of adulthood, creating its own.
  • He tries to spend the largest part of his time with his family. Surrounds loved by love, care.
  • The best way out of depression and accumulated problems is sorties with relatives to fresh air. It can be a trip to the forest, fishing, traveling to different cities (and the farther from the house, the better).
  • More extreme and drive.

Activities and business:

  • Having practical thinking given to him from birth, in a fairly short time can become a progressive businessman.
  • This may be assisted by its high organization, the strictest discipline and accuracy in the little things.
  • Not forgetting about pride, it will not have to have companions in a profitable business. After all, all financial, personal successes and trophies will only be appropriated.

This man is simple, but proud, loving and completely devoting himself to his family. Read further.

Bogdan name: Health and psyche

Bogdan It has good health. It is examined every year. Carefully refers to a healthy lifestyle: proper nutrition, training, running, walking and bicycle walks. After all, the absence of these necessary elements can easily lead the owner of the name to excessive fullness. In old age, heart interruptions (heart attack and heart failure) and pathological problems with the liver are not excluded.

He communicates with strangers with tension. All is to blame for excessive self -confidence and isolation (isolation). There is a strong immersion in yourself and your thoughts. Such a person needs to be protected by such a person - not to be nervous and not “burned out” at work. Since childhood, it is not considered the opinions of other people. He believes that only he is always right. In this regard, the establishment of contacts is very difficult.

Name Bogdan: Sexuality, marriage

To intimacy Bogdan It belongs positively, but it prefers only to the girl who will completely “scan” for himself. It is important for him that the representative of the weaker sex is not indifferent to him, only in this case, he will be able to completely open to her. It will never tell your friends or relatives about love affairs. Her sexuality is important to him too. She must be liberated.

By its nature - monogamous, remains faithful to one single girl until the end of her days. Sometimes it happens that it can marry twice: the first - by mistake (usually with the onset of adulthood), the second is consciously and this marriage becomes long and strong. Inside the family, he behaves as a leader, with which the girl is not always ready to put up. Therefore, not any young lady can approach the young man as a wife. The future spouse imposes two basic requirements - complete obedience in everything (in his instructions, requests, and so on) and diverse development.

The most successful fate will develop with girls with such names:

  • Lena
  • Nastya
  • Diana
  • Sveta
  • Alice

A successful family union can be considered a meeting with ladies with such names:

  • Pauline
  • Zhenya
  • Ksyusha
  • Katia

Negative compatibility with such female names as Lilya, Olya, Angela, Violaand Larisa.

What zodiac sign is Bogdan?

Let's analyze the name Bogdan for each representative of the zodiac system. Which zodiac sign is it suitable for? Read more:

  • ARIES. Impenetrable, hard, acts according to its principles. He does not trust people. Relations with friends are very tense. Often the absence of those. One is resting, the company does not need.
  • TAURUS. The highly intellectual, conscientious and punctual Bogdan will think everything at the beginning (risks and consequences), and then he will do it. Achieved goals. And even in those moments of life when emotions take the top, not the mind.
  • TWINS. Good-natured, joyful, open to the world, which is not able to stay with itself one-on-one. Constantly in the search for large companies and unusual people. As a spouse, he searches for an energetic, passionate, emotional girl.
  • CRAYFISH. A disturbing young man with a subtle mental organization, in need of constant support and faith in himself from friends or loving girl. Eternally doubting himself is too constrained with women.
  • A LION. A charismatic, endowed with an amazing sense of humor, capable of charming any representative of the weaker sex. But with all this, it can be false, selfish and not sincere. In his environment - a sufficient number of acquaintances, but among friends round zero.
  • VIRGO. Courageous, courageous, always moving only forward, discovering something new every time. He knows exactly his shortcomings and works in every possible way. It is truly rarely falling in love, but if this happened, then in relation to a loving girlfriend-amiable, polite, courteous and, most importantly, sincere.
  • SCALES. It is very important to hear words-recognition in your direction and words-abstract. It has high intelligence and incredible quick wits. The opposite sex considers it closed in itself, although it can be passionate and tender, but only to the one that will be completely trusted.
  • SCORPION. Assertive and ardent, has a very difficult character. The opposite points of view are extremely negative. From others requires complete consent with their thoughts and positions. The girl should be quiet and patient to take out so many difficult persons.
  • SAGITTARIUS. Nervous, expresses the whole truth in person. But behind all this sharpness and explosive character, an uncertain person is hidden, who is afraid to be in a stupid position. Girls like this type of guys, but it is difficult to captivate them.
  • CAPRICORN. Asks his goals. Calculation. Does not live the future. He is not interested in extreme. Prefers stability in everything. In the girl, first of all, he appreciates mind and fidelity.
  • AQUARIUS. Cold, not very talkative. In a relationship - kind, caring, but sharp in the shifts of their mood. As a wife, he will take the most quiet and calm.
  • FISH. An extensive circle of friends. They love him, appreciate it. Girls see in him a real male who can protect against troubles and with which you can create a family.

