Male infertility is Leocopermia. Is pregnancy possible? Treatment of leCPPERIA

Male infertility is Leocopermia. Is pregnancy possible? Treatment of leCPPERIA

The article describes the causes of leocoperia, the method of diagnosis and treatment. Examples of the most common drugs, folk and homeopathic remedies are given, which can be used in the treatment of leCoperias.

Leocopermia is a violation of the process of development of sperm. It is manifested by the excess of permissible values \u200b\u200bof leukocytes in sperm.

Leukocytes in 1 ml of ejaculate should be less than 1 million. If white blood cells should be more, then the development of pathology involves. With an increase in leukocytes, the quality of sperm is reduced and the likelihood of conception of the child is reduced.

Leocopermia symptoms and causes

An increased amount of leukocytes means the presence of inflammation in the reproductive organs. The causative agent, most often, is a urogenital infection that amazes:

  • testicles
  • urethra
  • enravating ducts
  • the prostate gland

But it may also be the result of injury to the genitourinary organs.

Leukocytes, as in any inflammatory process, produce active oxygen radicals. These molecular particles destroy bacteria, but adversely affect sperm membranes.

Under the influence of a large number of free radicals, phospholipids of the sperm membrane are destroyed. The function of the cell, its structure are impaired. Ultimately, the cell is dying.

Damage to free radicals of sperm cell
Damage to free radicals of sperm cell

If there are not too many radicals, then the cell retains vitality, but its mobility is limited. The contractile proteins of the flagellum responsible for the movement of cells, under the influence of oxidation from free radicals, are glued together. This reduces the ability of sperm to move.

Oxygen radicals are needed for fertilization, but their number with a normal course is negligible.

To determine the number of leukocytes in sperm and distinguish them from immature sperm, leukocytes are painted
To determine the number of leukocytes in sperm and distinguish them from immature sperm, leukocytes are painted

Symptoms of leocoperia

There are no characteristic signs of leocoperia. This diagnosis may be assumed after a spermogram if 3-5 white blood cells and more are found in the field of view in the material under study. Although these indicators are not a standard, in different sources the number of permissible leukocytes varies up to 12 white blood cells.

After the negative result of the spermogram, the diagnosis is confirmed by other studies. At the same time, they are looking for a source of infection, find out the causes of inflammation.

Treatment begins with the examination
Leakpermic treatment begins with the examination

Tests for leopper

  • Spermogram
  • Bacteric secret of the urethra, prostate gland
  • Bacteriological urine tests, sperm
  • ELISA - identification of antibodies for sperm
  • Smear on IPPP according to the PCR method
  • Hormones analysis
  • Ultrasound

All the necessary tests are prescribed by a urologist or andrologist.

If after the detection of leukocytes all the tests were carried out, and the foci of inflammation and the infection were not found, then contact another laboratory. Sometimes immature and absolutely healthy sperm are taken as leukocytes.

With leopper, the chances of conceiving a child are reduced
With leopper, the chances of conceiving a child are reduced

Leocopermia. Can I get pregnant?

Although Leocopermia is the cause of male infertility, even with increased amounts of leukocytes in rare cases, you can get pregnant. It all depends on the number of white carts and other indicators of the viability of sperm.

Only it is better not to do this before determining the cause of inflammation and treatment. In addition, it is better to protect with a condom, because:

  • the inflammatory process of men's genitourinary organs can aggravate the inflammatory process of female genitourinary organs
  • if the cause of leocoperia is an infection such as cytomegalovirus, ureaplasma, then you can infect a woman. With such infections, a woman has a high risk of fetal pathologies in the early stages of pregnancy
  • if the cause of the LECPPPEMIA STD (diseases that are transmitted sexually), then both partners are treated
  • with the fertilization of the egg, the threat of miscarriage increases with the affected sperm, the pregnancy may even occur

But in most, pregnancy occurs only after a decrease in leukocytes to the level of normal.

Spermogram - norm, form, mobility

Types of treatment of leakpermia

Leoconcerma itself is not treated. The cause of leicospermia is treated - an infectious disease that causes inflammation.

  • The main treatment is carried out by antibiotics. In some cases, there are enough antiviral drugs, but more often these drugs combine
  • Antibiotics are selected based on individual reactions of the patient. Mostly prescribe several drugs at once
  • Sometimes the causative agent may not respond to the drug, due to the fact that addiction to the antibiotic has developed. This moment must be controlled
  • During the treatment of leicospermia, doctors prescribe a diet in which it is important to consume foods containing zinc.
  • The next step increases immunity
  • Improve spermatogenesis
Due to inflammation in these organs, leakpermia may occur
Due to inflammation in these organs, leakpermia may occur

Treatment with drugs and folk remedies of leocoperia

Antibiotics, anti -inflammatory drugs are prescribed depending on infection and focus of inflammation. There are no general provisions.

