Male infertility is azoospermia. Is Azoospermia cured or is pregnancy possible? Treatment of azoospermia

Male infertility is azoospermia. Is Azoospermia cured or is pregnancy possible? Treatment of azoospermia

It was previously believed that the problem of infertility in most cases is caused by disorders in the female body. But, today, more and more often in the inability to conceive a child “guilty” men. At the same time, a man may not suspect such a problem. Male infertility does not directly depend on sexual function and sperm production. That is why, it is possible to understand what is the reason only after the tests.

Azoospermia can become one of the problems of the inability to conceive a child. That is, the absence of sperm men in the sperm that could fertilize the female egg.

One of the causes of azoospermia is the absence of active sperm in sperm
One of the causes of azoospermia is the absence of active sperm in sperm

Symptoms and signs of azoospermia

A variety of male infertility in question is the most difficult. Going out, sperm in a certain place of the male body should mix from the seed fluid. Azoospermia can develop when clogging of the flow of seed fluid or with a problem with sperm production.

The main symptoms of azoospermia are:

  • Inability to conceive a child for a long time
  • Swelling of the scrotum, varicocele
  • Transparent watery discharge from the penis
  • Small and impenetrable testicles
  • Increased hairy
Male infertility today is more common than female
Male infertility today is more common than female

Causes of Azoospermia

There are two reasons for the development of this form of male infertility: obstructive and secretory. In the first case, the sperm canal is blocked, and it cannot go out. The non -constructive reason of the azoospermia includes problems with the production of seed fluid.

Important: Specialists of Stanford University found a connection between the infertility and the risk of developing testicular cancer. As the studies published in the Medicine magazine show, the risk of developing cancer in barren men is several times higher than the development of this serious disease in men capable of conception.

Male infertility can increase the risk of cancer
Male infertility can increase the risk of cancer

Obstructive azoospermia

  • As mentioned above, in order for sperm to carry a sperm capable of fertilization, it must mix with seed fluid before the exit outside
  • If the passage is difficult in the everaging ducts or appendage of the testicle, sperm may not mix with seed fluid. That is, when leaving the penis, it will not contain active spermatozoa
  • Inside the male reproductive system, sperm and seed fluids should pass through several channels. And an obstacle to one of them can cause obstructive azoospermia. By the way, it is the cause of 40% of all problems with male infertility
Obstructive Azoospermia The most common form of male infertility
Obstructive Azoospermia The most common form of male infertility

Secretary Azoospermia

If the process of sperm production is disturbed in the testicles, then this is the cause of secretory azoospermia. At the same time, the channels of the passage of sperm are not clogged, and it easily goes outside.

Secretory azoospermia develops as a result of pathologies in the development and structure of the testicles. Male infertility can also lead to this form of male infertility, cryptorchidism and other pathologies. It is not rare, the causes of this form of azoospermia are inflammation of the testicles, radiation, alcoholism, hypothermia, varicocele and lack of some vitamins.

Obstructive azoospermia can develop along with secretory azoospermia
Obstructive azoospermia can develop along with secretory azoospermia

The presence of obstructive azoospermia does not exclude the presence of secretory azoospermia. And vice versa. In medical practice, cases of joint development of these two forms of infertility are not rare.

Azoospermia tests

  • Male infertility is a rather serious problem. But, modern medicine can help even in the case of azoospermia. And in order for the attending physician to be able to identify the problem, it is necessary to take tests
  • If you suspect such a form of male infertility, the doctor may prescribe a blood test (to the level of testosterone, prolactin, LH and FSH, etc.) and a spermogram
  • In order for the tests to show the real picture of the disease for them, it is necessary to prepare correctly. To do this, it is necessary to exclude hard physical work and sports loads one or two days before the tests. It is important to prevent stress and nervous overstrain
  • Before passing tests for azoospermia, it is forbidden to drink alcohol. You also need to refuse fatty foods
  • Blood is donated 8-12 hours after the last meal. The most optimal blood donation time is morning
Before passing the spermogram, it is necessary to refrain from sex within a few days
Before passing the spermogram, it is necessary to refrain from sex within a few days

To pass the spermogram, you must refrain from sex within 3-7 days. Visiting a bathhouse or sauna is also contraindicated. Some medicines may inaccuracy in such an analysis. Therefore, if there is such an opportunity, they need to be abandoned.