Stone-the-dinosman to the name of Bogdan

Every person should have a amulet. Stones-stones are to the name Bogdan: Carcerer and emerald marble. Read more:

Calisman stone to the name-Culfate
Calisman stone to the name-Culfate


  • In the territories of eastern countries, it is considered the main magical subject of romantic relations and love.
  • People believe in his extraordinary ability - the development of mutual affection, sympathy and enthusiasm between a guy and a girl.
  • He can also save his family with quarrels or bringing damage to such complex moments.
Glassman to the name-emerald marble
Glassman to the name-emerald marble

Emerald marble or malachite:

  • It is a sign of wealth, security, splendor and brilliance.
  • Gives the owner a conviction of his safety. Gives a person self -confidence.
  • Our ancestors believed that marble protects against evil spirits.

The ring can be presented for some holiday. The owner of the name will wear it, and it will be a charm for him. From green malachite you can buy some kind of interior item and put it next to the bed.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Bogdan

Plant-Malisman Immomernik
Plant-Malisman Immomernik

Symbol of the name Bogdan From the plant world is a talisman tree laurel. It will help destroy negative thoughts, unnecessary emotions, to clear the aura. A plant that helps add positive energy to the life of immortelle. Talisman flower- dahlia - A symbol of constancy and fidelity.

Totem animal named after Bogdan

Totem is the spirit of ancestors from the animal world. A person helps to achieve harmony and constancy. The totem animal of the name Bogdan:

  • A symbol from the animal world is redean (bat).

In the West, they believed that it was a symbol of magic, fear and envy. In the east, they are sure that having met with this representative - it will be possible to achieve good luck after a while.

Numerology named after Bogdan

We will analyze and find a magic number of the name Bogdanaccording to numerology. Each letter of the Russian alphabet has its own figure. For example, a letter A - 1, letter B - 2 and so on. Analysis:

  • B (2)+ O (16 \u003d 1+ 6 \u003d 7)+ g (4)+ D (5)+ A (1)+ H (15 \u003d 1+ 5 \u003d 6) \u003d 2+ 7+ 4+ 5+ 1+6 \u003d 25 \u003d 2+5 \u003d 7

People with the number seven are highly intellectual, erudite. Such men are usually called "handyman". Their qualities are creative abilities, spirituality and responsibility. They value the time spent alone with them. Saturated, closed from all inner life, critical mindset, ability to analyze, pedantry.

Pseudonym to the name Bogdan

Possible transformations of the name Bogdan can serve - Bogdanchik, Bogdanidze, Bogdash, Bodychka. But sometimes you need to hide your real name from the public, and for this there are pseudonyms.

Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name

Famous people, celebrities named Bogdan

There are many famous people in our country and in our country Bogdan, These are politicians, actors, pop stars, athletes and many others. Here are some celebrities:

Famous people, celebrities named
Famous people, celebrities named
Famous people, celebrities named
Famous people, celebrities named

Concluding a detailed analysis can be said that Bogdan In many of its manifestations, not easy. But this name has a lot of interesting and positive. It is necessary to just direct this in the right direction.

Video:  The meaning of the name Bogdan-karma, character and fate

Video: Karma named after Bogdan

Video: The meaning of the name Bogdan is the secret of the name

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