Vitamins and minerals

Everyone is important, but these fundamental for spermatogenesis:

  • Vitamin E produces hormones that stimulate sexual activity, destroys free radicals
  • Vitamin C improves the biochemical composition of sperm, has anti -inflammatory properties
  • B vitamins enhance testosterone synthesis
  • Vitamin A contributes to the synthesis of sex hormones
  • Zinc controls the process of spermatogenesis, testosterone production
  • Selenium is an antioxidant. Half of it from the entire volume in the body is contained in the seed tubules of male testicles. Consumed with ejaculation
Vitamins to improve spermatogenesis
Vitamins to improve spermatogenesis


Homeopathic remedies are usually aimed at increasing the resistance of the body as a whole, and not only at the treatment of any one organ. To improve sperm quality, use:

  • Tribulus Terrestris 6
  • Oncorhynchus tschawytsha 200
  • Medorrhinum
  • Yohimbinum


In the treatment of antibiotics, the immune system suffers, so immunomodulators are prescribed:

  • Levamisole
  • Methyluracil
  • Tactivin
  • Nucleinate sodium
  • Timalin
  • Interferons
Herbs effectively improve sperm quality
Herbs effectively improve sperm quality

Folk remedies

  • Plantain seeds. Take 1 tbsp. Boil with a slide of seeds with 1 glass of water for 5 minutes. Insist until it cools down, strain. Drink 4 times a day for 2 tbsp. tablespoons. Increases sperm mobility
  • Mummy has unique properties that help fight the body with almost any diseases. The mummy also improves the quality of sperm. For 1 reception, 0.2-0.3 grams of mummy are enough, which before admission mix with juice of blueberries, carrots, sea buckthorn in combination 1:20. Drink: in the morning - on an empty stomach, in the evening - before bedtime, 1 month. The effect may feel in a week
  • Sage kills viruses, mushrooms, has an anti -inflammatory effect, stimulates the production of testosterone and an increase in the number of spermatozoa. 1 tbsp. Shalle's dry leaves pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, put in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Cool, strain, squeeze the cake. Add boiled water to get 1 tbsp. decoction. Drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day for about 10 days
  • The spray has antimicrobial, anti -inflammatory, antiviral and general strengthening properties. This grass can help in the treatment of urological, endocrine problems of men. Cliff is also useful in the treatment of prostatitis, and also improves spermatogenesis.
    For the treatment of inflammation, a decoction is boiled: 2 tbsp. Spoon spoon, 2 tablespoons of sage pour 0.5 l of boiling water for insisting 4 hours. Better in thermos. Drink 1/2 cup 4 times a day half an hour before meals
Drug help
Drug care for leopper


  • Androdosis
  • Spacone
  • Speman
  • Spermactiv
  • Carniton
  • Tribestan
    They contain elements necessary for male health: vitamins, minerals, extracts of herbs, amino acids, etc. They are prescribed to improve spermatogenesis.

Whatever path of treatment is chosen, he must be adjusted by the doctor. Only a doctor can evaluate the level of seriousness of the problem, determine the presence of contraindications for the use of drugs or herbal decoctions, as well as prescribe a competent treatment regimen.

A spermogram can be improved
A spermogram can be improved

How to improve a spermogram?

The quality of sperm is affected not only by the presence of infections and the inflammatory process. The spermatogenesis has a great influence:

  • culture of nutrition - it is necessary to eat fully, moderately, balanced with maximum benefit for the body. You need to use a sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals
  • day of the day - you need to sleep for 8 hours
  • constant stress
  • physical activity should be moderate. Professional sport sometimes brings negative consequences, as well as the complete absence of physical exertion
  • the temperature regime of the testicle is if the scrotum overheats, for example, in tight jeans, with a long sitting position, then the quality of sperm is reduced
  • bad habits - alcohol, drugs, smoking reduce sperm quality, increase the risks of pathologies during pregnancy
  • regular, without fanaticism, sex is necessary for male health
The competent work of the doctor and the patient’s responsibility for compliance with the recommendations will make treatment as efficient as possible
Competent work of a doctor and scrupulous compliance by the patient with recommendations, will make treatment as effective as possible

Control of all these points can significantly improve sperm quality. AT the norm is a spermogram can be brought if:

  • adhere to a healthy lifestyle
  • fullly eat, maximally excluding any synthetic and harmful additives from the diet
  • exclude bad habits
  • and most importantly, to take the necessary drugs prescribed by a doctor
You can cure leocoperia in most cases
You can cure leocoperia in most cases

Leakpermic treatment: tips and reviews

  • It is impossible to treat leacked leakperm, since the inflammatory process can become chronic, lead to fetal pathologies, complete infertility
  • If you passed the spermogram, and it showed bad results - do not despair. Rent repeatedly, take a responsibility to the preparation too. It is possible that there was simply a failure in the body or laboratory
  • Most of the causes of leocoperia are treated with modern drugs very successfully. It is only necessary to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations, gain patience, faith and not leave treatment until complete recovery

Mikhail, 34

Taking material for spermograms is psychologically not comfortable. You feel some shame, it is not known why. The main thing is to remember that this is for your health and for your children. Everything else needs to be discarded and strictly follow the rules to pass the spermogram.

Marina, 25

They planned pregnancy and passed all the tests in advance. It turned out that her husband has Leocopermia due to prostatitis. It’s good that they turned in time, the process was not neglected. We were treated, daughters 5 months.

Video: Male infertility, causes of bad spermogram

Video: Spermogram indicators

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the useful information)) generally pleases that the time has passed when only women were accused of demons. The husband also had problems with the quality of sperm, only in his case there was poor activity. But after the treatment, thank God, everything came back to normal (he took a sperm wareer (by the way, they ordered a phytomarket in the online store, it’s somehow more convenient than to run around pharmacies), sage tinctures and celery juice. Now I'm 5m month) )

  2. I think everything is possible ... But even such severe diseases are better to prevent, so as not to ask such a question. My husband, for example, leads lifestyle all conscious life, and recently, a spermaktin takes on a spermactin. There are useful amino acids, which very positively affect the state of sperm. Forewarned is forearmed. Now we are not afraid of anything in this regard))

  3. That is why it is necessary to take tests, because outwardly a completely healthy man can have pathologies. It was in our family. Well, the doctor prescribed the doctor to the actor-Andro spouse, after the course of the course, the indicators returned to normal. And recently our son was born))

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