Important: biological material for a spermogram must be collected no earlier than 2 hours after the last emptying of the bladder.

Since sperm is capable of daily change, one analysis may not be enough. Typically, raw materials for such an analysis are passed at least 2-3 times within 90 days.

Treatment of azoospermia

According to statistics, Azoospermia is treated in 90% of cases. Unfortunately, this statistics were collected abroad. In our country, this figure will be noticeably smaller. But we also learned to treat azoospermia.

The doctor will be able to prescribe effective treatment only after the results of the tests and physical examination
The doctor will be able to prescribe effective treatment only after the results of the tests and physical examination
  • After the results of the tests and examination of the testicles for the presence of atrophy, seals and swelling in them, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment
  • With the help of surgical intervention, the cross -country ability of the male reproductive system can be restored
  • If Azoospermia is caused by an infection or low level of some hormones, then the use of special drugs that suppress the activities of pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammation and activate spermatozoa production
  • Some methods of traditional medicine can also contribute to the cure for this ailment. Plant products can also establish a hormonal background that interferes with the production of high -quality sperm or relieve inflammation. It can be grenade juice, nuts, a decoction of plantain seeds, seafood

Is it possible to cure azoospermia?

It is definitely impossible to answer this question. The outcome of the treatment of azoospermia depends on the form of this disease. In any case, this can only be found out after examination in a specialized clinic.

Many forms of Azoospermia are subjected to successful treatment
Many forms of Azoospermia are subjected to successful treatment

If Azoospermia is caused by obstruction or varicocele, then this form of the disease is quite successfully treated with the help of surgical intervention. Unfortunately, there are reasons that cannot be eliminated. These include the consequences of irradiation and cryptorchidism.

Preparations for azoospermia

  • Medicines in the treatment of azoospermia are used only if the reproductive system is not impaired in the reproductive system channels in a reproductive system
  • Then, using drugs, they improve the production of hormones necessary to increase the quality of seed fluid
  • One of the most important substances for activating male reproductive function and improving sperm quality is tocopherol
  • Yes, ordinary vitamin E of special complexes and food not only improves the immune system, but also normalizes all the processes responsible for the production of high -quality sperm in a man. No wonder the Latin name of this substance translates as "bearing offspring"
Tribestan - an effective drug for infertility
Tribestan - an effective drug for infertility

As for drugs and dietary supplements enhancing sexual function, one of the best is the “tribate”. This drug based on an anchor of the creeping positively affects male strength, increases the potency and quality of seed fluid.

Another drug that has proven its effectiveness in solving the problem described is Spermstrong. This biologically active supplement can improve sperm activity and positively affect their ability to fertilize the egg. Reception of "spermstrong" improves blood flow to the genitals, which improves spermatogenesis.

Treatment of Azoospermia with folk remedies

  • The decoctions and infusions of some herbs can affect the quality of sperm and strengthening the activity of sperm. Traditional medicine not only successfully treats many forms of male infertility, but also exported some of its recipes to traditional medicine
  • There are several drugs that are based on extract of spraying herbs, which is used by adherents of traditional forms of treatment
  • To prepare the infusion of this grass, pour one teaspoon of dried knitwear with a glass of boiling water. They are treated with infertility three times a day 40 g before meals
  • A good means for treating the described ailment is also a mixture of carrot juice (1 cup) and mummy (0.5 g). Such a "cocktail" should be drunk 1 time per day
Adams Koren are successfully used in folk medicine in the treatment of infertility
Adams Koren are successfully used in folk medicine in the treatment of infertility

Adam's infusion is also a good tool for increasing sperm quality. To prepare it, pour a glass of Adam's horse with a glass of boiling water. You need to insist the product under a towel within two hours. Then it should be filtered and drunk three times a day, 1 tablespoon.

Azoospermia and pregnancy

If the partner has a diagnosis of azoospermia, then this does not mean that you can put a cross on pregnancy. There are several methods of treating this form of infertility. Modern medicine can offer both surgical and conservative methods of treatment.

But, if none of the methods of treatment of azoosperm can be suitable, then pregnancy is possible only with the help of IVF. With this method of artificial fertilization, in a man, using a biopsy, the required amount of seed fluid is taken, which is then used for fertilization of female eggs.

IVF can help if the azoosperma is not possible to cure
IVF can help if the azoosperma is not possible to cure

Tips and reviews

Margot. My husband has Azoospermia. Turned to a specialized clinic. They did not even offer us treatment, but immediately began to insist on eco. Of course, this procedure will bring them more money. But, we refused her and began to look for a doctor who could cure infertility. They found a specialist who, after the results of the tests, came to the conclusion that problems are in hormones. I prescribed medicines and we did it.

Olga. In order to improve sperm mobility, you need to start not with pills and other drugs, but with your lifestyle. You need to abandon bad habits and walk in the fresh air more often. Advise your husband Sports Hall. Excessive classes well stimulates the production of hormones responsible for the quality of sperm.

Video. Restoring reproductive function in men with azoospermia

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Comments K. article

  1. Hello, I made a spermogram and I revealed an azoospermia, in the city of Irkutsk there is an opportunity to check it all and if it is possible to cure this? thanks in advance.

  2. I did a decoction of hawthorn to my husband, nuts with honey or sour cream. I drank two courses of a sperm ward, quit smoking, only healthy lifestyle. The indicators improved by many, became pregnant, the son of 2 years.

  3. Traditional medicine did not help us. My husband and I were treated with Melnik Yaroslav Igorevich. He immediately told us that we have an inconsistent case and the chances of conceiving our own baby are very large. We thought that with Azoo they no longer give birth to their children. But in mom there are advanced methods of treatment. Melnik discovered a micro-thetes for us. He did everything himself, received healthy sperm. Now I started preparing for the protocol. According to the results of IVF, I can’t say anything yet, but the Andrologist in my mother is cool. Everything that depended on him.

  4. Enlightened cases are not treated with medicines! They themselves passed, Azoo tried to treat by all methods. When they turned to Melnik in the clinic Mom Verdict was one - microthesis! I am very glad that my husband got to him, since the result is already pushing my legs in my belly.

  5. After treatment, we also did it! Quietly rejoice, now the first trimester, the most dangerous. The husband took Actire Andro, began to eat right, since a lot depends on the nutrition. Plus sport, lack of alcohol and cigarettes, everything in the complex has done its job! The kid will be summer)

  6. Thanks to the girl who left the review about the Andrologist Melnik from the clinic "Mom". We signed up for his reception and then the husband was operated on with him. And after the microthesis, they received their sperm of the living. We had an eco qxi because of male and female factors. Pregnancy occurred the first time.

  7. There were also problems with sperm indicators. I was very worried, though not everything turned out to be so scary in fact. It was just worth it to lose weight a bit, start taking a spermaplander and switch to a healthy diet. Gradually, the tests became better, which is confirmed by the fact that the wife finally became pregnant)

  8. Azoospermia is not treated, you can get pregnant with such a problem only after a biopsy. You can try the needle, but our needle did not give results, so they were looking for a specialist to conduct a micro-aunt. Mom made a mother in the clinic, at Milnik Ya.I. They found single sperm, from which embryologists were able to grow 3 blastocysts of good quality. They planted one at a time, and after the second protocol, the coveted two strips on the test.

  9. It is precisely curable, but is pregnancy possible immediately after the disease, I can’t say anything. About 5 years have passed the husband and after that began to take spermactin so that the quality and number of spermatozoa was good. It is thanks to this that in the end, they became pregnant without problems. But in any case, I believe that you need to consult with doctors about this.

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